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File: 568 KB, 792x535, lava sun ice sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9482416 No.9482416 [Reply] [Original]

Theoretically if this were to happen which sun would win?

>> No.9482424

What constitutes a Win for each sun?

>> No.9482426

whichever sun kills the other with some of itself remaining

>> No.9482427

Nothing. Winning is on a spectrum.

>> No.9482432

I think a sun made up off actual ice would pretty much instantly collapse into a black hole due to its sheer mass.

>> No.9482434

but lava wouldn't?

>> No.9482438

solids are heavier than liquids. Your comparison isn't really valid.

>> No.9482459

You're on a spectrum

>> No.9482463

>ice sink in water.

>> No.9482480
File: 45 KB, 555x445, 35E270E4-0D19-4FD1-844C-808C36192E65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9482489


>> No.9482497

Wtf kind of useless question is this? Are you fucking stupid?

Of course the fucking ICE sun WILL WIN
There is NO question.
Can you even comprehend the size and sheer ENORMITY of an ICE sun?
It would probably weight more than 10000 TONS.
Just to put it into PERSPECTIVE 10 tons is the weight of a whole BUILDING the size of the EMPIRE STATE.
So you have 1 ENTIRE planet/sun that weighs more than 1000 empire states BUILDINGS colliding into a flimsy firecracker ball.
Dont you know ice is HARDER than TITANIUM? A super STRONG compound.
And with the incredible mass the ICE sun has its gravity will exceed 100000 kilos, making the ICE even HARDER.
ICE sun WINS no question about it.

>> No.9482499

I'm pretty sure this is just the Norse creation myth.

>> No.9482503

But isn't ice the only solid that's heavier as a liquid around 1 atm?

>> No.9482504

If the lava is hot enough, it'd become a blacked hole and get the ice sun into it

>> No.9482512


>> No.9482518 [DELETED] 
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Okay fuck that.
This thread is retarded.
New topic.

What are the the implications of the universe expanding if the source of it's acceleration is that it's acting as it's own solar sale?
Here be some titties to motivate you.

>> No.9482545

The sun made of lava would try to burn the other, but the sun made of ice could be able to cool off its rival. Hmm.

>> No.9482576

A sun made of ice, if it were a sun, would mean that the ice was so massive that the center ignited and it would not be ice, but would be a sun.

However, if your sun made of ice were actually made of ice, and behaved as a giant mass of ice, that would mean it is not massive enough to be a sun. It would just be absorbed my the actual sun and give it more fuel to burn.

Let this meme die. Suns are not made of ice.

>> No.9482752

I know how to hide posts within a thread.
Is there any way to hide threads so they won't show up on the "catalog" screen?

>> No.9482780

Not that i know of, no.

>> No.9482802

It would just explode , the extreme heat interacting with the extreme cold would cause the ice to go to an gas form to quickly.
It wont be a fiery explosion.
So i my perspective there will not be a winner

>> No.9482944

Ice sun turns into an actual star because it's massive enough to fuse its hydrogen, lava sun has no hydrogen and can't sustain fusion so it collapses like a little bitch. Ice sun wins.

>> No.9482984

Seeing as sun is the name for the star in our solar system, addressing a duplicate made off ice as "a sun" is linguistically correct.

just sayin'

>> No.9482992

Yeap, you're correct. I didn't even read that the other sun would be made up out of lava.

Both "suns" would instantly collapse into black holes. Start dancing around each other and merge into a larger one.

>> No.9482995

Neither is massive enough to form a black hole

>> No.9483023

hold shift and click on the thread
if youre on mobile click on the reply count, click on the arrow that comes up, then hit hide thread

>> No.9483136

Amazing yahoo answers simulation

>> No.9484380
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