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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9477431 No.9477431 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many STEMtards, especially those into pic related, so confidently clueless about philisophy?

It's so fucking annoying and im not even a philosophag.

>> No.9477443
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The arrogance of the intellect

>> No.9477453

Philosophy is a drag man. Every philosophy student I’ve met is lame and depressing. The way they operate, you’d think they hate philosophy and deeper meaning because it’s all false .

>> No.9477456

Science is all about refinement.
Narrowing down you "specialty" with the most rigirious academic percision.
Philosophy tries to take everything what science says and turns it into a gestalt/zeitgeist.

Science-ists that follow popular science naturally hate the philosophers for doing this becuase they leave out minor yet crucial details in scientific work. Which puts even more confounds when they study the complexity and emergent properties of "the current state of science" and come up with further deductions.

>> No.9477527
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Because philosophy teaches one how to think. And that's not allowed in those sciences. You have to think in concepts. Boxes. Narrow mind. Create chaos. That's going on right now. There are no truths, just opinions and everyone's equally valid. Fucking sick.

>> No.9477547

Can we go back to calling science "natural philosophy?"

Imo there isn't as large of a distinction between science and philosophy in the sense that they aren't really truth, just models of how we see the world. Electrons don't really spin around in nice circles like Bohr describes, but it's a useful model to understand certain concepts. Light isn't really a particle or a wave but something wholly its own, and it behaves in ways which agree with the artificial duality imposed upon it by humans.

Nature exists independently of our figures, models, and theories. Often our models fit quite nicely with reality, but they aren't absolute truths. Science is just the philosophy which happens to deal with what is concrete and observable, while philosophy with the metaphysical, much harder to verify as "fact"

>> No.9477616

Picrelated /thread

>> No.9477623

because those popsci people think science is under attack so they're trying to dismiss anything they think could discredit science in peoples' minds
But nothing could really discredit science no matter what people believe so they have nothing to worry about

>> No.9478353
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The burden of truth is hard to bear.

>> No.9478414

Science becomes useless once you realize how truly subjective the nature of reality is. Materalist redditors will never get this and are scared of the implications of reality being no more than an illusion so they clinge on to science since it keeps their belief of an """objective""" reality alive.

>> No.9478419

I think DeGrease is not clueless, but maybe he is incoherent:


Yes, some popular scientists lack respect for philosophy. They think "Philosophy is the mother of science" is a reivindication, but hell no, is just an historical fact and not that relevant.

"Philosophy is dead" is another popular line.

Many scientists understand about philosophy:


>> No.9478549

I disagree. Philosophy is just another subject, with concepts, and interaction. It has little to do with 'thinking' or 'truth', in my experience. And with this, most philosophy is useless / inaccurate in content. Especially modern philosophy that abuses science, trying to squeeze it into terms of said useless / inaccurate content (that it largely inherits from the long-past).

>> No.9478565

The difference between Science and Philosophy is that Science limits its scope to the 'easy' questions -- ones which might actually have solutions!!
Why do things fall down, why doesn't the Moon fall, why do the stars shine? It's done quite well in the past few hundred years.

Philosophy goes back thousands of years. And how many of its "big issues" have been resolved? Not conversant with all philosophies from all world cultures but, offhand, can't think of any. They're entirely negative, chiding Science for avoiding Morality and The Purpose of Life and the Universe and Everything. (Which we know, of course, to be '42') The rest of it seems to be inconclusive hair-splitting speculation.

I think it's quite natural for people in fields which work to be dismissive of fields which don't work. Astrology, homeopathy, and even some purported 'sciences' which stand on shaky ground. Some days I even fear physics may be teetering on the edge with M-theory, the Multiverse, and the Strong Anthropic Principle. Maybe they're right -- but I see no immediate prospect of finding solutions, which is how I defined the boundary between Science and Philosophy.

>> No.9478799

The truth that philosophy is worthless?

More-so than other disciplines, I mean.

>> No.9478854


>> No.9480226

The very human assumption that all thoughts are of roughly equivalent quality.

>> No.9480328

Because most of them are people with zero scientific motivation or vocation who joined a STEM field only for money and they believe that automatically turns them into scientists and intellectuals

>> No.9480341

Well, people are born uneducated, it's normal.

>> No.9480419

All science can do is measure mass of electron, it can't say anything on higher level matter, but there are truth there too and only philosophy can approach them, it's science that has nothing to do with truth in those fields.

>> No.9480422
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>> No.9480438
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>> No.9480449

Philosophy is retarded, the less people 'study' the better
Philosophy faggots should be permabanned on this board.

>> No.9480471

I fucking hate Neil Smoke Degrass Tyrone SO MUCH! Why do people worship this nigger????? He's literally retarded, seeing as how he's a nigger and all. SO ANNOYING

>> No.9480511

All the philosophy faggots in my uni are more autistic than all of 4chan combined

>> No.9480513

>can't think of any
Off the top of my head: world is material, common is rational, post-structuralism is the way.
>Morality and The Purpose of Life
These are problems of science - psychology, and solved already.

>> No.9480532

>Why do people worship this nigger?????
Because he has an average intelligence by human standards. For a nigger, this is like being Newton or von Neumann.

>> No.9480535

Philosophy is usually learned with theoretical physics, and many STEMtards learn neither.

>> No.9480536
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> These are problems of science - psychology
>and solved already.
Can't decide at what line should I laugh the most

>> No.9480702

Most of those statements are reasonable, ignoring the obvious meme "im a redditor and depths of my intellect" comments.

>> No.9480714

Since when science supports transgender rights?

>> No.9480733

>lack of vision and always looking to the past
>defining themselves with these things
the marks of a pseud

>> No.9480760

>other stated goals of the Frankfurt School that are definiyely not made up include the increase of poverty, increase of crying children, the decrease of tasty food, and the destruction of all life on Earth

>> No.9481833

Whoever stores that pic on their phone is truly mentally sick.

>> No.9481855

Based Jews.

>> No.9481891

Maybe if youre incredibly clever you can succed without philosophy. I know for sure i would be a mess if not for my interest in philosophy (131 IQ from mensa online test).

>> No.9481983

>Solved already
Genuinely, please enlighten me anon

>> No.9481996

So sick of teenagers posting here.

>> No.9482005

STEM people are into concrete facts. Things that can be measured and proven.

Philosophy is literally the opposite of that.
Remember, all science started out as philosophy, until people figured out how to test it.
If there's still no way to prove you ideas through experimentation and observation, congrats, you're a philosopher.

Philosophy is about coming up with questions.
Science is about coming up with answers.

STEM people want to solve practical problems, not waste time thinking about whether God can create himself.

>> No.9482352

You have to be 18yo to post here

>> No.9482360
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>STEM people

>> No.9482380

Athiesm and science have nothing to do with eachother.

>shilling the idea of drug use to people that don't need it to feel better about yourself.

>Just says there is no god because all the other redditors are athiest

>Being a smug piece of shit that doesn't add anything to society.

>Not knowing why you're cancer.

>> No.9482390

I would broaden this to say that STEM fields are very much about concrete applications of knowledge.

If someone spends their time doing science, many philosophical questions probably never entered their head to begin with. They probably view a philosophical question as a proposal for an experiment, and any particularly abstract concept which no bearing in reality might just sound completely inane. Using your own example of thinking whether God can create himself; it's not testable, so who fucking cares. But, it might have more meaning to someone who has spent a lot of time exploring the thoughts of ancient thinkers who genuinely explored questions like that.

But this is just my perspective as someone who took about 12 low-level philosophy credits before diving into Biochemistry.

>> No.9482418
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>not having your major be something in STEM and read philosophy books in your free time

>> No.9482502

Please, read this


>> No.9482505

Get fucked.

>> No.9482507
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rip haters

>> No.9482520

This article doesn't prove that the problem of morality or the purpose of life have been solved, it just says that Bill Nye accept that philosophy has its merits, something I'm sure none of us would disagree with.

>> No.9482536

>has to bring up trump even in this interview

>> No.9482548
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>> No.9482549

What was I supposed to gain from this?

>> No.9482559

It saddens me to think that people actually believe this graphic isn't absolutely retarded.

>> No.9482566
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>> No.9482570

Both columns are gay desu

>> No.9482571
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>> No.9482581

what i've realized is that in my campus, it is not only the stem that is retarded about philosophy, also every other fucker that only gets the average grades in their exams.
This leads me to the conclusion that, the less you like philosophy the less creative and critical you are.
i fucking loved it, fun as shit, i only hated remembering the names of the fuckers, it is enough for me to remember the theories and shit.

>> No.9482582

I'm from /pol/ and I think this graphic is retarded.

>> No.9482587

> I'm from /pol/
Your kin is not welcome in this board. Time to go back

>> No.9482595 [DELETED] 
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No. I do what I want.

>> No.9482596

By chance, do you even work in a scientific field? Physics? Chemistry? Biology?

or are you just a boomer who fell in love with The Bell Curve

>> No.9482602
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We are very patient. One day this board will be ours.

>> No.9482857
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>> No.9482869
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Science is based on logic
Philosophy is based on reasoning
You can prove what water is made of, a building block of life, but you can’t prove the purpose or justification of life. Philosophy is mainly deductive reason and observation but also has factors of faith needed in it. Science changes constantly and old ideas are thrown away for new ones.

>> No.9483062 [DELETED] 
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Why can't /sci/ and /pol/ be friends?

>> No.9483068

Because no intelligent person belives in autism and pseudoscience like you /pol/cucks do

>> No.9483071 [DELETED] 
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But /pol/ is not one person.

>> No.9483082 [DELETED] 

Yeah because /pol/turds are not people

>> No.9483088 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 600x600, 1510479446659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's dehumanization, a very /pol/lack behavior.

>> No.9483090

Because science works via empirical falsification which means to prove something, you need to try disproving it. Politics is filled with assumptions which needs to be proven. Marxism cannot prove the labor class outrage. Capitalists can’t prove how privatization is better than public ownership.

/pol/ and /sci/ can be friends only if we realize that the burden of proof lies in the hands of people who try their best to disprove something without inducing their opinions in it. In some ways /pol/ and /sci/ can work together to make this world a better place if we put aside our differences and work to a common goal.

Also >>9482548
This graphic is the stupidest shit ever and I hope /pol/ stops using it to pat themselves in the back about how they have a moral high ground here.

>> No.9483102

>Because science works via empirical falsification which means to prove something, you need to try disproving it.
Only if you are a Popperite. Science does not work only by modus tollens. Here is a good read on the verification and truth in the natural sciences is:

>> No.9483222

Because most colleges, universities, and high schools aren't doing a good job of educating people. A large amount of STEM degrees aren't worth all that much anymore (especially those in the easier fields).

The other part is that the STEMtards who do that are either really shit scientists or don't actually have a science education

>> No.9484180 [DELETED] 
