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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9468653 No.9468653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok lets settle this is iq based on race yes or no ?

>> No.9468654

Define "race"?

>> No.9468658


>> No.9468659

black Asian Hispanic etc etc

>> No.9468664


>> No.9468667

if the question to your answer is a single word,
don't make a new thread for it

>> No.9468670


>> No.9468671

fine yes or no and evidence to back it up

>> No.9468675

IQ isn't entirely dependent on genetics, though a significant portion of it is genetic

>> No.9468678

What do you mean by “based on?”

>> No.9468682

Has to be, genetics determine everything else, down to height, eye color, bone structure ect...

>> No.9468684

does it define the intelligence of the individual

>> No.9468686

negro here with iq of 158. although must admit my dad (full blown african none of that african american shit) is also really smart, never got tested though, and my mother is half european half asian although not nearly as smart as me and my dad. also have a brainlet sister, so my intelligence might be purely coincidental

>> No.9468687

Genetics contribute to the 70-80% to the iq,the rest is environment.

>> No.9468690


what i point out on /pol/ is that dog breeds have different behavioral patterns that are reliable and some are harder to train. all domesticated dog breeds but like 2 are considered the same species. 1 of those 2 originated in east asia

its the little differences in genetic code that matter. much like how the difference in proper machine language code and spaghetti code is a letter not being upper case or 1 to many or to few }

>> No.9468694
File: 54 KB, 960x720, img1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9468704

>iq based on race
What does this even mean? Racial iq averages exist and for anyone to claim otherwise is uninformed an idiot or a liar

>> No.9468705


Thanks for the totally reliable sourcing on that info. Good job using Excel defaults for graphing.

>> No.9468708

Well obviously not.. a black person can theoretically be smarter than a white or Asian person..

>> No.9468709

You're forgetting the key fact that environment influences genetics.

>> No.9468713

He left 20% for environment

>> No.9468724

Nope. If I tell you I’m white, you don’t know if I’m some retarded inbred from middle Georgia or Richard Feynman.
That was easy, why do you keep making this thread?

>> No.9468727

Everyday, I think /sci/ can’t get any dumber, and everyday I’m proven wrong

>> No.9468728
File: 80 KB, 1272x800, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here want more reliable?

>> No.9468732

race is based mainly on genetics
iq is based mainly on genetics

>> No.9468752

I think this statement is not true. As far as I know, this is a common misunderstanding. Genetics does not contribute to the iq (0%), it defines the _potential_ for the iq (100%). Environment defines how well you use the potential.

Compare it with running a marathon. Someone from Ethiopia might have super genes but if he never trains, always eats fastfood, smokes etc, I would probably beat him. On the other hand, If we both optimize our bodies for running, my limit would be reached much much sooner.

>> No.9468755

>What is epigenetics

>> No.9468757

final answer- yes but not to a large degree

>> No.9468759

Not science, sorry.