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9463323 No.9463323 [Reply] [Original]

Why do humans commit suicide?

>> No.9463338
File: 89 KB, 223x226, You=Worthless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they dont want to live

>> No.9463346

they don't. who told you they did?

>> No.9463348

What motivates them to commit suicide?

>> No.9463360

what does 'what' mean?

>> No.9463367

'what' (used interrogatively as a request for specific information)

>> No.9463375

lack of desire to continue existence

>> No.9463386

What about their survival instincts? How do they overcome them, do they simply lack survival instincts? How do they lose their desire to continue existence?

>> No.9463484

boredom, mostly

>> No.9463489
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A simple cost/benefit analysis.

>> No.9463497

Ive been sucidal before. The sufffering (mostly emotional) becomes too strong, and you just want it to stop. High IQ and shithole parents is the main reason for the suffering in my case

>> No.9463507
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Isn't it actually more surprising that suicide is so rare? For the longest time the majority of people had hard lives. Even now there are millions of people living in horrible conditions. Starving, not having access to good hygiene, having to endure painful illness with no health care, having to live in dangerous places where they have to fear for their lives, not having a comfortable place to live in, having to do hard and dangerous work for very long hours for almost nothing. No hope that it will ever get better.

Yet still suicide is pretty rare.

>> No.9463513

Sometimes preys when they're in the grasp of a predator stop resisting and just let it happen. Maybe it's the same underlying process in a way

>> No.9463517

>High IQ and shithole parents is the main reason for the suffering in my case

>> No.9463523

>suicide is so rare?
It's not that rare at all. Way more common than murders and more common than traffic related deaths (varies by country)

>> No.9463526

I think you need a base level of luxury to have enough perspective to even consider suicide. People who's lives are consumed with the struggle to survive ironically don't commit suicide, because they're basically animals.

>> No.9463528

Physical/emotionall/verbal/sexual abuse. Lack of love, neglect and general unstability since childhood. Sometimes i wish i was a brainlet like my siblings, just so i could larp as a normie. I only find relief in homicidal fantasies

>> No.9463530

Usually as a way out of a situation, however in a clinical context there are usually two types: those in the "spur of the moment" types which is seen with bipolar patients or acutely psychotic states vs the "slowly building up" types which are your depressive types or those with negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Most of the cases I've seen usually say something like "i just wanted a way out".

>> No.9463533

Because they're bored.

>> No.9463537

Suicide, when we think of it as a mental illness, is always done as a way to make the pain end. Again, in the context of it being a mental illness, people who commit suicide are in intense pain either physical, emotional, or even both and believe, either correctly or incorrectly, that there is no other available option to end the pain they're feeling other than ending it all. It'

However, suicide in the for of self sacrifice is something entirely different. Self sacrificing suicide can be seen as a way to preserve ones progeny or some other reason along that line of thinking.

>> No.9463539

People commit suicide because they've had enough of the game

>> No.9463543

Everything is so tedious ;_;

>> No.9463549
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You call 56 per 100,000 not rare at all?

>> No.9463557
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some people are too good for this world

>> No.9463561

I think the better question is, which method of suicide is the best (quickest and/or least painful).?

>> No.9463562

>You call 56 per 100,000 not rare at all?
no i called it not THAT rare as opposed to SO rare as you claim. again more common than traffic deaths and murders (varies by country)

>> No.9463565

C'mon man, the table below the one shown by you (without the age-standardizing) has much higher values. Also, the data fails to mention if it's successful suicides or attempts of suicide.

>> No.9463566

Autists dont understand the value of a person

>> No.9463571
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>High IQ and shithole parents is the main reason for the suffering in my case

Humblebrag detected

>> No.9463579
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>(quickest and/or least painful)
kys like a man faggot

>> No.9463582
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It all depends on your definition of rare I guess. Wouldn't you say 0.12% (and that's the biggest rate) is rare?

>> No.9463583
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>> No.9463584
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>I only find relief in homicidal fantasies

Seek help. Soon.

I believe that I experienced a similar childhood to yours, and I actually had to work through some very serious anger issues that were brought about by my upbringing. If you are at the point where are having fantasies like this, it is time to be proactive and get help.

>> No.9463587

What percentage of suicide would you consider not so rare?

>> No.9463588

I think suicide would be a mistake. The subconscious will to live will make you fear death more than the most terrible monster in your last moments, no matter how miserable you are when you decide to go through it.

>> No.9463589

haha lol

>> No.9464226

>Being such a brainlet that you would have the desire to live

>> No.9464805

It's a lack of motivation to live actually. Dopamine and other happiness hormones give you a drive to move on with life.

Our nervous system is completely driven by our evolutionary developed dopamine reward system. Something must be wrong with it, for example dopamine receptor regression, which causes you to be depressed and in some cases suicidal.

>> No.9464948
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>not staying alive just to suffer

>> No.9465036

life is both pointless and awful, existing only to exist is idiotic

>> No.9465046

Strug lyfe.
Include me in the screencap

>> No.9465051

there won't be any screencaps you dump elitist soyboy newchanner newfag uneducated liberal edgy childish manlet fucking brainlet !

>> No.9465058

because you are already hanging. it's only a matter of time when you die. everything you do in a life is actually delaying your death.

>> No.9466299

Morphine overdose

>> No.9466525

I don't enjoy living. There is a piece of me that hopes things will change which is why I'm still alive currently. If I get out of undergrad and still don't enjoy living I'll probably jump off of a building.

>> No.9466538

fuck off poo

>> No.9466542


>> No.9466567

Everything we are told is opinion, not fact.
Everything we see is perspective, not truth.
Everything we taste can spoil,
everything we touch can break

I can accept these fates… save one.

Everything loved can be lost,
Even One Self.

>> No.9466575

Hanging yourself is very much like making love to a beautiful woman.
One minute, you're jerking around, the tongue's sticking out, your eyes bulging, face goes red.
And the next thing you know, you're in heaven.

>> No.9466577


>> No.9466584


>> No.9466602
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>> No.9466612

Just go to a party, young anon, find the joy in living.
I talk for myself, for a long time my biggest desire was kill myself, I was always too much into partying or too much into being alone.
When my life becomes to disconnected from people I get depressed, when I became to much connected, too much party and stuff I became impulsive. Just find the middle between the two and be happy. Meditate.

>> No.9466657

Those people have a struggle to fight against every single day of their lives just to get a drink of water.
The people who off themselves have no meaning because they have no meaningful engagement with reality. All of their basic obstacles to living have been removed, and all the remaining obstacles are so insurmountable, they just give up.

>> No.9466757


Sensitive and intelligent people are more likely to kill themselves. They are more sensitive to the fracturing of the community and then of the family. Humans evolved living and surviving together. The modern world is trading family and community for Globalism/sociopathology and social welfare/nanny state. This is destroying purpose and meaning. When you don't have purpose, meaning, love and connectedness you kill yourself.
Check out recent statistics on suicide. Middle aged white people are realizing that putting things other than having their own family first was a terrible idea and are killing themselves. Blacks are not killing themselves because they are only capable of living in the moment and white peoples' culture is taking care of them, like a child race, fulfilling some of the void of not having family themselves. Because blacks lack the same level of intelligence they also suffer less.

I know this sounds horrible but it's true. It would be nice to believe in gods and fairies and that people who evolved different superficial difference over 10's of thousands of years to better suit their environment did not also evolve internally, intellectually, to better suit their environment. Believing this is incongruous with Darwinian evolution.

White man "solved" the world's problems leaving him with nothing to do, no meaning, no purpose, etc. So he is killing himself, literally and politically. Negros need nature or human beings to take care of them or they revert to bush "people"/shanty town "people". As long was white technology can take car of Negros they will continue to overpopulate until nature gets involved.

>> No.9466760

That's racist.

>> No.9466828

sad but true!

>> No.9466832

truth always hurt

>> No.9466855
File: 50 KB, 836x547, DA15[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to realize you're in /sci/

We don't make broad and unscientific claims in these parts, and we certainly don't discuss political ideologies. I think you know where to do that

>> No.9466859


>> No.9467013

>posts graphic that proves the other guy right
confirmed retard

>> No.9467020

Why do people die from disease?

>> No.9467039
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Cetaceans kill themselves too, don't forget. They probably get extra sad. Do elephants suicide?

>> No.9467093

Better question is why do we try to stop people from suicide?

As soon as some invisible nobody goes "boo hoo, life is 2hard4me, gonna kill myself" suddenly the instinctive kneejerk reaction of everyone around is "nooo, dont do it, you are a valuable human bean"
Cant we just let people make their own decisions no matter how stupid they are (or smart actually, because failing your selfpreservation instincts and willingly removing yourself from the genepool is pretty noble actually)

>> No.9467099

virtue signaling

>> No.9467107

Usually attention whoring / self-pity that they rationalise as legitimate pain and desire to not live. Often those are the ones who fail or go on messily. Most suicide attempts fail, especially amongst women. Women attempt it more, but men actually do it more (a difference in methods, men usually going for the irrevocably fatal, women usually going for the 50/50 near-death). Of course, that's not to say people aren't legitimately in pain / broken and do it as a spur-of-the-mood thing. Or that there aren't people who spend a great deal of time thinking about whether or not they actually want to live, then kill themselves once they come to the very well-though-out conclusion, to do so.

There are many reasons people do it. We are relatively simple animals combined high abstract reasoning/visualisation/imagination. This obviously leads to conflict, especially as we can be so conditioned and influenced by our experiences and environment. Often on a much more profound level than any other animal. In some ways, we are the weakest and most stupid animal.

>> No.9467115
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>Brought about by my upbringing

>> No.9467130

Same, except for me it's low IQ.

>> No.9467259

you two use the liberal vocabulary, it's mediocre

>> No.9467268

Well the people that are not suicidal obviously have a consensus that life is worth living, and in society the majority sets the standards. It would be depressing for non-suicidal people to accept suicide as a legitimate option.

>> No.9467284
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>High IQ and shithole parents is the main reason for the suffering in my case

>> No.9467643

A friend of mine, let's call him Tim committed suicide a week ago.
>be me, brainlet medfag
>have to study for biochem exam, so go to library
>meet a schoolmate there, he says:
>"Hey, anon. Did you hear that Tim hanged himself yesterday evening?"
>I smile, thinking he's trying to prank me and ask him what he's talking about
>he shows me a text from his girlfriend saying Tim hung himself and that everyone in our hometown knows by now

I just don't understand. He killed himself over a girl and left a handwritten note. I never would've thought he'd do it, he was such a happy man, always going to parties and talking with everyone. His little bro and parents must be going through hell right now.

Sorry for the blogpost, had to get it out. Even missed his funeral because of exams. Never commit suicide bros, even if you think no one cares, there are going to be people crying over your death.

>> No.9467668

>Only countries with an increase of suicide since 1950s are Brazil and Nigeria
>Intelligent people are killing themselves because the family is disintegrating!!
They clearly didn't teach you to read graphs in middle school

>> No.9467701

It's a permanent solution.
Would you rather have treatment or a cure?

That, and they're cuck faggots.

>> No.9467708

Now he'll never be itchy or too cold or uncomfortably hot again. He'll also never be hungry or thirsty or in any pain.
Also, who cares what his relatives are going through? He certainly doesn't.
name 1 (ONE) thing worth living for

>> No.9467734

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Now invert your answer.

>> No.9467739

Is it because they know God is going to judge them based on their terrible actions and they think, correctly, that by killing themselves they can put it in God's mind to consider not spilling his wrath over as much of their family as he would have if they didn't

>> No.9467770

why kill yourself if you're going to die anyways? can't you just wait a little?
entitled faggot

>> No.9467796

so you can't name a single thing, I see

>> No.9467808

If you lack the empathy to understand the pain that suicide brings to those around you, you probably don't have anyone like that anyway.
I'm really sorry for you, but perhaps one day you'll see how short life is and how lucky you are to had been born and given the opportunity to experience it.

>> No.9467810

>name 1 (ONE) thing worth living for
The possibility of living long enough for the matrix to become real, and be a digitized brain playing third life, battlefield, and being in a digitized porno for all of time.
Risk reward dude.

If it doesn't happen? Who cares, you're dead anyway.
If it does happen? You cucked yourself out of heaven that is actually real.

>> No.9467822


When you die you stop existing as a person. The answers that say "because they don't want to live" are as detailed as could be. Do you feel overwhelming anxiety everyday? if you die you feel nothing. Feeling terrible everyday for no reason? if you die you feel nothing.

>> No.9467825
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>> No.9467828

How about saying it in a non-faggot way:
The brain is a fibbionacci sequence, we are only aware of 2, but there is still 1 and 1' that we don't have conscious control over. 1 is to basic to have the capacity for thought, but things that have a piss poor 2 and a 1' comparable to ours are clearly capable of thought. Isn't is possible that the human 1' has thoughts as well?

>> No.9467859

>>Only countries with an increase of suicide since 1950s are Brazil and Nigeria
>meanwhile neither one has increased and the non-nigger countries have higher rates

>> No.9467880

>Also, who cares what his relatives are going through?
i've been struggling with depression the past couple of years and a lot of times i think of not being alive
and the one thing that will always snap me out of those thoughts is my family
no matter how shitty things get for me i would never put them through it

it's probably the most selfish thing you can do

>> No.9467884 [DELETED] 
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We are genetically programmed by billions of years of evolution to keep on living.

Using your sapient conscious mind to counter every instinct in your body by committing the act of suicide...
That might be the most fucking alpha thing you could do.


>> No.9467885

>if you fight to stay alive, you're an animal
then prove your humanity and kys faggot.

>> No.9467892

Think about it this way: we're mostly descendants of people who didn't have the inclination to kill themselves from a young age.

>> No.9467910
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>he can't even read a line graph
You should look at the height of the dot... oh, never mind.

>> No.9467925
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>posting a graph that proves the other guy and only realizing that after it's been pointed out to you

>> No.9467943

>meanwhile neither one has increased
Do you know what a Y axis is? You can see the values there

> and the non-nigger countries have higher rates
Developed countries always had higher rates, even at a time when they were more "familiar" - and the changes in divorce rates since the 1950s evidently haven't resulted in increased suicide rates in America, the United Kingdom, or even the sharply decreased Sweden. That alone falsifies some silly assertion about how the white man is committing suicide now that the family bond is broken or whatever dumb fantasy you had in your head.

>> No.9467955

the prospect of their suffering ending/pain relief

>> No.9467957

do you know what a regression line is?

>>That alone falsifies some silly assertion about how the white man is committing suicide now that the family bond is broken or whatever dumb fantasy you had in your head.
>t. brainlet who can't into controllng variables

>> No.9467959

it's literally one of the leading causes of death worldwide

>> No.9467965

The sample is age and gender standardized, and you can see similar data on the linked site. I'm waiting for the evidence that sustains your claim, since you're so confident of your enlightened pessimist fantasy

>> No.9467969

Aren't the rates for Russia, Japan, Sweden, US, and UK lower than at their starting points?

>> No.9467982

good to know that the only variable that has change over the past 70 years is just divorce rate and unmarried/childless rate

>> No.9467984

aren't brazil and nigeria (the whole 3 three years of data) flat?

>> No.9467989

It is very easy to explain.

What is life:

Nothing but a big lottery. Your genes and your environment determine your future.

Some people have it all, handsome, high iq, good parents, plus a lot of luck. These people will succeed in the world. They will grow up to be high on the social hierarchy.

Other people have bad luck. Bad genes etc They will fail in life. They have to live a low hierarchy life, filled with wageslaving and no way to climb, no friends no girlfriends etc.

So you see this whole life is a big lottery and now take into consideration that the whole word tells you YOU ARE A FAILURE.
People like Peterson tell people that you should take responsibility because whereever you are in life, it is not the fault of others.
Also see how the average low conscious normie worships successful people etc and looks down on failures.

Is it really that hard to imagine why someone would prefer to kill themselves over getting humiliated by the essence of human nature?

If it is all about luck, and you didnt have luck and the world constantly tells you that it is your fault for being such a messed up failure, how could sensitive high conscious people not get crushed by that feeling, and develop mental illnesses and consider suicide.

I just hope that one day I too will overcome my burden( will to survive) and can end my suffering. If I cant be one of the lucky guys why should I give my life to make lucky people happy. I wageslave for them, I make less money so they can have more. I have to feel bad so they can feel superior and better.

That's definitely not worth it. Everyday I wish that I get run over by a truck.
But no even to get a free ticket out of life you have to be one of the lucky ones.
Some people can die already at 25, they never had to feel bad for one day, they never knew what truck hit them.

Other people suffer until they are 89 always having suicidal thoughts but never being able to overcome the survival instinct. That's what I call hell.

>> No.9467993

this, i am shitskin. immediate bad rng, I can't ever do anything of worth

>> No.9468002

Don't the rates for Russia, Japan, Sweden, US, and UK have to increase to support the idea that suicide rates are rising in non-shitskin countries?

>> No.9468028

>>Only countries with an increase of suicide since 1950s are Brazil and Nigeria

>> No.9468031

Assuming there are no other variables. Who made that assumption? you?

>> No.9468033

I suppose from the perspective of a non suicidal person it's a permanent solution to what may be a temporary problem.

I talked someone from suicide last month. They expressed gratitude in the weeks afterward. Of course, this isn't representative of all cases, but it does demonstrate that suicide can be irrational in some situations and that while the suicidal person sees no future, suicide isn't necessarily the optimal course of action.

>> No.9468349
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Only countries in the figure. Which contains a much much larger sample of Western, developed countries.

>Assuming there are no other variables. Who made that assumption? you?
No, he said "the idea that suicide rates are rising in non-shitskin countries"
That's not a causal mechanism, it's an observation. Evidence that the suicide rates are rising requires, indeed, higher suicide rates.

On the other hand, what variables mediate suicide rate may remain obscure because, if for no other reason, you can't ask the dead why they killed themselves and vital statistics don't report reason of suicide. That alone →may← make it possible that even though more people are killing themselves over lack of a family structure, less people are killing themselves. But your unfalsifiable delusion loses all gravity when the rates are evidently still either remaining the same or decreasing overall. Evidently, either the cumulative motivations for people to kill themselves have not grown since the 1950s for the West, the whole of the developed world, or the planet as a whole.

I'm still waiting for proof of your fantasy.

>> No.9468363

Why do humans live?

>> No.9468499

Normies lack the intellect for suicidal thoughts.

>> No.9469910

>Implying suicide is an intelligent decision

>> No.9469925

Extreme frustration with life.

>> No.9470017

What's wrong with Greenland?

>> No.9470020

>White man "solved" the world's problems leaving him with nothing to do
What a joke. Almost a good laugh. The problems are only beginning.

>> No.9470136

Sadness overrides the self preservation instinct.

>> No.9470179

Do you have a little brother?

>> No.9470190

You kind of have to be smart to see through the veil of propaganda pushed forward by corporations and government, and realize the world fucking sucks.

Higher intelligence also tends to correlate with fewer social skills, i.e. no friends to cling on when you realize the world is shit

>> No.9470197

>have to be smart
>veil of propaganda
>pushed by corporations and government
>world fucking sucks
>higher intelligence
>correlate fewer social skills
>no friends to cling world is shit
[citation needed]

>> No.9470209

not him. but I think this [citation needed] bullshit needs to end. Only an uber faggot would say something like in a conversation.

>> No.9470240

cuz they're pussies

>> No.9470245

>Only an uber faggot would say something like in a conversation.
[citation needed]

>> No.9470354

It doesn't, that's why so many people have failed suicide attempts.

>> No.9470372

>I think this [citation needed] bullshit needs to end.
Not really. It's a concise way to request evidence for a claim.

>> No.9470565

Extreme nihilism.
Lack of religion/meaning in life.
Lack of socialisation, starting at the age of 4.

>> No.9470703

isnt it lack of motivation to begin with

>> No.9470711


>> No.9471150
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They are actual suicides

>> No.9471173
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If you want a non-meme answer the "Interpersonal Theory of Suicide" by Thomas Joiner in his book "Why People Die by Suicide (2005)" http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674025493&content=reviews offers some explanations, and subsequent research publications pretty much have agreed with the factors that lead to suicide

>> No.9471177
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>Yet still suicide is pretty rare.

>> No.9471187
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>> No.9471434


>> No.9471510
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because they're brainlets who fail all their classes and have no hope for the future

>> No.9471516

you still can become construction worker or something like that - no need to kys

>> No.9471525

That's where the bloated ego comes in thanks to constant praise from parents and teachers.

>> No.9471531

The irony of this post, coming from a brainlet who thinks grades in school reflect anything but obedience. No one who is actually intelligent derives their meaning in life from classroom obedience.

>> No.9471533
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>literally the exact opposite of the truth

>> No.9471535

Natural selection

>> No.9471548

Just try some things you never did before, even things you think you don't like.

Or you could try out any unharmful form of degeneracy.

After that if you still don't enjoy anything, spend your money on a therapist/prostitutes/bullshit and if it's all gone and you still suck at life, then you can kys (in a way that does not obstruct society please).

>> No.9471560

>thinks it's possible to "suck at life"
In the end every single person playing the game ends up in the exact same place, regardless of how delusional and happy you were beforehand

>> No.9471574

I'm the anon you're replying to.
I would agree that classroom performance is not always indicative of intelligence, but, at least for me, failure in school is equivalent to failure in life, because school is all I have. I have several other hobbies, however none of them can be turned into careers, meaning if I fail school, I've essentially failed life.
Again, this may not apply for all people, but it definitely applies for me.

>> No.9471595

If it's your hobby then why are you failing your classes? It sounds like it bores you. Alternatively, you have some undiagnosed issues that you need taken care of before you can actually pursue one or any of your hobbies. And your career isn't your "life" dude. Read some stoic philosophy.

>> No.9471605

>thinks being useless and miserable is the same as being skilled and fulfilled just because we all die.

Well that settles it then, the secret to happiness is death.

>> No.9471643

>sense of burden
>sense of emotional pain
>escaping negative feelings
>altered social world

If somebody didn't post this already, this sums up suicide pretty well

>> No.9471699

we are just a shit stain in this shit hole insignificant planet. we can live out our entire lives without so much as ever experiencing some magnanimous cosmic event. In other words we live out our lives in the most uneventful darkest recesses of the cosmos. By sheer probability there are world's out there communicating with one another. Advanced civilizations turn their ears towards our solar system and see nothing but hopeless wanderers drifting further and further towards the horizon where there is nothing. Life is meaningless, our endeavours are an exercise in futility.

>> No.9471917

loss of all hope really.
Im pretty much at that point and If I tried to explain why I want to die no one believe me or they would laugh at the amount of autism it involves.

>> No.9471941

This is very true.

>> No.9471953

Because they flounder in the coursing waters and do not stand on the unyielding rock that is Mazremel.

>> No.9471976

blissful ignorance

>> No.9472063
File: 114 KB, 500x478, its-all-so-tiresome-8881488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so close to a /pol/ meme

>> No.9473758

Ignorance sometimes it's a necessary evil, anon

>> No.9473801

The numbness and emptyness becomes so overwhelming that the taboo aspect of it becomes non existent. It simply becomes a viable option, a way out.

>> No.9473913

>assuming 'what' has meaning
>"why are there so many unanswerable questions xdddd"

>> No.9474061
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At what point in history/prehistory did we begin committing suicide deliberately? Surely gorillas and chimpanzees don't kill themselves to escape the suffering of life. What is the earliest known reference to suicide?

>> No.9474090

You mean *evolutionarily. "Evolutionary" is an adjective, whereas "evolutionarily" is an adverb. Since you're modifying the verb "developed", you want an adverb - namely "evolutionarily".

>> No.9474099

Which god?

>> No.9474108

Found the tard.

>> No.9474117

Extreme isolation, tiny social groups, darkness for months on end, I guess.

>> No.9474227

Your mom, due to having you

>> No.9474242

I no longer have motivation. I wait to do everything last minute. I then realize I need more time...

>> No.9474354


>> No.9474355

oh snap

>> No.9474365

Suicides are part of Greek stories and Old Testament - mostly warriors and army leaders driven by great shame and failure.

>> No.9474392

the main reason why is people become suicidal is because they don't believe that life is worth living. However, in some countries, humans get get a medically induced suicide if they are in so much pain that it's unbearable...

>> No.9474401

Guyana 4th in the world what is this bullshit
I hear there's a lot of car accidents
apparently one of my relatives got murked by a car like last month

>> No.9474412

>What is the earliest known reference to suicide?
The first conscious being was like "fuck this noise" and offed himself. It wasn't until many moons later did the random genetic mutation that produces consciousness appear again, in who we'll call Frank. Fuck Frank.

>> No.9475721

Because they pick math and physics majors but they end up in a shitty job or unemployed.

>> No.9475929

What motivates someone to stop reading a book when they realize it's dogshit boring and will only get worse with each chapter?

>> No.9475939
File: 623 KB, 1471x2033, lucifer principle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they're just more subtle about it.

>> No.9475944

Most people here have never read a book; they won't understand your analogy.

>> No.9475953


(and if you don't you'll curl into a fetal ball next to your dead mother, and die 3 days later)

>> No.9476059
File: 63 KB, 960x540, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9476112

Most of what you say is true: life is mostly about luck and circumstance. However, despite all that, you still have free agency of your thoughts and actions. I know the universe is deterministic, but for the isolated system of your own self, that is not true because your limited self awareness cannot be effectively aware of the determinism of the universe, meaning that undeniably any action or inaction will lead to a consequence, inescapably, so you have to act as if the universe is not deterministic. Essentially, you have to live making decisions and taking actions as if the universe is not deterministic, and by doing that, the results will be commensurate consequences of your actions and thoughts.

You are what you think and do. No matter the burden or limitation in your life, as far as you can possibly know, your thoughts and actions create your reality - Act upon it and Carpe Diem, since after all, you don't really have anything to lose but yourself.

>> No.9476155

Like many other creatures that eliminate themselves from existence, some do it due to genetic predisposition, others do it because they've managed themselves improperly (if you believe that life's purpose is to perpetuate itself).
Some are like broken computers running good software, others are like good computers running malicious software, and others are broken computers running malicious software. And others are just unfortunate in that they die and others determine it's suicide.

>> No.9476179

>t. A bunch of teens in desperate need to hear Jordan Peterson lectures

>> No.9476195

i want to commit suicide to spite my wife when we have arguments about problems that she makes up, are not real or only have to do with her work and nothing to do with me

>> No.9476202

Carpe Diem sounds nice, but what if I am depressed by the burden of truth?
Seeing other people having everything, and even though I still live better than 90% of the world, having to wageslave a shit job because Im too fucked up and without ambition/ interest to get a career to live in a shoecarton because even though we have technology, prices of basic things increase proportionally so we still have to work all day.

If I could work 4-5 hours a day to have a roof over the head and healthy food and internet I could say okay care diem. But thats not how it goes

>> No.9476205

>have wife
>fuck her hard
>no more fighting
works every time

>> No.9476211

i do not want to even be near her when she gets like this. i have even withheld sex from her for weeks

>> No.9476215

I don't want to become more of a /pol/yp than I am now DESPITE not going to /pol/ ever.

>> No.9476218

>i have withheld sex from her for weeks
That's why she's grumpy

>> No.9476219

Do you have a gf/wife? Being poor with someone you love is better than being lonely and rich, I would give up everything I own and live in poverty if it's what it takes to find love.

>> No.9476233

I am not ugly and not retarded.
Women with whom I could connect have their shit together and live an upper middle class life. What would they want from me

>> No.9476238


have to agree with this.

i just read the fate of empires by Glubb and the overiding theme in the age of decadance and decline are that "men are left without a sense of duty"

>> No.9476240

sometimes it's probably to avoid a fate worse than death

>> No.9477257


>> No.9477285

And then you'll die and that fear won't mean anything.
Suicide is the true neutral option and i think more people should do it.

>> No.9477308

After you ma'am.

>> No.9477309

I'm happy so i have no reason to.

>> No.9477317


>> No.9477450


>> No.9477460

True facts. If you are dirt poor the methods of suicide available to you require more courage than normal, or a high tolerance to various types of pain.

>> No.9477534

To be honest it's not rly suicide when you're already dead inside.

>> No.9477791

too much suffering, not enough meaning

>> No.9478051

Anger is a natural response to being in a shitty situation, because anger motivates you to take action.

But in today's world there are massive consequences for acting angrily towards other people.

Suicidal people direct this anger towards themselves, because they feel shame. And thus they execute the most aggressive action possible towards themselves - self-destruction.

>> No.9478717

because why not
; ^)

>> No.9479662

>i have even withheld sex from her for weeks
what a dysfunctional thing to do shell get it somewhere else soon enough

>> No.9479729

Dude my wife does shit like this too, it's just a woman thing. Here's what you do
>I-I just wanted to spend time with you because I had a shitty day because [insert bizarre irrational shit]
>Aww I'm sorry honey, here have a glass of wine
Then give her the dick. Works EVERY time.

>> No.9479744

It's evidence of group selection.

>> No.9479937

Plz no

>> No.9479954


>> No.9480584

Life is a strange game, only way to win is not to play at all.

>> No.9480604

iq > possiblities