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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 400x400, project_eagle_mars_base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9462711 No.9462711 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making a two-part study in what kind of societies humans will build on Mars when we start to colonize the red planet. In first part, I'm trying to approach the question sociologically as rigorously as possible. Sociology being what it is, this also includes informed speculation. So, what does /sci/ think: What sort of colonies will humans for to the red planet? How large are they? How they make decisions and select their leaders? What kind of judicial systems they will use? What happens if a colony population grows larger than they are able to sustain? Will they be religious and if so, how? How their internal and external economy works? And so on...

A second part of the study is a psychometric study to find out what kind of personalities will be probably present in first colonies. I also encourage you to take the survey: https://togowhowants.net/

>> No.9462718

judical system haha funny word

>> No.9462734


Go back to /b/

>> No.9462737
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Techno-science and humanist. Literally Star Trek without the military stuff.

I hope it's ESA first

>> No.9462744


My guess is that it will private corporations first.

>> No.9462746


go read the martian chronicles by ray bradbury

It'll be like how the west was won: first total losers, exiles, prisoners and crazy religious people move in followed by industry then speculators. Society would be similar to railroad and company towns of the nineteenth century (especially if all ground transportation is rail-based, because rail is the most energy efficient), and would develop like Boston, Chicago or Los Angeles did. America has been through this before and will go through it again.

>> No.9462747

>sociologically as rigorously as possible

>> No.9462754

Which ?

>> No.9462762


>> No.9462770

Benevolent communist dictatorships.

>> No.9462810


It would look like the American Wild West

>> No.9462824
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Probably whatever the fuck happened in the colonial era.

>> No.9462832

Definitely not the Martian Chronicles.
Until spaceflight becomes a LOT cheaper, colonists will be picked for their abilities (physical or mental) to contribute to the success of the colony.
You're confusing "people who'd want to go" with "people the Earth is willing to transport."
If it had cost a million dollars per person to send people to Australia, think England would have used it as a way to get rid of bodies they didn't want?

Elon Musk's scenario is selling tickets to wealthy people who want to leave Earth. But the wealthy, by and large, aren't interested in a life of backbreaking work without luxuries.

The first explorers will be astronaut/scientists who want to learn about a new world -- and are willing to take some risk of dying. After that, I don't know.

>> No.9462931

Sure this will be only scientists. Normies (even rich normies) don't want to travel in space

>> No.9463103

We haven't even used up all the empty space on Earth. Why would we care about moving to Mars?

I'm just gonna sit on Earth and be cozy until the singularity gets here, at which point the question will be moot.

>> No.9463176


>> No.9463200

A mix of rich crazy people and desperate losers, all being wrangled by overworked and increasingly annoyed astronauts and military personnel. I expect that our colonies (if we ever make one) will collapse and we won't try again.

>> No.9463201

Weapons testing colonies desu

>> No.9463205

Go to bed Kim Stanley Robinson.

>> No.9463402
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>> No.9463448 [DELETED] 

Probably invent a new form of government for a new era of humanity

>> No.9463488

>We haven't even used up all the empty space on Earth.
What remains is mainly uninhabitable, like Antarctica, Sahara etc.

>> No.9463535

Could someone explain me this meme? I want to laugh but I'm too much of a brainlet

>> No.9463547

because you can pollute the fuck out of mars and it won't make a difference.

>> No.9464207

Mars has 37% of earths gravity. we don't have any data on what would happen to a human living under .37 g long term, but we do know that weightlessness causes muscles to waste away among other issues. therefore, we postulate that people living permanently on the Martian surface would be atrophied and sickly, thus JELLO BABIES.

>> No.9464221

forgot to mention: astronauts have had eye problems from living in space, thus the blind colonist.

>> No.9464234

literally mine workers for whatever company with enough resource to start exploiting mars

>> No.9464242

So, chinese people?

>> No.9464405
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>> No.9464554


>> No.9464557

What comfy show
It always was the adventures of Han Solo in my head

>> No.9464559

Some people speculate that because of Mars' gravity being 37% of that of Earth babies and children their bones will not grow properly or not be dense enough.

>> No.9465691

I find it pretty telling that everyone just assumes that humans will successfully colonize Mars, when you almost certainly never will.

>> No.9465721

>What remains is mainly uninhabitable, like Antarctica, Sahara etc.
So several orders of magnitude more habitable than Mars.

>> No.9465771

You forget that on Mars you are unlikely to be blown up by desert dwelling terrorists.

>> No.9465809

to answer OPs question, Mars will be a mining outpost, where people only live on the surface temporarily. permanent settlements will be in space stations.

once it's terraformed, Venus will have better potential for habitability than Mars.

>> No.9466361


Once we get 100-person capable vehicles to Mars, they'll be quickly scaled up to 500-1000 person vehicles and the red planet will be used as a dump zone for society's undesirables. Why not? If the government is already bothering to fund such a massive endeavor, just turn the whole thing into a prison so people there don't get any choice in their affairs. Prisoner labor is fully legal, and it's not like anyone cares if we only dumped off murderers, junkies and gypsies onto another planet.

This might not happen for another century, but my point is that IF the government is bothering to build extraterrestrial cities, this is the path of least resistance.

>> No.9466366

thank you

>> No.9466377
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If there's any money to be had on other planets it's going to be companies like Schlumberger, Halliburton, and BakerHughes that already have experience doing resource extraction in isolated areas (the ocean). They already have the men, materials, and workflows to know how to not only get product from other planets to earth but also do so profitably. Even a juggernaut like Boeing is just a supplier to these sorts of people.

This is especially true given recent developments. UUVs are taking off and their costs are coming down as more products come to market, meaning offshore mineral extraction is becoming a lot more feasible. We even have a fully Republican government that takes a "drill baby drill" attitude towards this, including things like fracking. While underwater equipment doesn't directly translates into space, the thought process and business model does. The companies with the most mature and evolved business plan usually win, which gives them a leg up over spaceflight companies who are still primarily concerned with government contracting and research.

>> No.9466400
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>all top 10 offshore drilling companies are based in Houston, Texas

what did they mean by this?

>> No.9466751

Rosneft too, because Russia. China owns like 14% too. Mars will be a total shithole lol

>> No.9466771

Everyone in Houston wants to get rich working for big oil, but being in the middle of the ocean is preferable to being stuck in West Texas or the Middle East.

>> No.9466777
File: 3.84 MB, 3488x5380, fuck off skyseer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>What sort of colonies will humans for to the red planet?

>How large are they?
Limiting factors are the incoming energy and the speed at which they can dig. Who knows, probably more than the meme value that faggot suggested wrt the size of populations and human interactions.

>How they make decisions and select their leaders?
They wont. There is no reason to be on mars except because. You don't need a leader if your constitution and statutory law are competently created. the jist of it will be "do whatever you want, don't murder people or violate airlock procedure. If you do, you die"

>What kind of judicial systems they will use?
Jury system and statutory law.

>What happens if a colony population grows larger than they are able to sustain?
Those who can't afford to eat starve as they should. Only a fool lives beyond their means.

>Will they be religious and if so, how?
Light and heat come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But Kek is their god. Kek, and he lives in the ground. Once, giants lived in the ground. And in the darkness, they fooled Kek, and they took from him the enigma of memes. Kek was angered. And Mars shook. Fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies out of the airlock, but in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of memes and left it on the battlefield. We who found it are just men. Not gods. Not giants. Just men. The secret of memes has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts.

This you can trust.

>How their internal and external economy works?
They sell their gravity well for slingshots in exchange for nitrates.
Imagine a dwarf economy. Basically, they work to dig to the core to harvest enough iron to dome over the planet. In the meantime they set up the power grid for the accompanying mass driver and laser defense system.

>> No.9467165


Google and amazon are the closest to the mega corporation imagined in cyberpunk

>> No.9467189

Something like cowboy bebop.

All I always wanted to do is to run cargo between interplanetarie colonies while avoiding the Galactic Police.

>> No.9467192

>Project Eagle
Why is NASA faking mars bases?

>> No.9467231

Mars colonies will be funded by private corporations.
Literally Weyland-Yutani style space-feudalism.

>> No.9467239

Who wants to be a space marine for Lockheed Atomics?

>> No.9467278

Spacex maybe, but not having rockets might put google amazon and facebook out of the race

>> No.9467342

literally an inert (in terms of population and structure growth), military-like research habitation.

>> No.9467361

Depends on when we will actually get the first boots on Mars.
If it really is around 2030 like Meme Musk is saying, the "colonies" will be small buildings with around 20 inhabitants max. "Society" is largely centered around research, but tread carefully here. I don't think there will be much of a society on the planet as long as there aren't any permanent inhabitants, as there isn't a society on the ISS.

Let's say for your homework's sake that, for some reason, the UN has decided that we need a permanent colony on Mars.
Facilities and Habitats would be underground, society is centered around research and staying in contact with earth.

>> No.9467858

Technocratic camping trip

>> No.9467905

The kind where people expect to have a short life expectancy because everything about Mars is hazardous to human health

>> No.9467920


this is what will happen

>> No.9467922


>> No.9467945


whites and asians only

>> No.9469054

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand…

>> No.9469176

systems follow size, and size follows energy

>> No.9469183

What about east Indians and a few Texan families?

>> No.9469196

>whites and asians only
The jury is out on whether indian's are genetically sub-human or not. If they are anything less than 7 generations removed from india, then they can't come. (meaning if 8 generations ago great^n grandad came to america, and 6 generations ago great^n-2 grandma was 5th generation, then that person is not allowed.)
Poo must go into the loo, it is literally life and death.

>few Texan families?
anon said whites and asians only, and we meant it. If they're white and/or (non-chinese) asian, then they can come.
(same rule applies to the chinese as did to the indians. Their culture/morality is just too shit)

>> No.9469203

I think there should be an exception for Taiwan and Hong Kong. Mainland Chinese should not be allowed.

>> No.9469205
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So you're telling me I won't get myself an Alex Kamal?

Also drop the entire sub-human stuff. Makes you look retarded.

>> No.9469209

depends on who gets there first.
just make sure niggers arent involved,theyll end up breaking the dome in a chimpout or shut off the air to whites in retaliation for slavery.

>> No.9469212


>> No.9469225

allowed: whites, some asians, civilized africans, indians with toilet training, indigenous people who don't drink or huff chemicals

denied: arabs/muslims, mainland chinese, african-americans, barbaric africans, non-housebroken indians, indigenous people who get drunk/high

>> No.9469228

>So you're telling me I won't get myself an Alex Kamal?
I'm telling you it's a possibility.

>Also drop the entire sub-human stuff.
It's just short hand for whether the average IQ is near the human range, and whether a meaningful portion of the population falls into the range of meaningful human intelligence.

>I think there should be an exception for Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong
This is acceptable.

>Mainland Chinese should not be allowed.
But anon, think of the cutie slavic chinks and slavic gooks and the liqian.

>> No.9469231

k whatever, it's Mars
be as racist as you want
you're gonna die out there anyway

>> No.9469242

>But anon, think of the cutie slavic chinks and slavic gooks and the liqian.
I'd allow Liqians and other minorities (like Manchus). I should've specified mainland Han chinese.

>> No.9469254

i think this is a well thought out list but also mental exams as you also dont want mentally unstable sjws or jews trying to monetize a human triumph project.
build everything and then have morty friedenheimerstein put up a water purifier and try to get paid to keep water flowing.fuck that,no ferengi.

>> No.9469255
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If you try to use our gravity well for a slingshot, you will find a laser hole in whatever you sent over.

>> No.9469261

that's true. you could always add competency tests etc as needed.

>> No.9469264
File: 69 KB, 1200x630, Deserted_ Surface of Mars has no aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin a,as the movie sez,whatever keeps out the riff raff.

>> No.9469282

>>whites and asians only
>The jury is out on whether indian's are genetically sub-human or not. If they are anything less than 7 generations removed from india, then they can't come. (meaning if 8 generations ago great^n grandad came to america, and 6 generations ago great^n-2 grandma was 5th generation, then that person is not allowed.)
>Poo must go into the loo, it is literally life and death.
>>few Texan families?
>anon said whites and asians only, and we meant it. If they're white and/or (non-chinese) asian, then they can come.
>(same rule applies to the chinese as did to the indians. Their culture/morality is just too shit)

i like how sci has slowly but surely turned into pol. this makes me hopeful for the future

>> No.9469288

these are important parameters for a successful space society.blacks will crime it up,gotta be selective.

>> No.9469294

for the record, I don't think Mars is suitable for permanent settlement. but you could apply this discussion to space habitats, terraformed Venus, or anything else.

>> No.9469328

we should reenact the movie Elysium, except without the bad ending where the subhumans get the tech.

>> No.9469342

Well they will need to establish the basic necessities such as agricultural production centers (domes perhaps?) to house the food, medical facilities to house the sick and jails to house criminals

>> No.9469439

>jails to house criminals
That's where you're wrong kiddo, read the thread.