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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9441387 No.9441387 [Reply] [Original]

What classes are you taking this semester anons? What are you looking forward to the most? The least?

Personally, Im taking:
-Plant Physiology
-Linear Algebra
-Environment and Society
-History 101
Im studying abroad this semester, so of course my courseload is a lot lighter than Im used to. I'm really excited for plant phys and linear algebra, because I'm trying to figure out if I want to go into plant synthetic biology or not. Im really dreading history though.

How about you?

>> No.9441393

Sorry, but if you want to go into plant physiology, why linear algebra? Just curious about the logic since I know your school isn't requiring that as a biology course. Just curiosity for the subject or?

>> No.9441396

remote sensing
advanced raster gis
environmental assessment
environmental catastrophes
environmental systems modelling

environmental assessment is gonna suck
environmental systems modelling is gonna be awesome

>> No.9441408

Well, synthetic biology, at least on a surface level, seems to be pretty math heavy, so I just want to be sure to take as many math classes as I can to help develop my skills.
It is also partially for curiosity

>> No.9441409

Ah, gotcha. Didn't want to sound accusatory or something, was just wondering. Not every day you see a bio major doing linear algebra

>> No.9441421
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This next semester will be my last. I'm a chemist and I'll be taking
>senior seminar
>German grammar (4th level class)
>Japanese history
>early medieval philosophy
>contemporary moral problems (philosophy)

>> No.9441487

In order of most to least excited about
>Modern algebra
>Differential geometry
>Topology if it doesn't get cancelled due to university/department politics
>2nd semester of real analysis

>> No.9441729

(basics of) linguistics and psycholinguistics
physiological psychology
general psychology 2

was undecided between linguistics & psycholinguistics and groups social psychology but I need to start working and ling is a lighter course, I'll probably take groups social psy in one or two semesters
looks pretty baffling to me how in the US you can take pretty much any class you want, from algebra to history, whatever your main subject is

>> No.9441828

Calc 2
Physics II

Looking forward to Physics II the most and Calc II the least.

>> No.9441834
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>African Oral Literature
>Public speaking
>Music appreciation
>The stupid kids calc class

I-I'm gonna make it, r-right goys?

>> No.9441884

Most excited to least excited

Derivative Securities
Econometrics II
Microeconomics III
Corporate finance

what the fuck are you studying lmao

>> No.9441889

Mechanics II
Intermediate lab II
Photovoltaics (1 credit elective)
German IV
Advanced calc II

>> No.9441894

Combinatorical biology is a relatively new field. I kind of thought that would be fun to go into

>> No.9441897

2nd semester in 1st year , got to skip physics 1,2 and calc 1 thanks to ap credits.

Calc 2
Digital systems 1
Discrete math
Computing II (java)
Data structures and algorithms

>> No.9441904
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>brainlet math

>> No.9441923

Phys 2
Calc 2
Micro econ
Latin 2

>> No.9441924

This semester:
Advanced Particle Physics
Advanced Nuclear Physics
Chaos and Dynamical Systems
Nanoscale Physics and Technologies

Might try to sit in on Modelling of Functional Materials and Interfaces if I can muster up any free time

>> No.9441935

This term:
Differential equations
Discrete math
Mathematics of Digital Signal Processing II
Mathematics of the HRTF
And two project courses

>> No.9441941


>> No.9441944

Oh don't make me remember plz

>> No.9441945

This cannot be real
Nobody pays for this as education

>> No.9441964

If its any consolation, im a biochemistry major, which has a little more math in it.

>> No.9441976

Are you on a trimester schedule if you are only taking 3 classes?

>> No.9441997

what field are you interested in going into?

>> No.9442002

>Linear Algebra
>Multivariable Calculus
>Discrete Math
>Sociology (a graduation requirement)

>> No.9442013
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I just got my PhD offer from IBM + my uni on Machine learning to predict Ferroelectric organics... fought hard to get it, and I cried a little when I saw the acceptance email this weekend after being up vs so many other candidates...

>> No.9442021
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>American uni
>gen eds


>> No.9442022

>Classical Mechanics II
>Graduate Nonlinear Dynamics
>Special Topics class called Physics on the Back of an Envelope
>Senior Seminar
Gonna be a rough ride lads

Signal processing and learning about hearing (if I looked up the correct "HRTF" acronym), what are you studying anon?
Good job m8, you're gonna make it. Also your chaos class sounds really similar to my nonlinear class. The professor teaching mine is a big theorist in the field and is obsessed with making the textbook he wrote freely accessible to everybody. I can post a link if you'd be interested in reading it, I've only gotten through the first chapter or so but it seems good so far.

>> No.9442050

>engineering analysis 3
>Numerical methods
>Electronics 2
>Microprocessing systems
>Modern physics with quantum mechanics.

>> No.9442055

>Classical Mechanics II
Got my Classical Mechanics Exam tomorrow...
Memorise Maxwells, EM waves in all situations, and EM relativity tensors - should be ok, gl&hf
Yes please, 100% mate
And yeah, thanks man :)

Quick story because, why not:
>Aced GCSEs, no revision A*s for days
>Started A-levels
>Asked what I wanted to do in my future
>"Get a PhD, go into research"
>First A level Exams...
>Flunk all except Physics pretty badly
>Oshit.txt Activate the grind.
>Spend rest of Alevels doing resit+that semester exams every single time
>Final: Get A/C/C but uni takes me in anyway
>Choose BSc because nohope now
>Resign to becoming a teacher
>Everybody around me exponentially more clever than me
>Time to git gud
>FFW 2 years
>Advisor suggests I move to Masters because Im doing well
> Hope.avi
>Power through and FFW 2yrs
>PhD offer of my dreams
Dreams can come true.

>> No.9442071

post textbook please. not him but im interested in chaos related to plasmas

>> No.9442077

>Did all my GE classes first
>Now all of my classes are STEM and labs back to back for 9 fucking hours straight

>> No.9442097

I don't know how much related to plasmas is in there but his department is supposed to be one of the best on nonlinear dynamics in the world. He's a crazy Croatian theorist and I just started doing lab work with an experimentalist here also doing nonlinear dynamics.
There's a link on the site to actually get all of the coursework for the class (nothing but writing programs, no exams or anything) on a Piazza page and go through it with an autograder. You can ask questions on Piazza and he'll answer them too.

>> No.9442101

This is ace;
Gonna give it a read when I get a chance
Ty Anon

>> No.9442106

If you write all of the programs, get them autograded, and finish the "class" with at least a 60%, he'll mail you some kind of certificate saying you did it.
Apparently our university was really pissed off that he's doing this because they see it as a distance learning money-making opportunity and he's morally opposed to that so he refused to charge for it. He implied that they told him to shut it down and he just told them he did.

>> No.9442108

well organized. plus youtube videos and shit. thanks anon

>> No.9442110

Intro to Engineering

Starting towards a second bachelors.

I work full time in IT right now.

>> No.9442118

I have a very hard semester ahead of me:
Signals and Systems
Physics III
Embedded Systems

>> No.9442121

He sounds like a top lad
I'm definitely considering doing it then; Might as well go for the certificate seen as it seems to tie into a lot of areas I'll already be covering!

>> No.9442125

>Physics III
What the hell do they put in that that could be relevant to an engineer

>> No.9442130

As an electrical engineer waves are fairly important I think.

>> No.9442135

Is it electrodynamics, then? I've never seen numbered physics courses beyond I for basic kinematics and II for basic electromagnetism

>> No.9442142

Hmmm... just guesses but:
Condensed Matter
Wave mechanics
Classical Mechanics
I mean these all seem potentially relevant to an engi

>> No.9442143

Freshman second semester here

>Calculus based Physics I + Lab
>Calculus II
>Some random engineering writing class
>Intro to Computer Modeling for Engineers
>Intro to Accounting

Not bad overall, since I can't take more major specific classes until math and physics are taken. I plan on acquiring my degree in Industrial Engineering first then maybe snagging a minor if I feel like it. Otherwise I might just go on a Co-op rotation.

>> No.9442145

The class is called Oscillations and Waves. Like the MIT course: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-03-physics-iii-spring-2003/

>> No.9442150
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Numerical Linear Algebra
Computational Chemistry
Advanced Scientific Computing

t. PhD Student in CSE

>> No.9442158

>Numerical Methods
>Applied linalg
>Network optimization
going to smoke weed all semester

>> No.9442192

>applied physics
boi do i got news for u

>> No.9442196

why are you taking accounting

>> No.9442209

Now now....
as long as he's not going full engineer and going
pi = 3

>> No.9442287

Is linear algebra used in biology? Just to curious to know, I don't know much about biology.

>calc 2
>linear algebra
>intro to group theory
>physics 2
>lab 1

>> No.9442310

Not a bio kid at all but I do remember going to a talk a few years ago from somebody who worked in epidemiology for the CDC that mentioned using tons of linear algebra every day.

>> No.9442320

if you are doing genetics or bacteria work, for sure. idk about other fields

>> No.9442359

interesting to know. what for?

>> No.9442380

Organic Chem
Special Relatvity/intro quantum
Real Analysis

Real analysis will tear my ass

>> No.9442381

lin alg is useful for simple models of things like bacterial dynamics. how they grow, spread etc

>> No.9442386

whats your major? math?
i cant think of a reason to take sp relativity and biochem

>> No.9442390

>real analysis
>o chem
Godspeed, my friend

>> No.9442546

>Signal processing and learning about hearing (if I looked up the correct "HRTF" acronym), what are you studying anon?
Computer science with an emphasis in digital audio (+math/physics minor if you want to count that). If I'm lucky I'll be the guy working on hard VR/AR questions (virtual occlusion of real audio sources and crazy stuff like that), if I'm unlucky, I'll be the guy working on hearing-aid software. If you happen to have an interest in acoustics and some C/C++ knowledge, audio programming is in demand right now and (in my opinion) one of the more interesting things you can do as a programmer

>> No.9442557 [DELETED] 

Not everyone good to a brainlet uni, buddy.

>> No.9442562

Not everyone goes to a brainlet uni, buddy.

>> No.9442641

This mate giving me strength right here.

>> No.9442830

Computer Science I
Calculus I
Philosophy I

>> No.9442834

From most exciting to least exciting
Econometrics I
Risk Theory
Data Mining
Stochastic Modelling
Mathematical Economics I
Empirical Project

>> No.9442851

>linear algebra
>programming II
>Data structures
>computer architecture

was does /sci think of my semester. im in Costa Rica

>> No.9442854

This is what my classes looked like before I switched from a Cert to an actual Degree. Take some liberal arts classes if you can if only unironically because there aren't any women in STEM classes.

>> No.9442857

I think you should get some better roads

>> No.9442860
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>7 classes

>> No.9442864

what draws the line between a cert and an actual degree?
here this is an actual degree

>> No.9442866

Intro to perverse sheaves
Etale fundamental group
Intersection theory
Model theory of algebraic groups

>> No.9442870

>5 from the normal curriculum, 2 extra

>> No.9442873

He may be larping but I've taken 6 classes before (nearly killed me though)

An actual degree focuses one one aspect, but teaches you a well rounded education which includes Math, Reading/Writing, Critical Thinking (Philosophy and Logic) on top of your preferred degree while a Cert merely contains the core classes needed to land an entry level job somewhere.

>> No.9442878

RELS170: Greek and Roman Mythology
PHYS411: Electrodynamics
PHYS441: Nuclear and Particle Physics
MATH404: Field Theory
MATH734: Algebraic Topology

>> No.9442884

if you can, take a look at this
and tell me what you think, id appreciate it

>> No.9442886

Also the semester is split up into 3 blocks here, so it's just 3 courses for 8 weeks then another 3 for 8 weeks and then the project for 4 weeks

>> No.9442887

Data Structures
Programming Languages
Graph Theory
Architecture and Organization of a Computer

>> No.9442892
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R8 me:

>Intro proof class
>Intro programming class (Java)
>Complex Analysis

>> No.9442897

fascinating stuff but your asshole is going to be inside-out before the end of the semester

>> No.9442922

would ba...

>> No.9442929

lin alg 2
analysis 2
physics 2
computational physics

>> No.9442931


>> No.9442945

Yeah, they're almost all back to back too. I have class from 8 to 3:30 with a single one houe break in between.

>> No.9442980

All 5 classes in one day. Only 2 days a week though but still

>> No.9443027

lol that's difficult but bearable. you have five free days to do all that work. just keep fucking off to an absolute minimum. i hope you don't have a part-time job or anything...

btw how is crypt? i was considering specializing in that after my math BS, via a MS in applied mathematics

>> No.9443034

Yeah the only work I'll be doing is grading papers. I don't start school until next week. I'm looking forward to the class though, it has never been offered before at my school. I like number theory a lot. The textbook we'll be using is An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography by Hoffstein and Pipher, if you're interested.

>> No.9443047

Calc 2
Applied Linear Algebra
Intro to Matlab
Chem II

If it wasn't obvious, I'm an eng cuck.

>> No.9443093

Where do you guys get your textbook torrents? Are there any sites other than libgen?
I'm looking for Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World 7th edition. Can only find 5th and 8th.

>> No.9443097

Thank you. I haven't actually taken number theory yet but it's on my to-do. I actually own that textbook but a lot of it goes over my head because I still haven't taken number theory.

Anyways good luck anon. If you get down, just remember what I always tell myself: 'dumber than you have made A's in that class, the law of averages guarantees it.'

>> No.9443099
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>misread as plant psychology
>picture anon straining his forehead in an attempt to manipulate the movement of a flower

>> No.9443102
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*dumber people

>> No.9443111

try asking in the stupid questions general thread. more people check there

>> No.9443117

Thanks famalam, wasn't sure where to post it

>> No.9443121

Thanks man. If you want to get into number theory I recommend Stark's elementary number theory book. I also used Burton's book at first and that was pretty good.

>> No.9443159

Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Computational Linguistics
Speech Technology


>> No.9443245

2nd-semester linear algebra/real analysis
Modern Political Philosophy
Into to CS II
dunno the last one

>> No.9443280

-Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
-Survey of Organic Named Reactions
-Electricity and Magnetism
-Wave Phenomena
Then I'm going to either TA for o-chem or get credit by exam for "discrete math and intro to proofs" so i can take analysis next semester. Haven't decided which yet.
My research advisor is teaching named reactions and it's a graduate course, so that's what I'm most excited about. There are seven of us: one PhD and three masters' candidates, and then three undergrads (including me) from his lab.
I took a grad course in spec ID last semester but it was kind of a disappointment

>> No.9443330

Principles of Chemistry 1
Calculus 2
Computer Science 2
Discrete Math

Doesn't look to bad since it's just first year undergrad shit but I don't wanna get cocky

>> No.9443393

>AP Calc BC
>AP Physics Mech
>AP Physics E.M

>> No.9443401

-Intro to Electrical Systems 1
-Engineering Analysis (Basically Linear Algebra which I'm salty about since I took a Linear Algebra class already, but it only applies to my minor, not my major)
-Differential Equations
-Analysis 1
The only class I have any interest in this semester is Analysis. The other classes are literal jokes.
>Electrical Engineering and Math minor

>> No.9443464

Calculus III
Organic Chemistry I
Quantitative Analysis: Theory & Practice
Fundamental Inorganic Chemistry
Exploratory Data Analysis in Chemistry
Mathematics Applied to Chemistry

shit sux yo

>> No.9443530

one of those is not like the others

>> No.9443679

True. Topology is the only fiction-based class

>> No.9443710

Federal Government
World literature

Anyone else doing a blow off semester?

>> No.9443972

Depends on what kind of biology. You probably won't use it all unless you take some cs/bioinformatics or biophysics courses, which you absolutely should do.

>> No.9443979

Markov chains/10.

>> No.9444090

Quarter system
Basically 3 numerical analysis courses (for ODE's, PDE's, linear algebra and such)

>> No.9444138


>> No.9444470

Fourth Semester Nuclear Engineering/Applied Math here

-Linear Algebra
-Mechanics of Materials + Lab
-Problem Solving with Matlab and Maple
-Modern Physics
-Stats for Engineers

Should be a fun semester I guess.

>> No.9444518

Required if I decide to minor in business. Also, I couldn't take anything else that was stuck behind prerequisites

>> No.9444551

Physics 4+lab
Number Theory
Intro to Analysis
Mechanics 2

the physics lectures are at fucking 815am and I have to go to them because there's occaisonally graded shit. This semester is going to be awful.

>> No.9444555

Capstone Project 2
Fatigue and Fracture Analysis
Welding Metallurgy
Welding Design and Fabrication
Introductory Astronomy

I'm in the home stretch, can't wait to be done with this shit.

>> No.9444563

Please elaborate.

>> No.9444564

>6 classes
Did you take 2 per semester up till now or something?

>> No.9444567

honors ODE's
Quantum physics 2
Statistical Mechanics
Molecular thermodynamics

>> No.9444572

Multivariable Calculus
Some Agriculture class

Just end me already

>> No.9444582

Nah I only have 3 of 8 terms with 6 courses, the rest were 5 courses. Maybe we do things differently in terms of credit requirements in Ontario or engineering.

>> No.9444585

>all easy shit
>Just end me
Brainlet detected.

>> No.9444598

Vector calculus, dynamics, mechanics of materials

Inb4 found the engie

>> No.9444606

>3 courses
You in the retard stream or something?

>> No.9444611

Second Quarter Grad Complex
Honors Algebra
History of Mathematics

Also started attending Analysis seminars with classmates, I have a car so I just drive my buddies. It's kinda fun

>> No.9444629

portfolio management
robot design
advanced autonomous systems
process modelling and simulation

>> No.9444704

Analysis 2
Linear Algebra 2
Numerical Methods
Physics 2

>> No.9444731


>> No.9444733
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Why is a polling rate of 40,000 used instead of the given 44,000 explain this to a brainlet like myself studying comp sci

>> No.9444749

They fucked up

>> No.9444801

is this CS:APP?

>> No.9444808

Trimester System
Most to Least:
Hydraulics w/ lab
Analytical Methods w/ lab
Environmental Engring
Geology for Engr

>> No.9446208

"Science or fiction"
Was originally doing both science and teaching but I found teaching was pretty shit lecture wise and wasn't enjoying it so I'm just doing a normal bachelor of science and had to pick up compulsory science or fiction even though I've done some first year science courses and all the course does is teach you how to research. Gonna be a pretty comfy semester.

>> No.9446475

>What classes are you taking this semester anons?
>phyisics (waves and EM mostly)
>programming (zZz)
>algebra (groups and rings)
>multivariate real analysis
>point-set topology
>What are you looking forward to the most?
My next fix/death. Also, algebra.
>The least?

>> No.9446478

Im too dumb for stem but too smart for generic degrees like business. What do

>> No.9446501

Don't let faggots her lie to you, Economics is pretty cool.

>> No.9447325

Fellow CSE bro! How do you like georgia tech?

>> No.9447366

STEM is more about hard work than being smart. The smart people will be better than you but you should be able to get a job just fine.

Also, you have other options besides college and McDonalds. Find something you enjoy and pays more than minimum wage. Trade jobs are a safe bet if you don't mind the work. You could also start a business.

>> No.9447400

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9447405

I don't like ranch salad dressing. Does mean ranch salad dressing is scary to me?

>> No.9447616

Not him, I'm the guy who posted all the nonlinear dynamics stuff though and I'm a third year at Tech. I like it a lot

>> No.9447933

That's it?

>> No.9447936

Computer Systems
Computer Architecture
Principles of Programming Languages
German II

>> No.9447949

Yup the only other physics courses offered this semester are grad courses. My electives are done and Im only 2 classes from a cs minor alongside my phys+math degree. Got 2 maybe 3 semesters left. Trying to convince some of the math students here to double major in physics so the demand for classes increases. If not, my advising prof said theyll accept me into grad school anyway

>> No.9447966

That's it?

>> No.9447978

ME major here, I'll tell you right now, intro to engineering was the most horrible class I've taken. That class is such bullshit.

>> No.9448107
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Complex analysis
differential geometry
compiler class

>> No.9448122

Chemistry 1
Chemistry 1 Lab
Discrete Mathematics
Calculus 2
English 2

>> No.9448132

Linear Algebra

>> No.9448195

Most to least exited:
Intro to Signals and Systems
Sensors and Actors of Mechatronics
Semiconductor devices
Electronics circuits
Building a mechatronical system
Production technology II

Still 3 months until this semester is finished though

>> No.9448203

In order of most to least excited:
Incompleteness and Undecidability (fun as fuck)
Partial Differential Equations
Intro to Abstract Algebra
Gen Chem 1 (might get rid of this, it's for little children and a much more advanced version of gen chem is happening next fall)
English Lit 1 (fuck this forever)

>> No.9448209

3rd year EE
-European History (elective)
-EE Lab
-Linear Algebra
-ECE probability class
-optics/lasers physics course+lab
-grad level EE laser class

>> No.9448212

>not taking english online in the summer

>> No.9448460

2nd year 4th semester EE here
Signals and systems
Fundamentals of digital electronics
Fundamentals of telecommunactions
Algorithm complexity and optimization methods
Statistics and probability
Object oriented programming 2
+ I'll take an extra Lab from data acquisition systems because they have interesting projects

I see you have a couple of mechatronics courses. Have you done anything related before? How much do you have to know on the physics side? I've always liked physics but I can't stand classical mechanics which, it seems to me, you have to do quite a bit when designing robotic systems so that's was turning me off

>> No.9448465

Quantum field theory
General Relativity

Ranked in order from most meme to least meme.

>> No.9448495

What is your degree? Envionmental Engineering or what? I'm imterested in that kind of stuff

>> No.9448598

I am studying mechatronics senpai, so I have to take statics, mechanics of matarials, dynamics etc. so those are definitely enough.

I have not taken any robotics or similiar courses so I cant tell you how much it is used but for the mechanical engineering design class(mostly deals with machine elements) im currently taking for which statics is a prereq, you dont need to be that good in statics since the statics side of problems is always trivial

So I would guess the dynamics involved in robotics would be on the easier side

>> No.9448600

Galois Theory
Functional analysis
Numerical analysis
Introduction to programming (Python)

>> No.9448603

Incompleteness and Undecidability looks fun anon.

>> No.9448604

Anon is your abstract alg grad level?

>> No.9448608

>Honours algebra 2
Linear equations over a field. Introduction to vector spaces. Linear maps and their matrix representation. Determinants. Canonical forms. Duality. Bilinear and quadratic forms. Real and complex inner product spaces. Diagonalization of self-adjoint operators.
>Honours analysis 2
Basic point-set topology, metric spaces: open and closed sets, normed and Banach spaces, Hölder and Minkowski inequalities, sequential compactness, Heine-Borel, Banach Fixed Point theorem. Riemann-(Stieltjes) integral, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Taylor's theorem. Uniform convergence. Infinite series, convergence tests, power series. Elementary functions.
>Honours algorithms and data structures
The design and analysis of data structures and algorithms. The description of various computational problems and the algorithms that can be used to solve them, along with their associated data structures. Proving the correctness of algorithms and determining their computational complexity.
>Languages and Paradigms
Programming language design issues and programming paradigms. Binding and scoping, parameter passing, lambda abstraction, data abstraction, type checking. Functional and logic programming.
>Computer Systems
Number representations, combinational and sequential digital circuits, MIPS instructions and architecture datapath and control, caches, virtual memory, interrupts and exceptions, pipelining.

>> No.9448618

>Honours algebra 2
>Introduction to vector spaces

Nani the fuck?

>> No.9448621

It isn't really an introduction. I've done 2 LA classes that focussed on vector spaces.

>> No.9448749

Ah good because I was always more interested in the sensing the environment and decision making part. Its a good thing I've got a lot of options at my course so I'll try some stuff and see what I'm best at. Thanks for the feedback

>> No.9448928

Undergrad robotics is basically an advanced dynamics class with control undertones, mostly trajectory planning, speed and position control. No mechanics of materials or anything like that.

>> No.9448931

Digital control
and some stupid business planning thing, i just want to be an autistic engineer I don't care about money.

>> No.9449128

- Food and agricultural technology
- Animal physiology
- Systematic botany
- Analytical chemistry
- Biological molecules chemistry
- Political economy
- Forest and forest ecosystems
- Soil science
- English level 3
- Fluid mechanics
- Basic statistics part 2

Most busy semester yet

>> No.9449205

>LARPing on a cantonese-laotian edible dildo mukbang imageboard

>> No.9449224

I'm in EU so a bachelor's degree only takes 3 years. This semester amounts to 34 credits out of 60 for the whole year.

>> No.9449242

E&M 2
Mechanics 1
Properties and Structures of Materials
Intro to theoretical methods of physics

>> No.9449260

Nevermind, changed my schedule. Is now:

HIST110: Ancient History
PHYS401: Quantum Mechanics 1
MATH734: Algebraic Topology
MATH740: Riemannian Geometry

Want to go to grad school for geometry, so figured this a better choice of schedule for me.

>> No.9449280

How many hours per week are you expected to spend on each class?

>> No.9449290


also have to work to afford food

>> No.9449297

why drop field theory?

also rip nuclear physics :(

>> No.9449305

Calc 2
Principles of Physics
History 100 (GE)
Communications (GE)
Animal Biology (GE)

EE at my school frustrates me because they still have me taking a humanities every semester. Im gonna have to take several community college courses to escape it

>> No.9449310

humanities courses are like a comfy break between classes. I dont know why you guys hate it to much.

>> No.9449317

I could have a real break instead of a meme class

>> No.9449318

most engie programs that im aware of dont require (or require very few) gen electives

>> No.9449319

I don't want to take 3 math courses when 2 of them are grad courses. Also field theory was more a curiosity, my goal is complex geometry so it isn't very relevant.

Nuclear physics I might still audit.

>> No.9449355

Organic Chem II
Physical Chem
Biochem I
Calc III
17 credits now, 6 in the summer, and 15 next semester so I can graduate by December.

>> No.9449364

intro to modern physics
mathematical physics
classical mechanics
some shitty english gen ed

>> No.9449385

-Computer Science
-Music Tech

>> No.9449550

>Calc II
>Phys I
>phys I lab
>micro economics
>History of technology
Just getting my core classes out of the way and then I'll get buttfucked by EE courses the rest of the ride

>> No.9449564

What stupid shit did they make you do?
In mine they made us build a Rube Goldeberg for the big project and a single 15 page essay along with a bit of other tiny things like "check this website out and write a paragraph about it". Despite most people doing horrible on the 2 big assignments everybody still got an A. Hell, I had a C end of the semester and still got an A

>> No.9449570

Advanced Organic Chem II (dropped the lab lest I work myself to death)
Cellular/Molecular Biology with a lab
Biocalculus II
And a fucking Quantitative Reasoning freshman seminar because the one I took didn't count towards the credit. We're learning how to convert fucking decimals to percentages, so it's pretty chill.

>> No.9449649

This term:
-Web development technologies
-Some stupid useless maths that is like A-level
-Computer security
-Design of information structures
-Professional skills (LOL)

>> No.9449678

Those are subjects, not courses.

>> No.9449724

youre taking those at the same time?
im assuming with labs?


>> No.9449738 [DELETED] 

>his math class is just called math

>> No.9449742

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.9449780

>Vibrations and Waves
>Mathematical Methods for Physics
>Applied Electromagnetism
>Analysis and Design of Electric Circuits
>Project Evaluation (engie meme class)

How fucked am I? Going after that sweet EE degree + minor in Physics.

>> No.9449787
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literally all of these are useless brainlet shit with no application or usability
kill yourself

>> No.9449829

-Vehicle Dynamics and Control (this is the one I'm most looking forward to, it's a unique class sponsored by amazon, ford and hyundai)
-Heat Transfer
-Professional Communication (least looking forward to
-Microscale Fluid Mechanics
-Electronics for IOT
All in all an exciting semester. 2 of the classes are brand new or newly changed format.

>> No.9449835

Too bad I have to take it :/

>> No.9449920

>shilling for amazon and ford
fuck off engie. no scientist would ever allow the good name and intentions of science to be shitted on by relentless corporate profit seeking savages

>> No.9451099
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>tfw topology got cancelled due to department politics

>> No.9451106

Calc II
Discrete Mathematics
Digital Systems I
Intro to Computing II

>inb4 GET OUT OF /sci/ CS FAGGOT
I'll show myself out, thank you =)

>> No.9451107

>Linear Algebra has no application
brainlet spotted

>> No.9451135

Topology seems like one of those courses that should be offered every year (if not every semester) no matter what.

>> No.9451180

I agree. Another student and I emailed the deans and the dept chair but it didn't do anything unfortunately. At least we didn't go down without a fight. Topology is such an important subject, they really should go through with it. They were going to, despite only 5 enrolled, but then the prof got in a dispute with the uni and this is collateral damage.

>> No.9451191

This semester:

Complex analysis
Quantum Mechanics

>> No.9451216

Particle Physics II
Solid State II
Nuclear Physics II
Modern Physics Lab

>> No.9451241

Complex Analysis
Senior Project (Pure Math)
CS 101

Then I'm done.

>> No.9451245

modern algebra
matrix lie groups
euclidean geometry
object oriented design

>> No.9451249

undergrad or grad?

>> No.9451254

So did the professor not want to teach the class?

>> No.9451258

Numerical Methods in Math II
Math models
(yay double matlab)
Combinatorics & Graph Theory
Into to Parallel Programming
Thermal Physics
Advanced Lab II
Some history of southeast asia crap

>> No.9451296

First year in EE so:
calc 1
phy 1
linear algebra
intro ee+prog
humanistic shit
how to draw blueprints irl/CAD.

>> No.9451319
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>Nonlinear Optics and Quantum States of Light
>Physics of Nanoelectronic Systems
>Quantum Information
>Maybe some interdisciplinary course on materials, electronics and renewable energy but idk

>> No.9451360

Signals and Systems
Digital Systems Control
Logic Design
Digital Integrated Circuits
Power Electronics
Practicum on Automatic Control

>> No.9451370

wtf my uni didnt let me take linear algebra until i was done with calc2

>> No.9451393


>> No.9451411

Relativistic QM
Astroparticle physics
Symmetry in physics
Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical methods of physics
Physics of stars

>> No.9451429


You anons are taking Calc II and Phys II in the same semsester, as am I. I'm wondering how/why? A year ago, I had to convince the math department and physical science department of my university that I was capable enough to take Calc I as a corequisite instead of a prerequisite to Phys I which is what they usually require.

>> No.9451466

So, at your university, normally you would take Phys 2 in the third semester (second year)?

At my uni (Europe) in the first two semesters we had

>Linear algebra 1&2
>Math analysis 1&2
>Physics 1&2

>> No.9451664

Oh he has been ready and eager. The dept is getting back at him by cancelling his class. For what exactly, I don't know.

>> No.9451682

In that case you, and some others interested in topology, should contact him and see if he would be willing to give an unofficial course on topology. Like guide a reading group or something.

>> No.9451691

In descending order of "looking forward to"
>calc III
>operating systems theory
>circuit theory + lab
>applied engineering statistics

>> No.9451708
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> intro to statistics
> us history after 1876
> intro to tensors and calculus on manifolds

Last semester of community college, if you couldn’t tell I’ve run out of useful things to take

>> No.9451710

Yeah we're thinking about doing a reading course

>> No.9451717

nigger what. we dont even have a tensor undergrad class at my uni

>> No.9451720

yeah it’s weird i’ve never seen it at any other cc

>> No.9451727

Multi var calculus
Signals and systems
Intro to comp eng
Intro to space
>looking most forward to
Intro to space
>least looking forward

>> No.9451733

Virgina tech?

>> No.9451857

anthro 112 - non western cultures
linear Alg
Pych 205 - human sexuality
English 200

i do not care about anthro and the prof finishes every sentence with "jussayin" and has repeated many times how hard it is to get an A in her class... also in the first day there was three slides dedicated to her weiner dogs... im really in for it with this one

>> No.9451876
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>astroparticle physics

>> No.9451986

General Chemistry II, General Biology II, Calculus II

I've spent the past eight hours (minus lots and lots of wasted time, but still) working on Calc 2 homework. I understand it way better now, but wow I am not looking forward to the rest of the semester

>> No.9451992

dubs of happiness. good success anon
thanks for the hope

>> No.9451996

>implying I haven't graduated already and become a math monk

>> No.9452002

Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
Money and Banking
Introduction to Econometrics
Multivariable Calculus
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

>> No.9452071

Are you making fun of particle astrophysics, or do you not realize that that's a legitimate name for a class?

>> No.9452081

get a load of the finance cuck

>> No.9452087

i believe anon is saying particle astrophysics is a brain bludgeon of a class

>> No.9452088

>Mathematical Macroeconomics
>International Trade
>music (general education class)
>internship for credit - I'm conducting a study for a non-profit organization

>> No.9452089

>Calculus 2
>Physics 1
>Algorithms and programming 1
>General chem lab

Im looking forward to all of them except for chem lab and so far theyve all been insanely interesting.
Im an electrical eng. Student, idk why my University makes me take chem.
Chemie macht kein Spaß

>> No.9452092

So far calc 2 has been amazing for me, what is giving you trouble?

>> No.9452107

What's the most interesting class you guys have ever taken?

For me id say it was a class on agent based simulations, shit was so cash.

I got to write a simulated real estate market in NetLogo, fun as fuck

>> No.9452125

pde was most fun for me. i just enjoy them
intro to high energy physics was probably most interesting

>> No.9452167

My EE program does so too, in case you do a concentration in relevant manufacturing- nanofabrication and such. Pretty annoying when my focus is in signal processing and controls

>> No.9452174

>when public speaking is a degree requirement for ECE

>> No.9452179

>calc 3 not a prereq
ask me how I know you're in a basic bitch pchem class

>> No.9452180

I really liked complex analysis

>> No.9452184

Computational physics
Molecular biophysics laboratory
A class called simulations
some mandatory shit about merchandising

>> No.9452190

2nd semester, first year
>vector cal
>physics I
>honors seminar
>honors intro
>euro history
A pretty relaxing semester desu, feeling underwhelmed.
I’m majoring in Electrical engineering and I intend to do my concentrations in signal processing/communications and control theory before going for a ms in signal processing. Should I minor in computational mathematics??? How helpful do you guys think it’ll be?

>> No.9452495

I'll be an exchange student and for that's a class in the theoretical physics track. Tbh it doesn't look so bad, I think it will actually be a refreshing class between Relativistic QM and Symmetry in physics (aka intro to group theory)

>> No.9452501

Hmm, maybe Analytical Mechanics or QM I

QM I was a real eye opener, the theory is just beautiful

>> No.9453756


Is there a point to trying to demean others like this when people are showing genuine interest in the sciences?

Let me answer that for you:


Piss off. Too many pompous cunts in STEM right now honestly, need to get their heads out of their asses.

>> No.9453765

all research credit (36 units) at top uni in the world

get on my level betas

>> No.9453767

Why are you so bitter friend???

>> No.9453843
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>linear algebra has no application
>knowing how plants work is useless

>> No.9453948

Communications Engineering
Electronics II
Linear Algebra
Film Appreciation

>> No.9454644

Me do

Condensed Matter Theory
Quantum Information Processing
General Relativity
Particle Physics
Computational Physics 1
Advanced Electromag.
And a thesis

>> No.9454663 [DELETED] 

>Cardiovascular biology
>Protein structure and function
>Biophysics of nerve and muscle

>> No.9454668

-Biophysics of nerve and muscle
-Cardiovascular biology
-Protein structure and function
>Least, but doesn't disinterest me, just not as cool as the rest

>> No.9454685

Algebra II
American History
English III
Spanish II

>> No.9454703

Process Control w/ Lab
Chemical Engineering Senior Design II
Chemical Engineering Honors Thesis II

Should be a fun semester before grad school.

>> No.9454785

We have a special class during the first semester called "methods in integral calculus". Basically, it's a crash course that summarizes the main ideas in calc 1 and 2 (maybe a bit of 3). They idea is to give you the basic technical tools so you can use them in your physics classes, without getting into rigor and proofs.
Naturally, you're still required to take calc 1, 2 and 3, but this way you can at least use these ideas in physics without having to start taking your physics classes only during your second year (which is pretty impractical for a physics degree).

>> No.9454794

introduction to control systems
Signals and systems
Design module
I'm just happy I am finished with all my modules outside of the engineering department.

>> No.9454809

>General Relativity
>Solid State Physics
>Subatomic Physics
>Advanced Quantum Mechanics
>The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics


>> No.9454811

>American History
Why? Are you a sjw? Do you wanna get cucked?

>> No.9454848

Why is everyone here getting triggered at the mention of java?

>> No.9454849

Have fun getting raped

>> No.9454858

RIP: your GPA

>> No.9454861

General Inorganic Chemistry 2
General Biology 2

>> No.9454862

Number theory
Linear Algebra III
Complex Analysis

>> No.9454866

Abstract Algebra and related subjects will probably always be my favorites.

>> No.9454936

Because it's required for high schoolers which that poster almost certainly is

>> No.9454942

>not ECE

>> No.9454950

Abstract Algebra II
Analysis I
Multivariate Calc (RIP me)
Intro to Computational Thinking and Data Science
Microeconomics I

>> No.9454958

Calc 2
Physics 1
Org chem
Thermodynamics 1
English 2

>> No.9454963

Number Theory
Intro to Quant
Intro to Astrophysics
Philosophy of Science

>> No.9454964

Chemistry in Drug Design
Biophysics, Physiology and Metabolism
History & Philosophy of Science
Mathematical Modelling

>> No.9454966

>Microcontroller Engineering I
>Electromagnetic Fields
>Energy Transport and Conversion
>Electronic Circuit Design I
>C Programming
>Mathematics 1E2 (i.e. maths for EE)

>> No.9454968

Abstract Algebra II
Analysis I
Multivariate Calc (RIP me)
Intro to Computational Thinking and Data Science
Microeconomics I

>> No.9455014

Classical mechanics II
Intro to Electrodynamics
Thermal Physics/ Intro toStatistical mechanics
Differential Geometry
Intermedia Physics Lab II

full plate this semester

>> No.9455019

press x to doubt

>> No.9455048

- Analysis II (second semester of it)
- Algebra II (like analysis, just a continuation of last semester's algebra)
- Algorithms
- Mathematical Modeling
- Computational Mathematics
- Statistics I
- Web programming
- German Literature
- Some mandatory Physics
Attend philosophy lectures on fridays because I have no classes then (apart from physics which I hate so I think I'll just skip).

Really looking forward to algorithms, Analysis, and - to some extent - statistics. Also looking forward to german lit because of all the Qts, and the philosophy people are going to be doing some analytic philosophy/epistemology stuff next semester which interests me. I'm less looking forward to computational mathematics, and I really don't like the physics that it comes bundled with, but it's required if I want to take cool classes in machine learning next year which is why I'm doing it. The web programming class seems like it's a bit of a meme, but attendance is not mandatory, and it's only assignments to do at home, meaning it's basically free credit (and certification which helps for internships and stuff) given for something you can hack together in three nights.

>> No.9455060

Air Breathing Propulsion
Gas Dynamics
Rotor-craft Analysis

>> No.9455062

>lyin on the internet

Unless you go to some third world diploma mlll where you're allowed to tkae this many classses

>> No.9455063

What university allows you to take 27 credit hours?

>> No.9455101

French unis. You can take as much shit as you want if you can survive it. I have about 38 hours of classes a week my man (if you count things like tutorials). Here the government pays nearly everything for us (tuition is almost free, and students get housing aids from the government) so anyone seriously interested about what they do who isn't dirt poor doesn't need to work a job and can dedicate nearly all of their awake time to their studies.

>> No.9455127

- Calc 1
- Linear algebra
- Algorithms and data structures 1
- Scripting languages

Looking forward to Algorithms and linear algebra.

I wish they'd cut down on the many programming courses. In total over my complete bachelor I have
- Programming 1 (java)
- Computer use (bash)
- OOP (Java again)
- Scripting languages (python, javascript, html, css)
- Functional programming (haskell)
- Software engineering lab (focused on mobile)
- Logic programming
- Software engineering lab 2

>> No.9455129

> Functional spaces and fourrier analysis
> Measure theory
> Differential Geometry
> Cryptanalysis and mathematical cryptology
> Statistical foundations of machine learning

I'm feeling comfy in my top EU-uni compared to these nigger tier american programs i'm seeing

>> No.9455143

>learning java instead of C++
pajeet uni

>> No.9455160

I forgot one. We see C and C++ as part of our systems programming course.

>> No.9455216

Well, at least it's all interesting
I reckon my grades will be better for these courses than previous ones... less tedium, ya know?

>> No.9455324

next semester will be
>Nuclear Physics
>Quantum Physics (Repeat from last semester)

>> No.9455884

Different anon, but my Intro to Engineering class was also bullshit. Each of the engineering faculty gave a single lecture on some random field of engineering. Different professor every class, no assignments, not enough time to get in to anything engaging. It was like the first day of class for the entire semester. Forced to sit through it because all the future dropouts were too stupid to research what field of engineering interests them.

>> No.9456064

This semester is my last, so I've finished all undergraduate physics courses along with 5 of the graduate ones

>Honors Research Thesis
>Advanced Laboratory Methods "Senior Lab"
>Applied Algebraic Topology (I'm primarily interested data analysis techniques)
>Classical Greek History (took Archaic last semester and loved the class/professor)

>> No.9456566

design methodology
fundamentals of mechatronics
production engineering
laser systems

>> No.9456898

I came to this board to complain about my fucking inability to correlate Power and Temperature in a wire for a problem set, but I may as well post in this thread since I don't think making a "help with homework thread" is a good idea.

My classses are are follows:
Materials Processing and Nanomanufacturing
Materials Science Junior Lab
Computational Materials Modelling
Crystallography and Diffraction
Crystallography and Diffraction Lab
Materials Science Seminar

>> No.9457152
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Classes will be taking
Anatomy and Physiology
Calculus 2
Chemistry 1
Independently Studying:
Biology, Pathophysiology, and Genetics
C++ and Python

>> No.9457161

What year are you in? Im just wondering in what order you BME majors take chem and such.

>> No.9457163 [DELETED] 
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Automata Theory
Basic & Advanced Set Theory
Number Theory 1/2 semester
--Cryptography second half
Functuonal Programming in Scheme

I'm considering adding general chemistry 2 and a Writing in Mathematics class which could be useful for a thesis . I'm unsure if I can do that many classes though

>> No.9457175

That sounds very Santa Monica College

>> No.9457197
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I'm about to enter my second semester. I still haven't finish a year yet.

>> No.9457207

Marketing II
Intro to Finance
Technical writing
Diversity Management
Statistics for Business

>tfw brainlet business major

>> No.9457292

MATH0989 and FCST1010; I'm doing alright in FCST, but I also hate it because I'm having to do 500-word essays I don't feel like doing. Remedial math is a fun class to relearn what I've forgotten in high school, since I'm 28 and never had any education after I graduated from high school 11 years ago.

I feel like I will excel in math and I may change my major from Computer Information Systems to Computer Science if my GPA is over 3.0 in that class.

>> No.9457629

How much would you recommend the major? I'm kind of thinking of switching my major from mathematics to bioengineering, because I really liked biology in high school.

>> No.9457634

Currently in exam session (not going terribly well):
>Analysis/Calc 2
>Logic & Algebra
>General Chemistry
>Computer Architectures & Operating Systems
Plus Physics and Electrical Engineering which I didn't pass last year

Next semester:
>Probability and Statistics
>Algorithms and Principles of Computer Science (sort of like theoretical comp sci)
>Fundamentals of Automation

>> No.9457637

Linear Algebra
Fundamentals of Materials
Advanced Chinese
Physics 2: Electric Bugaloo (need lab credit)
Understanding Jazz

It's been an interesting second semester

>> No.9457638


>> No.9457642

Analysis I
Vector Calculus
Dynamics and Relativity
Groups, rings and modules
As well as just attending the following:
Complex analysis
Complex methods

>> No.9457645

Principles of Microeconomics
Calculus 1
Texas History
Texas Government
Geology 1301

17 credit hours

>> No.9457649

>Mathematics IM
-This course provides the necessary additional mathematics to prepare students for MATHS 1011 Mathematics IA. This course develops logical thinking and problem solving skills with an emphasis on applications. Topics covered are: mathematical notation, mathematical induction, complex numbers, functions (composition, inverse, graphing), vectors and parametric curves, integration techniques, rates of change and differential equations.
>Scientific Computing
-This course provides an introduction to basic computer programming concepts and techniques useful for Scientists, Mathematicians and Engineers. The course exposes students to practical applications of computing and commonly used tools within these domains. It introduces techniques for problem solving, program design and algorithm development. MATLAB (approximately 24 lectures): Basic programming: introduction to the MATLAB environment and the MATLAB help system, data types and scalar variables, arithmetic and mathematical functions, input and output, selection and iteration statements. Functions: user defined functions, function files, passing information to and from functions, function design and program decomposition, recursion. Arrays: vectors, arrays and matrices, array addressing, vector, matrix and element-by-element operations. Graphics: 2-D and 3-D plotting. Mathematical modelling: dynamical systems, linear systems, numerical differentiation and integration. Spreadsheets (approximately 6 lectures): Spreadsheets as a tool for Scientific Computing: calculation, using in-built functions, plotting and fitting, modelling and optimisation using the Goal-Seek and Solver tools, data analysis.
>Object Oriented Programming
>French For Beginners

Maths should be easy sounds, like the shit i did in high school, The scientific computing shit sounds aids, the object oriented programming should be easy as fuck and i only chose french cause everything i was interested in was full.

>> No.9457657

Could anyone give me any advice?

>> No.9458027

(Diff anon)
Woah didnt expect to find people who knew aboutt smc on sci. I took some classes there a couple years ago.

>> No.9458034

>african oral literature
>oral literature

>> No.9458036

(Trimester uni)
Computer OS
Intro to Digital Circuit Design
Intro to Computer Networks (aka make a networked app the class)

OS is already wrecking me pretty bad, readings, lectures, and projects cover different topics--all on the exams.

>> No.9458511

A materials engineering 200-level course, civil engineering statics, calc II, and an upper division GE

>> No.9458519

>Intermediate Macroeconomics w/ calculus
>International Economics: Trade
>Understanding Music (General ed)
>Internship for credit

Most excited for trade, highly relevant right now

>> No.9458644
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>Operating Systems
>Compiler Design
>Complex Analysis

>> No.9458731

>a fellow jazz musician
My man

>> No.9458902

So, rap?

>> No.9458934

this is a meme, i watched the video with the two guys behind this as well as wikipedia and its not going anywhere, the future of biology is gene of interest delivery methods and recombinant DNA

>> No.9458940
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>Strengths of Materials
>Multivariable Calc
>Rigid Body Dynamics
>Into engineering design
>Experimental methods
now dox me

>> No.9459441

I could see it having small application in the future when optimizing proton transfer pathways

>> No.9459610
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This semester:

>Special theory of relativity
>Analytical mechanics (Lagrangian & Hamiltonian)
>Partial diff.eqs + Functional analysis + Fourier analysis (1 class)
>Properties and states of matter
>Modern physics