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File: 147 KB, 496x700, einstein god2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9441183 No.9441183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that once you get to the higher levels of science you start to see or understand god?

Also what are the most intelligent religions?

>> No.9441190

[math]\mathcal{THE\mbox{ }POST}[/math]

>> No.9441193



>> No.9441305
File: 79 KB, 500x695, 78ba9d7bb966eec6d30e3be2927810bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, everyone who believes in God is a brainlet. We know this, because Russia launched satellites into space, thereby proving God doesn't exist.

>> No.9441307
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>> No.9441325

God is irrelevant to a scientific argument. His/Her/Its existence cannot be proved, nobody can prove anything due to God. If you bring God into science the science disappears. Once done, you're stirring clouds in a pot.

>> No.9441332

The Great Pumpkin is the greatest religion.

>> No.9441336

Religion provides answers completely independent of the parameters of the problem at hand.

>> No.9441348

God provides a satisfactory answer to why objective truth exists as well as why we can seize it via intuition and logic.

>> No.9441358

ITT: God arguing about the existence of God

Doesn't it get old?

>> No.9441363

No, that's why the argument still exists.

>> No.9441374

I personally believe that if there is a god, it is an absent one (as in it started the universe and then ditched), or watches and doesn't give a shit what you do and doesn't intervene. I think this just by going off of the seeming non existence of an absolute good and evil, which can be seen by the innumerable amount of "grey areas" we see in ethical dilemmas.
I also believe that if there is an afterlife, it takes place in a parallel dimension to ours, that our souls are tethered to while we go about our lives.
The whole uncertainty idea is really frustrating, and there is really no way to prove or disprove god, despite what people will claim.

>> No.9441389

we proved that infectious disease travels via microbes
now it could be some other thing, maybe evil spirits but why would we think that?
Same thing applies to God, there's not really a logical reason to believe. But there doesn't have to be, it's religion.

>> No.9441413

which "god" you fuck. god is such a non-concept, you need to be specific. btw einstein was a pantheist and so referring to his personal pantheistic conception of god. which is to say, unrelated to any other notion of god.

>> No.9441417

There's a word for that, "deism". Popular amongst disillusioned European Christians 2-3 centuries ago.

>> No.9441513

Fedora nonsense. Back to USSR.

>> No.9441573
File: 1.08 MB, 279x219, 5bb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Messianic Judaism.

>he can't put spaces in [math]\rm\LaTeX[/math] formulas

>> No.9441680

I'd say yes but that "God" is not the bearded man sitting on a cloud you're thinking of, that's nonsense from the biggest religions that also happen to be the stupidest ones.

The most intelligent theological position would be some form of pantheism and if you want something more akin to a religion, unironically paganism. One of those modern versions where people don't believe in any of the old deities and aren't practicing old-school witchcraft.

>> No.9441693

>fedora nonsense
>thousands of years older than your kike-worshiping sandnigger faggotry

>> No.9441975

>God" is not the bearded man sitting on a cloud
i'd argue for that. it seems to me a big misconception to create the God we know. white skin, beard. In African cultures he would have black skin etc...
I doubt that any of these scientists have a picture of this God in their mind, but rather a God as concept of the whole, all encompassing, "of which nothing can be thought to be greater." Isn't God in every one of us, not as an outside entity, but a goal to be achieved, the Good if you will?

>> No.9442007

The Sumerians wrote the original stories that became the bible, koran, torah, etc,. I would say their religion is the only true one. Then again they have written records of physical interactions with their gods that, in their own words, came from the sky in flying machines, and gave them gifts like agriculture. The Sumerians did not worship their gods but they described working for them, producing gold for them, and building houses for them. Worshipping of the gods didnt start until the gods left and the great flood happened(which was actually a tsunami and lasted 6 days, not 40).

Sounds like all of you religious people just believe in many times over retold and adapted stories about aliens when they visited Earth thousands of years ago. When you really look at the facts this is the most likely explanation.

>> No.9442026

>believing in god

pick one.

>> No.9443828

Except people don't actually think of god like a bearded old man. That's just atheism and pop culture projecting the stereotype of old men being the wisest among us therefore god has a beard

>> No.9443933

Pretty sure Einstein was a deist. Most wealthy people who are raised Jewish become secular, but he, instead, seemed to believe in some kind of higher power that was not concerned with the affairs of humans.

>> No.9443940

Take mushrooms and you'll understand that you are god and everyone else is an extension of you.

>> No.9443977

>Is it true that once you get to the higher levels of science you start to see or understand god?

>> No.9445832

Mushrooms just make me see pretty colors. Does that mean I'm a brainlet?

>> No.9445852

It did for me. Was a premed student , who earned a bechelors in sciences and moved on to excersize sciences. While sciences laws of entropy and Antholpy and how everything moves towards disorder you can't help but wonder how extremely structured specific and well put together our biological systems our solar system and everything that surrounds us that was personally my opinion

>> No.9445854

Definitely get a feel for a touch Of a creator not random desorderness

>> No.9445871

This is the only concept that keeps me interested in cell biology. It doesn't seem that far oft that we are some figment within a superconscious

>> No.9445885

Einstein didn't believe in god as a conscious, volitional entity. His famous "god does not throw dice" meant "I can't believe the universe operates that way."

What he wanted to understand was how the cosmos worked. He hoped that all alternatives except the correct one could be eliminated by experiments (real or imaginary)establishing that any alternative rule-set would lead to logical contradictions.

>> No.9445886


>> No.9445910

Idk bout god but Fractals man.

Fractals are the answer to the universe. Look up fractal holographic unified field theory.

>> No.9445911

you could come up with a theory that's logically consistent but still doesn't represent reality
that being said a system, a system that represents reality accurately will be logically consistent
So there are more than one logically consistent systems

>> No.9445915
File: 59 KB, 850x400, neumann_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just accept it's not possible to prove right now, if ever, and just accept that it makes more sense to lean toward there being a God than there not being one.

>> No.9445964

That's the problem with String Theory.
Something like 1e500 consistent possibilities.
I just said that Einstein HOPED there'd only be one.
Maybe he'll turn out have been right. And maybe not. Currently, no one knows.

>> No.9446018

That's a really funny quote.
Von Neumann was born Jewish, was an agnostic the great majority of his life -- and abruptly asked to see a Catholic priest when he was dying.

He was a Games Theorist. It's possible he abandoned logic and rationality and accepted Pascal's Wager.

I side with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_God_Delusion
and with Einstein.

>> No.9446150

Le deist vs theist meme strikes again.

>> No.9446214

No, he was a pantheist or possibly a panentheist.