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9440834 No.9440834 [Reply] [Original]

What's /sci/'s opinion on alternate schooling?

>> No.9440851

It's good if what you want is an alternate(useless) education.

>> No.9440916

Lock yourself in a library. Let yourself out after 2 years. Then, learn by doing. Boom. Science

>> No.9440941
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>alternate schooling

Isn't that where they place the autistic kids?

>/sci/'s opinion

The best is private magnet school + partial home schooling on STEM, Religious Studies, Practical Skill, and Communism Awareness and Prevention.

>> No.9440949

>Isn't that where they place the autistic kids?
No alternate school is where you learn alternative medicine.

>> No.9440993

>alternate schooling
There's a difference between alternate and alternative. Alternate is a verb which goes with alternating (think AC). Alternative is a noun synonymous with substitute.

>> No.9441032

In theory it allows children to develop massively better (intellectually and socially).
But 99% of people utilizing homeschooling opportunities are either hippies or religious fundies so in practice it just fucks up kids.

>> No.9441086

>In theory it allows children to develop massively better
I'd like to hear what theory thinks that alt-ed is better than normal education for anyone that wouldn't already be in advanced classes anyways.

>> No.9441533

It attracts all the worst kinds of parents: Ones who are really up their own ass about how smart and special their kid is. Ones so obsessed with some particular outlook they need to keep their kids away from people who don't share it. Ones trying to hide abuse by limiting their kid's contact with other adults.

>> No.9442152

Ignores the school function where people share common experiences, practice to work together and create principles of solidarity and community.

Of course, this doesn't apply to American schools that are economically segregated and their only purpose is to create efficient wage-slaves.

>> No.9442706

Hi, ive been in private/elite schools all my life except for high school (i went to a very well ranked school and also took summer courses at a private university after my sophomore year). While I consider myself to be smarter than most people around me (just in the scope and variety of my knowledge and ability to put forward sober arguments) but I only made it to a state university and will most likely end up in a private university for my grad because of connections. That being said, my friends who were entirely homeschooled do better than me in classes (i know a bunch of these types because my job exposes me to a bunch of post-hippie kids) but they are basically retarded socially, and they have no common sense and fundamentally cannot find practical solutions to the most common problems. I think the best approach to schooling is sending your kid to a private or public school and then teach them as much as you can at home. Best of all is to teach your child how to learn by themselves. I learned how to write poetry, drawing and guitar by myself because my parents thought me how to learn alone and provided how-to books.

HOWEVER, i will say that my private school experience prepared me far better for regular life. They just teach you a lot of life skills and appreciation of high culture, not to mention that being around gifted/motivated kids makes you want to compete and be great. My public school experience was mostly trying to fit in and doing drugs; i did relatively well in classes but I think i would have done better if I continued to be a little more sheltered (or if I had been introduced to regular life at an earlier age).

>> No.9442716
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>> No.9443069

gifted children, especially those that are most dependent on intellectual stimulation, get fucked massively by traditional education.

>> No.9443081

I read this story today. Absolutely sickening, f**king freaks.

>> No.9443101

>Google searches image
...Yeah, that's funny Google, but not helping...


>> No.9443427 [DELETED] 

I've only met 3 homeschooled kids.
My boss at a sub shop I worked at when I was 17 was this manlet Christian guy. Family man. Nice guy if you put aside the napoleon complex.
His 3 kids were all skinny as hell and impossible to talk to. They worked at the sub shop once in a while and I can count the conversations I had with them on one hand. One day boss marched up to me and demandes to know my SAT score. I didn't care about the job anymore, so I told him the truth- 1380. He crosses his arms and puts two fingers on his forehead. "My kid got a 850." He says.
So, I guess it didn't work out for that guy.

My point being, that, I guess Homeschool could be good. Any school can, if the student cares.
In America though, it's mostly Christians protecting their kids from the evils of fun and probably hurting them in the process.

T. Public School trash that became State University trash

>> No.9443648

Sounds like 'Lord of the Flies'.

>> No.9443660

Interring your kid in a public school system is child abuse.

>> No.9443692

You saved it with the second line lmao

>> No.9443826

Fucking stupid knee-jerk reaction to our shitty public primary & secondary schooling and rapidly deteriorating postsecondary schooling.

Something needs to be done, but teaching your kids yourself is usually retarded. Private schooling is a pretty good alternative if you have the cash, but if you don't, your child's education is likely screwed unless you happen to have a good public school.

>> No.9443827

how many blacks are in the local school district?

>> No.9443829

>being a religious fundy is bad

>> No.9443907

This. Things like GATE, Honors, and AP aren't enough. Kids with IQs over 130 need special schools with radically open environments.