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9432784 No.9432784 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't girls falling for the STEM meme in your country?

>> No.9432796

It's a hard pill to swallow, but STEM is for beta virgins.

>> No.9432811

You will literally make more money as a public school teacher than as a STEMcuck. That's why.

>> No.9432828

This and this, I struggled in stem, and then I realized it was because my interests didn't include jerking off to hentai, talking about superheroes or rick and morty 24/7, or playing league of legends all day. Instead I was out drinking, talking to women, and having a fun time.

Then when I became a shutin who only cares about school I increased my gpa 220%, no exaggeration. Am I unhappy because of all the fun I can't have? Definitely. Am I at least glad since I'm going to be able to get a degree in a stem field. Yeah I guess.

>> No.9432908
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>Not having fun during highschool and then pursuing STEM career.
>Not studying for the spirit of science.

>> No.9433421

>the STEM meme
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.9433475

>no engineering
I like how they don't want to show there's no girls in engineering.

>> No.9433487

>Not having fun during highschool

>> No.9433516


>> No.9433872

Female brain is more oriented towards memorization. It's like bunch of boxes segregated in a neat way for easy access. It works like this:
>identify the problem
>go quickly through memory to find learned scheme that matches
>apply scheme
>reveal what is the answer/goal
It's probably due to more connections between brain halves. Because each half and part of brain is responsible for something else, they have better multitasking ability and memory.

Male brain is more goal oriented and works better in situation opposite to the one mentioned above. It's like pile of clothes in which you have to find 1 sock to have a pair wth the one you already have. It works like this:
>have a goal
>gather avaible information
>proceed to connect parts of informations and schemes together until scheme to reach the goal is discovered
>apply it in practice
It's probably due to more connections between front and back of the brain, which means more connections within separate brain halves, so more processing power for specific tasks at the cost of multitasking abilities.

Now look how problem solving and education methods differ between branches or even classes. Purely technical branches like mechanics, programming etc usually have tasks such as "build bridge/mechanism or wtie program that does x", in other words, you know the goal, you know the final outcome, but you don't know the path to it, how to connect blocks etc to reach the goal. That's where male brain exceels. Non-technological classes are more about memorization and application. Languages is memorization of words and meanings. Lot of medicine is about memorization of symptoms or procedures and applying them. Some STEM parts are also heavily focused on memorization, for example we often teach math by showing schemes of how problems are solved and give tasks to reveal the final answer which matches female brain. That's why within STEM you can see more women in math, biology etc and little to none in mechanics, CS etc.

>> No.9433876

The other factors are social pressures and needs/poverty level. In poor countries much more women go STEM because STEM is actually useful on daily basis, gives better chance for work and people value being able to get money and afford necessities more than comfort. That's why eastern and southern europe have more women than western and northern europe. South america and Japan on the other hand have much stronger cultural pressure with macho culture and tradition respectively. Not to mention many STEM jobs require physical strength. It'll be easier for a man to screw huge screws or maintain heavy machinery used for the job.

It's mix of biological specialization, interests, social and economic conditions.

>> No.9433893

any direct evidence for any of this?

>> No.9433902

or in form of article:
Also watch the documentary. Guy directs questions to professors from universities.

I'm in pedagogical university which focuses on making teachers so we get to learn not only about subject we'll teach itself (in my case physics/IT), but also bunch of psychology and biology/neurology.

>> No.9433909

Also during brain activity tests involving solving problems by both men and women it was noticed that female brain tends to have both halves active, while men tend to have more brain activity only in half that is more suited for the task at hand.

>> No.9433916
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yea he heard it from some nazis on /pol/ and believes it because he doesnt interact with women.

hes probably also an iq memer


>> No.9433936

It's interesting how the more socially conservative (Poland, Italy) and disinterested in promoting "women in STEM" countries are the ones where women approach 50% of the STEM population.

Really makes one think.

>> No.9433941

>macho culture
>southern Europe (Italy)

>> No.9433951

>study is linked
>post including documentary mentioning that those differences can't be only social pressure since differences start to pop up very early, during infancy is "decent"
>"hurr durr it's from /pol/"
Science is completely neutral. It doesn't give a fuck about your emotions or agenda. If we're at the topic of the IQ, firstly you have to realize what it is and how those tests look and what is needed to pass them correctly and quickly, or in other words, what do they measure. Secondly, studies after studies show noticeable differences in IQ between races or even sexes. And that's where science ends. It just shows. Interpretation and usage of this information is up to people. Someone might consider it no problem and leave it be. Others might consider IQ differences problem and either averange it out by mixing, or by trying to pull those lower on the scale to the level of those being higher, or consider "worse ones" waste and decide to exterminate them. I'm not telling you what to do with those facts, I'm only stating them. Stop letting emotions interfere with your judgement so heavily.
Since you seem to get offended by my posts, I will assume you make another common mistake in data interpretation and not know what it means on averange, and what is normal/Gaussian distribution, how it works, and finally how and where are you using statistics to not mix up anecdotal evidence with statistical data.

And to rub it in a bit more, since I'm in pedagogical university and women tend to gravitate towards teaching jobs in schools more, I'm actually forced to interact with more women than men. In many classes I'm usually one of few males sharing room with few dozens of females.

Read again
>South america and Japan on the other hand have much stronger cultural pressure with macho culture and tradition respectively
Southern Europe has one of the highest unemployment rate in the Europe. And it's still slightly poorer than NW Europe.

>> No.9434140

IQ difference

>> No.9434164

>When OP has his preconceptions challenged.
The fact is, bub, when gender roles are definition by the specialization making certain genetic mutations more useful than others, you end up with gender dimorphism.
We men can't help being more physical and logical, just like women can't help being more empathetic. That's just the way the biological cookie crumbled.

>> No.9434172

>And that's where science ends. It just shows. Interpretation and usage of this inform

Wrong. Science is not just about collecting data. It is about interpretation of that data, and making predictions based on those interpretations.

>> No.9434175

Actually, you're right. It still doesn't tell what is wrong and right ethically and doesn't get butthurt though.

>> No.9434177

>females in STEM
How many of those are in biology?

>> No.9434227

Remove social "sciences" and biology and watch those totals drop to near 0.

>> No.9434229

Just remove biological sciences and you'll see the truth.

>> No.9434316

Well, as an engineer I think I found a solution.
We should limit the number of women at 50%, or as I'd like to call it - use anti-quota that go to study management, history, etc.
The rest of them will trickle down to STEM.
At last there will be some pussy in engineering.

>> No.9434319


>> No.9434332

well I think in part people tend to avoid STEM, because you have to be driven and interested in the subject it has to be a passion to you. The pay per hassle/anxiety/work is a lot lower than being a douchebag shallow manager.
I think the TV anchors are epitomizing my thought. You just need to look sorta good, don't use your brain too much and smile. Just smile and pretend you know what you are doing. Then you have a hassle free life in the land of the dreams.
>anyways, I would like to see a woman troubleshooting broken down machinery in a factory. The factory stops, there is a lot of pressure to find out what happened and come up with solution. You can't call tech support because you are tech support. I have never encountered a single woman in industrial setting doing this kind of work. Being creative and solving problems under pressure for majority of people isn't fun compared to giving powerpoint presentations.

>> No.9434343

>science is neutral
uh huh.
and race is "real" i bet

funny how things are neutral and real in ways that only support discrimination and division of people huh

>youre emotional
mhm. thats why i went on an autistic rant over slight criticism. oh wait, thats you.

>pedagogical school
could you try any harder to sound like an asshole?

did you even read the study?

900 people of different ages. yeah surely 900 people is representative of the 7billion on earth raised in different environments from genetically different parents.

and it says right in the abstract that men are more perceptional and women are more analytical so your "women iz basically peabrain monkeyz" interpretation fails hard.

like i said, your cultural analysis was decent. but your interpretation was shit.

sorry, cletus, but that study didnt say "men iz mores logikul. sci-ince duhclares it"
maybe nect you can explain how race is "r e a l"

>> No.9434344
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It is interesting that there is such a large difference between Portugal & Spain on that chart, considering that both countries are similar in so many other ways.

>> No.9434371

All but the three that play basketball

>> No.9434373

Science, mathematics and computing? Does that include engineering? Because in Portugal the engineering students are overwhelmingly male and they're also the courses with the most students.

>> No.9434400

>What is extreme male brain theory?
And yes, there is evidence:
I was going to post the study, but 4chan registers links from the domain as spam, but you'll find a link to it in that article.

>> No.9434420

That's just engineering. All the health related majors + Math have a majority of girls. There's a few going into computing as well

>> No.9434432

Go back to tumblr. Your whole post reeks of motivated reasoning so obvious it's not even funny. You have no business being here.

>> No.9434438

>funny how things are neutral and real in ways that only support discrimination and division of people huh
Politics isn't science, leave.
>mhm. thats why i went on an autistic rant over slight criticism. oh wait, thats you.
Ad hom isn't logical, leave.

Oh, I know what this OP is:
It's the:
>I like to pretend like I know what I'm going on about, whilst acting offended by reality and offering nothing more than spurious claims and opinion. Oh, and if anyone actually provides proof that I'm wrong and talking out of my arse, I'll just ignore it and attack their rhetorical style, or syntax. Gosh, I sure do feel euphoric.

>> No.9434497

>didnt address anything i said
didnt think so.

that explains the pretentiousness

im still confused as to why youre linking to "studies" of 50 people as if that means anything. And a study of autism at that. Very few people are autistic. Even if tbe study was meaningful, it simply does not apply.

Its just a fact that men and women both utilize both methods you described. Men can be perceptional and analytical. So can women.

Its also an empirical fact that brain structure and function are plastic. Brains can think differently in different situations. Some /pol/ tier nut theory doesnt invalidate the fundamentals of neuroscience.

Thanks for addressing any of my points. oh wait, you addressed none.

Maybe you shouldnt let an obsession with tumblr paint your views.

>makes political statement
>i respond with political argument
>y u being political in response to my political statement??!!!!

pointing out you went on an emotional driven rant isnt ad hominem, brainlet. calling you brainlet is ad hominem. its just so ironic to call someone else emotional during an emotional rant.

and then you ad hominem attack. the irony.

>> No.9434516

You made no points. You're only regurgitating politics.


>> No.9434525


I love that the girl is actually the one with the correct pronunciation, and the guy has it wrong.

>> No.9434816

>how come everything is about differences when everything navigates through the world purely thanks to differences in signals recieved recieved from the environment, which have their source in differences in said environment
>differences are bad
That's just too fucking obvious bait at this point.

>> No.9434830

>No proof, just opinion.
Okay, you're just filibustering with nonsense.

>> No.9435076

>It's mix of biological specialization, interests, social and economic conditions

Like everything else in psychology

>> No.9435087

>funny how things are neutral and real in ways that only support discrimination and division of people huh

Literally none of what has been posted has been used as a justification of discrimination. If you genuinely believe that differences between men on women on average is justification for discrimination that is your problem not the sciences.

>> No.9435105

Girls only enter STEM when they have to. Take note of the fact that the countries with the lowest percentage of females studying STEM are the most egalitarian and gender-neutral countries. This directly contradicts the feminist narrative that it's the patriarchy keeping women from joining STEM like they want to.

Norway, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands - all countries that are a feminist's wet dream - and they are at the bottom of the list for females in STEM

Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Mexico - all countries that definitely have an air of male domination and patriarchy in their culture - yet they are at the top of the list for females in STEM

Females only enter STEM when they have to, and giving them the option is great, but pretending like a lack of female interest in STEm is indicative of a lack of opportunities is patently fraudulent.

>> No.9435116
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You wrongfully lumped all men and women into boxes based on what you consider problem solving method. That is the nonsense division. Which I explained in my 2nd comment

Apparently you couldnt figure that out so maybe we need a 3rd method of problem solving: drool for a while, get angry and shitpost some edgelord garbage. You fit in perfectly.

>> No.9435119
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>> No.9435130

Ah, yes, that guy in a hard hat sure has it easy comparing to Stacy with her business communications degree.

>> No.9435132

I'm not the other guy you are responding to though. My point is that if it were to be found that men and women different under some dimensions, that would not in and of itself justify discrimination, so findings pertaining to such differences would not be in support of this statement "funny how things are neutral and real in ways that only support discrimination and division of people". One can very easily believe in equality and not want discrimination without pretending that differences don't exist.

>> No.9435139


>> No.9435141

Anon that is not a Stacy, she is a Quanisha

>> No.9435142

Doesn't make it useless to find out how exactly it works. Everything in physics is some kind of particle movment and energy change.

>> No.9435143
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>I struggled in stem, and then I realized it was because my interests didn't include jerking off to hentai, talking about superheroes or rick and morty 24/7, or playing league of legends all day.

Not all STEM students are like this, just CS and EE fags.

>> No.9435145

I find this whole discussion to reek of stupidity and entitlement. I'm an autistic white male who has no friends and yet I managed to easily get high paying STEM job offers because I have the skills

Do these women honestly think they would not get offers even if they had the skills, just because they're females. This directly contradicts all scientific evidence such as the women-are-wonderful effect, and the reality that companies have female gender quotas and no male gender quotas, which by definition tips the scale in favor of hiring women.

>> No.9435157

Honestly I have absolutely NO pity for anyone complaining. Less Facebook and more StackOverflow you lazy degenerates.

>> No.9435163

>Doesn't make it useless to find out how exactly it works. Everything in physics is some kind of particle movment and energy change.

Not my point at all. I'm a bio psycho guy myself. My point is that it is a bit of a nothing point. We are biological beings who behave as complex animals so all of our behavior will have some element of biological basis, due to being social animals that form culture all of our behaviors will be related to that in some way, our interests are made from a mixture of both of these. My point is that the sentence in itself isn't particularly descriptive.

>> No.9435172

Of course. It is tl;dr after all.

>> No.9435182
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Go read the study he linked then read his characterization.

The study says men are more perceptionary and women are more analytical.

Contrast that with his characterization. Its dishonest at best. He essentially says women are peabrain monkeys incapable of critical thought yet the study says women are more analytical. Its discrimination. Maybe more misogynistic and fraudulent than explicitly discriminatory but yes, then he said womenz stick to language and math, stay out of cs and tbe man territory.

>pretending differences dont exist

I cant tell if youre intentionally trolling or not. I just said he wrongfully grouped men and women into boxes. Which is nonsense. Women and men can both problem solve the same shit. To say oh well the women are monkey pea brains and men are the engineers is ridiculously beyond "acknowledge differences" its discrimination

>> No.9435211

>communication between analytical and intuitive processing modes means superior analytic thinking
>4 wheel drive makes better tires than 2 wheel drive

>> No.9436282
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>> No.9436508

No you dont need to be a shutin to do well in a stem bachelors, only if you are a brainlet. Just do the work you need to and then spend your free time however you want.

>> No.9436513

I'd say this happens because people naturally search for answers.
As a stem dude I knew a lot of people who couldn't find jobs. As it happens they were not sharp enough to be really proficient in stem. Somehow some people came to conclusion that a degree somehow validates your qualifications and intelligence. It isn't so.
There is a certain group of people who work at getting a degree, but not educating themselves and getting knowledge. When they are out to find jobs they don't get the dream jobs, they are either theoretically over-qualified for the jobs they get or they change the field altogether. Usually these people end up in STEM jobs related to product or paper pushing.
Anyways, now is the time for my statistically irrelevant facts. I know 4 instances of women (this was 20-30 years ago) which got into engineering because of career opportunities. Two of them, after working 10-15 year changed the jobs (as soon as was financially possible), because they felt very unhappy in their jobs. Others pushed till retirement, but said they didn't like the work at all, even though they were very successful, that most men peers.
It takes certain kind of people to get into STEM. I remember some nerdy girls, who were interested in science since childhood and went on successfully to become scientists.
Degree won't magically make you interested in certain subjects. The answer might lie somewhere else.

>> No.9437713
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Did you know that Portugal was actually enrolled in the first round of PIAAC but for one reason or another they just dropped out and never joined back? Chile and Hungary also enrolled in the first round and dropped out but they rejoin in the second and third round respectively.

>> No.9437751

This. About to graduate as a Chem major. None of the classes were that hard so I may not count but for me the only moderate challenges were calc 2 and physical Chem and even with that I just put aside 3 Hours a day to revie and work out math. Still worked, went to a gym, hung out with people, etc. Dunno if I’ll be able to say the same when I’m in graduate school but for now my major doesn’t really put a dent in the rest of my life

>> No.9437759

why is that retard taking a shopping cart up a staircase

>> No.9437807
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Amerimutt IQ is in the double digits bruh.

>> No.9437841

Probably they are over dosing in education as a retaliation to the Salazar years. Portugal was the least literate nation in Europe worse than Turkey. Basically they felt shame and changed it.

>> No.9437924
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>chem major

>> No.9437965

>I struggled in stem, and then I realized it was because my interests didn't include jerking off to hentai, talking about superheroes or rick and morty 24/7, or playing league of legends all day.
I do none of this. Furthermore, no other math major I know does any of these and I only know one physics major who does it. I also drink myself to unconsciousness every Friday and am in a relationship (it won't last, but that's because she wants me to stop doing drugs and I don't want to not because muh stem autist). All while maintaining an okayish 3.6 GPA.
>Then when I became a shutin who only cares about school I increased my gpa 220%, no exaggeration.
So, your GPA was less than 1.25?

Lying on the Internet is not a healthy thing to do, anon. Go out. Live.

>> No.9438036

1.26 to be exact.

>> No.9438162

I know I know, stop bullying me because I like to mix metals and acids

>> No.9438177

I'm from greece and as the chart suggests, my uni is filled with girls

>go to neurobiology conference in athens a few months ago
>80% of presentations made by females
>finishes presentation, acknowledgements of lab crew
>some crews entirely female

and the conference wasn't greeks only, but labs from the whole of europe and even one from china. i think girls not being into stem is a murka thing, then again murkans are generally stupid and most of your academia are immigrants to begin with.

however, the opposite is true here. non-stem meme unis are still heavily dominated by females and most men going to shit like art school or pedagogy are semi-mocked in general. guess men here either go stem or don't bother, while women generally tend to go to uni no matter what

>> No.9438214

Because STEM isn't only engineering. STEM includes branches women can handle. You'll see that this >>9433872 division will be much more accurate than division between just arts and STEM.
Branches like biology, medicine etc will often have more girls.
Branches like math, chemistry, physics etc will be mixed more evenly between sexes.
Branches like engineering, CS etc will often have more boys.
TE - mainly men
SM - mainy women or even split depending on which class is closer to objects and systems, and which closer to people and community.

>> No.9438220

ye but that post was pure bullshit speculation

>> No.9438225

so girls like S&M
good to know, I'll have to get a bullwhip

>> No.9438269

1.26 + 220% = 4.038
You must be a genius, anon. Stop lying on the Internet, man. Come on.

>> No.9439257

they fall for the humanities meme

>> No.9439491

Has anyone realized that women in stem degrees tend to conglomerate to student councils and popularity based roles?

>> No.9439715

fuck yes i have. They ll group in the eng. that have more women/people in or will let them be in a soc. environment in the future.
this. Also this should be comapared to men in stem %- Nobody goes stem in chile, the go for humanities meme

>> No.9439722


>Here, I just want to take a step back from the memo controversy, to highlight a paradox at the heart of the ‘equality and diversity’ dogma that dominates American corporate life. The memo didn’t address this paradox directly, but I think it’s implicit in the author’s critique of Google’s diversity programs. This dogma relies on two core assumptions:

>The human sexes and races have exactly the same minds, with precisely identical distributions of traits, aptitudes, interests, and motivations; therefore, any inequalities of outcome in hiring and promotion must be due to systemic sexism and racism;

>The human sexes and races have such radically different minds, backgrounds, perspectives, and insights, that companies must increase their demographic diversity in order to be competitive; any lack of demographic diversity must be due to short-sighted management that favors groupthink.

>The obvious problem is that these two core assumptions are diametrically opposed.

>> No.9439726

>student council
do neet shutins really believe this?

>> No.9439735
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>strawmans the reason for diversity
>muh "deerr leftists dont acknawllidge dats our brainz just aint duh same!" strawman
>unironically uses the word "dogma"
>conclusion doesnt even follow from the rest of the article

>> No.9440290

So I'm a female in the United States and I plan on getting a PhD in mathematics (I know I know, there's no reason to, but leave me alone) and my genuine opinion on feminists complaining about not having the opportunity to is that it's a delusion. The only people who cry about women not being "allowed" in STEM are ones that go into literally any other field. I just don't understand how they can say that women don't get the same opportunities in STEM but then also say that I'm making the right choice because everyone wants women in STEM. If anyone even knows what they're trying to say, please help, because I don't.

>> No.9440305

They're crazy and it's good you realize this - you are one of the good roasties.

It's absurd and honestly they must just have mental issues of some sort. These feminists constantly victimize themselves. Realistically STEM is majorly biased in favor of females right now because of gender quotas which mathematically, by necessity, decrease the requirements for females.

>> No.9440344

Exactly! Looking at it logically and mathematically it's easier for women to find jobs in STEM. So yeah, I guess it's the need to victimize themselves more and base their opinions on shitty BuzzFeed articles with completely skewed and misinterpreted facts.

>> No.9440396

They are probably trying to benefit from your success by claiming it was a result of their influence.

>> No.9440434

30 years ago it was true, my mum says she was actively talked out of doing engineering by teachers and employers. Nowadays I think women just aren't interested by it. At the start of my A level class half were girls, by the end they all dropped out and it was all voluntary, none flunked out and I never saw the teacher or any of the boys do anything to make the girls feel uncomfortable. They just found it boring.

>> No.9440540

I can definitely see it being true 30 and + years ago, yeah. However, most girls I know want to go in to STEM and study it. Not sure why that is honestly, but it's odd how different our experiences are. Could be that I'm in highschool so school is kind of screwing around and having to learn what they make us do, so they just chose to focus on STEM for some reason? I know for myself that I'm good at all subjects in school, but only truly interested in mathematics. I study it in my free time and learn ahead of my class a lot. So I personally don't find it boring, but I guess all those girls did. Sorry if what I said makes no sense

>> No.9440593

stop replying to obvious dumbassery on the internet my man

>> No.9440598

We're a free society where people may pursue their interests as they wish.

>> No.9440617
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>> No.9440619

t. 5/10 white suburban girl

>> No.9440633

Yep you got me

>> No.9440653

There are studies showing that theres a significant amount of girls shying away from stem fields at an early age because they are told directly and indirectly that boys are smarter. This leaves them underprepared for the future. These are studies done today.

I bet if you pressed college women who leave their fields, theyd provide a deeper answer than lack of interest.

How much experience do you have in stem fields? Engineering is a very sexist field filled with ego bloated men who think theyre hot shit for acing ode. Its just a fact that if most people had to choose between their house being built by a man or women, most people would still say man without giving consideration to much else. That makes it hard for women to advance in engineering. Im a guy and I dont want to be around male engineers.

I dont have as much info for pure sciences but academia pure science has a lot of male foreigners from old fashioned cultures where women in science is discouraged. They bring these attitudes to the US.

You must be 18 to use this site.

Maybe you should read studies or talk to women in stem fields instead of assuming you know everything about women in stem from your high school experience. Thats a really bad place to make a judgment from. Especially if you are white and suburban like you say you are.

>> No.9440655

>Why aren't girls falling for the STEM meme in your country?

They are smarter than men in average

>> No.9440681

I am 18 actually, but thank you for the advice. I wasn't claiming to know everything though, I was simply stating what I thought about the subject from my point of view and the other young people I know. But considering in your own post you're talking about girls being told they're not smart enough for STEM at a young age, and I have had the opposite of that experience, I'd like to have some sources for those studies so I can look into your argument properly. Could very well have to do with the fact that I'm white and upper-middle class, like you are insinuating, but I'd like to see the statistics myself.

>> No.9440723

>math is about memorisation

lol why are high school children on this board

>> No.9440740

our culture is conservative as all fuck, so girls who do study STEM are still kind of stigmatized.

>> No.9440754

That’s incorrect sir.

I am neither a beta nor a virgin

>> No.9440760

Such is my pain of studying STEM, weon :(

>> No.9440840

White uppermiddle class people (of which i am one and was raised one) have a far more mild culture than other races and wealth groups. There is less societal expectation for them to conform to ideas like "math is for boys" though it can still be present.

In my high school, girls and boys were almost split in the AP science and math classes. Its different went you go to college and theres a 30:3 guy:woman ratio in stem classes

If you google "young girls believe they arent as smart" youll find some news articles linking recent studies.

But if you dont care for studies, take a vacation to poor rural areas. It's a different world. You can witness how women are treated.

>> No.9441296

Holy fuck, is that a verified source on /sci/? I never thought I'd live to see the day

>> No.9442751

The way it's taught and most exercises can be solved without much understanding heavily bases on memorization. Engineering has much more factors that can't be memorized as easily. Math relies on consistent, logical rules and alone is prettu useless because it's just a powerfull, key tool for stuff that actually tackles real events and needs, like physics and Engineering. Engineering throws you into world with a task, for example building a dam for hydropower plant, where you can't rely only completely on some rules in a void, you have to apply those rules with consideration of natural factors which differ so greatly it's not even worth memorizing them. Math is just a tool. Powerful and crucial, but still a tool.

>> No.9443273

Mexico had more Macho culture that chile...

>> No.9443438
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>> No.9443496

>Math have a majority of girls.
Most become teachers, in the later semesters the number of girls is similar to those in CS

>> No.9445235

Not like it matters when neo/sci/ shits on everything the moment it doesn't meet their ideals. Not to mention many of them can't even read properly. This board is just muh IQ circlejerk.

>> No.9445288
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>"girls just dont choose stem"

>> No.9445402

>denies statistical disparities in preferences between the genders

Low-IQ detected.

>> No.9445409

No shit neckbeard. All youre doing is revealing youre clueless. Theres a reason why women dont go into stem. That reason is the problem. That reason is what feminism seeks to address.

>> No.9445427

> male foreigners from old fashioned cultures
> old fashioned cultures

Amazingly racist, asshole.

>> No.9445453

>tfw this pale autistic jewess is a lesbian
>you will never marry her and produce offsrping with this heavenly khazar goddess
Why is nature so cruel?

>> No.9446188

>all these indoctrinated idiots who think males and females think exactly the same way and throw genetics straight out the door
There is no hope for these people. So much cognitive dissonance it's almost psychotic...

>> No.9446200
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>> No.9447440

What about Korea, Estonia, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, etc.

>> No.9447506

back to your containment board: >>>/pol/

>> No.9447755

So do you really believe males and females literally think exactly the same way regardless of how much estrogen or testosterone is in their body?

>> No.9447788

Idk I think women are just spoonfed. We can talk about nature all we want but environment is without a doubt entirely different. As a man you have to figure out how to figure out everything yourself.

Teachers make the excuse that because you're a man, you're shit. Your attitude is just bad, you are entitled, you're a clown, you just want pussy.. Anything that may rattle through their brain while you're just like... What. That's when you get it. You're standing there with your thumb in your ass because you didn't even know, as a guy you need to be independent. You don't know why but your teachers don't fuckin help. They simply withhold it. The reality is you're a man and you need to figure it out yourself.

With women it's like HIIII ^_> HOW R U whether the teacher is male or female LEMME GIVE UALL THE RESOURCES ONE COULD POSSIBLY HAVE TO SUCCEED

I couldn't exaggerate if I wanted to. Women get to use the computer lab after hours when guys don't even fuckin know there is a computer lab

Throw a girl to the wolves and she'd probably develop real critical thinking skills as well as a man. Instead most women are put on such a linear path of development they may have all the answers but they have no realization of how advantaged they are. And they get mad when you condescend as if you are oppressing them just because you don't REALLY know your shit. I guess being spoonfed is a form of oppression but fuck I didn't make the rules.

>> No.9447797

Do you literally believe that literally all males literally think literally the same or are you literally a character out of spongebob literally

>> No.9447820

>There are studies showing that theres a significant amount of girls shying away from stem fields at an early age because they are told directly and indirectly that boys are smarter. This leaves them underprepared for the future. These are studies done today.

yes and all of them are made by people from gender studies and sociology

>> No.9447826

>Honey, I swear I'm telling the truth. The hacker 4chan broke into my phone and he stole a photo of you.

>> No.9447833

whoops clicked the wrong thread

>> No.9447879

Males think more similar to each other than women.

>> No.9447994

I'm trying to help him better his life. Lying to impress random people on a zimbabwean scarf knitting book club is not a healthy way to spend time.

>> No.9448377

There is no such disparity in treating boys and girls in most of european schools. Places which do have such disparity are actually minority of countries. All those SJW, guilt tripping and other shit is happening on a larger scale only in North America and MAYBE some part of Great Britain. Yet, differences in sex ratio in classes are consistent across all aroung the globe. The only thing that could fuck boys over in schools is too much theory compared to practical classes, taking their natural male behavior as some kind of behavioral disability (because not every energetic boy has ADHD, boys have been engaging in more aggresive games since ages and coming up just fine), and being held to different standard when it comes to things like for example hitting opposite sex, but that last one is somewhat rightul since bigger power (even if natural) requires more responsibility. Still girls should be either also put in their place by teachers if they try to hit someone, which isn't always the case, or boys should be allowed to fight back to put them in their place themselves. Obviously they'd win most of the time, but that would be at least lesson of reality, because big gap in physical power exists. Being weaker shouldn't legitimitize you to be allowed to break more rules.
I also remember reading something about teachers having biases towards students of their own, or female sex, and obviously schooling positions are dominated by women, but I can't find the study right now, just news websites that of course once again exceel in incompetence and do not link sources. Maybe because if they would, someone would point out shitty interpretation and clickbait titles they do.

>I don't know what "on averange" means, have no idea how to read gaussian distribution graphs and how to apply them in practice
Please come back when you learn those things. They're like basics in most, if not all science fields because normal distribution is so common in nature.

>> No.9448530

Maybe I got my percentages wrong,
But what I meant to say was I went from a 1.26 to 3.42

>> No.9448799

>biological specialization
nice meme

>> No.9448838

Because my country (Flanders) actually has good universities with non-meme degrees, so most "I'm such a NERD xD" girls fail. 90% of the few that remain go into chemistry* and a good 65% of the remainder have more male tendencies than female in my experience.

* Why is this btw? I would love to hear other people's theories/experiences with this. Is it because it's the STEM field that is most like a language (in that it requires a lot of root memorization)? I might be completely offbase here, correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.9449613

el goblino...

>> No.9451364


>> No.9451384
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>root memorization

But no, women dont go into fields bc they are memorization. Like any human, they have a variety of criteria they use to pick a major. Stop trying to make it more than that to rationalize your misogyny

>> No.9451421

Hmm, they kinda are

In my physics promotion we are around 100 students. There are 2 girls in top 5. One of them is a closed friend and it's actually cute

>> No.9451424

>there is no neurological difference between men and women
What board am I on? I thought I was on /sci/.

>> No.9451759

Women don't have the ability to cope with the engineering culture. It's too demanding and "mean". Also women want to do shit that (in their minds) brings social change to the world. Engineering isn't that, it is just creating material objects.

>> No.9452264

>recent studies
all those studies are just propaganda, they never hold up

>> No.9453133

Portuguese here, people over 50 (our parents) grew up in a society where few people had degrees and were basically worshiped by everyone, so they all want their kids to have a degree even if it is some meme social sciences thing. My grandpa had to quit school when he was 10 and he is really proud to have a doctor, three engineers, a lawyer and two international relationships students for grandchildren

>> No.9453153

How is that at all what I said?

>> No.9453157

>everything i dont like is propaganda
this is why youre a 4chan neet

>> No.9453189

Is Medicine counted as STEM? Only explanation for women being so highly represented.

>> No.9453193

smack yourself

>> No.9453204

men also need more choline


>> No.9453402

Feminists should encourage rape. The gender suicide gap isn’t going to close itself.

>> No.9453423

>Not having fun during highschool
Not all of us won the genetic lottery anon. I was 5'2 by the end of high school and shot up to 5'11 when I started college. I missed out on highschool and will miss out on college now since I don't look like a twelve year old anymore because I'm pursuing STEM. A-At least I'll get a job after I finish my major right?

>> No.9453437

I chose fun in high school and Ill always regret it. Gave me bad habits for college. I struggled and didnt get the grad school i wanted

>> No.9453439

>looking like a 12 year old
Fuck you I’ll never be a qt trap but you had all the opportunities in the world.

>> No.9453440

Just goes to show that everything is relative.

What are the pros of having a small dick?

>> No.9453448

Can fit it more inconspicuously inside panties. More feminine.

>> No.9453450

My high school self would ask you to switch bodies. Imagine not a single girl being interested in you not because you're ugly, because you're literally a fucking kid. The only attention I got from girls was from my sisters friends. She was 11. And I was already 18 so don't go thinking funny stuff. I don't even care about the girls either, I missed out on basic socialization skills simply because I was never taken seriously and it led me to become a shut-in. There is nothing worse than being a late bloomer.

>> No.9453455
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>What are the pros of having a small dick?
having a girl be able to take the balls and the shaft in her mouth at once and swish it all around with her tongue. black girl did that to me once. i felt like i was being devoured. don't think i've had an orgasm that equaled it since tbqh.

>> No.9453458

Did you hang out with the science kids? Guarantee they wouldnt have cared

One day youre going to realize being upset over not being social is retarded because people suck anyway

>> No.9453468

Well I’m still only 50kg/110lb at age 20, but I’m still (and was at high school) around 5’10”. So you wouldn’t have it much better.

>> No.9453474

Being social is important because it's the only way to advance in a career. I'd argue social skills are even more important than IQ.

>> No.9455513

Somewhat true which is why I don't see why there is so much problem with accepting IQ differences between sexes and races.

>> No.9455529

They are smarter are therefore see the meme

>> No.9455542

His point still stands.

>> No.9455544

Cant handle the autism unless they are male-brained and autistic.

>> No.9455549

To be fair I'm sure more than half this board consist of 5/10 suburban white men.