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File: 391 KB, 1200x800, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9439064 No.9439064 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going off stimulants for the rest of the quarter. Wish me luck!

>> No.9439094

You're fucked

>> No.9439113

Better idea: Murder a bunch of dudes so that you go into solitary confinement for the quarter and have no stimulation at all.

Or volunteer for a research group about the effects of being deprived of stimulation.

>> No.9439118

Don't do this. you absolute madman.

>> No.9439143

Why? I hate feeling like shit for just a few hours of "productivity".

>> No.9439186

yes but it's worth it

>> No.9439193

I'm coming off them due to StimDick.

Really not fun having a smaller than normal penis.

>> No.9439232
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how do I get stimulants in the EU? Do I have to go to a doctor? And what would I tell him?

>> No.9439235

"i want some addy"

>> No.9439237

thanks for the supreme anecdote my friend, really needed that one haha

>> No.9439245

What the fuck is StimDick?

>> No.9439246


>> No.9439495

Hahahahahah you're fucked

>> No.9439514

"Sorry, all I have is mithril and rune"

>> No.9439656

Is coffee considered a stimulant?

>> No.9439669

Things in Europe don't work like that.

>> No.9439689

Start exercising and not eating like shit or you're fucked boi, best of luck to you

Amphetamines are a panacea

>> No.9439691


>> No.9439701

OK? The reason I ask is because I know it's nowhere near the level that say, Adderall, vyvanse, and math are on.

>> No.9439751

Ye it's not as good

>> No.9439829

Longest I've been off them was for a week max. it's been 4 years since I started. I sometimes just drink to fall asleep. Feels good man

>> No.9439883

That shit is literally the devil loool

>> No.9439921

Glow2:Wave2:Buying full addy 70k

>> No.9439927

>there are people that can't be productive without stimulants

>> No.9439937 [DELETED] 

What's so funny about that?

>> No.9439946

Yeah, not as good at slowly killing you.

>> No.9439949

>using stimulants
lmao faggots just go to bed

>> No.9440041
File: 172 KB, 304x369, 1512612566906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you actually have adhd
>use adhd meds to train mental state instead of just slamming them down
>dont need to use them much anymore
good luck op

>> No.9440065


I'm gonna take a guess and a gander that it means erectile dysfunction caused by stimulants.

>> No.9440084

>not just living your whole life in a drug addled stupor

fucking casual.

>> No.9440131


>> No.9440155
File: 81 KB, 570x558, 5ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


congratulations on overcoming your mild, transient ADD

>> No.9440179

Wasn't Paul Erdos super into amphetamines?

>> No.9440234
File: 78 KB, 1394x1152, Erdos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but he started when he was like 57. The guy was extremely likely autistic and very talented mathematician even before he started using amphetamines. The amphetamines only allowed him to go 48 hours non-stop just to sleep a couple hours and continue.

It was in no way, shape or form something he depended on to function or work. Besides he lived with his mother for a very big part of his life and then basically crashed on the couch of whichever mathetmatician he happened to be working with at the time. Not exactly the picture of a functioning normal adult.

>> No.9440254
File: 1.19 MB, 2027x3000, Nancy-Reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Can Do It

Just Say No

Winners Don't Do Drugs

>> No.9440348

>i have a fake "disorder" with not even 1 global pathological mechanism

having a short attention span isn't a disorder, it means you simply have a shorter attention span. don't delude yourself into thinking that since ritalin helped you study you must have adhd, because ritalin will help anyone study

>> No.9440357

>waaah it's fake because i say so!
you aren't qualified to make that call, and no one gives a shit about your contrarian misinformed opinions either!

>> No.9440371


After he took his one friend up on a bet to stop taking methylphenidate he lamented about once being able to look at a blank piece of paper and see endless possibilities but how without the drug he just saw a piece of paper.

I'm scared shitless of having my brain becoming so dependent on some exogenous molecule that taking that molecule away from it stops it from working properly, but I have experimented with stimulants before back in the day and I would draw/calculate some pretty amazing shit while on them. Sometimes I long for that again.

>> No.9440372

i'm a neurobiology phd student and this isn't an opinion, but a scientific fact. there isn't a single mechanism that's been found to be statistically significant in "adhd" patients. adhd pills are given to any kid that won't study after a ridiculous "diagnostic test", for adults it's even more fucking ridiculous.

you don't have a disorder, you're simply stupid.

>> No.9440373

I went cold turkey off 60mg+ of addy a day a month ago. Get yourself some L-Tyrosine and B Vitamins. They helped tremendously with the WD symptoms and I felt relatively normal after ~2 weeks.

Good luck anon.

>> No.9440380

>you don't have a disorder, you're simply stupid.
I thought you wanted to make yourself appear credible, yet instantly lost any shred of credibility you had with this last statement

>> No.9440404

short attention span and inability to focus makes you most likely to be educated, aka possess "crystallized" intelligence. what i wrote above has nothing to do with my "credibility", it's a fact that no mechanism/gene/neurotransmitter has been shown to be the underlying cause of adhd in a statistically significant clinical population. the retarded animal models they use (like an irradiated hippocampus model or exposure to toxins) not only have nothing to do with actual clinical "adhd", but many of them are also used as schizophrenia/depression etc models.

The only scientific fact about "adhd" is that amphetamines have been shown to improve academic performance in children and adults with low attention spans. That it is, no mechanism has been implicated, even the most promising mechanism (a pathological dopamine reuptake loop) hasn't been replicated in all the so called "models" (let alone detected clinically in humans lmao).

dumb-ass druggie with a fruit-fly's attention span thinks he has a "disorder" because he feels good on speed. you can literally get an adhd diagnosis from a non-crooked psychiatrist by claiming you've had a problem with your attention span since childhood that affects at least 1-2 areas in your life other than work/uni and that you don't have a problem with substance abuse.

>> No.9440411

most likely to be less educated*

>> No.9440456
File: 344 KB, 500x405, 1365283609823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Soviet athlete ever

>> No.9440457

good decision, stimulants destroy your creativity

>> No.9440519
File: 10 KB, 250x238, 1512277406704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


perhaps one day ADD sufferers will be validated with a more concrete body of research. i find it hilarious that you'll all take the LGBTQ bullshit drama at face value but don't believe ADD exists

>> No.9440531


>> No.9440554

One is a decision on how one lives their life, the other is likely to be a misdiagnosis that may result in lasting physiological damage.

>> No.9440568

but how long were you on it for? I am on 25 a day but I am 20 and have been doing so since age ~12

>> No.9440571

>likely to be a misdiagnosis that may result in lasting physiological damage.

perhaps a lot of people are misdiagnosed. it's a valid concern, but no reason to question whether or not the disorder exists.

>> No.9440596

I am currently a college student, so perhaps i am biased, I think that a diagnosis for ADD is given too frequently to children due to the pressure to succeed that is prevalent, atleast in america. I cannot in good conscience justify forced medication for a disease that can easily be mistaken for simply being a child. On the other hand I am more willing to accept a diagnosis if it comes later on in life, though by that point whatever damage the condition does, has been done. I don't deny the existence of the condition, i am just uncomfortable with the idea of giving prescribed speed to children knowing it may have lasting damage on their well being.

>> No.9440601


underachievement also has lasting damage on ones well being.

>> No.9440605

as you can plainly see

>> No.9440678


Well then just weigh the risks against the advantages and do some research before you commit. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm personally gonna start using stims for the first time in a week. Hopefully it'll be for the better.

>> No.9440719

modafinil is the answer

>> No.9440809


i wish it worked better. it's certainly more available.