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9434743 No.9434743 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I get a good lab coat for laser work /sci/? Completely new to labcoats
Here's my needs:
* large inner pocket for holding a work journal (two of them are even better) - roughly 15x11cm
* shouldn't spontaneously combust if a high powered laser hits it (think >50W)
* aesthetics are secondary, and this isn't /fa/, but I can't say they wouldn't be good too

Any help, /sci/?

>> No.9434797
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>not making your own labcoats

>> No.9434803

fuck off gypsy I'm not bumping your shitty thread

>> No.9434804

I'm not a stitchingfag

>> No.9434821

>> shouldn't spontaneously combust if a high powered laser hits it (think >50W)
what's more important is having one that won't stick to your skin once it combusts, go with a 100% cotton lab coat

>> No.9434822

That's a good answer I guess, I didn't consider it well enough from that perspective.

Are there any cotton lab coats with fire retardant on them, or is that a dumb question?

What would be a good supplier in Europe?

>> No.9434826


>> No.9434887

>lab coat for laser work
Why would you need this? I never wear a lab coat for laser work.

If you are really working with a 50 W laser, you shouldn't be able to go anywhere near the beamline when it's operating at power. Your workplace will have its own safety procedures that includes necessary PPE.

>> No.9434889

I'm making my own workplace.

I mean I'd like a labcoat partially because of the cool factor and partially because real clothes just don't have enough pockets ever.

>> No.9434894
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>I'm making my own workplace.

>I mean I'd like a labcoat partially because of the cool factor and partially because real clothes just don't have enough pockets ever.


>> No.9434897

Just get a 100% lab coat which is basically every non shitty lab coat

>> No.9435118

He probably just wants to wear a labcoat.

>> No.9435158

Just wear a tinfoil coat