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File: 62 KB, 2079x1269, Western_Europe_(Robinson_projection).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9423726 No.9423726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Apart from Jews, from your knowledge of figures in science and maths, which group of people (be specific, not just W. Euro) in Western Europe are the smartest? The best that Europe has to offer, basically.

>> No.9423749

the jews

>> No.9423753

SEND HER VICTORIOUS.... queen and cuntry my friend.

>> No.9423757


>> No.9423758

italians and french were pretty good

>> No.9423766

Well, if we are able to count the most recent group to appear in Europe it would have to be middle-eastern Muslims. They are so amazing. Through sheer political manipulation, they got the richest governments of the world to just let them live there for a free, while also giving them free money, and giving them a protected-class status. How smart do you have to be to achieve that? Really fucking smart.

>> No.9423769
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>> No.9423776

Meds are the smartest. They just fucked up after the colonial period.

>> No.9423803

this. In places like Spain the average IQ is pretty high, but they are lazy as fuck. A lot of wasted potentital, specially in the youth.

>> No.9423807
File: 161 KB, 565x768, FSM_and_Raptor_Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Gustave Le Bon. Grups of people are never smart. Individuas can be smart

>> No.9423810

Sweden of course

The Jews are like theoretical science and the Swedes are like applied science. Their collaboration works perfectly.

>> No.9423893

okay faggot, so which arbitrairly defined group of individuals by their country of heritage has the most percentage of individuals that are smart?
read that book btw

>> No.9423909

Germany, without a doubt.

Scientists/Mathematicians: Kepler, Riemann, Gauss, Leibniz, Heisenberg, Planck.

Artists: Bach, Beethoven

Philosophers/Authors: Goethe, Kant,Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger,

>> No.9423926
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>> No.9423949
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>> No.9423971

this, and chinks. But I wouldn't define them in the same sense "intelligent"... they just make good coding slaves

>> No.9423975
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>> No.9423989

Asians are, on average, smarter, but they have less remarkable individuals. It's because they are more nation-focused, and less individualistic, like the West is.

>> No.9424003

Even now you grouped a region of many countries under "Asians"

On average they are smarter because of sampling.

>> No.9424053

followed by britain and france. south europs got genetically deluted or something.

>> No.9424639
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The ones who realize intelligence is t tied to a race or ethnic group because both are spooks

>> No.9424645

I never underestimate anyone, to assume one group as more intelligent than another is to set yourself up for failure

>> No.9424793

Finland, not even a competition desu.