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9422706 No.9422706 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, is there something in the universe that can drive the human mind insane for only knowing of it?

>> No.9422725
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>> No.9422727


>> No.9422742

This is more like something that can drive you insane only for believing it, given that none of the Jewish conspiracies make any sense.

>> No.9422745

Its not even a conspiracy at this point. You are literally retarded if you dont realise the jews are the rulers of the world. And frankly i dont care, since theyve been Nice to my tribe

>> No.9422750

If they did u would never suspect them sir

>> No.9422753

>none of the jewish conspiracies make sense
I mean why doesn't ISIS attack Israel?

>> No.9422757

>small boards getting ruined by the brainlet stormfront shills now

this site is so done

>> No.9422758
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>> No.9422759

>I mean why doesn't ISIS attack Israel?
My two best guesses are:
1) Israel has the best military defense. Any kind of attack ISIS could orchestrate would get absolutely raped. This has happened before.
2) ISIS is a tiny fucking movement trying to take over their entire country, which would make invading another country the most retarded move ever.

Guess #2 should give you an idea for why all of ISIS's terror attacks on Europe and the US were made by autists radicalized on the internet and not anyone actually living with ISIS.

Or you could ignore all that and say it is because ISIS stands for ISrael IS great.

>> No.9422769

>only two options
>implies thinking a third makes you stupid
Nice logical fallacy.

>> No.9422774

It does make you stupid. Not to mention the only reason you even consider that implausible option is that you were brainwashed, another indication that you're stupid. You don't know what logical fallacies are. You're an idiot like every person on the board where you came from. You're the human equivalent of pollution.

>> No.9422776

All those attacks seem a bit personal. Take your meds, your mental breakdown is showing.

>> No.9422785

ooga booga

>> No.9422789

>none of the Jewish conspiracies make any sense.
Yes, there are a lot big and dumb conspiracies, but Jewish nepotism and tribalism are still a thing.

>> No.9422790

I dont believe ALL the jews are behind, but damn, there are conspiracies out there that were proven and many are still rolling. Can we now move on?

>> No.9422802
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Anything else than jews that can drive you insane?

>> No.9422806

>58% rate of intermarriage

>not a ubiquitous practice
>not realizing getting hired is all about who you know now

>> No.9422808

>Israel has the best military
>better than the US, UK, and France which have gotten ISIS attacks.
I wish I was this naive.

>> No.9422817

Israel has mandatory military service and relatively small, heavily guarded borders. They have a long history of being attacked by Islamic terrorists. Pretty bad comparison.
>I wish I was this naive
This smug line from conspiracy drones and other brainwashed political extremists is so cringeworthy. You're a fucking moron that believes whatever fits a narrative, regardless of truth, logic, or sense. You're beyond naive.

>> No.9422819
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We'll have better luck by asking which theories drive insane their researchers the most.

My vote goes on the foundations of mathematics, as in finding a set of axioms in which all mathematics can be proven. Almost took Bertrand Russell and probably did took Godel's sanity.

>> No.9422822

Man, Einstein was a giant commie faggot.

>> No.9422824

t. pro Israel terrorist

>> No.9422826
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Fuck every single one of these cunts

>> No.9422829

Agree, and take your israeli terrorist with them.

>> No.9422838

My dick.

>> No.9422839

You don't really know multiverse until you have studied chaos theory in depth. It drives many people crazy.

>> No.9422859

Not him, but i second his position. You're fucking retarded for even asking why ISIS isn't attacking Israel.

>> No.9422861

mathematics. Ever wondered why are there so many mental illnesses among mathematicians?

>> No.9422862 [DELETED] 

I myself am against islam, but these kinds of surveys are untrustworhy, and i believe the truth isn't that grim.

>> No.9422871


>Goy you are an idiot for even question the obvious.

>> No.9422883

Nowadays Israel is the only country 100% surrounded by enemies. Israel is the only country in the history of humanity to be surrounded 100% by enemies and be able to simultaneously fuck all of them up.

I don't know how they do it. Sometimes I get scared that maybe the "God" is actually behind them, protecting their state. I wish I was jewish so I could live there and know how they fucking do it. How do they survive when everyone hates them? Now, that's a miracle.

>> No.9422892

Shoo shoo, brainlet pleb. Multiverse is barely even a hypothesis.

>> No.9422985

Fuck off with your ad hominem attacks.

>> No.9423097

When your enemies are 2 civilizations late it isn't that difficult.

>> No.9423293

> i wish i was jewish
Totes like you ain't. Israel survives simply because it has the strongest allies on planet earth. Iran would literally holocaust you guys if there was no guard dog (US, UK) there.

>> No.9423298
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realization that women are real

>> No.9423564

Jews take the best white men, drop the brainlet jewish men and the tribe gets stronger. Its a genius plan, and the rabbis should be comended

>> No.9423636

Unironically this, just enter /pol/ 5 minutes

>> No.9423658
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I did, is pro israel propaganda mixed with an establishment worshipping cocksuckers. Muh racism is the only escape the retarded white men have to justify being there.

>> No.9423687

If a higher intellect really does correlate with mental health problems, and the reason for the proposed correlation is not neurological, then perhaps yes.

It's been implied and suggested that for example extremely abstract mathematics such as infinity studies (Cantor etc.) correlates extremely strongly with severe depression and schizophrenia for instance. Hypothetically, all this would lend at least some credence to the idea that it's possible for a human mind to logically obtain and assess information which would unhinge their psyche, thus driving them insane.

Of course, there isn't exactly a large enough pool of people at that level to draw from, to make any statistically reliable estimates to this hypothesis. And my sources for this information are little more than a few dozen random, seemingly remotely reliable articles and a few documentaries... not exactly a scientific study.

Still, even if there was such a knowledge that could increase the odds for the subject going insane, different people would react differently. Some would be more sensitive than others. And how do you define knowledge anyway? Isn't knowledge just accumulated experience? How do you separate an emotionally and socially abusive childhood from knowledge? Because abuse DOES have an extremely strong, scientifically proven correlation with mental health problems.

>> No.9423796

Iran could pay hezbollah operatives to bulldoze quite a bit of shit in a small amount of time with advanced weaponry

>> No.9423861

>B...b...but muh retarded fallacy
He never implied that you brainlet.
Nice try though with that straw man

>> No.9423874

>He never implied that you brainlet.
Learn to write first. Nice ad hominem too.

>> No.9423884

There is enough information on the internet to find out yourself why Israel isn't being attacked by ISIS. The guy you are answering explained it even well enough in his previous post.

But you prefer to stay in your (((conspiracy))) bubble. Kys

>> No.9423888

*The not him guy he is referring to

>> No.9423891

yo btard needs help with his algebra anyone tryna hook a vrether up

>> No.9423895

He never implied that, you brainlet.

Happy now? One fucking comma. I am too lazy right now to search the grammar-argument pic for (You).

Also, what ad hominem? My argument wasn't based on an insult. It was a conclusion right after my argument.

Now kys, retard.

>> No.9423898

The truth is always sane. Believing anything that is untrue leads to insanity. i.e. flat earth

>> No.9423905


>> No.9423934

lol do you think if the jews were faced with the imminent destruction of their state, they wouldn't just let lose every nuke they had onto every enemy city in the middle east?

>> No.9423945

the basilisk

>> No.9424051
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>appeal to an anonymous authority

>> No.9424054


>> No.9424075

If anyone tells you to, don't read Conspiracy Against the Human Race. And not because it will make you go crazy, or fall into a depression, or whatever other bullshit people claim to hype it up. It's the most basic-tier bullshit and the only real solid concept it explores is that humans are essentially robots.

>> No.9424172

Show him the basilisk.

>> No.9424220

>/pol/ tier argument

You know where to go pablo

>> No.9424263
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>money lending is considered an unclean and sinful action, make the jews do it since they're going to hell, anyway
>get mad when they control the banks now

>> No.9424402

The communist manifesto

>> No.9424433

> every enemy city in the middle east
It is a lot worse than that. Look up the Samson Option. Compared to that all their other plans like the destruction of the white race and inventing the holocaust seem like quite sane agendas you might discuss with your grandmother over tea.

>> No.9424528
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>> No.9424537
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It is said that even the slightest gaze into la criatura recondita may rid one of all intelligence and the sheer lack of whiteness may drive one insane from trying to comprehend it.

>> No.9424566


>> No.9424616

only faggots think like this, life is what you make of it

>> No.9424632

What's that forbidden thought experiment that people got shut down for talking about? It was legit not some shitty /x/ copypasta. Something about simulations?

>> No.9425084


Yes, and most LSD related psychotic breakdowns are related to it.

Basically speaking, you can experience to be gods brain in a fishtank. You can imagine (create) all you want, but you will forever be alone, because you can not create or imagine an equal being. There is no time for gods so you suffer in seperation in an infinite amount of it. God then seperated his own mind into lots of seperate sub-minds with no knowledge of the overmind. One of these sub-minds is you. The experience of being omnipotent but completely alone and living through the process of literally becoming insane and feeling how different parts of yourself start seperate themselves from you and begin talking to you can drive people mad.
Be it the ultimate truth or the ultimate hallucination, once you experienced that you are either fucking happy to be in your limited human brain again or you lose it because you can´t forget the sad and cruel torture that is gods existence.

Only knowing about this won´t drive you insade though, you got to experience it. Or better don´t. I can´t recommend acid anymore after this.

>> No.9425089

LSD is for kids, try robotripping for weeks on sigma level.

>> No.9425147

Maybe something that revealed oneself, or a part of reality, in a very distressing and demeaning way.

>> No.9425174

""Scientifically speaking"" it's impossible to know because if we knew we'd all be insane.
Since it can't be done /sci/entificly let's try this /x/ style. I'm sorry, you can stop reading here if you want. Imagine this scenario for a second:

Aliens invent quantum computers and discover with a few tweaks they can be networked together using instantaneous faster than light communication that operates over infinite distances. (ok, some heavy tweaking involved here) While networking all their own quantum computers they discover "other" quantum computers that are not part of their original network. They have just uncovered the intergalactic internet that all sapient species use to communicate with in the cosmos!! Imagine that! just like our internet, but with all the collected knowledge of all alien species in it, along with all that knowledge comes all the the malicious hack, root-kits, zero day exploits, malware, and computer viruses of the entire cosmos just at their finger tips.

Now, there are some people who say the human brain is a quantum computer. Maybe it's capable of the same thing? Maybe this is how telepathy works? The government has done experiments with various forms of ESP and have discovered they can enhance a person's natural ESP abilities but doing so makes them increasingly more insane the greater they increase their abilities. Perhaps opening your mind to the cosmos's galactic internet with out setting up the proper firewalls can drive a human insane. Specifically I'd imagine the proper firewall settings would be "love, light, peace, and all that jazz, and the subconscious would filter out anything else.

>> No.9425440

Ad hominem, go back to your containment board /pol/tard.

>> No.9425463

>Only real answer on thread
>everyone is wasting their time speaking of jews

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.9425546

cognitive dissonance and impulse control have always fucked me

>> No.9425557


>> No.9425562

He said those were his two best guesses you sack of shit.

>> No.9425715


>> No.9425770


dude, weed lmao.

interesting food tho.

>> No.9425798

To not know something can drive you insane

>> No.9425807

because isreal fund isis

>> No.9425999

He used ad hominem, provided no basis against answers he did not like.
>you sack of shit
I suspect you two are related.

>> No.9426015

Eternal Return

>> No.9426823

tfw basilisk knowledge

>> No.9426830

Back to /pol faggot

>> No.9426839

Stay mad kid