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9422915 No.9422915 [Reply] [Original]

Plaque is building up on your brain right now, especially if you drink sugary drinks, and your brain is losing mass as you age.

How does this make you feel, /sci/? Your brain is the one on the right.

>> No.9422936

>especially if you drink sugary drinks
Let's see those studies, buddy.

>> No.9422940

I'm already retarded so it's okay.

>> No.9422954
File: 771 KB, 1208x1804, two digit IQ master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Stupid masterrace here.

>> No.9422958

Who cares, intelligence is a spook anyways. We just need more funding in education.

>> No.9423008

Does sugary drinks really build up plaque on your brain? I drink like 5 a day.

>> No.9423019

I think that plaque is from all the kombucha I'm drinking

>> No.9423024

i drink up to 2 cans of energy drinks 250ml and maybe half a litre of coca cola its already about 5+ years im like this i guess i should be retarded by now but i'm actually feeling smarter than ever with every year .. currently studying robotics in college hope this is not true

>> No.9423030

>this kills the lanklet

>> No.9423102

Pick one

>> No.9423106
File: 2.23 MB, 2508x3541, 1513622831384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture of brain wrought with Alzheimers
>primary cause is the clogging of veins in the brain which decreases the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the brain, thus causing tissue to rot
>clogging of veins is also known as atherosclerosis
>atherosclerosis is only caused by animal fats building up in your veins
>solution is then not to consume animal products, to avoid the animal fat
>solution is veganism / vegetarianism
I'm right you know, just solved x for you OP, you're welcome.

>> No.9424410

I don't know about that claim, but when I cut sugar from my diet my brain fog went away.

>> No.9424414

that's bullshit man, damn vegan shills
Alzheimer's is way more complicated than that
it's caused by tangles and clusters of proteins and no-one knows how they form
there's no cure

>> No.9424846

>Age at birth of first child
I thought everybody was 0 when were born???
Also does this mean fatter people reproduce more?

>> No.9424848

Only the niggers, right fellow Aryan?

>> No.9424851

Undoubtedly. I like me some thiccc females

>> No.9424854

Alzheimer's researcher here. Saying it's 'caused by plaques and tangles' is controversial and potentially wrong. Lots of brains out there with extensive amyloid-beta plaques but no Alzheimer's pathology. Riddle me that lol

>> No.9424883

>This post
I've been so jaded by this place I can't tell which of you are actually dumb and which of you are normal idiots who can't read.

>> No.9424887

Brains are weird man. Is it true that they're extremely inefficient? Such that, I've heard when we want to make our hand move the signal doesn't travel down the most logical path. Sometimes it takes "random routes" which would seen extremely counter intuitive to me.

>> No.9424896

>Brains are weird man. Is it true that they're extremely inefficient?

Neural circuitry is way outside my area of research, but I'd imagine that there are other efficiency concerns besides just the distance from the first firing synapses to the spinal cord.

Perhaps it is just inefficient though. The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a nice example of a component of the human body taking a bizarre path carved out by evolution that could have been better constructed in hindsight. Why does a nerve branching off of the brain stem travel all the way down the neck, under the aorta, back up the neck, and into the larynx take such a bizarre path to end up at a destination only a couple inches from where it started? Maybe it just sucks, or maybe it's some kind of embryological developmental requirement.

>> No.9424897

Fair enough. This sort of stuff was never my forte, but if it was I'd definitely look into neuro studies. The brain can understand so much of the outside world, but struggles to understand itself. I guess that's what it is to be human.

>> No.9424926
File: 6 KB, 250x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me old and dum

>> No.9424952

Good thing I haven't had a sugary drink in five years. It's all water and tea for me.

>> No.9426677


another alzheimer's researcher here.

you're both retarded we know how alzheimer's works. It's a protein that gets cut in a "wrong" place. the pathology is there bromigo

On veganism, I think prions are a better reason to shill for veggie lifestyles, that or being a primary consumer (look up what a primary consumer is if you brainlets don't know what that is)

>> No.9426718

>It's a protein that gets cut in a "wrong" place.

Is that why literally none of the pharmaceutical candidates targeting amyloid pathology have managed to survive past phase 3 trials?

It's not like they aren't working as they're supposed to - they remove the plaques from mice, and substantially decrease it in humans as confirmed via PET and post-mortem autopsy. But did it cure their Alzheimer's? No. Did it slow it or improve cognition? No.

The only hope left for this hypothesis is to try and pump people full of these drugs during the earliest stages of the disease, but it's not going to help anyway. There are diverse pathological signs that occur before memory loss even starts.

You should switch labs if your advisor actually managed to convince you that protein aggregation is the only thing going on in Alzheimer's. You're actively being misinformed lol

>> No.9426744

what a meme

>> No.9426776

One of my biggest fears is that aging is able to be slowed down but alzheimers isn't.

>> No.9426818

rest assured, neither of them can be slowed down. you're gonna die, jim

>> No.9426825

Why not?
-t. Clueless about biology

>> No.9426850

because cell biology is ridiculously complicated. it's hard to quantify the scope of our own ignorance, but we probably understand less than 1% of the biological machinery needed to explain aging, and we also don't have the tools to fix the problems

>> No.9426887

Meh, 151 IQ here. I can afford to lose a few points.

>> No.9426942

alzheimer's is going nowhere bc brainlets don't understand it. leave it to the immunologists ;)

>> No.9426945

what a bs answer.
alzheimer's can be reversed in mice. not in humans yet bc trials are ongoing and methods may be unethical

>> No.9427181

Spoken like a true genius

>> No.9427750

>Who cares, intelligence is a spook anyways. We just need more funding in education.

Even a cursory reading on the neuroscience of intelligence research shows that to be a falsehood.

>> No.9428916

>alzheimer's can be reversed in mice. not in humans yet bc trials are ongoing and methods may be unethical

I don't know specifically which therapies you're getting at here, but we've put dozens of drugs through trials that have essentially 'cured' Alzheimer's in mice. They don't work in people.

The problem is that we don't have a good in vivo model of Alzheimer's pathology. Because the amyloid hypothesis was essentially the first explanation for why Alzheimer's might be happening, most of our mouse models are based around knocking out genes associated with amyloid clearance.

>> No.9428929

Damn girl, you got a fine basal metabolic rate, let's have a low age at first birth of child and neglect our education together

>> No.9429210
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Fat, drunk and stupid is the way to go through life.

>> No.9431091
File: 189 KB, 857x1202, recycle brain meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soiboi cuk soiboi cuk soiboi cuk soiboi cuk

>> No.9431107
File: 345 KB, 616x582, replicationcrisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9422915 >>9422936
>especially if you drink sugary drinks
Show me studies about that REPLICATE


>> No.9432179
File: 204 KB, 640x550, evolvedamerimutt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw never going to be as smart as Rick anyways

>> No.9432264

You realize that this low age thing was selected AGAINST?

>> No.9432270

Nvm, the graph is confusing. I misread it.

>> No.9432294

Nigga i've been drinking like 4 litres of sugar a day for 25 years and I'm still way over everyone's head

>> No.9432312

You're partially correct. But avoiding meat doesn't guarantee you wont get Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's is caused by a build up of tau proteins when the micro-tubules are disassembled incorrectly.


There's some really cool research going on showing that fasting and autophagy can prevent Alzheimer's.

>> No.9432339

search before you post

>> No.9432361

can't hurt to drop the habit

>> No.9432378
File: 95 KB, 800x450, DEEEEAAAAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting the number of idiots with degrees to increase

>> No.9433132

I have not had a sugary drink in years, not even milk or fruit juice, I don't eat shit because I am not an Ameritard, I exercise routinely and use my mind productively rather than overstimulate it with games and media. I am still young enough to not care be concerned about decaying factors but when I have to I will have young blood transfused. In expect to have my own clone vat in 50 years or so growing replacement organs. I am planning to stick around for 150 years or so, but whenever I get the chance to upload my mind I will kill myself because life is overrated. By the time I realize my ascension my IQ will be in the 400s. It would be a shame if I were die randomly getting hit by a car or sickness from the next incarnation of ebola since humanity is lost without me, but mass extinction events are unforeseeable so better not to sweat it.

>> No.9433914

>Alzheimer's is caused by a build up of tau proteins when the micro-tubules are disassembled incorrectly.

Again, this is an oversimplification. Tau pathology is not the earliest biological sign of Alzheimer's, and although it correlates much more strongly with AD than amyloid plaque, there's no evidence that clearing it will cure the disease.

>> No.9433938


I drink a lot of coke myself but I'd try and scale that back just for general health purposes. 3 is bad enough, 4 is bad, 5 is real bad.

>> No.9434050

hi brainlet. leave it to the immunologists.

>> No.9434068

I have two big benign tumahs in my brain, so it's even smaller.