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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9420994 No.9420994 [Reply] [Original]

Which would you pick: thots or research?
And why?

>> No.9421103

Have a job you enjoy and a good woman

>> No.9421114
File: 409 KB, 1157x772, HAHAHAHHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good woman
oh to be young again

>> No.9421124

They exist. I married one. You don’t attract them by being a beta cuck though so dont ever expect to meet one yourself.

>> No.9421127
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>falling for the marriage meme
keep going

>> No.9421136


t. Engineer

>> No.9421137


>> No.9421147

10 years and not a single regret. She was a live in girlfriend for 4 years before that(because not testing the waters by “living in sin” for a few years is batshit insane)
>huehuehue just wait until she divorces you and takes half your shit
She makes just as much money as I do, half of our shit is rightfully hers.
>wait until she leaves/cucks you for Jamal
This is the part where not being a beta cuck comes into play. Women are attracted to confidence, its hardwired into their brains. If you are worried she will leave you for Jamal, she probably will.

I will admit marriage is kind of a stupid social construct, and my wife agrees. We werent even planning on getting married until a day came where we were both advanced in our careers and we decided we would like to have a child. Getting married was the easiest way to go about that without pissing off grandma. We have 3 kids now and its the most fulfilling thing any human can possibly do with their life, i cant explain to you why, it a deep primal thing. Its literally the only purpose any sexually reproducing organism on this planet has.

Now go back to /r9k/ and talk about how you got dumped by your prepubescent gf at the homecoming dance and it ruined your life.

>> No.9421207

Try >>>/r9k/

>> No.9421209

>We have 3 kids now and its the most fulfilling thing any human can possibly do with their life, i cant explain to you why, it a deep primal thing. Its literally the only purpose any sexually reproducing organism on this planet has.
You are pathetic. Your entire purpose is attached to other people. I live for myself, self-betterment and the pursuit of knowledge, and betterment of the universal One.

>> No.9421229

>t. Engineer
I didn't know the h in thot stood for homosexual

>> No.9421265


what would you pick and why?

>> No.9421952

Whatever helps you sleep at night champ.

>> No.9422117

lol she will not be working when the kids come. That's when she leaves.

>> No.9422229

Nigger what part of 3 kids did you not get? Our youngest is in school already.

>> No.9422232


>> No.9422273
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Well, I'll simply go into social science and get both. We all know bitches love social science.

>> No.9422276
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Roleplaying this hard. This is as if I'm reading some shit from /pol/ (guy is probably from there anyway). That's where most of these LARPers shill. Come on man, don't you have anything better to do in your life, it's not as if i hate you for doing this, it just doesn't make sense.

>> No.9422326
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society is so shit that normal relationships don't make any sense anymore

>> No.9422472

>tfw when virgins on /sci/ don’t believe how normal your life is
Maybe ive outgrown this place. Im not going to leave, but I probably should.

>> No.9422476


>> No.9422500

Research, but I won't get to either anyways.

>> No.9422514

old tbqh

>> No.9422520

I pick thots, maybe Im just a brainlet that way, but I can't help but feel that cumming inside dozens of beautiful young hoes regularly is much better annd more gratifying than publishing some research for which you won't necessarily even really receive actual compensation for(inb4 being smart is its own reward)

>> No.9422541

at this point, thots is what im feeling. im living a shitty life and i need one to just feel intimate with.

>> No.9423039
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Right...., you're one of those "big-brained' homosexuals that has no time for even contemplating the only reason you're really alive, the only thing that will actually give you a primal drive to accomplish goals.

You are compensating for the fact that no woman wants you, because you haven't made yourself desirable in any capacity, and so you explain it away as you being too busy with complex ideas for us simpletons, does that sound about right?

Being sexless, alone and miserable is not the calling card of someone clever, it's the sign of someone who is socially defective and cannot function in a society.

Why do I get the feeling your favourite tv show is Rick and Morty?

>> No.9423046

This changes EVERYTHING.

>> No.9423054
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You have both:
a) never ejaculated in many "dumb attractive women"
b) you'll likely never publish anything, either.

What's the point of coming to this place to write low quality bait, lying through your teeth about being some sexual champ. You are literally projecting "alphadog" memes as an actual reality, to cover for your seething insecurity of being a virgin - it's so obvious from the way you wrote your post.

>> No.9423246

thots of course

>> No.9423249

please go back to ota

>> No.9423252


They are important for emotional development and for intimacy

Research is bullshit wage cucking for some shit tier 50 year old professor who doesn't give a shit about you

Chads live a better and happier life than nerds do

>> No.9423255

>being some sexual champ
i literally never said as much. my post was as candid as it appears, i just think that sleeping with beautiful women might be more rewarding. ive slept with 2 women who were attractive, though not beautiful, and i enjoyed it. it wasnt heaven or anything but it was still good and I can't imagine research is better. but you're right about b) in all honesty. i dont know why you took so much offense to my post, if you think that research is better than please explain why you think so, there's no need to get so flustered

>> No.9423261

>They exist. I married one
Enjoy your alimony.

>> No.9423851

thats why high intelligence will soon die off this planet. Dumb fuck do not think like that, are less autistic and generally make more babies. their genes have generally a better strategy, dark ages here we come

>> No.9424160

How do I get a thot?

>> No.9424171
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I've had sex with 3 women, though? At least I don't watch or post animes like you

>> No.9424189

>I've had sex with 3 women
so have everyone I know
>posts his pic on 4chan
hahahahaha dude just stop posting

>> No.9424214


>> No.9424229

:joy: :joy: :joy:

>> No.9424314
File: 370 KB, 2000x1987, 1514941221884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just a single (as in one) smart, loving and pretty woman to date and later marry
Lmaoing@western degenerates

>> No.9424318

/sci/ confirmed for being full of comp sci virgins

>> No.9424322

God this place makes me depressed.

>> No.9424334

don't think they speak for all of us lol

>> No.9424336

It's r9k, only with iq dick waving

>> No.9424447
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>I've had sex with three women
But you've sired zero children, meaning you prey on women to exploit them sexually, without any intention of settling with them.

Did you just admit to being a sexual predator?

>> No.9424458
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>spend youth dating sensitive artsy girls
>drift with time into PhD program
>Time rolls on, artsy girls still earning 10K a year and living off their parents
>My 30K stipend and free family healthcare now looks attractive
>Aquire artsy girls
>Have perfect sheltered academia-family by 35

Now that's solved I'm ready to tackle curing cancer.

>> No.9424462

dude marriage is fucking legit. you get love of a woman and love of God, what more could you want?

>> No.9424491

>Time rolls on, artsy girls still earning 10K a year and living off their parents
>My 30K stipend and free family healthcare now looks attractive

Damn, this is a very interesting concept. I want in. How many times do I have to smash my head against a brick wall in order to tolerate art thots? I'm going to get that pussy!

>> No.9424513

This guy knows what’s up. Wives are legit. I get 3 hot, delicious meals every day, laundry/cleaning done, child care, and affairs of the estate handled. Bonus: the fuckin’

All in all this puts me out about 14k$ a year extra that includes gifts and date nights. You can’t beat that.

>> No.9424515


Amen. Marriage can be great. Just don't be a loser.

>> No.9424521

Yeah, I agree. But the sad reality is like women like that come in 1/1000. Do you know how many thots I had to push through before meeting the first woman who I would consider to not be an immoral degenerate piece of shit?

I am already happy on the other side of the "finding a good girl" wall but I get sad from the thought that there are literally not enough good women for all of us. Necessarily most men will have to end up with shit women who will use and abuse them and then shit them out with a #metoo or a violent divorce. It is no wonder most of this thread is bitter as fuck. It is the reality of life.

If God is real then why did he make most women so shitty?

>> No.9424527


You could say the same thing about men. For example, most of the people in this thread are anti-social, uninteresting, IQ-comparing, pedants.

Most people are shit. Get used to it and become a better person if you want to be worthy of another good person. It is hard, there aren't a lot of good women.

Or don't do anything. Do what you want.

>> No.9424532

>You could say the same thing about men. For example, most of the people in this thread are anti-social, uninteresting, IQ-comparing, pedants.

This is true, but I'd like to think that shitty men are a result of shitty women. For example, I used to be "that" guy. The bitter asshole, all because women tortured me all of my youth. Then I removed myself from the sexual market completely with the help of academia and it was years later that I found a good woman.

If women weren't so shit, men wouldn't be so shitty. So, what did God mean by this?

For example, I've read of a 14 year old girl sucking 3 dicks at the same time at a party. It wasn't even rape. She just wanted to suck 3 dicks. Why? What did God mean by that?

>> No.9424533

Sounds like you are letting you’re dick do the picking

>> No.9424542

To find a good woman we shouldn't have to settle for ugly women. Women are supposed to please us. God made it that way didn't he? So why would you wife a woman up if she won't satisfy your dick properly? It is all part of being a good woman.

I mean, there are women that I'd literally never put my dick inside of simply because they are hideous. That could not be a good wife.

>> No.9424547


I can't answer these questions, sadly. I had an admittedly different life and that has resulted in a different perspective on The Whole. My framing for the problem also isn't theocentric. I am religious but not so used to ascribing things to God's intended meaning.

I spent much of my youth ignored and uninteresting. I had good male friends but mostly spent time alone. With time I met girls I loved (and thought I loved) and was cheated on, doted over, and ignored.

Life comes in forms we don't understand. The complexities of humanity are humbling. In my opinion, we have a choice of disposition, not circumstance. You choose how you react and feel.


But with that, I start to think you sound silly. Life isn't designed around your dick.

>> No.9424549

>But with that, I start to think you sound silly. Life isn't designed around your dick.
Well, I am putting it very bluntly but there is truth in what I say. God made sex a part of married life. It is shown that couples who stop having sex always end in bitter divorce. God intended for you to fuck your wife.

>> No.9424554
File: 31 KB, 380x377, 1511937527285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree that sex is integral to marriage but >>9424542 sounded whiny and weird.

Basically my only commentary. 'night.