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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9415004 No.9415004 [Reply] [Original]

>sci is triggered by chinese having higher IQ while being thirld world
>muh they cheat meme
>literally STEM is dominated by chinese students on the US

>> No.9415009

a good fraction of /sci/chotics are prolly chinks

>> No.9415012

i for one welcome our chinese overlords

>> No.9415013

if theyre so smart, why do they all work in Chinatown

>> No.9415016

>literally STEM is dominated by chinese students on the US
Europoor here, i've seen 2 asians within 6 years of study and none of them were somehow "smarter" than the average

>> No.9415018

Because they are basically jews with glint in their eyes. Their median income is higher than whites.

>> No.9415022

The chinks in the US are from the right side of the IQ distribution. The IQ scores from chinkland are those from Beijing and Shanghai, so obviously they'll be high. If you took the average IQ of (white) kids in San Francisco and NYC it would probably be pretty high.

>> No.9415024

yeah I'm sure working in a Chinese restaurant is really profitable

>> No.9415028

>muh they cheat meme

It is exactly that. I've known several and they are just as dumb as the rest of us. Their work ethic just lets them steal more jobs.

>> No.9415030

>what is money laundering

>> No.9415034

>judging by the number of students
>not judging by the number of teachers instead

That's where you fucked up

>> No.9415078
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It does show, somehow alot of western corps seem to be graying or disintegrating, the ones that are successful either have a very high monopoly (google) or actively work with china (IBM, etc..)

Increasingly it appears that china's corporations are more well positioned to replace certain western corporations, they already have somewhat done so with assembled products (laptops, phones) and are now in the process of trying components.

recent intel meltdown incidents have further increased their potential.



>> No.9415105
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You'd be suprised how much twenty tablespoons per serving can help out a business in the US.

>> No.9415117

>everything is a competition

This is why you brainlets are stuck at third rate universities. You have to learn to work with others. A leader encourages others to be their best.

>> No.9415402
File: 66 KB, 1066x964, gdp-worldbank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thirld world
GDP second only to USA,
greater than the next three
countries combined, is "third world"?
Lrn2third-world fgt pls

>> No.9415404

he heard the phrase on TeeVee,
thought it was a cool derogatory
to use against the Chinese

>> No.9415425
File: 118 KB, 1024x752, 1511350378536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm French and literally 100% of all Chinks in here are literally brainlets and very slow at compréhension and have no intuitivity

Maybe they are smart in the US just because Burgers are retarded, and you judge intelligence of an individual in how much informations he can remember.

>> No.9415453


>higher IQ while being thirld world

Such a retarded argument. Development level of a country depends on only on intelligence of its people but also its specific history. For example, nordics are highly intelligent yet were third world compared to Roman empire, simply because civilization began in the mediterranean and so southern regions had a huge head start. Same thing applies today. Evidence shows that east Asians are slightly more intelligent than whites, but industrial revolution happened in England first and so whites have a head start. This is just a temporary state, China is the fastest growing country in the world, and will match and possibly surpass the development of the West before this century is over.

>> No.9415455
File: 114 KB, 347x344, 75798354335743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China's population is ~11 times higher than Japan's, that puts their GDP per capita at about 1/8 of that of Japan's. Just for perspective.

>> No.9415456

>pol: Lower IQ races should just be genocided. It is clear we should protect our intellectual purity.

My only advice for you, OP, is don't waste your time with white people. They are too stupid to comprehend their contradictions.

>> No.9415457

Do you know how much 2 cups of rice, some bulk chicken trimmings and orange sauce cost? Fun fact, it's no where near the $12 you paid for a meal and a drink.

>> No.9415474

Knowing how to cheat and game the system is a sign of intelligence

Prove me wrong

>> No.9415500

>If I create a strawman, I'm going to be right!

>> No.9415510

Uh, have you visited /pol/ lately? Even better, have you read /pol/ threads in /sci/ lately? Just CTRL+F IQ and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.9415564

cause there are a plenty of average people around. the difference in the mean isn't so big, the average chink has like 105 IQ. plenty of people to work in chinatown there

>> No.9415569

>>sci is triggered by chinese having higher IQ while being thirld world

East Germany. North Korea.
Communism ruins everything friendo.

>> No.9415580

You people always say that they cheat, but never explain how they cheat...

>> No.9415675
File: 475 KB, 800x600, 1513817748916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cheat and lie on everything.
They are so fucking insecure

>> No.9415686

>pants that are currently seen as fashionable
>nice car
>nice hair
>Being in contact with their racial identity by knowing their native language and speaking to peers with the same racial heritage
>(female) having a cute case
>wearing fashionable clothes in general

Is this meme supposed to be a compliment? You are basically sucking Asian dick by posting that.

>> No.9415708

That's the cringiest fashion ever you brainlet chink, you all look like a bunch of clowns in Europe.

>> No.9415713

But it is the fashionable look in Asian countries, mainly fueled by the look of k-pop stars. Who are you to demean our cultural identity? And like it matters, dressing like that will get you Asian pussy guaranteed. If you whites had any kind of racial identity you would understand.

>> No.9415719

>>>/pol/ fuck off you brainlet retard

>> No.9415720

pls kys

>> No.9415724

>>>>/pol/ fuck off you brainlet retard

>> No.9415731

I have yet to see an extensive WAIS IQ research done in China that isn't an estimate based on whatever dumbshit school test results or it isn't done in the infamous "China-Shanghai" statistical region. You're a brainlet for eating up shit meme stats.

>> No.9415734

Haha damn. Did I strike a nerve by mentioning your lack of racial identity? Sorry, whitey. I did not mean to trigger you like that ;^)

>> No.9415740


>> No.9415742
File: 46 KB, 894x278, 2018-01-05 16_10_20-Nations and intelligence - Wikiwand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking garbage. This is currently the most "cited" country IQ estimate by /pol/niggers and assorted wewuzer brainlets.

>> No.9415745

IQ is stupid

>> No.9415755

It isn't. The methodology of measuring a country's average IQ (not giving a fucking test, just playing with statistics) is retarded, though.

>> No.9415758

Chinese are known for cheating at my uni in Washington state. My university cant do anything about it though.
With that said I know a couple that I study with that don't, so they're not all cheaters.

>> No.9415800

>They regard nutrition as the most important environmental factor
That's true though

>> No.9415816

>>pants that are currently seen as fashionable
maybe in bumfuck america
>>nice car
not really
>>nice hair
looks shit
>>Being in contact with their racial identity by knowing their native language and speaking to peers with the same racial heritage
just stay home zhang
>>(female) having a cute case
dumb case
>>wearing fashionable clothes in general

>> No.9415835

IQ is a retarded idea and the people using it unironically (race realists and the like) should feel ashamed

>> No.9415861

Because only stupid asians go study in europe.

>> No.9415867

t. hasn't read any paper from a chinese university

>> No.9415868

lol For $12 I can feed 100 people a single meal.

>> No.9415873

>implying they even use chicken
a restaurant near my home town came under fire because some Chinese workers were caught dragging a roadkill deer in the back door.

>> No.9415876

How a french can call other races dumb when all your citizens chosen to get fucked by mass immigration?

>> No.9415877

Found the nigger

>> No.9415880


>implying memory and IQ aren't heavily correlated

>> No.9415884

White and west created modern world, also, we are not typing in english? you are using the conqueror's language chink.

>> No.9415893

>human comunicating with monkeys using human language
Calm down, chimp. We know you like "eengleesh".

>> No.9415897

extremely desperate post

>> No.9415900

>1/5 = 1/8
American education?

>> No.9415902

Why is it that almost all novel new intellectual property comes from the US? All of the Chinese tech giants are basically clones of US companies that came along after the US counterparts were already established. The only reason there even are Chinese tech giants is because of trade restrictions and government subsidies from China put in place to make companies like Huwei (however the fuck it spelled) able to make China look like a major tech player when in reality they are struggling to keep up with the US. Despite having loose international patent infringement laws, they still lag behind companies like Google who come up with the patented ideas in the first place. People have been saying the Chinese will take over the world for years, and its never any closer to happening. If anyone has the work ethic to make it happen its the Chinese, but something about US citizenship somehow makes you better at original thought. Could be culture, could be Chinas restrictive access to information via the internet which ironically is the only thing keeping companies like Renren.com or Tencent from being stomped out by US companies like Facebook or Google.
>hurr durr Foxconn makes all the chips that American companies use in China based factories
Slave labor for Americans is not the same thing as competing with Americans. American labor costs more because it is worth more.

>> No.9415911


Not him but the very fact you had to post that statement as if it wasn't already self evident highlights that the topic actually does get under your skin.

>> No.9415979

Woke af, sheeeeiiitt

>> No.9416017

>People have been saying the Chinese will take over the world for years, and its never any closer to happening.
Oh, I wish I could see your face when you see the US debts and who the the creditors are

>> No.9416056

I'd like to see yours when you realize Japan is right there with China

>> No.9416136

The US is the biggest bunch of jews imaginable. The fact that the US dollar is the defacto global currency against which all other currencies are set means the US can just print more money when they need it, and that China is never getting that money back and they know it. Nothing short of World War III is ever going to make the trillions of dollars of US debt matter. However, thats beside the fact that the post you relplied to has nothing to do with US debt and was referring only to innovative differences between the US and China, making your entire post a strawman.

>> No.9416192

>>sci is triggered by chinese having higher IQ while being thirld world

they rig the results to make them look better.

>> No.9416193

Someone post china gore

>> No.9416715
File: 43 KB, 742x418, kara k*rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preach it, my BLACK brother

>> No.9417173

Only smart chinese people manage to make it to USA universities, otherwise they mostly come here in Australia, and they're nothing special.

>> No.9418149

>Just for perspective.
L0L @ percapitaspective

>> No.9418151

most-faggoty word today

>> No.9418153

babby lern'd a new werd

>> No.9418156

>literally STEM is dominated by chinese students on the US

this can be explained by their large population and obsession with status. i don't doubt they have high IQ, but since that's the case, a degree from a chinese university should carry at least as much weight. there are plenty of indian immigrants here too, and the average iq of india is 80. again, their large population.

combine this with the tepid ambition of american students, and the pathological obsession universities have with diversity, and viola, your STEM program is dominated by chinese and indians.

>> No.9418163


in short, we're losing out in our own country because we are massively outnumbered globally and US universities have a good reputation.

and also because american students are apathetic, since education and status are not as highly valued in modern american culture.

>> No.9418167

and i wouldn't mind if 10, 20, or even 50% of our programs were immigrants and visa holders. but it's well over 90%. you can probably count on one hand the number of white males in my program, and i know none of them. it would be nice to have a few buddies to chat with.

>> No.9418169

>Stem is dominated by chinks
I haven't seen one yet.

>> No.9418172
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unfortunately though, it looks like we'll be taking the long dick of globalism and diversity for the foreseeable future. don't expect me to be happy about it though

>> No.9418176

adding insult to injury, i can't even have an anonymous conversation about it since you niggers drove everyone away

>> No.9418184
File: 24 KB, 229x343, 1513979210400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where's the justice, /sci/? how can i stay motivated like this?

>> No.9418310

>f you whites had any kind of racial identity you would understand.
The irony of this given that the entire developed world was created off of white aristocracy