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9411162 No.9411162 [Reply] [Original]

Share, feel, and advise.

I just bombed an interview for graduate school myself.

>Schedule skype interview for PhD program admissions a week ahead
>Open up computer, connect in chat with 2 profs
>Wifi immediately shits itself
>Call them and end up interviewing by phone while apologizing
>Offer to restart the modem
>They will have none of that, the interview must commence!
>proceed to mishear the Chinese faculty member's every question because his accent
>accidentally tell them I value my work-life balance
>make joke about their students
>end by asking them if they have additional questions about me

>> No.9411176

My best friend works in admissions and he said that he becomes biased towards prospects that go on person. He says it shows the presence of the student. idk, try going in person next time. It shows you care more than normal.

>> No.9411178
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I went in person last month and had an informal interview with one faculty member. I think thats why I got a follow up in the first place.

It's always better to do in person but they wanted skype and I'm 7 hours away.

I don't feel so bad about it now. My advisor sent me a funny email after the interview talking shit about their department.

>> No.9411179

>>end by asking them if they have additional questions about me
That was rude of them but if they had any other questions they would have asked them so the question was a bit redundant. I'm sorry it didn't go well, op.

>> No.9411205

I applied and started a Masters, and realized that I want to do a PhD


>> No.9411207
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It's OK friend. Can you reapply to your current program as a master's student?

If not, feel no guilt in doing what's best for yourself. Apply elsewhere, see what happens, and choose when you have options.

>> No.9411210
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Yea I guess it's not so bad. Mainly just lost time and money.

Upside is I guess I can bolster my research portfolio during my masters and get better schools/better profs for PhD

>> No.9411212
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ma nigga. There's always a brighter side.

Hope things work out for you in the long run.

>> No.9411214

Will do, random internet goodguy

>> No.9411233

isnt MD a requirement for PhD?

>> No.9411236

I assume you mean MS, and no, in many fields it is not.

>> No.9411237 [DELETED] 

wtf, do people still academia? do you not understand the basic principles of capitalism?

>> No.9411243

I know that feel, it's like you've worked your ass off for 5 years and it amounts to nothing.