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File: 249 KB, 1439x1195, 20180102_224106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9410087 No.9410087 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we just feed food waste to pigs? They eat almost anything

>> No.9410091

because the cost of collecting and transporting everyones food waste to pig farms is more than the cost to feed them whatever they currently eat.

if it was economically viable they would be doing it already.

>> No.9410117

Actually, in the UK we have food waste separated by the people throwing away the waste themselves, as we have dedicated waste bins and dedicated food waste bins in households. All that would be required was to take the food waste already being collected by the government and sell it to farms, who could run it through some kind of purity check then straight to food.

>> No.9410172

Vet student here. While feeding food waste to pigs would be economical, it's a disease risk.

For example, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow's disease) spread to cattle and humans because of adding "unwanted" animal parts to animal feed.

In case of pigs, African swine fever spreads through food too. Feeding pork or wildboar to pigs is part of the reason why African swine fever has taken over Europe.

>> No.9410190
File: 37 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn! My ancestors in their farms just fed pigs whatever the heck. Guess I narrowly avoided extinction

>> No.9410220

Because we're already feeding it to countless bacteria and fungi.

>> No.9410255

Then why don't we just move the pigs to the food waste?

>> No.9410293

Most of these diseases are fairly new and caused by modern way of keeping animals. ASF spread to Europe and Asia only a few decades ago.

Pig populations are now much larger, too. I bet your ancestors didn't have a thousand pigs crammed into a small building, where one infected animal spreads the disease quickly to others.

>> No.9410315

Argumentum ad antiquitatem + ab absurdo in the same package! WOW


>> No.9410332

I wasn't trying to insult the guy, I was @ing that image at myself. Also, ab absurdo is a legitimate way to disprove an argument if it makes the correct logical steps. Strawman is what you're looking for.

>> No.9410342

Not every post on 4chan is an argument you cynical bastard

>> No.9410966

During the Hoover administration they planned this elaborate scheme to harvest and redistribute wasted but still safe food from restaurants. It was never implemented because of optics.