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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 771 KB, 1208x1804, two digit IQ master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9409357 No.9409357 [Reply] [Original]

And if they are what are the implication for the future of humanity? Most people are already incapable of understanding complex physics or even making coherent political arguments. When the IQ has dropped a standard deviation or so, assuming today's standards, are there going to be enough intelligent people for sciences and are the stupid masses going to fund sciences?

>> No.9409370

Unironically yes. Read the Bible, God hates intelligence.

>For with much wisdom comes much sorrow;
> the more knowledge, the more grief.

>> No.9409387

>smarter people reproduce less
>stupid people have an easier time surviving into adulthood
It is quite worrying indeed. There is a way to stop this but it's eugenics and eugenics is evil and should not be discussed.

>> No.9411044

Well, stupid people are eadily talked into supporting eugenics...

>> No.9411079

Not really. Stupids are the greatest opponents of it. Stupid people know they're fucking stupid.

>> No.9411097

>If we implement eugenics I will be one of the allowed to reproduce!
- everyone who supports eugenics

>> No.9411100

No. Trying encouraging eugenics on this site. Every time you'll get multiple posters shitting their britches with the "but muh toilet scrubbers and busboys!" argument.

>> No.9411116

>But happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.
The Bible was pretty much advising against academic autism, ie the mental state of the average 4channer. Truly wise people are smart and successful, surely you must know at least a few people like that. Smart, strong, with a good looking wife and children, wealthy. Unfortunately, clueless academics are just as common as stupid people, and wise people are the fewest

>> No.9411131 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 736x900, hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot, as are the vast majority of "successful" and "wealthy" people in modern western civilization. Success and wealth are not gained with wisdom, a word you probably don't even understand the meaning of. Your post is mega damage control.

>> No.9411141

Well I know one guy like that who now is divorced, lost his successful career, and has a huge house that nobody lives in that he can't sell. So I'm not so sure anymore

>> No.9411148
File: 107 KB, 736x900, hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just arbitrarily defining "wisdom" according to your own value system. Having wealth, an attractive wife and family have nothing to do with being wise. If anything, wisdom would be detachment from the desire for wealth and recognition that reproduction is an act of questionable morality and blatant selfishness.
>ie the mental state of the average 4channer.
Hilarious. The average poster here is an idiot like you, worshiping actors, athletes and pop singers. Those are the people you consider to be wise. This site is rock bottom intelligence due to all the alt right mongoloids; a demographic I'm almost certain you belong to. Wise people aren't traditionalists, sorry to ruin your fantasy.

>> No.9411151

Not samefag but you sound incredibly pretentious even for this board.
Besides, a depressed guy who killed himself is hardly the best judge of character.

>> No.9411160

>an empathetic genius artist with vast life experience isn't the best judge of character because he decided life wasn't worth continuing

Jesus, how many levels of damage control are you on right now?

>> No.9411183

Well, natural selection is more complicated than a simple "survival of the fittest" but yes, that seems.

I would suggest that the solution is to intensify the massification of critical thinking and knowledge, but that shit is not popular nowadays.

>> No.9411190

>This thread again
How has this changed over time?

>> No.9411219

>implying eugenics means explicitly denying reproductive rights
Protip, it doesn't. If you were shown how to use a condom in school, you were part of a eugenics program.

>> No.9411225 [DELETED] 

this is a 160 walking in on a 120 party, you know, i expect more of you guys.... yeah, yeah, congratulations, you're not a retarded. BIG DEAL.

you can do better - i can understand hate against the common pleb, but this should not be top 4chan /sci shit, there are much bigger things to worry so knowledge, or get the fuck out

>> No.9411245

How is the age at birth of your first child genetic ?

>> No.9411268

The cerebral sorting will save us from degradation! Ave prof. Savelyev!

>> No.9411280

Think about it, you're getting smarter relative to the mean of humanity every second.

>> No.9411292

Google life history.

>> No.9411305

>oy vey why don't you people hate yourselves more

>> No.9411325

Dugin tier.
Back to sosach, mongol.

>> No.9411348

Isn't sexual risk taking genetic?

>> No.9411607
File: 32 KB, 640x400, 1493728286068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'pretentious' is the brainlet's insult, no question about it

>> No.9411727

Partly because we subsidize the existence of low IQ people with money stolen from those who can actually be productive while giving the high IQ people nothing, while shaming them for actually working and making more than poverty-tier wages "le 1%"

>> No.9411753

>I would suggest that the solution is to intensify the massification of critical thinking and knowledge, but that shit is not popular nowadays.
But only the intelligent have a high need for cognition, us chad idiots prefer watching tv or getting drunk etc

>> No.9411758
File: 325 KB, 1414x1555, Capture+_2018-01-03-10-52-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degeneration theory has been wrong for over 100 years


>> No.9411763

the graph pretty much say hoes getting pregnant on their teens by bulky chads lol

>> No.9411789
File: 1.08 MB, 2560x1440, poltards3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>higher weight, body fat percentage, and bmi correlated with reproductive success
at last i truly see

>> No.9411790
File: 2.94 MB, 1930x2517, 1487000321664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think sex is considered a risk in the context of genetics, since it is the purpose of all animals to reproduce

>> No.9411797

what a fag

>> No.9411895

God I hate status quo zombies. You'll be the first purged.

>> No.9411898

>It's happening
>It's wrong!

>> No.9411956
File: 66 KB, 822x544, 1514701683760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate redpill is that intelligence is dysgenic. Above average intelligence has a high correlation with chronic illness. This indicates that healthy individuals are able to actively suppress their innate intelligence to improve reproductive fitness.

>> No.9411962

How come BMI, weight, waist circumference, body fat percantage etc are so similar? Almost if it described the same thing...
Useless correlated attributes to make the data set look bigger.

>> No.9412385

Lol fucking brainlets will say anything to prove they shouldn't be sterilized. Just stop fucking reproducing.

>> No.9412387


>tips for an eternity

>> No.9412390

Even if it was implemented, it would not select for intelligence.

It would select for political affiliation.

>> No.9412468
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1506229058053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weight = Affluence = Better access to reproduction (females)
>Lower age, pretty straightforward
How is any of this news?

>> No.9412528

At this point there isn't much selective pressure towards intelligence, certainly with africas massive population rise this should be obvious.

In addition intelligence doesn't automatically make someone more fit for survival, unfortunately. I would say it's even negative.

>> No.9412546

Thats nice. It has nothing to do with the topic, nor has the decline in average IQ among western nations been proven wrong. You fucking faggot.


>> No.9412550
File: 50 KB, 800x795, 1492294340747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intelligent person: Maybe I should wait till I finish this part of my education before starting a family.
>Brainlet majority: Mup da mo mippa BIX NOOD I GOTS MY GED LETS FUGG X--DDDDDDDD

>> No.9412552

Its amazing how leftist go so far to deny objective reality that they treat intelligence as some fucking magic fairy dust instead of something inherently biological.

I swear, leftism is dysgenics. It needs to be breed out of all humans.

>> No.9412555
File: 124 KB, 650x718, spnigcycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related: Not much time to reproduce if your only function in life is to ensure that retards don't choke on their own tongues and die

>> No.9412567

That pic is so true

Also nice numbers.

>> No.9412569
File: 3.63 MB, 1995x2506, 1379006581216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weight = Affluence
Fucking WEW! Friendly reminder that the #1 health problem of the poor in the US is obesity

>> No.9412576

It sounds easier to find genes that control general intelligence than those which control opinions on wealth redistribution.

>> No.9412581

>Affluence = better reproduction
is ridiculous too.

>> No.9412596

We geniuses clearly need to start raping people.

>> No.9412856
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1514917536993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about historically you fucking doughnuts. Rich people could afford more food and had sedentary lifestyles as opposed to the common Peasant McGee who had to actually work and consume a meager amount of calories.
Also wealthy people would be much likely to find a wife/have kids due to bride price and the fact that people prefer to marry into wealth/power. It's honestly not rocket science.

>> No.9412859

i'm a machinist who makes 11/hr with a 90iq who has two kids from two different mothers, they both live off welfare and foodstamps

i don't understand any of the shit you nerds study but i enjoy reading about it sometimes and i understand that you need pay more taxes for dem programs nerds, lol

or try to invent some shit where people don't have to work any more lmao

>> No.9412983

Gee it's almost as if intelligence could have environmental factors. And what if...what if...there was no objective way to measure intelligence?? Wouldn't that be something

>> No.9412985

both wrong, obv

>> No.9413050

>it's almost as if

There's that reddit phrase again. Go back there where you belong.

>> No.9413101

>height 0
>BMI 0.3

How can they ever recover

>> No.9413128

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.9413163


Not him but he's somewhat right, the fight for objectiveness in reality was winnable until we started into quantum territory. Now a shit ton of classic science and math is coming into question because it can't fully or accurately explain on the smaller scale.

Intelligence is more than likely probably related to events happening on the quantum scale through quantum biology. Human vision is already starting to enter into this realm and it only make sense that the Brain and intelligence itself by virtue of connection will follow suit itself.

If we ever do find an "objective" way to measure intelligence it certainly won't be as easy IQ portrays it and won't be what you anons believe it will turn out to be.

>> No.9413164

>I swear, leftism is dysgenics. It needs to be breed out of all humans.
Intelligent, educated people tend to be leftists. So it is being bred out. Praise evolution.