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/sci/ - Science & Math

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940425 No.940425 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of people who say there are things human can never know, or things we weren't meant to know. Do you believe their is finite knowledge in the universe, and it is possible to discover all of the natural laws? I personally rage when someone states there are things we will never know. I wish to know everything, and even if that's impossible because of death, I take comfort in believing we will someday find all the answers.

>> No.940437

Why shouldn't we be able to know something? Really there is what we know, what we think we know, and what we don't yet know.

>> No.940468
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>Can never know
Might be possible. We have no idea if we're simply too stupid to understand or be unaware of what we dont know, like how we know ants are too stupid to understand whats going on with the very sidewalk and alleyway they colonized.

>Meant to know
that implies that someone other than us actively wants us to not know something. And whoever that is, is a big meanie.

>Finite knowledge
Finite knowledge implies a limit to the *amount* of laws of the universe... considering man's goal right now is to find a single theory of everything, that's a limit of one isnt it?

>Take comfort in someday finding all the answers
dohoho, no you won't. Then the whole world will have nothing but engineers. To find all the knowledge of the universe means the very END of science. The generation that discovers every single law and means of manipulating the universe will thereby rob all successive generations of any purpose or sense of discovery. Those successive generations will lose all wonder of the world.
That'd be pretty fuckin' tragic.

>> No.940477

I think its physically impossible to know everything.... The human brain can only hold a finite amount of knowledge. But perhaps if there was a library then we could archive everything. But still, we need to define "everything". Does knowledge of everything also include history? Human imagination? Art?

>> No.940635

Achieve clinical immortality OP. Become a brain in a vat.

>> No.940690

Would be something to learn, interesting at that. Human imagination, mainly.

>> No.940746

I had a depressing thought the other day, even if it were possible somehow to "Know Everything", the human body would likely be incapable of using it in any way, you would go mad instantly