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File: 412 KB, 2121x1414, aluminum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9395433 No.9395433 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best metal and why is it aluminum?

>> No.9395435

Its aluminium dumbfuck.

>> No.9395439

Only brainlets say aluminium.

>> No.9395458

Is this I meme I managed to miss?

>> No.9395535
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I'm fond of Titanium, myself.

>> No.9395837

diamond is and forever will be the best metal

>> No.9395840

You fucks don't even understand copper.

>> No.9395864


>> No.9395867

i didnt know diamond was a metal

>> No.9396031


>> No.9396033

Anything other than tungsten is retarded

>> No.9396044
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>>Monoatomic gold

>> No.9396047
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False. Unobtainium is the best metal.

>> No.9396298
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>used for millenia as an essential component of bronze
>good corrosion resistance, bravely protects other metals against harm
>used in the first ever chemical battery (zinc-copper)
>regulates the immune system - protects your organism too
>supplementation increases testosterone
>mixed with just a little sulfur can be used as rocket fuel

>> No.9396301

That's not how you write carbon..

>> No.9396313

Nice bait

>> No.9396316

> carbon
> metal

>> No.9396335
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chromium vanadium steel

>> No.9396346

>make some rust powder with electrolysis
>shitton of chromeshit pollutants and other cancer

>> No.9396354

didnt know that
fuck it I still love the Yield Strength if it...

>> No.9396361

Zinc sucks. I wish I lived in a world without any zinc.

>> No.9396395

but can you breathe it? Therefore oxygen is best metal

>> No.9396415
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 20171216121717_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f + platinum
>zero results
Plebs, the lot of you.

>> No.9396527

That's Mythril though.

>> No.9396657

You all are retarded. As a chemist it is just so clear that there does not exist a single greatest metal, but I can say with certainty, aluminum is so far from the top it's disgusting. What the fuck is OP talking about. Probably likes it because he thinks he can melt it down out of soda bottles or some shit.

>> No.9396743 [DELETED] 

It's iron you fucks

>> No.9396745


>> No.9396755
File: 49 KB, 500x325, earth-magnetic-field-poles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's iron you fucks

>> No.9396760

Dragonforce you idiots.

>> No.9396795

read that as "what is the base metal"
i was actually about to bust out my alchemy trivia

>> No.9396797


"Zinc, Come back. Zinc!"

>> No.9397479

As much as i want to say Hyperalloy, it clearly is Mimetic polyalloy.

>> No.9397546


>> No.9397609
File: 61 KB, 625x469, 318e20adb63b728f67ee146256869f0c_hcq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks mithril exists.
>It would be some alloy if it did.

>> No.9397629


>> No.9398987

Cheapest dense metal. An American quarter made from Tungsten would be worth about 30 cents, never depreciate, and be impossible to counterfeit. They could sinter them with copper for easy fabrication.

magnesium 1.738
aluminum 2.700
titanium 4.506
vanadium 6.000
zirconium 6.520
zinc 7.140
manganese 7.210
chromium 7.190
tin 7.265

steel 7.750
iron 7.874
steel 8.050

Niobium 8.570
Cadmium 8.650
cobalt 8.900
nickel 8.908
bismuth 9.780
copper 8.960
molybdenum 10.280
silver 10.490
lead 11.340
thorium 11.724
palladium 12.023
rhodium 12.410
ruthenium 12.450
hafnium 13.310
Mercury 13.534

tantalum 16.690

uranium 19.100
tungsten 19.250
gold 19.300
plutonium 19.816
rhenium 21.020
platinum 21.450
iridium 22.560
osmium 22.590

>> No.9398997
File: 68 KB, 640x524, science_fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though NATURAL Osmium is considered the the densest substance on earth, mono-isotopic Iridium 193 (AKA "Densium") is actually the densest substance on earth.

Also metallic Iridium is fairly inert while Osmium rusts in air and that rust is very toxic for people.

>> No.9399279

no only mutts say otherwise

>> No.9399308


>> No.9400041

underrated post

>> No.9400044

Fucking this.

>> No.9400303

See you later plebs

>> No.9400721

>zinc in bronze
anon, zinc and copper are alloyed to form brass. You're thinking of tin.

>> No.9400727

Aluminum is barely a metal. It should be classified as a transition metal desu. Only thing it's really good for is powdered fuel in solid rocket motors, and even then it's not as good as Beryllium, the god-tier of light metals. Can't say no to a sonic propagation speed higher than Earth escape velocity.

>> No.9400737

Not as good a conductor of electricity or heat compared to silver, but outperforms gold.
Forms a dark patina and tarnishes blue green, which can be a plus if you're into that.
The only red metal, both gold and cesium are yellow, the only competitor is osmium with its blueish color.
Unlike platinum group metals it doesn't concentrate in the center of protoplanetary objects, which means copper is likely to remain in short supply even after asteroid mining floods the market with cheap gold, iridium, and so forth.
Forms many alloys with lighter metals to improve strength, managed to make aluminum useful when alloyed with it and forms the strongest, hardest, and most corrosion resistant bronze alloy.

Copper among the upper tier of metals for sure.

>> No.9400739


i prefer Gold
but my fav is wolfram

>> No.9400740

Osmium is blue, no contest it is better than iridium

Iridium itself is meh tier of the platinum group

>> No.9400750

Not Titanum?

>> No.9400755

>highest tensile strength of any metal
>as ductile and flexible as the best steel when pure
>two points harder on the Mohs scale than the hardest steel, also when pure
>when alloyed with carbon (analogous to the carbon content in iron forming steel) the resultant tungsten carbide is another two points harder still, near the top of the scale
>so close in density to gold that it is hard to tell a gold plated tungsten bar apart from a solid gold bar
>technically radioactive
>highest melting point of any metal, and of any element other than carbon.

Top tier metal coming through

>> No.9400767


>highest strength to weight ratio of any metal
>weakest alloys stronger than the weakest steel, but strongest alloys weaker than the strongest steel
>resists high temperatures better than steel
>can form shape memory alloys
>doesn't machine easily, likes to gall up cutting tools, even harder to weld than aluminum, very difficult to refine
>bonds very well to bone, doesn't trigger the body's immune response at all, great for implants and artificial joints
>is essentially aluminum's bigger, stronger brother but don't tell anyone
>doesn't make a good knife but does make great body armor
>possibly the most over-hyped metal of all time
>if titanium is so much as scratched with a piece of cadmium it embrittles the entire part to the point of uselessness

Titanium is in upper mid tier, has some strengths but some serious faults as well.

>> No.9400824


>> No.9400972

Iron. Essential micronutrient, extremely common metal and industrially important. Excellent alloy potential for toughness and strength, able to absorb stress and strain elasticly without fatigue.

>fatigues easily even when alloyed
>literally solid rocket fuel
>mercury turns it into wet tissue paper

>> No.9400984

you can make metalic carbon but it exists only under a cooled and high pressure state.

>> No.9401034

>zinc cream is a powerful disinfectant with no biological activity on human cells
Truly the most bro-tier element

>> No.9401042


>> No.9401119

The best metal is clearly Titanium

>> No.9401140
File: 74 KB, 570x456, 5493650_orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bismuth cause it doesn't give a fuck about how magnets work, it works around them.


>> No.9401474

Dont forget it kills dandruffs

>> No.9401558

Best metal for what purpose?

Personally, I like stainless steel better for shaving.

>> No.9401954

Lead. It makes your kids special.

>> No.9402057
File: 30 KB, 306x423, beaker_muppets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed really hard at this and just now realized I'm a nerd.

>Osmium is blue, no contest it is better than iridium
It rusts in air and the rust does NOT form a passivation layer and in gets all over everything and makes your balls shrink. Enjoy your shrunken balls with your dirty blue rusty metal.

>> No.9402070

Every element wants to be iron.

"Iron, cold iron, is the master of them all."

>> No.9402135
File: 373 KB, 240x180, Cruithne_orbit_perspective_Earth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nickel should be the end point of all fusion in the universe, but Iron cheated and won by a cheap technicality.
Nickel is Able to Iron's Cain in the universe.

>> No.9402144

hardest and best metal

>> No.9402149
File: 121 KB, 800x600, pig_iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these soyboys up here in not saying iron? What is going on? Blacksmith here, the daddy of metallurgy, reminding you where it is at.
This is where men get their iron and steel from, pig iron and a strong arm.

>> No.9402168

Explain your last sentence please

>> No.9402198
File: 244 KB, 800x700, the_benisverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from a fairy tale called "The Bible". Eldest sons inherited all the property and were the most favored by their parents, while younger brothers were servants or left. In this story, the eldest son Able was the rightful heir to his father's domain, but his little brother Cain brained him with a rock and stole it all.

Don't you have a bellows to pump?

>> No.9402220

Bible is a collection of sacred texts, not a fairy tale. I understand that you are angry with religion.

>> No.9402467

>supplementation increases testosterone

Zinc FTW. Also, additional Zinc intake can help you cum buckets.

>> No.9402472

aluminum prices are artificially higher.

rich fucks own warehouses full of aluminum ingots. then pay truckers to keep shuffling them between them. so that the metal is kept off the market and reduce supply.

>> No.9402479

The best metals are liquid metals even though mercury is poisonous. Its so cool itll kill you if you touch it.

>> No.9402481
File: 30 KB, 759x500, Gallium-759x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


non toxic and melts on skin contact or on a warm day.

>> No.9402482

Caesium - most react alkaline earth metal
never found in pure form
fucking enormous atom with so many orbitals but not radioactive

>> No.9402548


>> No.9402553

Doom Metal

>> No.9402604



>> No.9402987


>> No.9403028

Carbon is best metal.

Prove me wrong.

Hint:Give up.

>> No.9403067

for me it is argon

>> No.9403073

This is 100% correct.

>> No.9403086

makes a quite good beverage too

>> No.9403109

argon-helium is best gangbang

>> No.9403208

Nah, Aluminum's pleb-tier. I personally can't decide between Uranum or Thorum.

>> No.9403221
File: 98 KB, 881x737, ye mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like you.