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9380456 No.9380456 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop the obesity epidemic?

>> No.9380459

By not eating that much

>> No.9380462

Why would you? It's the best way to kill off the poor.

>> No.9380470

Tax bmi>24. They'll either lose weight or go broke and starve to death.

Regulate sugar. Same logic.

>> No.9380486
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We start eating properly filling organic food. The chemical shit we are eating nowadays does not fill us, but only gives us fat and carbs which will then make us chubby.

>> No.9380488

By not getting drunk and knocking up so many fatties

>> No.9380500

Obese tax. Carb tax.

Simple as that.

>> No.9380550

That's harsh

>> No.9380573

Subsidize foods that are healthy and heavily tax foods high in processed sugars and empty fats. Crack down on regulating fast food. Make sure kids get plenty of time to exercise. Stop cutting back on PE and recess. Cut back on homework big time. Educate kids and the public on nutrition, cooking and exercise. Make sure there are a wide variety of active extracurricular activities that appeal to all kids.

Make sure that there are grocery stores that stock inexpensive health food in every neighborhood.

Ultimately you're always going to have fatties, but the free market and current educational system is really bad for our health.

>> No.9380586

This. Too bad it'll never happen here.

>> No.9380601

Starting making people "pull their weight."

That's stupid nigger, carbs don't make you fat.
It's CICO. lrn2thermodynamics

Obese tax would be good, but more surcharges in everything not just from the government like they do when a fatass has to buy two plane tickets.

>> No.9380604

Anon, if people didn't eat any carbs, obesity would be down massively. This isnt a theory its a fact.
That truth alone makes the carb tax valid.
Who would get gutted by this? McDonalds, Soda, flour, and sugar.

>> No.9380633

The people like body builders who eat massive amounts of carbs, but also use all of them preserving their body. CICO stands for carbon in, carbon out. Reducing the CI punishes everyone, including the large majority who do nothing wrong. Punishing weight and implementing mandatory weight loss education will reduce intake and increase output.

>> No.9380648

You can also take fat sedentary individuals, have them eat nothing but sugar and other refined carbohydrates ad lib, and see substantial weight loss. E.g. Kempner's "rice diet"

Obesity isn't as simple as carbs

>> No.9380756

explain how obesity is at its lowest in asia when they eat shit tonnes of rice then you dipshit

>> No.9380849

I dont know but all I'm saying is everyone I know that has ever travelled to burgerland, describe their experiences with American supermarkets as if describing a fascinating tourist attraction.

>> No.9380862

it isn't as simple as CICO. your body does not metabolize 2000 calories of refined sugar the same as it does 2000 calories of vegetables.

refined, processed foods are the problem. people get addicted to sugar, and you end up with a nation of lardasses. as for carbs, there are good carbs and bad carbs. polished white rice vs wild brown rice. 100% whole wheat flour bread vs. wonderbread. but really, refined sugar is the main problem.

some people have more self control than others. obesity is probably the most socially acceptable form of addiction besides cigarettes or booze, except society as a whole doesn't treat it like an addiction yet. in any case, education and fitness initiatives in primary and secondary schools have proven to curb the growth of obesity rates in younger demographics.

>> No.9380883

get rid of net neutrality, redditors and /b/ have to go outside. boom, gone.

>> No.9380896

>people get addicted to sugar
>but really, refined sugar is the main problem
...and your evidence for this assertion is a youtube video regurgitating a quack's fad diet book?

>> No.9380902

Anyone in this thread who blames "muh carbs" is a fucking brainlet.

>> No.9380906

>it isn't as simple as CICO
It literally is that simple.
If you eat a surplus of calories, you will gain weight (barring intestinal parasites maybe).
If you eat a deficit of calories, you will lose weight.
Everything else is just a bunch of excuse making bullshit.
Tell me where the morbidly obese kid in Sub-Saharan Africa is who weighs 500 lb despite only having 1000 calories per day available to eat.
Absolute bullshit.

>> No.9381077


>> No.9381263

Give everyone satiety hormones

>> No.9381300

We don't. Its the result of a successful and prosperous society. Natural selection will solve it eventually.

>> No.9381316

I can't speak for the USA but in France (cuck country), obesity is considered as a disease and you get free health care for that. This bullshit need to end because people don't care if they have a bad diet, they know that they can have free health care anytime. We shouldn't help people with bad lifetime, i don't want to pay taxes for smokers and obese people.

>> No.9381325

Plus, it's a bit of a science experiment with so many fat people to study. Maybe humanity will find out being fat is a curse from god, and if youre fat youre a shitty person?

>> No.9381735

I have the right to eat whatever I want

>> No.9381782

Japan has regulations on waist size related to height. Too low or too high and you need to pay fines and attend to nutrition courses

>> No.9381784

Destroy the healthcare industry and let natural selection do its job.

>> No.9381786

I second. That's what Japan does and they don't have any obese people other than sumo wrestlers. And even those workout regularly, so they actually have big muscles over bones.

>> No.9381790


So is income tax, but no one complains about that.

>> No.9381796

Shaming and bullying people for being fat should become a thing again.

>> No.9381812


>> No.9381830

No, keep health care. But stop subsidizing health insurance. Then we might see some change. As well as cheaper medical bills.

>> No.9381831

Taxation is theft

>> No.9381915

Make being fat illegal

>> No.9381923

Tax obese people more. They are more likely to utilize public health care systems anyway.

>> No.9382079

Obese people are mere symptoms. We'd need to change the root causes of obesity.

>Tax added sugar
>Tax refined wheat
>Tax any food and drink ads if the brand sells anything until unhealthy
>Subsidise fresh foods, especially in low income areas
>Support community gardening
>Design for walking over driving
>Tax parents, schools, and doctors of obese children

>> No.9382081

That's a naive viewpoint. Believe it or not some people willingly stuff themselves with unhealthy shit regardless of healthier alternatives being available, and would continue to do so in spite of a price increase.

>> No.9382091


I didn't say tax the buyer only. Tax the producers as well.

>> No.9382096

So worst case scenario you now have a lot of extra tax money coming in, sounds good either way.

>> No.9382112

Producers will raise their prices and the consumers will pay in the end.

>> No.9383965

>Destroy the healthcare industry
Enjoy your polio and smallpox

>> No.9383969
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Hunger games for fat people.

>> No.9383993

Enjoy your 3rd world an-cap society like Liberia

>> No.9384000

How the fuck you gonna live without carbs

>> No.9384003
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By encouraging children to engage with the super organism when they are young so they are less likely to have sky high C-reactive protein and IL6 levels in middle age - associated with low grade chronic inflammation and comorbidities of non-communicable disease like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, dementia

All this is liked to not going outside and having a memory, immune and physiological effect from running around a lot and eating wild fruit etc.

>> No.9384550

Then government needs to give out more subsidies

>> No.9384600

The right answer

>> No.9384643

Bring back bullying.

>> No.9384665

get it

>> No.9385046

How do we stop anorexia?

>> No.9385095

stop doing welfare. They'll all die of the ol' beetus.

>> No.9385099

>Carb tax.
start by stopping socialist animal agriculture subsidies which make cheeseburger/milkshake combo $1 at McDonalds and salad $5 you stupid nigger

>> No.9385106

Crack down on the fast food industry. They're billion dollar corps, and they buy the best marketing strategies to prey on people's minds.

>> No.9385176

Cut off all medical aid to obese people

I don't care if they're obese as long as they're not leeching off public healthcare

>> No.9385184

that's barely even a problem now

>> No.9385187
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If you're calling for a tax on carbs or sugar, you're an idiot because these things are only cheap due to government price fixing and subsidies. Corn and Soy are animal feed, always have been. Stop pushing hog feed into people food if you want people to stop looking like hogs. They only add corn and soy to everything because it's artifically the cheapest option.

Stop taxing and regulating and let these farmers fail and die.

>> No.9385226

Nobody gets obese eating canned soybeans and steamed corn on the cob you dumbfuck. Lay off the paleo blogs.

>> No.9385227

That's a pointlessly edgy proposal that no one will ever implement.
Realistically the best you can hope for is financial penalties, no one's ever going to greenlight leaving people out on the street in front of a hospital to die.

>> No.9385274

>They only add corn and soy to everything because it's artifically the cheapest option.
This actually brings up an interesting point. Meat & dairy are made artificially cheap but most of why isn't direct subsidies (which I always thought) but indirectly through feed grain subsidies. If all subsidies were removed, the prices of grains would increase, but the prices of meat & dairy would increase even more. In addition to the feed grains being subsidized, animal farmers also get subsidized directly by the government to produce meat & dairy.


>> No.9385300

>If all subsidies were removed, the prices of grains would increase, but the prices of meat & dairy would increase even more
Also forgot to add that relatively fruit and veggies would seem cheaper as grains and meat go up in cost...and as well as the fact that most of those subsidized grains go to animals, and most of the ones which go to humans are used to make high fructose corn syrup, refined grains, etc.

Junk food would raise in price closer to healthy food.

>> No.9385503

We should have public health care in America but make it so all fats, smokers, ect have to pay an extra tax.

>> No.9385510
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So basically just tax all the poor people?

>> No.9385514

Oh no
He's retarded

>> No.9385516

Unhealthy food doesn't cause people to be fat. Not taking care of your body does.

>> No.9385520

I'm poor and I am not fat because I don't have the money to buy the amount of food required to be obese.

>> No.9385528

try welfare combined with mcdonalds

>> No.9385531

Yeah but that is still their fault. Poor people tend to have low will power and being fat requires low willpower. Japan taxes the fat and it seems to be working.

>> No.9385535


What's your point? We can't fix personal choices. We can only make them harder or easier.

>> No.9385537

>Tax fat people
>Use taxes to help the rest of the countries health
Fat people can exist as long as they aren't a drain on society.

>> No.9385548

this right here. you fags don't know that eating legit healthy is expensive as fuck. fresh fruits and veg are actually expensive as fuck compared to bulk carbs and processed food.

>> No.9385557

You are so wrong it's funny. It's been proven you can eat healthy for cheap. You can buy Frozen veggies and fruit for very cheap.

>> No.9385562

>fresh fruits and veg are actually expensive as fuck
t. lazy, deluded obese loser

>> No.9385565

>goes to the store
>buys the most expensive fruit out of season
>hurrr this is more expensive than mcdonalds wtf

>> No.9385568


>> No.9385584

Same as this guy, but just outright ban some crap, also we shouldn't cut down homework thaat much.

>> No.9385586

He's definitely right if he's talking about buying all organic top quality shit from whole foods. That can add up. But from what I've seen I don't believe that organic shit really matters. Meat is going to have literally 10x more pesticides and toxic shit in it than any plant food since it bio-accumulates up the food chain. Eating the fruits and veg at all is what matters and most don't even meet their daily requirement.

It does piss me off though every time I go buy soy milk and I see the dairy milk right next to it at half the price with 300mill+ thrown at it in govt subsidies. And the fact that it's even possible for multiple burgers to be cheaper than a salad at McDonalds.

>> No.9385588

that's what you get if you buy a luxury product like soy milk

>> No.9385591

Cow's milk is even more of a luxury product, it's
just subsidized by our tax dollars brainlet. It would be more expensive otherwise.

>> No.9385597

>cow milk would be more expensive but it's not
so it's not a luxury product. in your crazy made up world maybe it is, but not here

>> No.9385600
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>> No.9385606

This comment actually pissed me off enough to order one of these:


Well done. From what I'm reading it costs about 1/5 of the price to make soymilk yourself from soy beans.

>> No.9385609

well I'm gonna go buy a cow

>> No.9385610

looks pretty, you could say it even looks
l u x u r i o u s

>> No.9385612

The soyboy transformation is complete.

>> No.9385613

You know what else is gonna be luxurious? The amount of money you're gonna have to shell out to pay for your prostate cancer treatments at 50 after years of drinking dairy.

>> No.9385620

are you threatening to give anon prostate cancer if he doesn't stop drinking dairy?

>> No.9385622

confirmed super luxurious:
you can do it with a regular blender lmao

>> No.9385625

By educating people into having scheduled meals in family, with carefully adjusted quantities. Not "at will pizza+soda intake" anytime when "I feel it".

Here is the awful truth: we are hardwired to become obeses. It is an evolutionary survival mechanism; indeed in the wild jungle the date of your next meal is always random, you have to catch your food, to hunt. For thousands of generations, living beings had to be able sometimes to survive without eating for extended periods of times. As a result, the following spontaneous behavior appeared:
1°) an animal is likely to take food whenever he can, by instinct.
2°) he will save as much nutriments as he can.

For instance: If you have pets you have noticed they are always hungry and become fat if you don't care.

>> No.9385627

oh fuck that's dope. guess ill start doing that instead. probably better because it doesn't have any preservatives too

>> No.9385629

maybe it has more to do sedentariness?

>> No.9385636

Sedentarity alone doesn't make you go above 300 pounds.
Obesity pandemics started when people had a fucking fridge and tons of uber fat food available 24/7.

>> No.9385643

I always find it so shocking when I take a drive into the small rural towns outside of my college campus and realize just how fat the average American is

>> No.9385694

Its too slow and inefficient

>> No.9385844

do what japan did and ban fat people
simple and elegant

>> No.9385962

The trouble with removing such subsidies is that in today's world it leaves your entire agriculture sector wide open to being undercut by foreign producers. If Mcdonalds had to pay more for American corn, for example, then they would just switch to buying corn from India or china instead. you can impose tariffs on imported food to bring their prices into line with yours but then you're risking a trade war or some other political nastiness, which could be a real killer in such a globalised world.

>> No.9386020
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You don't.
Obesity isn't an issue that can be solved by intelligence.
I am a climate scientist with 2 PHDs, advanced understanding of Paleoclimate and I have an IQ of 148. My understanding of the earth system is beyond incredible and I would shame even the likes of James Hansen and Gavin Schmidt with my knowledge and understanding.

Despite this I am 480lbs. My weight makes it impossible for me to contribute to the field because I am too busy eating and thinking about food to write papers. If I didn't have this food addiction I would have easily solved the most difficult climate questions. We'd have models capable of projecting with 100% accuracy the temperature in 2100 (the number is 3.6 degrees warmer than pre industrial by the way) and we'd have exact, very specific ways to measure future sea level rise.

But all I do is eat. Last night stayed up and wrote a 200 page thesis on the changes in rainforest cover during the late Carboniferous period. It was revolutionary and told us everything we need to know about that topic.

But I got hungry for tropical snacks during it and ended up eating 10 chocolate bars with pictures of parrots on the wrapper and smeared chocolate all over the paper. I also spilled sugary pomegranate juice all over the abstract. Nature will never accept that so I had to throw it away. My intelligence is wasted because of my food addiction. I have often pondered and come close to answering the questions about how cirrus clouds will respond to warming in the subtropics that nobody has yet solved, only to lose my train of thought because I am waiting in line at McDonalds and get asked my order.

Intelligent people can be obese. I am proof of this.

>> No.9386022

good post

>> No.9386143

Nice pasta
>now you have to buy spaghettos

>> No.9386148
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Just stop eating

>> No.9386253


>> No.9386272

Make it unlawful to wear clothes in public.

>> No.9386296

> Chemical shit
Are you retarded?

>> No.9386305

do you... not know shit is made out of chemicals?

>> No.9386412

>I don't have the money to buy the amount of food required to be obese.
White flour, sugar and lard are very cheap
Unless you're literally homeless and starving, you can afford obesity

>> No.9386610

>removing such subsidies is that in today's world it leaves your entire agriculture sector wide open to being undercut by foreign producers
>If Mcdonalds had to pay more for American corn, for example, then they would just switch to buying corn from India or china instead
Good point, I didn't think about that. I guess in the end it all comes down to personal choice. I hope natural selection still works enough to weed out all the fat motherfuckers who want free health care for their triple bypass surgeries.

>> No.9386703

subsidize fruits and vegetables

>> No.9387799

This. Fat shaming is normalized in Japan/SK and their obesity rate is under 5%. Meanwhile in consumerist culture USA where men take pride in their beer guts and real women have cuuuuurrrrvvvessss the obesity rate is 40%.

Also make fast food expensive and improve health education, so fatties can't blame cheap food and muh kondishuns.

>> No.9387896

unironically this. pharmacology is probably our best bet. to create a safe, side effect free appetite suppressant for mega fatties who have no self control or just an insatiable appetite.

>> No.9387904

>frozen veggies

>> No.9387907

They aren't even hungry, they are addicted to the chemicals and the act of eating. Nothing except a lifestyle change can permanently stop obesity

>> No.9387909
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>make soymilk yourself from soy beans.
costs even less to make your own onion milk from onions

>> No.9387916

this comment has some merit when it relates to fat people. However, there are plenty of thin, even skinny people with full access to food but are prevented from overeating because of satiation hormones, and not necessarily social norms. Some people have to be reminded to eat to stay healthy, go on /fit/ and you'll see plenty of these dudes crying about how they can't gain weight. Hunger and satiety seems to be partly genetic and partly habitual, which isn't to say fat people are doomed, but that fat people, even ones who eat healthy, might experience different hormonal feelings than thin people

>> No.9387918


I won a goat on a game show. Now I get free milk and have a cool pet.

>> No.9387925

hunger can be suppressed to the point where eating is undesirable. If you've ever had a hangover, a cold, or been on a stimulant, you'll know that even the tastiest pizza would be considered unpalatable to a nauseated enough obese person. Imagine a drug that put people on the threshold of nausea at all times, it would be beautiful.

>> No.9387927


>> No.9387932
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>to create a safe, side effect free appetite suppressant

many of these already exist, but are not GRAS enough to be used on a large scale and are reserved for special cases or rich people


>> No.9387953

Probably this

>> No.9387966


>> No.9388533

>24bmi is pretty low you can get that by doing fitness

>> No.9388535

Yes we should, fuck homework.

>> No.9388584

Fact is, no matter how "well" you're eating, ie. what kind of food you're stuffing into your feeding hole, you're going to become a fat fuck if you eat until you "feel full" every single time you consume. We're designed to overeat, because in the short term (and 10000 years ago) eating food when it's there makes good sense.

Eat until you're less hungry, then show some fucking dicipline and stop eating.
Part of this comes from the amount of food you buy/prepare/serve. Prepare a small amount, smaller than you think will fill you. Then eat it and shut your fat fuck.

>> No.9388591

What about fit-fat people?

>> No.9388619


Western vegan diet.

>> No.9388635
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Isn't it simple? There wasn't always an obesity epidemic. Just look at what changed in food and lifestyle.

>> No.9388907

I'm slightly chubby and I find this thread offensive.

>> No.9388916

So solve the obesity epidemic with poverty?

>> No.9388919

>you're going to become a fat fuck if you eat until you "feel full" every single time you consume
Why take into consideration "feelings" in the first place? There's a very straightforward non-feeling based metric for knowing if you're eating the right amount, it's called calories.

>> No.9389513

encourage fasting and eliminate the breakfast industry

>> No.9389557

>Tax tobacco products
... aaand people still use them.
Taxation isn't a remedy Anon.

>> No.9389561

>hog feed
L0L that's what my farmer grandfather calls soybeans, with a sneer.

>> No.9389566

make humans stop eating meat and force them to go on a plant based died

>> No.9389803

>bmi > 24
It's pretty easy to have a bmi higher than that when you go to the gym and put on weight,

>> No.9389831

McDonald's is more expensive

>> No.9389833

...Compared to what?

>> No.9391259

Ever notice how the percentage of grotesquely obese people drop as you move to more and more intellectual professions? Fat people are for the most part just stupid. Most of my colleagues at work stay either in shape or just stay skinny by not overeating, of course their are outliers but for the most part, being obese = too stupid to control your basic emotions.

>> No.9391349

are you a frog?

>> No.9391921


>> No.9391949

Counting calories is tedious and unnecessary. Only a tiny minority counts calories where I live and there is no obesity problem, people get by on intuition.

>> No.9391950

Comparing it to things is irrelevent, obese people can still procreate and pass on their genes meaning it is dysgenic and not a solution for killing off the stupid.

>> No.9392303

take children away from unfit parents who allow their kids to become fat.

>> No.9392391

Natural selection

>> No.9392958

how exactly will natural selection stop obesity?
are you just throwing around words you don't understand?

>> No.9392963

Wont work because of health care keeping them alive long enough to reproduce.

>> No.9392984

Food tax. With prices high enough people will be forced to eat less.

>> No.9392994

with pure love

>> No.9393452


just b urself

>> No.9393519

Eat less you fat fuck

>> No.9393546

social stigma. your family & friends will fat shame you until you lose the weight. they also don't have body positivity shit over there

>> No.9393588

>its a /sci/ pretends to be doctors episode
>"lmao just eat healthy and exercise it's not hard"

It's evident that traditional /fit/ approaches to losing weight fail to work in practice more often than not. They're provably correct and the way to becoming healthy but it's got extremely poor adherence to the treatment. The vast majority of people will not change their lifestyles. Even people who successfully implement those lifestyle changes tend to regain weight in the long term.

As a treatment for obesity, this just isn't going to help the vast majority of people. There are cancers that have higher cure rate than obesity with current treatments.

>> No.9393590

>safe, side effect free appetite suppressant

Yeah good luck with that.

Amphetamines are great appetite suppressants. Some relatively newer ones like lisdexamphetamine have been approved by the FDA for treatment of binge eating disorder. I've seen people take them and not eat anything for the entire day. You can associate drugs like naltrexone for extra crave-killing power. The downside is the stimulant raises the blood pressure of a good number of patients. Obese people already have higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and we'll be compounding that risk by using this drug.

>> No.9393626
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Add a vice tax to fast food similar to that of cigarettes and alcohol. Also, we must stop letting the feeble minded from reproducing unchecked.

>> No.9393629

then we'll be left with a bunch of pretentious idiots like you

>> No.9393634

Oh look it's the forced sterilization crowd. I wonder how far we are from holocaust justification.

>> No.9393637

Never advocated for forced sterilization you trog.

>> No.9393646

Yeah you're totally just calling for "reasonable checks" on the "feeble minded" not realizing you'd be the 1st victim of such a system.

>> No.9393653


>> No.9394256

Why so hostile?

>> No.9394964

>How do we stop the obesity epidemic?
At the rate we're going, we'll have a collapse of civilization all over the place, and people will have to scratch just to survive.

>> No.9394970

we stop making food so accessible

>> No.9395532
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>fat people lose weight after burning energy reserves
>you starve to death

>> No.9395546
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costs everyone else a whole lot more than just African tier starved poor people.

>> No.9395614

Why do so many people have mental disorders?

>> No.9395631

Unfortunately the damage is already done, nothing much anyone can do. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and acknowledge that money caused this and so did empathy. People are too empathetic and allow people to breed to their heart's content causing hurry and laziness when it comes to making food for the mass amounts of people.

>> No.9395937

Education. Any other answer takes away liberty.

>> No.9395971
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>be fat shit
>stop eating 3 meals a day
>very small lunch and a respectable dinner
>start losing weight easily
>mfw it's that easy
it's almost like eating 3+ meals a day is a modern invention, probably a remnant of the old culture that praised obesity as an indicator of high social status

>> No.9396012
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nuke the ameritards

>> No.9396498
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>> No.9396603

Destroy the US.

>> No.9396753

ban lobbyism

>> No.9396757

this plus stop eating so many sugars you fuck, carbs from veggies and fruits are all you need (with the occasional pasta).

>> No.9396759

become a full math monk. Brain uses 20% of the bodys energy, and also you will be focused on solving problems for hours on end, so you won't feel hungry (most times people isn't hungry just bored and overeat a lot).

Haven't seen many overweighted mathematicians worth their salt.

>> No.9396779

fact 1 many of these just shot themselves with testosterone so aren't a good example of what a good diet is, since their hormonal profile is wildly different from a normal person. What works for them won't work for you.
Fact 2 even then, many bodybuilders today don't do the classical diet, many do some restricted carbs diet when bulking (taking carbs only after training so insulin spikes and they get more muscle building) and go full keto when cutting to minimize muscle loss.

Energy In Energy Out is a part of the equation, however the percentage destined to fat or muscle building is greatly influenced by insulin and your resistance to it (and testosterone). The more carbs you eat the more resistant you get to insulin and therefore it's harder to gain muscle and easier to gain fat.
Moreover, not all carbs are equal (glycemic index and all that jazz), the glycemic load varies with the food you are eating alongside those carbs (for example potatoes + meat has less glycemic load than just these potatoes alone) and that alone makes eating lots of processed bakeds and drinking soda / coke / sugary drinks the worst fucking thing you can do to your body in terms of nutrition.

>> No.9397056

Educate children.
Restrict fast food in the same way as alcohol.
Tax fat foods, and substitute non-fat alternatives to them.

>> No.9397058

Go to a therapist.

>> No.9397484

Sounds good, but would work out terribly. Either healthy food becomes even more expensive, or the government starts bribing companies to start making food even less healthy, so they can tax more. Probably both.

>> No.9398705
