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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9391206 No.9391206 [Reply] [Original]

what are the top 5 hardest STEM fields?

>> No.9391233

1. Mathematics
2. Medicine
3. Chemistry
4. Physics
5. Biology

>> No.9391245

Computer engineering
Computer science
Software engineering

>> No.9391247


studying business adm.(bsc. so it is by dif. stem) and I'm failing 1st. sem. here.
Remember hardness is relative.

>> No.9391257
File: 1.48 MB, 3709x2465, serveimage(18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that autists are pathologically obsessed with sorting and stacking things.

>> No.9391258

computer science is easy af.
git gud scrub

>> No.9391263


I could never memorize all that shit.

>> No.9391267


>receding hairline as a toddler

he looks like trump

>> No.9391298

EE. Nothing compares to how hard it is. Notice how cucks responding don’t even mention any engineering period. It just goes to show the pure ass blastedneas math majors are towards engineering.

>> No.9391376

are you a frog?

>> No.9391407


Wouldn't put medicine up there; too much variation. Half of them are GP who shill unnecessary prescriptions to mongoloids or glorified laborers

>> No.9391415

>Additive number theory
>functional analysis

>> No.9391417

1. Physics
2. Math
3. Chemistry
4. Biology
5. Everything Else

>> No.9391554

Reminder that only autists think that everyone who puts or stacks things in a correct order is autistic.

>> No.9391557

git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

>> No.9391564

git gud

>> No.9391565

IUT is not STEM though, it’s part of Asian Studies.

>> No.9391580

wut about geology?

>> No.9391589
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>Computer science
>Software engineering

weak b8

>> No.9391611
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>> No.9391612

this based on my 100-level general electives

>> No.9391621

true but I like math that's why I avoided geology

>> No.9391633


Yeah.. no

Read any geophysics paper or Structural geology paper and try again

>> No.9391800
File: 339 KB, 502x477, 1492000922558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get to PhD level and beyond and begin researching, every field is going to be hard in a sense.

Objectively hardest though?
1. Physics
2. Biology (easy in undergrad though)/medical (doctor level)/animal science (vet level)
3. High Engineerings (NukeE, AeroE, ChemE, EE)
4. Mathematics (pen, paper, and computer, no need for fancy tools, machines, etc)
5. Chemistry
6. Other Engineerings/comp sci
7. Geology
8. Cyber Security (booming atm, but not sure on difficulty t b h)
9. IT
10. Anything else with "info-" or similar
11. Ecology
12. Anything else with -ology
13. Anything else that doesnt fit into the above categories

Material science I forgot to add but would be somewhere within the existing top five.
All of these are for PhD level shit, fot undergrad I would maybe move biology down to 10, high engineerings to 1 (highest work loads), physics and math to 2, comp sci to 15, and maybe leave the rest.

>> No.9392057

wait until you take systems programming or compilers

>> No.9392133

Physics and maths are the hardest fields.
A lot more smart people go into physics, because math is also useful for brainlets who want to become teachers or economists, but in my opinion real mathematical research is harder.

>> No.9392143
File: 27 KB, 500x499, u-s-college-majors-average-iq-of-students-by-gender-ratio-2829552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1. Mathematics
>4. Physics

Nah. Physics > Math. Turns out Nature is the best mathematician. Pic related.

>> No.9392146

Pic shows that despite being twice as cuntified (i.e., twice as full of 100 IQ individuals), mathematicians are only 3 IQ points below physicists.

>> No.9392148

Kek, all dumb males go to computer science or engineering

>> No.9392150

>Studying dirt is hard
Geologists are the funniest people man.

>> No.9392151

Hey sometimes the shovel gets stuck and it's really hard to pull out

>> No.9392157

In no particular order:

- Physics
- Math
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering

>> No.9392265

Oh so /sci/ admits that engineering isn't brainlet. Wow, a Christmas miracle.

>> No.9392276

>how hard is field X
is the same as asking
>how hard are the mathematics used to express the theories of field X

So having mathematics as one of your fields is silly. The difficulty of mathematics can vary depending on subject to any degree you want.

>> No.9392759

Physics seems like the hardest one to me. Harder than math.

>> No.9392802

1. Mathematics
2. Applied mathematics
3. Statistics
4. Actuarial mathematics
5. Mathematical economics and econometrics

>> No.9392804

some of them are, like civil. but /sci/ doesn't deny that engineering is difficult, they just shit on engineers for being the least liked people at any university

>> No.9392805

Computer engineering

>> No.9392812

Why did you feel the need to specify STEM?

Maths and physics and the only difficult majors.
The others are all on the same level. I could say medicine just like I could say gender studies or history.

>> No.9392819

Hey retard,

If your assertion is correct, explain why physicists have to be able to do advanced math, but mathematards aren't smart enough to do advanced physics.

Nobody gives out a literature award to a person for knowing how to read and write. It's assumed you know how to do that if literature is your profession. Stop trying to impress us with your INCOMPLETE education.

>> No.9392833

your inferiority complex is showing LOL

>> No.9392838
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>If you're so good at stuff why don't you be your own garbageman and janitor?

>> No.9392839

>Physics seems like the hardest one to me. Harder than math.
Physicist have to know advanced math. Mathematicians don't have to know advanced physics.

>> No.9392847

I like how your argument for physics being harder than math is just a measurement of how much math physics students have to do

You're so close to figuring it out, buddy, just keep trying

>> No.9392854

>least liked
why are the guys with zero social life the least liked? Do I have to buy a 3DS with Pokemon to be likable?

>> No.9392897
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literally what i do and i want to tell everyone.

>> No.9392915

>only difficult majors
>not engineering
I've seen a math majors curriculum, it involves a 2nd language at my school. Engineering involves no such bullshit. I have to take every damn fucking STEM class there is while Math majors take only, at bare minimum, math and physics.

>> No.9392918

Lol'ing so hard about how true this is and your perfectly smug remark

>> No.9393450

Physicist are not capable of doing higher level maths. You'd only think that if you hadn't studied math.

t. physics bs, math ms

>> No.9393498

Astrononytards are just as bad for physics if not worse

>> No.9393610 [DELETED] 

Does Mathematics here throw in math ed majors?

>> No.9394300


>> No.9394305

nigga how am i supposed to find qt 3.14 physics if only 25% are birds

>> No.9396470

1. My field
90001. The rest

>> No.9396570

In my country I'd say:

1. Applied physics and mathematics
2. Physics
3. Mathematics
4. Medicine
5. Biology or CS

>> No.9396575

forgot engineering fields, I suppose Electrical Engineering is around the top, the rest I have no idea except for mechanical engineering which is around 5 or 6

>> No.9396582
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Holy shit this post is brutal. Physishits BTFO!

>> No.9397203

1. Medicine
2. EE
3. Pure Math
4. Theoretical Physics
5. CS
You cannot refute this.

>> No.9397442
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, 1489860463568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biology is so easy that even the best mathematicians can't code a proper assembly algorithm or model protein folding

>> No.9397602


>> No.9397618

1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Computer Science (excluding software engineering)
4. EE
5. Chemistry (including biochem)

>> No.9397636

>physicists have to be able to do advanced math
tfw Phys-tards think Calc is "advanced math"

>> No.9397639

ECE PHD master race reporting

also this >>9394300

>> No.9397759

parts of pure math > theoretical physics > applied math > CS > biology

the more abstract it is the harder it is as a rule, also the competition will be more intense due to the harder subjects attracting more super-geniuses who have 5 SD IQs

>> No.9397761

applied math and future math teachers (women) are bringing the average down. though experimentalists do the same in physics... but pure math and theoretical physics are far and away harder than anything else

>> No.9397796

Take that, /sci/.