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File: 113 KB, 1080x1179, 78d6606e-f273-4b7b-bd32-fa423e375df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9383714 No.9383714 [Reply] [Original]

Sounds like a trollbait for poltards but let stay scientific.
How long would it take to a voluntarily isolated human group to become a different species, to become less able to reproduce with the others. There are several historical cases of such: segregation, apartheid, community exclusive marriage like for jews.
One more thing, it appears that there is only one relatively homogeneous specie of humans since prehistoric times, the last different specie being neanderthal, which passed some genes to sapiens.
Racial separation would end up into different species but for how long away

>> No.9383718

It's not just about being physically able to reproduce, it's like the ability of the gametes to fuse and the offspring to reproduce themselves.

>> No.9383749

The asian looking girl is clearly the hottest.

>> No.9383792


>> No.9383797

First you must define what a species is. The general concept is a species whose members can reproduce with each other and their offspring are reproductivly viable. Second it's not so much of a matter of time but chance and environmental stress. With international travel so abundant this is unlikely to happen since our populations don't become that isolated. With your small communities what happens not so much that you get a new species but a greater expression of recessive traits that allowed to continue would eventually lead to hybrid breakdown. Drunk biology student here!

>> No.9383815

No, you're just afflicted by exoticism and fetishism. She's not attractive by East Asian (and by extension, South-east Asian standards, nor western standards). Look at their noses, they're all roughly a single type, the butter-face pixie shit. The top left has the ideal western standards nose. None of them have East/South-east Asian standards nose.

>> No.9383820

Almost, she's second.

>> No.9383822

dang that asian girl is cute af

>> No.9383832

>>trying to argue objectively about beauty
When i said shes the hottest i OBVIOUSLY meant shes hottest to me. Yes im subject to fetishism and exoticism, how does that change anything? Its subjective.
Youre an idiot desu.

>> No.9383838

>Human speciation: how long would it take?

it depends entirely upon population size, and reproductive rate.

>> No.9383841

Beauty is objective faggot. Eat shit.

>> No.9383865

Once humans start colonizing different planets desu having people growing up in different gravity's will start to show an affect after a few generations

>> No.9383881
File: 216 KB, 432x413, 1513401254937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, the ultimate brainlet

>> No.9383885

>think something is beautiful
>hur dur you are fetishist

>> No.9383901

Hard to say. Probably at least a few hundred thousand years with absolute isolation.

>> No.9383908

Try millions. Neanderthals separated from other branches of the homo genus millions of years ago and yet Sapiens was still able to reproduce with em.

>> No.9383912

Literally exactly what I thought. Good taste anon, you're clearly a patrician like me

>> No.9384023

Well, that's why I put "at least". Humans and neanderthals(we presume) were able to conceive fertile hybrids.

In the case of lion and tiger, some of their offspring are in fact fertile, like some female ligers. This might have been the case with human and neanderthal as well.

>> No.9384029

To add insult to neanderthal injury, there seems to be no strictly-male neanderthal DNA in modern humans. Basically the neanderthals were cucked hard.

>> No.9384080

do interracial couples have a higher amount of fertility issues compared to intraracial couples? you'd figure there would be a slight increase of fertility issues over all.

>> No.9384086

>No, you're just afflicted by exoticism and fetishism
How the fuck do you know where that poster is born?

>> No.9384123

Quite a long time. Hundreds of thousands of years, assuming ABSOLUTE isolation.

Things might go a LITTLE faster if the isolated population began with a small gene pool. Say, 20-30 people shipwrecked in another star system. Due to local environment factors (gravity, air pressure, temperature, sunlight, etc.) they might LOOK somewhat in only a few thousand years. Possibly within a couple of centuries. But they'd still be inter-fertile if ships came from Earth again.

>> No.9384190

he wasn't the one who said the chink was "clearly" the hottest

>> No.9384478

Op here
Beauty is partly subjective. All these girls are models selected by the photographer for their beauty and to represent different representative ethnicities, the best of each in some way.

>> No.9384488

He's betting that he's a white American or european, makes sense statistically I suppose

>> No.9384582

100,000 years, blacks are not a different species since they began to exist 87,000 years ago but the San Bushman existed 122,000 years ago making them another species by sheer genetic distance.

>> No.9385396

>Humans and neanderthals(we presume) were able to conceive fertile hybrids.
Gut feeling says there would be more Neanderthal DNA in our genome if this were so. (Somebody science me.)

>> No.9385477 [DELETED] 
File: 3.91 MB, 3600x5956, 1510522104522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but what about THIS?

>> No.9385504

I'm 8% Neanderthal according to the 23 and me kikes. Like that's more than I'm Scottish and I got a Scottish name.

So, fuck you in the dick with a pencil, then snap the pencil and force feed you liquids for hours on a facebook live stream.

>> No.9385651
File: 83 KB, 835x835, neanderthalensis_JG_Recon_Head_CC_3qtr_lt_sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose homo sapiens and neanderthals could not produce fertile offspring. Because of this, all neanderthal-homo sapiens children die without reproducing. That is, homo sapiens and neanderthal DNA cannot intermingle - every "humanoid" is either 100% neanderthal or 100% homo sapiens. Given this, how would you explain the fact that neanderthal DNA is present in a large percentage of homo sapiens dna? So the only logical conclusion is that at least _some_ neanderthal-homo sapiens children were fertile.

Since neanderthals went extinct ~40,000 years ago, and neanderthal DNA is present in large amounts in basically all modern non-sub-saharan humans, it seems like the vast majority of human-neanderthal children were fertile.

Any americans interested in this should try to get to the human origins exhibit in the smithsonian museum of natural history in Washington DC. They have one of the most complete neanderthal skeletons on display, and a ton of really cool info + models

>> No.9385851

don't want to be so racist, but skin color does make you looks cleaner and seems to be hygenier.

I think the asian girl in the middle and the caucasian in the bottom right smell as good as they look.

>> No.9385893

Shit taste

>> No.9385997


How do we determine asexually reproductive organisms are different species using that concept?

What about hybrids that actually manage to produce fertile offspring?

>> No.9386004

>2nd from right, 5th from bottom
literally stood out amongst all those blondes and redheads
How can others even compete?

>> No.9386029

Anyone have the names?

>> No.9386807

I don't think melamin smells so much different ethnicities must smell sightly different, not even counting food effect on body odor that goes beyond garlic

>> No.9386822

You really need to add another concept to classify correctly
Think about wolfs and dogs, cat and wild cats, polar bears and grizzlies, there's some mixing in these cases and it may be hard to tell the boundaries.
If you consider bacterias gene exchange being something like sex they're into bestiality and necrophilia

>> No.9386826

The curls on top-left tho

>> No.9386838

Top left>Top middle>Top right=bottom right>bottom left>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bottom middle

>> No.9386850

Why do they always choose the most hideous, alien looking people to represent whites?
They couldn't have picked an uglier girl if they tried

>> No.9386855

Thanks for the tip anon.
I'm moving to the area soon and I'll have to check it out

>> No.9386868
File: 429 KB, 3472x3456, 8769418058_14abf2cc33_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big problem is that beautiful white girls in a way often don't look that much specifically white and also that non white beauties often somewhat look white

>> No.9386869

truly depends how many years they start to live in a different environment, the offspring might already come a bit changed and ready to adapt the climate
>aka environment adaption

>> No.9388736


Damn, your yellow fever it's severe... it's the worst

>> No.9388743


There is a theory called "Punctuated equilibria". To made it's simple the race even if isolated can remain stable for the interbreed without an important ambiental change.

European, Asians and Blacks are all able to adapat with various degree on all the same enviroments, so it's very difficult to start an hard different evolutive path, for sure it's incredible slow in this condition.

>> No.9388861

Op here, I was also thinking about a sort of artificial constrain like some sort of eugenics. Should nazis continued breeding their aryans, they may have eventually ended with somewhat different humans, selecting the equivalent of animals breeds

>> No.9388870

So the short answer is can't tell.

Long answer is that it can either get a mutation that renders a person unable to breed with anyone else in a single generation. On the other hand people can breed separately for generations and still come back into society. Humans are really really closely related, it would need a lot of mutation and separation to do this. For nazi Eugenics I don't think it would ever happen, barring 1000+ years of isolation, unless they started irradiating people or some shit.

>> No.9388896

and the white girl is the hottest, as expected

>> No.9389039
File: 35 KB, 500x445, 1257977242554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>9384478 (You)
>and the white girl is the hottest, as expected
Likely because you're white but not only; look at this article about ethnoracial preference stats from okcupid
There's a graphic where everyone seems to prefer whites

>> No.9389056

Low test detected.
All I know is that all these girls should carry my offspring in their wombs.

>> No.9389531


It can be accelerated.

>> No.9389762

I heard there was some population that went extinct. The something or rather pygmies. Apparently they were unable to breed with outsiders. I think they were on an island somewhere and disease killed them.

>> No.9389789

Theyre all attractive

>> No.9389802

The one with curly hair is the cutest

>> No.9390039
File: 19 KB, 385x383, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-- Jewish men are more compatible than Muslim men with Muslim women.

>> No.9390050
File: 217 KB, 940x664, palestine-israel-unhate-benetton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9390071

minimum 20 thousand years, maybe 10 times more

>> No.9390126
File: 62 KB, 500x500, CfJ5R56VAAAKR19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe muslim men tend to be douchebags and macho like required by their religion. However being in couple with a non muslim often means to break up with the religious part of your family. Islamists even feel required to kill the apostates who quit islam, and a woman marring a non muslim is quitting islam

>> No.9390137
File: 25 KB, 605x525, 2017-09-14_07-06-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One specific element is that most okcupid users are americans so it may not reflect what going on in other countries. But general preference for whites seems to be a thing. It also may be that it may be much easier for whites wanting interracial to find a good mate

>> No.9390152
File: 211 KB, 357x536, 2017-12-24_12-10-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to precise that even if the stats don't say it that the ease for interracial must apply to any gender and sexuality.
Coalburning is bad for the climate but not coalburning like pic related

>> No.9390155

Realistically, never. Humans are a very large interbreeding population with very low genetic diversity. We have the lowest total genetic diversity of all primates, and it is not clustered in any way.

>if we just keep making threads, it will disprove science!

>> No.9390160

You can mate with a bushman, so no, they're not a different species.

>> No.9390172

They all look kind of enervated and somewhat childlike, not just the white girl.
My guess is that the photographer was a bit of a pedo.

>> No.9390175


>> No.9390614

Do you happen to know the ethnicity of each girl?
Here's my guesses:
1. Top left: South-America
2. Top middle: Asia
3. Top right: Middle east?
4. Bottom left: African American
5. Bottom middle: African
6. Bottom right: Europe

Also Who does everyone think is the hottest?
Here's mine:


I am white european myself

>> No.9390658

>What is neoteny