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/sci/ - Science & Math

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938687 No.938687 [Reply] [Original]

Enigma of the day.

''Is it possible to draw a square with the same surface as a circle, using only a ruler and a compass?''

The Greeks already solved this problem, let's see if you as intelligent as them.

>> No.938694

No calculator? hell no

>> No.938693
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>Is it possible to draw a square with the same surface as a circle, using only a ruler and a compass?'
>draw a square with the same surface as a circle
>same surface as a circle
>same surface

>> No.938699

Given that pi is irrational a calculator won't really help you.

>> No.938701


What the fuck's wrong with ''surface'' do you want me to type ''area'', well, ok, AREA

>> No.938703

No you can't square the circle

>> No.938704


>implying you can't approximate

>> No.938707


an circle the square?

>> No.938711

If you say same surface as a circle that could mean anything.

>> No.938715
File: 48 KB, 184x184, 1250217340678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an circle now!!!

>> No.938720

break circle into dust particles, rearrange to make square

>> No.938727
File: 69 KB, 396x479, Ruler&Compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck will these do to help me?

>> No.938735

And transcendental. The fact that it is a transcendental number prevents us from squaring the circle.

>> No.938744

If you know the exact surface area of the circle, why can't you?

I guess the real question is, can you make a circle and find it's EXACT surface area. In which case the answer is no since pi is irrational.

>> No.938745

You can't approximate.
area of circle = pi * (1/2 * d)^2 = pi * 1/4 * d^2
area of square = l^2
l^2 = pi/4 * d^2

The circle is going to be pi/4 times as wide as the square. Now comes the trigonometry...

>> No.938751

use pirR^2 to get area of circle just measure the radius of the circle with the ruler

then just set up the L and W of the square when * to get the same answer as the first one


>> No.938758

>>938744 can you make a circle and find it's EXACT surface area. In which case the answer is no since pi is irrational.

Sure you can if its radius is sqrt(1/pi)

area = pi * (sqrt(1/pi))*2 = pi / pi = 1

>> No.938776

protip: this is done without any calculations

>> No.938778

oh man lol

>> No.938783
File: 36 KB, 500x408, 1259736629329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do with compass and ruler?

>> No.938829
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L= Pi
W= r^2

>> No.938839

Why, yes. Just draw any square. Some circle will have the same (size of) surface (area). You do not even need the compass! That was easy, OP.

>> No.938863

draw circle of radius r. Surface=pir^2

length of each each side of the square must equal root Pi r. Thus it is impossible.

>> No.938864
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>> No.938886

ITT: classical trolling.

hey guys, I was just thinking about the square root of 2, and guess what?

>> No.938937



>> No.940985

You got a boner

>> No.940997

Just a passerby, but I'll throw this out here for inspiration: A square drawn on the surface of a sphere is no longer the same square it would be in the 2D Cartesian coordinate system. If your coordinate axes are 3D hyperbolic, a square will have the same surface as a circle.

>> No.941011

The constructable numbers form an algebraic field-extension over the rationals.
<span class="math">\pi[/spoiler] is transcendental over Q [note 1], thus it follows that <span class="math">sqrt{\pi}[/spoiler] is also transcendental and as such not constructable.

note 1: http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/town/way/po28/maths/docs/pi.html

>> No.941014

<span class="math">\sqrt{\pi}[/spoiler]
For fucks sake.

>> No.941078
File: 14 KB, 946x640, dfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what you are talking about OP?

>> No.941092

>square and circle should have same area
Looks legit.

>> No.941097

yeah man, same surface

now go die in a fire

>> No.941125


>> No.941134
File: 16 KB, 277x374, ITBURNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lulz, fucktard.
It's not because <span class="math">\pi[/spoiler] is irrational. haha.
<span class="math">\sqrt{2}[/spoiler] is also irrational, but you can construct it extremely easy. Just make a unit square and voila: the diagonal has length <span class="math">\sqrt{2}[/spoiler].

>> No.941152

The answer to the question...
is "no."