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9382084 No.9382084 [Reply] [Original]

If man is descent from monkey then why there is still monkies?

>> No.9382094

actually everyone in homo genus has died out except sapiens

>> No.9382107

Why wouldn't there be?

>> No.9382109

If the first americans came from england why are there still english people?? Checkmate biologists

>> No.9382110
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If monkies are descended from fish then why are there still fish. If fish are descended from trilobytes then why are there still trilobytes. If dinosaurs were a bajillion years ago then why were a couple mentioned in the bible. If the jews didn't do 9/11 then why did a jew own the twin towers and get catastrophic insurance on them a few months earlier, then ask for a double payout cause it was 2 plane attacks, all the while WTC7 was already rigged to be demolished from the inside?
If the jews are god's chosen people then why did they kill Jesus? If the holocaust happened then why has it taken the jewish population 75 years to get back to pre-war census when it had only taken them 20 years to get to that same number before? If the holocaust was meant to genocide the jews then why were they kept alive in camps while "death squads" of executioners also existed? If the holocaust was so effective then why were there holocaust survivors?

>> No.9382119
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geez I wonder if this is bait

>> No.9382161

Not being able to spell "Evolution" is first sign of bait.
Second is flat (and untrue) assertion "man descended from monkeys".
But I'm willing to concede that you, personally, did.

>> No.9382184

if jews were made soap why there is still jews?

>> No.9382214

>Just wait a few years. They'll turn into humans.
Scientists actually believe this

>> No.9382219

Seriously if all the people died would apes eventually evolve into more people? Would fish evolve into more lizards? Lizards evolve to more monkies?

Evolution doesn't make sense if you actually think about it.

>> No.9382286

Technically the natives were the first Americans.

>> No.9382298
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>> No.9382519

Maybe it would if you learned something about it.
Can't tell if you're sincerely asking or just trolling.

Whenever there's an empty ecological niche, SOMETHING usually takes advantage of the opportunity. If all sheep disappeared, some other grass-cropping herbivore would move into their territory. If the niche remained open (ALL large herbivores died) something like rats or rabbits might become large herbivores. Not sheep, but something comparable.

See "After Man" by Dougal Dixon. PDF can be found on internet.

>> No.9383500

>See "After Man" by Dougal Dixon. PDF can be found on internet.
"Man After Man" is great as well.

>> No.9383562

Evolution isnt linear, species works the same way a geneological tree works. that said, what makes species change is not their "will to survive" nor time itself, but the environment, for example:
if you have some birds in an isle that eat only fruits fruits their beaks will be long, a little curved, so its easier to catch the fruit.
Now, the birds only live on a portion of the isle, but they have not many predators, so the population will rise, that means that some birds will fly to another regions of the isle.
Now, for the example, imagine that some birds get to an area where there are not many fruits, but many flowers, they will naturally try to search new food, in their search for it, some will be looking into the trees and see the flowers, they'll smell something interesting inside it and try to taste nectar from the flowers, and, surprise!! it works!! its delicious and serves as food, but when our birds see the flower, its all destroyed and they got not so much nectar, why? because their beak its so big, its made to eat fruit.
So, the birds that will get most benefited from the flowers will be the ones that have smaller and satright beaks, the ones that cant find enough fruit and cant eat enogh nectar will probably not gonna make it, so the only ones who'll get chances to reproduce are the smaller ones with smaller and straight beaks, which sons will probably have this same traits, and so on...
now, many years later, all the birds in the flower zone have become smaller, with thinner, smaller and straight beaks, while the ones in the fruit zone are still the same, or maybe more specialized in fruit, they will be so different that they cannot even have sons, why? because their DNA is so different, that its not compatible anymore, and thats how species originate and the same applies with humans and "monkeys"

PS: this is just a long-ass example, things are more complicated than this!!

>> No.9383742

Monkey Pa have 2 sons, one monkey go one way, other go other way. That evolution.

>> No.9383743


>> No.9383819

Wrong. "American" didn't exist. It was various migrating and warring tribes, in many cases quite distantly related. There was probably inhabitants before them too.

>> No.9383856

if papor med from tri why ther tri?

>> No.9384132

I didn't think "Man after Man" was quite as good. Might be just that I found some of the concepts creepy.

Incidentally, I tried posting link to PDF of "After Man" but 4Chan claimed i was spamming and refused to post. Never saw that happen before.