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9381751 No.9381751 [Reply] [Original]

How will you react when spacex or nasa will say that they plan to have a woman be the first to set foot on mars?

>> No.9381853

It's a weird thing to announce that, it's like hey we did a thing that's gonna be popular in the media.

But who cares in reality.

>> No.9381854

I know that feel op. Fucking egaliatarians

>> No.9381909
File: 2.27 MB, 1550x2325, Consider the Following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making up a hypothetical situation in order to hate on something you don't like

Of the things I don't like, I don't mention them in my life and I certainly don't make up fantasy in order to hate it specifically. This says a great deal about your psyche.

>> No.9381914

Are you, perhaps... triggered??

>> No.9381952

Happy because it shows Women are just as capable as men and sexism has no place in our world, or those beyond. Though I still think it's too early for manned flights. There is much science to be done before we risk contamination.

>> No.9381958
File: 140 KB, 735x625, indian space program.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she will probably die on mars

>> No.9381962

But they aren't just as capable as men and sexism and male dominance is a natural law that we shouldn't try to dismantle (it will only fail).

>> No.9382051

I hope you meant a black transgender asexual woman in a wheelchair you bigot

>> No.9382053

you got a problem with that? Women use less food and oxygen than men do, while weighing less. It makes more sense to send women to mars than it does men.

>> No.9382058

Are we still pretending that sending people to mars isn't a one way death trip?

What pride is there in suicide. You're not even dying for a good cause where at least a muslim jihadist might be a martyr. You're just gonna have a blast being in zero g for a couple months followed by probably dying within a month after landing assuming the landing itself doesn't kill you.

Unironically the best option for astro endeavors is figuring out warp drives or FTL travel, which do exist by the way. If UFO's can do it, it can be done.

>> No.9382083
File: 2.09 MB, 640x363, ezgif-4-0206902fb5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying after landing
>dying upon landing
>implying they wouldn't die before the rocket even launches

>> No.9382124

>> FTL travel
go back to /x/. Relativity says any FTL must violate causality. We don't need faster than light for transit in the solar system. The solar system is really fucking big.

>> No.9382128


Without new engine technologies (no, rockets are bombs and also spew deadly chemicals out so any tiny improvements don't count) it's all hopeless.

There's a reason why most scifi involves seemingly magical ships and not the junk that what we have.

>> No.9382132
File: 5 KB, 250x174, q5OL30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How retarded do you gotta be to not believe that UFO's exist?

>> No.9382137
File: 30 KB, 500x235, NERVA-diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try samefag reddit-spacer. Ain't no way you're gonna beat the reaction fucking engine.
>> spew deadly chemicals
oh fuck no, most just spew CO2 and H2O
Now if we really want a big improvement, we need to go nuclear and use NTRs

>> No.9382142

Great. Now it's not just deadly chemicals but also deadly radioactive chemicals that make chernobil and fukushima look like minor disasters.

>> No.9382172

It's going to be a black woman or a black and asian woman holding hands in Unity as they walk down the ramp together.

>> No.9382238

Why would you be anything about It?

>> No.9382242


>> No.9382827

The guy will just land the craft and open the door.

>> No.9382867

I'll piss where I want
woof woof

>> No.9383863

>How will you react when spacex or nasa will say that they plan to have a woman be the first to set foot on mars?

do you really think that a woman can stand to be away from other people for that long?

>> No.9383909

No reaction, mostly because any astronaut NASA sends to space tend to be highly qualified individuals who are extremely passionate about space exploration. And unless spacex breaks this record from day 1, I'd be more than happy to pass on the credibility NASA has earned on to them.

>> No.9383918

You could just send a manlet if weight is a problem.

>> No.9385439

Don't care, but you missed an opportunity to call your thread,
>plan to have a woman be the first man to set foot on mars?

>> No.9385553


I'm pretty neutral about all the shit going on around me.

>> No.9385564

Astronauts are handpicked and objectively the most capable humans on the face of the Earth. It won't matter to me if the first person on Mars is a woman. They're a trained astronaut, literally the best of all if humanity, their sex is totally irrelevant.

>> No.9385575

imagine a woman doing the peace sign duck face selfie from mars

>> No.9385580

Don't you have a containment board?

>> No.9385598

Imagine a man taking dick pics from mars

>> No.9385616

I would do this just to piss off faggots like you

humanity goes to mars and all you can worry about is that?

>> No.9385699

I might get slightly annoyed by how it will be announced in the news like it "just fucking obliterated the patriarchy"
but I will mostly be bothered by /pol/ tards losing their minds while simultaneously trying to act like they don't care at all

>> No.9385770

>be a space pioneer in the 60-s
>yfw you learn the first person to set foot on Mars will be a black "woman" with a degree in social studies

>> No.9386066

Who cares? Crew won't be only women

>> No.9386310

how the fuck else do you expect to research the effect of low gravity during pregnancy and development. You gotta send at least one woman (female).

>> No.9386452

Have you not heard of the Alcubierre Drive?

>> No.9386484

i better see some hot cam pussy on mars then

>> No.9386512

I really dont get the memedream of a spacevehicle or lander landing on mars then relaunching back into space. The gravity is too high for anything but fuel based rockets.

It's definitely a 1-way death mission