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File: 118 KB, 1367x573, slipspace portal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9374964 No.9374964 [Reply] [Original]

So you know how in some science fiction lore they have portals which travel to higher dimensions in order to cut through space? Well I was thinking that these portals must be anchored to space, meaning that if you were a ship that's in orbit around a planet, you would have to slow way the fuck down just so you don't zoom by the portal you just opened up.

I mean there's no way you should treat portals like moving objects, that just doesn't make any sense.

>> No.9374967

>I mean there's no way you should treat portals like moving objects, that just doesn't make any sense.
Why? Everything else in space is moving

>> No.9374976

But portals literally are space

>> No.9374981

Yes portals are science fiction.
So is surviving crossing an event horizon.

>> No.9375060

Holy fuck dude you must super smart.

>> No.9375079

No offense, but traveling to a higher dimension would more than likely kill you, considering they lie outside of the fabric of space and time.

>> No.9375082

Yes i am. Thanks.

The irony is you weren't being ironic given the modern trend of technological advancements has been towards trying to make science fiction ideas true instead of realizing they're actually retarded.
take touchscreens for example. Completely retarded and less efficient than physical buttons and dedicated screenspace.

>> No.9375090

The only way that post could have less to do with my argument in the OP is if you smashed your head against the keyboard and hit post.

>> No.9375093

>Completely retarded and less efficient than physical buttons and dedicated screenspace.
You're the real retard if you can't see the appeal of touchscreens. Not everyone cares about their mobile WPM. Touchscreens are much more user friendly, relaxing, and take less brain power to use than a bunch of physical buttons.

>> No.9375100

I'm not even talking about if higher dimensions exist, or whether or not it's possible to travel through them and survive, or if they're economically feasible; I'm simply arguing that the portals themselves should be tethered to space, and would thus not continue to orbit around the planet with us, making it extremely difficult to travel through them.

>> No.9375113

The thing is that space itself is relative, there doesn't exist an absolute "point".

>> No.9375125

When the earth orbits around the sun, the earth travels through space, it doesn't carry the space with it around the sun (that isn't ignoring the fact that mass warps space). This means that the portal in space would just stay where it is and we would have to wait a year for the earth to reach it again.

>> No.9375126

Uh, no. You can type significantly faster on a physical keyboard compared to a software keyboard, and it takes a lot less mindpower effort to do so. Instead of looking directly at every key to make sure you hit it, with physical buttons you can train muscle memory by touch for finger placement so you can type without looking at the keys.

You are actually so retarded that you don't even understand just how retarded you are.

>> No.9375136


You are both fucking plebes, I just duplicated digital scans of my brain and turned them into AI to think and type FOR me.

>> No.9375146
File: 26 KB, 220x334, 220px-BriefHistoryTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Fifth dimension is experiencing multi-directional space/time. Imaginary time and all that jazz.

By see infinite in all directions it became clear the universe had edges, and thus, I have flipped on my "Multiverse" theory.

Eternal Language is math, geometry and trigonometry, physics and the like.

>> No.9375148

>we would have to wait a year for the earth to reach it again

Actually the solar system revolves around the center of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way itself is in motion.

>> No.9375154
File: 118 KB, 250x315, sriyantraanim3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Correct. Which means there is a center, vortex. No big bang.

>> No.9375168

Depends on whether or not they are present between layers of the fabric of our reality or not.
My gut feeling says no, that the fourth dimension must lie outside of our 3rd Dimension.

>> No.9375191

I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9375198
File: 90 KB, 645x729, 46a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean there's no way you should treat portals like moving objects, that just doesn't make any sense.
>Let me just make up this fantasy technology and then apply arbitrary constraints to it

>> No.9375217
File: 184 KB, 665x662, 456w4564465456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9375233
File: 970 KB, 720x1280, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unfortunate that you can't comprehend basic English and have extreme autism. Typed this with one finger and the other hand on my dick. Bout to go take a poop and play some candy crush. Stay mad lol

>> No.9375241

50 seconds for 38 words.
Alright. I guess if you're retarded that might seem fast.

>> No.9375261

45 WPM. Roughly half my speed on a full computer keyboard. I highly doubt you would be able to get significantly higher than that on a blackberry or any other phone with physical keyboard, considering typing is done with 2 thumbs.

And it's rather ironic you throw around the word retarded every post like that considering you didn't even have the mental capacity to read my first reply properly.

I stated:
>Not everyone cares about their mobile WPM.
You replied:
>Uh, no. You can type significantly faster on a physical keyboard compared to a software keyboard

>> No.9375431

"Portal anchored in space" implies a preferred reference frame against which the "absolute" motion of bodies such as planets and suns could be checked.
That would blow Relativity to hell-and-gone.

However, if you're talking science fiction, I can name several novels in which the location of these "shortcuts" depends upon the gravity fields of actual objects.
"Starman Jones" by Heinlein is the most famous.
In some books the positions of "links" slowly changes as suns move. A portal might approach or recede from a sun (changing the economics of visiting that system). And sometimes parts of the "network" will suddenly snap into a more stable configuration, leaving an inhabited system cut off, isolated, while new territories become accessible. "Antares Dawn" by Michael McCollum is an example of this.

>> No.9375474
File: 137 KB, 396x385, 1512883884730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9375914

Don't understand query.
You mean magnetic monopoles?
Possible under Maxwell's equations but I think String Theories which include them are considered "unreal". Like tachyons. The math leads to probabilities greater than one -- which don't make sense.

>> No.9375919


>> No.9375934
File: 86 KB, 514x469, IMG_20170323_001830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going into a higher dimension is probably a severe medical problem. Fold space is good enough.

>> No.9375947
File: 51 KB, 800x600, B5_jumpgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the portals could always be held together by some sort of structure, like jump gates / stargates in scifi. that way the structure and associated wormhole would have a predictable and stable path. pic related.

>> No.9375963

The portal would not be effected by relativity as they aren't objects with mass.