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9368713 No.9368713 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any people who've left long lasting impressions on you due to their intelligence? They were quicker, sharper, and just did things in a way you had never even considered before.

What made them so special?

>> No.9370366

Not really. However everyone in my major is sleep deprived and thus a little retarded, me included so maybe they are in the hidding.

>> No.9370381


nobody has ever left me with that impression. plenty of people smarter than me and with more knowledge, but none so sharp that i was awestruck

>> No.9370401

There is a guy in a mental hospital that is incredibly smart. He is one of the leaders of the fascist 4chan movement. He has read over 3000 books.

>> No.9370429

My high school math teacher. Unlike the teachers I had in primary school, he actually liked being a teacher. He made several million dollars in the dot-com boom, and retired at age 36. Went to George Peabody college, and then returned to his dumpy, bumfuck hometown to teach ignorant and unappreciative fucks like me. Died a few years ago, before I could return to tell him of how much I changed, and how I was going to make it. I think of him everyday.

>> No.9370440


>> No.9370445

My childhood friend used to be smarter to me, I probably surpassed him by now though in some areas. Haven't seen him in 5 years :(. Wherever he is, he's probably giving it his all like always.

>> No.9370465


>> No.9370557

One of my childhood friends was a genius
Went on to be a composure for orchestras

>> No.9370983

The Jewish Illuminati has taken interest in me, and moniter me.

>> No.9371103

my eyes are sweating

>> No.9371111

My professors inspire me daily. They are fountains of knowledge who regurgitate information constantly. Most have Master's degrees and truly are experts in their fields. I aspire to be like them.

>> No.9371909

>I think of him every day

>> No.9372422

Alexandre. We talk to him just like any normie but this guy is going to enter Polytechnique he's beyond our grasp.

>> No.9372430

Role models are for the weak. My only drive in life is to learn how to cause the end of human life as we know it

>> No.9372437

I had a philosophy professor in college that really impressed me. I would go to his office hours to talk about things somewhat unrelated to the class because I wanted to get his opinion on stuff I was thinking about

>> No.9372445

Alexandre ça fait pas assez feuj pour entrer à Polytechnique.

>> No.9373788

No. I did notice a few of my professors were clearly smarter than others. Brad De Long must have a really high IQ, even if he isn't as accomplished as some of his peers. He clearly has a broader intelligence that most others in that department.

>> No.9373790

I was never impressed with a philosophy professor. They were all nice and smart and knowledgeable but I could hold my own with all of them. It is hard to be motivated in that situation, actually.

>> No.9373850

My first job as a self-taught shitcoder was with some grad students doing research. They would all read entire advanced technical tomes and multiple papers every single week. I thought they were wizard genuises until they taught me how to organize my time better to do the same. One of them stood out where he could effortlessly recall theorems in papers and spot sequences and results like he was a walking inverse symbolic calculator or had memorized oeis.

>> No.9373852

Some dude I used to work with had pretty much instant and boundless long term and working memory, really good speaker too for a young guy. Physics guy who took a CS job pretty much and got pretty damn good at developing in like a year. Typically the people who I meet who impress me (and make me feel like shit) have these same traits and tons of mental energy and stamina as well as passion for getting things done correctly.

>> No.9373854
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Please reveal their secrets. I need this.

>> No.9373864

People that see the long term and the big picture aren't like that.

>> No.9373880

They planned each and every day to a T and followed the schedule religiously. Anytime a change in the sched had to be accommodated they would pull out this piece of paper with scribbles all over it they were carrying around which was their sched and redo it right then and there in order to still fit in time to read papers, write grant applications, keep office hours ect.

>> No.9373881

What brings you to that conclusion? The guy I have in mind had a ton of business knowledge about the product and what changes could imply.

>> No.9373882

I mean the whole "doing things correctly". People that see the grand scheme of things aren't overly concerned with details.

>> No.9373883

Definitely gonna try this.

>> No.9373886

I know what you're talking about now, not really an issue for most people I'm thinking of but yeah some dudes get caught up in the details and lose sight of wtf is going on. I've made that mistake many times before and have grown past that for the most part.

>> No.9373892

In France, the way you go to the elite colleges is by going to "prep school" where you pretty much do Maths and Physics all day, and therefore differences in intelligence really stick out. There were some guys in my class who were simply geniuses. One guy especially didn't even take notes and just played on his cellphone during classes, and then out of the blue would raise his hand and ask/answer with incredible relevance a question, as if he was really paying attention to the class.

>> No.9373896

And yeah that guy went to polytechnique.

>> No.9373904

Lol he probably had the textbook on his phone

>> No.9373905

No this was back in 2010 and he had a dumbphone.

>> No.9373907

Also there are no textbooks in prep schools, you take notes from the teacher only.

>> No.9373909

High school friend. Things just came to him. He was able to think of solving problems in every possible way so quick. He’s doing comp sci in stanford. I’m surprised he still keeps me in contact and talks to me everyday because I’m a brain let at a mid tier uni

>> No.9374204
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>tfw not good enough for l'X

>> No.9374206

i dont notice anyone smarter then me

>> No.9374212

Did you get mines/centrale?
I dont think that américains know/care about polytechnique even though it is the holy grail in France.

>> No.9375627

Cool thread.

>> No.9375634

Me, of course.

>> No.9375669

probably because you're a brainlet

>> No.9375696

I had a childhood friend in high school who had really great affinity for music and literature. When I was with him, I felt like I'm opening up my artistic side, we made music together although I never learned music and stuff like this. It was a really huge blow when we drifted apart. I wish I could create something beautiful like he could.

>> No.9375883

Can't name one off the top of my head now. Probably a prof that did a course on Philosophy of Science in my uni. Studied tons of shit and was generally very knowledgeable, yet managed to expose about the class topics in a straightforward manner.

>reads books
pick one haha

>> No.9375911
File: 10 KB, 268x326, Teichmuller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know much about the history of Fascism? All major fascist movements had many very esteemed academics in them. Similar to communism. The average communist you meet is an idiot too.

>> No.9375932

>My high school math teacher.
Same here, i had a really based high school algebra teacher. I got an A- for both semesters. Keep in mind i had D's and one F in my freshman year of algebra.

He wasn't the smartest or the sharpest but the only way i could describe him is alpha and logical

>> No.9375939
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I've been around a lot of supposedly smart people, and once you see behind the veil you realize the secret and that there wasn't any magic there at all.

Von Neumann was known for his ability to recite "A Tale of Two Cities" from memory. This wasn't some natural ability. This was a parlor trick which he practiced, explicitly to impress people. In fact it was a game he used to play with his mother, to see who could remember the most. So this was a trick he deliberately practiced since childhood.

All we see is the end result which seems magical to the uninformed. There is no magic. Stop believing in it and you will set yourself free from this hero worship.

>> No.9375960
File: 264 KB, 600x450, Nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the course of the history of fascism some guy went to a Occupy Protest (TM) around 2011. He tried to do something through a committee. He was soon sold on fascism.

>> No.9375978

my advisor and the director of my phd program.
They are both smart and patient enough to deal with a brainlet like me.

>> No.9376629

sounds like something hamming would say

>> No.9376647

I sort of agree with this. Most of what is considered "genius" is in fact just extreme degrees of determination and perseverance. This isn't to say that superior aptitude has no benefit but rather that the overwhelming majority of the reason for genius is above average levels of determination.

Take the average human brain, set controls for emotions and any biological needs, and put it to work on figuring out solutions to some problem or researching some field for the purpose of gaining knowledge. Come back a year later and you'll think you've created a "genius."

>> No.9376670

this is my dream to be a man like that teacher

>> No.9376681

an even more important concept from this is to also realize you can do it too

feynman was famously similar in this regard. both neumann and feynman were geniuses in their own rights. but they both had many of these famous little tricks they used to make people get the impression that they were otherworldly intelligent

>> No.9376690

Nukes, viruses, poison, and lasers won't work anymore-- at least not in this day and age.

The only way to kill a man now is the good old fashioned way. With sword and sandal.

>> No.9376791



literally the opposite of weapons of mass destruction .

>> No.9376805

There have been people that knew more than I in a subject but desu, they were slower. What took me a few seconds to understand took them minutes, which felt like a lifetime.

>> No.9377600

Yes. It was their coping skills.

>> No.9377760

And the few people with the natural ability to memorize the whole Tale of two cities are retarded potatoes. Its like they put all their skill points into memory and nothing else. I saw a video on youtube of a guy who could read two pages at a time and had 98% retention

>> No.9378813

top tier show the young pope is

>> No.9378885

I was speaking to impress, not to be literal.