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File: 192 KB, 563x397, fusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9368299 No.9368299 [Reply] [Original]


Is fusion really a meme?

>> No.9368305

just because there is a bunch of pseudosciency shit surrounding "cold fusion" and all that, nuclear fusion was never a meme as a potential power source, we just haven't reached it due to lack of funding over the several decades for one reason or another

>> No.9368493
File: 48 KB, 504x552, 4Chan 1513122561311 Fusion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not "cold fusion"
It's "hot fusion"
Demands temperatures MUCH higher than what's needed to make deuterium-tritium fusion proceed.
Advantage is that it would produce only charged particles which would eliminate the need for a thermal cycle. Efficiency would be much higher and there'd be no degradation of the reactor structure by neutrons.

But first, they have to "catch the rabbit".

>> No.9369028

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.9369677

>Is fusion really a meme?
Hardly. Or how do you think stars release all that energy?

>> No.9369681

fused ur mom with my dick last nite LMAO


>> No.9369903

LFTRs are better desu

>> No.9369910

Tokamak/stellarator is the only non meme fusion mechanism. Other methods are good for research but will never out produce their consumption.

>> No.9369988

Maybe you're right that other approaches will never be practical.
I'm still awaiting my first joule from a Tokamak/stellarator though.

Note: I've seen a tokamak up close & personal, Had a lab tour. Marvelous piece of engineering but a VERY long way from becoming a reliable power plant.

>> No.9370006

>Tokamak/stellarator is the only non meme fusion mechanism.
Actually it's the only meme fusion mechanism that wasted decades and billions.

I don't which approach will finally work, but I know fusion is seriously underfunded.
Had they spend all their "green" money on fusion, we'd probably have it already.

But to be fair with the AI disaster coming up, fusion is just not as important. The future is bleak regardless.

>> No.9370011

Only 20 years away.

>> No.9370021
File: 5 KB, 158x150, 1487971305884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fusion is a meme
>stars are a meme
>the sun is a meme
>our solar system is a meme
>the earth is a meme
>we ARE a meme

>> No.9372003

>Is fusion really a meme?

all language is a meme, but to more specifically answer your question, we technically CAN make light elements fuse in containment.

We just haven't figured out how to contain/pump the damn thing with less energy than it produces...

>> No.9372229

>green money into fusion
And drown in the following pollution?

>> No.9372284
File: 122 KB, 328x448, sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all memedust.