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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9368291 No.9368291 [Reply] [Original]

Is high school a meme? Does it really determine your success? If you have low grades are you a brainlet? If you have high grades are you an intellect? Do colleges really care about your HS grades and your HS classes? Are you intellectually inferior if you get bad grades?

I want to be a surgeon, /Sci. I am determined. But I can't help but feel inferior because of my grades. A in math, A in science, but my math class is algebra one, college prep because I fucked up in Middle School. There are other people that act like fucking morons in honors geometry. But I'm better than them. I know I am. I know more than them, and they don't care about what they learn. I feel like everyone is trying to stop me and prevent me from becoming a surgeon or scientist. It will happen though, I'm determined and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. I deal with too much bullshit at school, too. Everyone's an ass. Nothing is sacred to the people there. They don't care about anything. Students make out in the hallways and I hate seeing it, it's absolutely disgusting. I hate seeing people be happy.

I'm currently taking Italian. The class is hard because I'm a brainlet. I have a test tomorrow that I'm going to fail, and I have nothing to study for it because the teacher doesn't give us good notes. The teacher doesn't give us any notes, actually. I have a C in that class right now. I have an A in algebra, and an A+ in science. The rests are B-B+. Am I not gonna make it to college? Should I just end it? Or should I just go to Eastern Europe and do my own learning and career out of that...

Even the kids that get good grades at my school want to do the most unpure jobs. Computer science, psychology, and finance. I find finance absolutely disgusting. Computer science is decent but very impure. Psychology is needed but isn't a science, but they act like it is.

Word limit is running out, I'll post more replies. Help me, /sci/. I'm hurting.

>> No.9368293

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.
>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

>> No.9368297

This isn't any worse than the dozens of iq threads we see daily.

>> No.9368300
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>But I'm better than them. I know I am. I know more than them, and they don't care about what they learn. I feel like everyone is trying to stop me and prevent me from becoming a surgeon or scientist. It will happen though, I'm determined and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. I deal with too much bullshit at school, too. Everyone's an ass. Nothing is sacred to the people there. They don't care about anything. Students make out in the hallways and I hate seeing it, it's absolutely disgusting. I hate seeing people be happy.

>> No.9368301

well you arent failing... Go be a surgeon

>> No.9368303

I'm not joking though.

Thank you I appreciate the comment. :)

>> No.9368310

Dunning kruger effect
You're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.9368312

Yeah I know, I'm on Zoloft right now and it's having a toll on my self confidence. My self confidence used to be in the shitter. It's still in the shitter but in different way.

>> No.9368337

Grades have nothing to do with intelligence. Grades reflect obedience (which people call "work ethic" to make it seem like it's a positive characteristic) and probably emotional stability. Anecdotally, some of the dumbest people I've ever known were extremely successful academically, most notably in Calc 2 which is widely considered to be difficult. Intelligence only becomes a limiting factor at the far end of a few fields of study.

>> No.9368338

People are being mean to me on /adv/.

"You're an idiot kid that probably shouldn't go in to medicine. The last thing that we need are more sociopathic doctors. If you really think that Computer science, psychology or finance are 'unpure', I don't know what to say. I'm honestly kind of confused; What kind of ideology do you subscribe to that has caused you to go through this level of mental gymnastics? Stop over thinking things, cause, you definitely don't have the brain to be a surgeon lmao. Maybe a janitor or security guard in a hospital?"

"I hope you are trolling. If not: You wont make it and should start learning how to flip dem sweet ass burgers."

Please help.

>> No.9368342

>Grades have nothing to do with intelligence. Grades reflect obedience
Which school for brainlets do you go to?

>> No.9368343

You ARE a brainlet.

>> No.9368346

>Grades have nothing to do with intelligence. Grades reflect obedience
Which school for brainlets do you go to?

>> No.9368348
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>Grades have nothing to do with intelligence. Grades reflect obedience

>> No.9368353


>> No.9368354

>low IQ asshurt that his superiors don't mistake his hours of obediently poring over dull textbooks, obediently completing boring homework assignments, and obediently attending boring lectures for actual intelligence

Try not to cry, but no, no one who is actually smart thinks you are smart.

>> No.9368356

>dull textbooks
>boring homework assignments
>boring lectures
what kind of fucked up program do you go to, and why do you even go there?

>> No.9368361

If you feel this way, I believe you aren't as dumb as you think you are, potential and success in this world is measured by how much failure you can take, yet you have tajen failure sith middle school. Now you are trying to improve yourself, just keep going.

>> No.9368362
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Global rule #2: You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Saged + reported. If you can't figure out whether or not you're going to college because of one C or F you're a fucking brainlet and shouldn't even be going to college.

>> No.9368363

>dull textbooks, obediently completing boring homework assignments, and obediently attending boring lectures
Which school for brainlets do you go to?

>> No.9368368

>potential and success in this world is measured by how much failure you can take
lolwut? It's measured by how much privilege you have. "Successful" people in the modern west just had easy lives, they didn't "take failure." How retarded are you? Do you think attractive celebrities have persevered at all in life?

>> No.9368370

/adv/ is a meme board, I read a lot about the board and have visited it a few times, people go there to meme. Yet you might say this board isn't very smart either but trust me, /adv/ is a really bad board.

>> No.9368371

If you don't understand the use of textbooks, practice problems and lectures, you probably just don't enjoy the subject.

>> No.9368372
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>Success is measured by how much privilege you have

>> No.9368374

>And you know that people who are actually smart dont care if you are smart.

You know this from where redditor?

>> No.9368375

Thank you, I really appreciate the comment. :) In middle school I've failed miserably... I'm doing much better now.

Yeah just realized that for myself, not going back there.


>> No.9368376

I'm not referring to racial privilege you unbelievable moron. "Privilege" as in unearned advantages; take for example the entire person of Chris Hemsworth. If you think privilege as a concept doesn't exist then you are far more delusional than the landwhale in your image, even if she believes in fat positivity.

>> No.9368378

ooohhh, oh shit, you're talking about high school, sorry. that's different.

fuck off you underage retard >>>/out/

>> No.9368379

There's not a single actually intelligent person that believes grades = intelligence. You can also just have conversations with people who perform well academically to conclude that intelligence plays no factor.

>> No.9368381

Are you a nigger? Talking of all this privelage and >you need privelage to be successful.

>> No.9368382
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>> No.9368385

you got that from what, your experience as a high school student?

the reason you can't post here if you're underage isn't to protect you from some forbidden content or whatever. it's to protect us from you. fuck off.

>> No.9368388
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1513034744412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still failing. You're a brainlet who can't pass highschool languages yet thinks they're hot shit. Get off this website, grow up a little, learn some humility. Then come back when you've learned that you're still a failure.

>> No.9368391

>thinking I'm OP

You have low intelligence. If you didn't your subconscious pattern recognition would make it easy for you to distinguish the most eloquent person in this thread from the least. Brainlet.

>> No.9368390

Well what can intelligence be signified as, are there any factors, clues as to measuring if someone is actually smart other than grades and iq?

>> No.9368397

What a lot of failures like to do is when they fail, they want to drag others with them, to feel normal like others are like them. Please stop anon we know you failed you don't have to drag everyone else down with you.

>> No.9368403
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here's your (you)

>> No.9368404

Stop encouraging children to stick around and shit up the website even more.

>> No.9368406

from what an autist high schooler thinks of you after a short conversation obviously

>> No.9368409
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<3 - OP

None of those posts were from me.

>> No.9368416


>> No.9368417

>I'm currently taking Italian. The class is hard because I'm a brainlet. I have a test tomorrow that I'm going to fail, and I have nothing to study for it because the teacher doesn't give us good notes. The teacher doesn't give us any notes, actually. I have a C in that class right now

I had a D in high school Spanish for 3 years and still got into to a good school.

If you apply to med school, they don't care about high school grades.

Depending on what grade you are in algebra 1 is either fine or absolute garbage. If you're a junior or senior with algebra 1 I'd recommend you take a summer course to move up a level

>> No.9368420

Grades measure whether or not you do what you're told, that's about it. Especially in high school and undergrad where no intelligence is required to understand the material in a reasonable amount of time. If anything, I'd say moderate idiots are more likely to do well in school because their relatively inactive minds make it easier to focus on the incredibly dull experience that is school. They are also more likely to blindly put faith in the notion that "the system" is the best or most fulfilling way to "become successful." Smart people will tend to lose interest in the incredibly awful experience that is school.

>> No.9368423
File: 58 KB, 645x729, you3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too smart to get good grades

>> No.9368424

>Grades measure whether or not you do what you're told, that's about it.
You mean "whether or not you are able to do what you're told".

>Especially in high school and undergrad where no intelligence is required to understand the material in a reasonable amount of time.
Which school for brainlets do you go to?

>> No.9368426


One more thing, foreign languages are the biggest fucking meme subject in all of education. Most foreign language majors can't even speak their chosen language at a native level at the end of their education. They then quickly forget it as they don't practice it.

Literally nobody gives about any language other than English.

You might be forced to do a language requirement of some kind at university. But, I'd recommend you bring this up with your language professor and whatever is used to monitor students that have accommodations and other shit like that. If you do that, there's a good chance you might get an exception.

>> No.9368428

>You mean "whether or not you are able to do what you're told".

No, I meant whether or not you do what you're told.

>> No.9368432

9th grade, taking geometry in the summer so I can take algebra 2 next year. I really, really appreciate this post. Thank you :)

I agree with you here.

He has a point, I didn't do any work in middle school and obviously failed. When I did do the work, I'd get A's.

Yeah no it's retarded. I'm just taking it because everyone at my school says 'ohh colleges want 3 years of a language!!11' but i mean would they rather me take 3 years of a language or double up on math/science for 3 years? I'd much rather double up on math/science for 3 years...

But yeah I've spoken to seniors and they can't speak shit. I've taught myself more German in two years than Spanish at school has taught me over five years.

>> No.9368434
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>tfw too intelligent to follow instructions

>> No.9368435

>Grades measure whether or not you do what you're told, that's about it.

>> No.9368437
File: 30 KB, 321x357, walter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed what little math classes I took in high school, didn't take any past the graduation requirement, and then didn't take the SAT or ACT.

I did humanitarian work in Asia for 2 years then joined the Army after that for 4 years. By the time I enrolled in college for the first time I was 26 and out of high school for 8 years.

Not a single thing I did in high school had any affect on anything in my life. Nothing had any bearing whatsoever, and within a year I hadn't talked to a single person I was friends with and haven't kept contact with them since.

Now I'm in college and doing well, going to class debt free with the GI Bill and have the life lessons and experience the be mature and work hard. I have an amazing girlfriend who I'll probably marry next year, and a cool dog and things are decent. High school had absolutely zero effect on anything I have done in my life since it.

>> No.9368438

boy, go away. honestly. don't post here.

>> No.9368440

>i hate seeing people happy
>wants to go into a profession that improves others' quality of life

>> No.9368442

>No, I meant whether or not you do what you're told.
In a very narrow and useless interpretation sure. If being told 'solve this problem' is a portion of your grade, then yes, your grade is measured whether you do as your told. But this requires you to be actually be able to solve the problem in the allotted time.

>> No.9368447

very funny haha. no its becua-s its bait ahaha '

i can not reply because its bait

That sounds great.

I mean I hate seeing people walk in big groups all happy acting like everything is fucking perfect. I'd love to be responsible for making someone happy. I'd love that so much.

stop talking like you're from the ghetto

>> No.9368449

> But this requires you to be actually be able to solve the problem in the allotted time

Which is a reflection of the time you spent studying (doing what you were told).

There are very, very few people who are limited in their school performance by their intelligence. At that point you're getting close to legal retardation.

>> No.9368450

What he hates is not seeing others happy, but seeing others with their ignorance, for say teenagers. As OP stated: "They don't care about anything."

>> No.9368451

I don't know how to talk to a 15 year old. What do I call you? I can't call you mate. Maybe buddy? Just go away. This isn't the place for you.

>> No.9368453

Failed adult reporting in. How well you do in high school determines your future to the extent that if you flunked out of grade 12 like me, you're pretty much going to be denied entry to university. I ended up going to college and getting a diploma but I'll never be able to do what I really want or make a lot of money, or even to feel fulfilled, because universities mandate that you have the prerequisite courses and the minimum GPA.

>> No.9368456

MM, yes.

Call me Sir.

>legal retardation

oof thats not too good to hear. Couldn't you of just gotten your GED and went to a community college?

>> No.9368457

University isn't required to be successful unless you're an idiot sheep though.

>> No.9368459

why are so many fucking children posting in /sci/ today
are there ads?

>> No.9368463

>Which is a reflection of the time you spent studying (doing what you were told).
I don't think I've ever had a professor tell me to study, I can't see why university students would have to be told that anyway

>> No.9368470

The fuck? You were told to do it at some point, it doesn't matter when. The point is that studying (which is equivalent to being a mindless obedient fuck) is how you succeed academically, even if you are nearly retarded. People who do well in school aren't smart, nor do they possess any other positive characteristic inherently. They're just obedient.

>> No.9368479

>The fuck? You were told to do it at some point, it doesn't matter when. The point is that studying (which is equivalent to being a mindless obedient fuck) is how you succeed academically, even if you are nearly retarded. People who do well in school aren't smart, nor do they possess any other positive characteristic inherently. They're just obedient.
Are you okay?

>> No.9368482

>The point is that studying (which is equivalent to being a mindless obedient fuck) is how you succeed academically, even if you are nearly retarded.
I've done great on exams that I didn't study for

>> No.9368486

>People who do well in school aren't smart, nor do they possess any other positive characteristic inherently.
Maybe people who do well in the school you went to aren't smart, but not all of us went to schools for brainlets.

>> No.9368496

I know you can't understand this because you're dumb, but you are dumb.

>> No.9368499

>I know you can't understand this because you're dumb, but you are dumb.
I know you can't understand this because you think every school is like the one you went to, but you went to a school for brainlets.

>> No.9368500

You'll be fine. Take me as an example. I graduated high school with a 3.1 GPA and only applied to state schools. Back then I'd ditch class to go drinking or do drugs and wasn't that motivated in coursework.
Enter low tier state university and I am an undecided major until junior year. It took me six years to graduate but I took a extra STEM courses and gained research experience by working in lab. Graduated with honors 3.5+ . I applied into doctoral programs for physiology.
I entered a doctoral program this fall. I was awarded a university fellowship that pretty much guarantees my funding for four years. I just got to put in the work now. Looking into working as a research scientist for a pharmaceutical company as my end goal.

Just stay focused on your goals. High school will not determine your outcome. Undergraduate gave me a fresh start and I took advantage of it. If I can do it, you can too.

>> No.9368503

You're giving me a good time tonight.

Keep it up.

>> No.9368509

If you can't get good grades in high school you will not get into med school, mark my words

>> No.9368512

Wow thats impressive (i think) Thanks for the words of inspiration :) my GPA rn is like 3.35 I think or maybe 3.5 even

people have failed hs and gotten into medschool, ignoring this post. Refer to >>9368397

>> No.9368521


You would be wise to heed my words. Unless you want to go to med school in the Carribean. Getting into med school is about effort not intelligence and failing high school shows a SEVERE lack of effort

>> No.9368525

I'm not failing high school though

>> No.9368527

With a psychological adjustment towards blind obedience you can. The issue is that most people who don't do well in high school will find pre-med equally boring and will continue to not do their homework, not study, etc. It isn't in their nature to sit in classrooms day in and day out listening to material that is less interesting than estimating how many pores are in the ceiling tiles.

School isn't for everyone, some people have superior minds that are unstimulated by the structured, unchallenging, repetitive nature of school. Do something creative or interesting instead and make money that way.

>> No.9368534

I agree, it is unstimulating but I have to force myself to do well as I've been doing. I don't want to do anything creative.

>> No.9368536

No problem anon. As you'll go through your academic career you'll meet like minded people. Don't get put off by dumb freshmen/sophomores during your first couple years. Stay focused on your goal and learn persistence. I've seen many students trying to go on the medical or doctoral route but they give up because it takes too much time or find a good paying job. Its really going to test your determination for that type of career.
Probably the best advice I can give you is to start planning as soon as you graduate on what your goals are for each year in college. There are tons of opportunities to get paid internships in R1 universities and medical schools to conduct research over the summer. Also get involved in extra curricular that will reflect your passion for medicine/science.

And don't worry too much about your overall GPA. When applying to graduate school they'll care if you have a 3.0+ yes, but more importantly they want to know your science GPA. Thats probably a way more important determinant of your potential as a scientist.

>> No.9368543

Alright thanks :) Science gpa is over a 4 rn :D I'm saving this post if u dont mind, so i can read it if i ever get discouraged <4

>> No.9368548

OP seriously get the fuck off of 4chan. I was the same as you, I mean I didn't really care about school or grades, but I also felt isolated from other teenagers my age. I found 4chan more appealing, better conversation and all that. You're only isolating yourself further. You'll hit an age where you realize you've let the internet replace any genuine human contact and you're a friendless and unlikable loser. Your online friends will either have grown up and made it or they'll be miserable fucks like you and you'll stop talking. You'll find yourself entirely alone. Go out and make some friends IRL, get the fuck off the internet, 4chan will still be here a few years, until then go enjoy being young.

>> No.9368555 [DELETED] 

>until then go enjoy being young
This is only possible if you're good looking. Enjoying life is literally impossible for most people who naturally gravitated towards this hell-hole.

>> No.9368556

alright anon thanks for the advice, I'm gonna try to make friends tomorrow wish me luck

>> No.9368559

Underage B&

>> No.9368575

please no

>> No.9368897

If you're really a 9th grader, don't freak out. Work on improving and studying even if your rebellious streak tells you that school is a wate of time. GPA matters but it's not everything, take school seriously and you'll be fine. Also, make friends. And don't go to 4chan for a confidence boost.

>> No.9369185

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/41804508