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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9361525 No.9361525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So they started with a small group of high IQ people and just interbreed for generations and generations?

>> No.9361566

answer me

>> No.9361568

I'm half ashkenazi, I don't feel too smart.

>> No.9361569

No just hard discipline

>> No.9361571

Irrelevant what you feel what matters is data, answer with data.

>> No.9361573

Please post literature of this hard discipline.

>> No.9361583

Moloch. They worship Moloch. This is the dark reward they are given for their sacrificial tributes.

>But what abou-

No, it's not "inherited kikery" or "edumucation". They worship Moloch. Know this fact.

>> No.9361587

No, you could start with a low IQ group, as humans must have, and get the same result by sexually selecting for it. Intelligence is their sexual capital.

>> No.9361588

Serious arguments only.

>> No.9361589

But how did ashkenazism start? It's a race to, acording to eric weinstein, he says his race IQ is genetic, the same way a particular group of africans always win long races.

He said this on JRE.

>> No.9361594

They had a common book and they were a minority community in central Europe. They specifically bred amongst themselves according to their values, which (consciously or not) prioritized intelligence. Not that hard to understand.

>> No.9361599

Yes but they also bred for intelligence, the smartest one was the one they encourage to have more kids, not the richest one, although the smarter you are the more likelihood you will acquire more wealth, e.g the rotchshilds.

>> No.9361658

Kids whose parents have more financial resources grow up to be smarter than average

>> No.9361664

what data do you want about me?

>> No.9361789


A small mostly inbred community, who interbred with the upper class of the goyim, selecting for high IQ traits.

>> No.9361828

Most of the retarded ones get put to the torch right quick they're entire history is literally them trying to survive entire nations having a go at exterminating them

>> No.9361841

Ambitious people who married their daughters to the most intelligent men they knew a.k.a. truly the archenemy of /pol/ losers.

>> No.9361845

A collective propensity for higher-functioning autistic spectrum disorders, this accounts for the lower spatial intelligence. My grandmother was of Ashkenazi extraction and had traits of Asperger's syndrome, so does my mother; uncle and to a lesser extent my cousins, I myself am diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome or higher-functioning autism.

>> No.9361847

I should state:
>My maternal grandmother

>> No.9361852

Any research made after 1945 using living Ashkenazis as the only sample is going to be EXTREMELY biased. Just saying.

>> No.9361860

What do you mean by that, friend? Is that antisemitism?

>> No.9361865


>> No.9361869

Selection pressure due to oppression.

>> No.9361871

No, I mean that a huge chunk of the left side of the Ashkenazi IQ normal curve simply ceased to exist, thus altering the curve enormously. Artificial selection, as it were. Ditto if you also consider older events like pogroms, expulsions etc.

>> No.9361875

In the Quran it says the chosen people of Moses' time were clever. I remember reading that part and I was like wow, even back then it was true.

>> No.9361880

Juden have a long literary history and used to have a conservative tradition that valued learning in men.

Sexual and social selection in other words.

>> No.9361885

Read this https://web.archive.org/web/20130911054719/http://harpending.humanevo.utah.edu/Documents/ashkiq.webpub.pdf

>> No.9361888

Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

>> No.9361892

Howabout if the experience a population bottleneck (eg lots of your people die off), those that survive and have superior traits spread those superior traits

>> No.9361966

That's true, by people were notoriously abused and thus having a higher intellect should've somewhat staved that off via safeguards and knowing when to exodus.

>> No.9361969

How do you think we escaped Egypt?

>> No.9361973

With God's help. Moses split the Red Sea.

>> No.9361976

You sound like someone I and over half of America would vote for President.

>> No.9361991

Indeed he did, but it also took Jewish intelligence to outwit the Aryan Egyptians.

>> No.9362020

They worship a volcano demon, and in return for goyim sacrifices said demon grants them extra IQ points at the cost a bunch of health conditions.

>> No.9363525
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genius here, AMA

>> No.9363537



pretty sure its just xenophobia/nepotism...

occam's razor n'all

>> No.9363538


>> No.9363542

its 100% cultural

a culture of blending in combined with covert xenophobia/nepotism.

>> No.9363559
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shoo shoo /pol/tard. /sci/ is Jewish board.

>> No.9363829
File: 24 KB, 960x630, 1507768552189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Click here

>> No.9363909

why is Ashkenazi such a funny word

>> No.9364279

how can somebody be 100% ashkenazi? ashkenazi themself are a jewish/german mixture

>> No.9364356

Nah, it's just culture

>> No.9364388

Those damn Germans and their genetic engineering! When will it end? Are there NO limits to their evil?!?!

>> No.9364463

(((Hitler))) killed all the dumb ones.

>> No.9364464

Culture just supplied the selection pressure.

>> No.9364499

How does it feel to be a genius?

>> No.9364580

European genetics.

>> No.9365352


Are you fucking stupid? You idiotic self awareness lacking imbecile. By what you said, one can easily come to the conclusion /pol/ is right because that's what they advocate for as well.

Unless you're such a delusional faggot that you believe ONLY Ashkenazi Jews to be biologically smarter than everyone else, while blacks and whites are on an equal playing field.

>> No.9365354


The why do you to around telling nigs that Egyptians wuz kangz?