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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9358924 No.9358924 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck /sci/ i spent years getting a degree in math now i can't even find a fucking job even tough i have an IQ of 142 fuck you all i think i'm gonna kill myself

>> No.9358958

1) Stop being such an autist
2) If you were legit smart you would know that the Intelligence Quotient is fucking bullshit
3) Stop thinking youre too good for anything and just get whatever job you can. You need experience to help cope with your autism so youll probably have to start at the bottom
4) kys

>> No.9358964

>2) If you were legit smart you would know that the Intelligence Quotient is fucking bullshit

>COPING this hard

>> No.9359008

>He didn't go into an actually useful math field like statistics
The fact you didn't even bother checking the employability of your degree proves you're a brainlet

>> No.9359021

its all just an elaborate ploy to make math majors realize they arent necessary. this makes them give up and teach highschool math. have fun with your social retribution idiots!

>> No.9359022

>He thinks online IQ tests are accurate.

>> No.9360126 [DELETED] 

Get a job sweeping floors.

Use your knowledge of fluid dynamics to sweep more effectively.

Receive money for sweeping floors da best.


>> No.9360130

Pure math fags deserve this fate.

>> No.9360989
File: 676 KB, 596x799, 1490231503669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing that AI is going to take over. Though there have gotta be some nice things you could do with stats + something else.

>> No.9360991

if you really want a job whore out to finance or actuary or whatever dumbass
otherwise go and apply for your phd if you're worth anything

>> No.9361005

just become a serial killer if your so damn smart bet u can't pull it off

>> No.9361056

By AI you probably mean machine learning. And a stats background will absolutely help you build machine learning tech

>> No.9361059

the master's graduates in math at my uni tend to either go in to community college teaching gigs, finance, or government

>> No.9361066

HS math teacher?

>> No.9361291


>> No.9361347


>> No.9361372
File: 19 KB, 590x350, 1507969434291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't fall for the CS meme
Haha stupid cuck I have hundreds of thousands of dollars I'll never have to spend because I'm smarter than you.

Good luck getting a job - everyone cares about topological transformations of abstract bullshit right? topjej

>> No.9361401

>142 IQ
>studies maths
top kek, if you really were high IQ, you would have become engineer master race

>> No.9361406

I found the rick and morty fan

>> No.9361458

why are you not getting your phd ?

>> No.9361878

You dumb nigger statistics is the foundation of machine learning. Please kill yourself.

>> No.9361882

>implying we want a brainlet like him at engineering schools
look bro your only chance is to learn to program and somehow reeducate yourself as a CSfag, at least you will be employable but you must act quick. Try to map your maths to whatever shit they do in CS.

>> No.9361980

I think you mean linear algebra but nice try brainlet

>> No.9362146

>has high IQ but can't find a job

Sounds like you're pretty DUMB if you ask me

>> No.9362172
