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9354981 No.9354981 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ and /biz/ had trouble with this:

Pick one:

>50 Bitcoins
>a magic American penny (mint year: 2017) that doubles every 24 hours

>What would the ramifications of each choice be?
>Would your choice change if a magic penny only replicated for 5 days?

>> No.9354985

I'd take the bitcoin, have you seen the price it goes for today ? You'd be rich.

>> No.9354989

The penny obviously.

>> No.9354991

The magic penny without the five day limit, and then the bitcoins with the limit.

>> No.9354994

>The lowest IQ board on the website had trouble with a simple question
Don't be ridiculous

Obviously the penny

>> No.9354997

its not even a fucking question. BTC for 5 day limit, penny otherwise

>> No.9354998

I hope you mean only every 5 days, not for 5 days. because a handful of pennies would be stupid.

>> No.9355000


Bitcoin. You'd have +$3.64 after 365 days.
>>What would the ramifications of each choice be?
Minimal. I'd have thousands in Bitcoin or I'd have a few bucks in pennies.

>>Would your choice change if a magic penny only replicated for 5 days?
Then I'd have $0.06 or thousands in Bitcoin... unless you're saying that the pennies would all be magic pennies. Hang on, gotta figure that one out.

>> No.9355006

No, each magic penny can essentially asexually reproduce for 5 units of time in scenario B.

>> No.9355009

can y'all prove it and do the maths when it's with the five days limit ? My intuition tells me even with that limit it's Worth it but I can't be bothered.

>> No.9355012


anyways. for the regular penny I'd take 43 cacles to be as rich as Bill Gates considering the zinc value of a penny...

>> No.9355017

This is correct.


>> No.9355021


Is the multiplication of the penny controllable? If so, I'll set up a nice business selling bulk copper and zinc.

If it's not controllable, the bitcoin is the obvious choice, as the penny would destroy the world and then the universe in fairly short order.

>> No.9355026

Wait what I would still take the penny if it was every 5 days forever.


I assumed it was only reproducing for the five days not on a five day cycle.

If it's a cycle of five days I'd still take it over the bitcoin because there's no way to know if bitcoin will continue to exist whereas you know the coin will continue to produce.

>> No.9355036
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>You'd have +$3.64 after 365 days.

>> No.9355055

I refuse to believe people this dumb browse /sci/

>> No.9355065


>> No.9355075

Easy choice: the bitcoins.
If you choose the magic penny then it would keep doubling, eventually crushing all life on Earth, and later turn into a black hole. No thanks.

>> No.9355085

>fucks up in asking the question

>> No.9355110

This is the only correct answer

>> No.9355125

No anon, what you do is make a penny powered rocket and ride those pennies to the stars.

>> No.9355130

This is why average IQ of a population is a meaningless quantity

>> No.9355218

Think fool. If a penny is magical, and then I double it, then I have two magical pennies. It wouldn't be a doubling if the created penny was different from the source

>> No.9355239


Where's the problem? Just sit back and enjoy the show from your custom made space ship.

>> No.9355245

Penny you fucking retard.


>> No.9355249


2^5 = 32

Unless some solar flare or something fries all the world's electronics I don't think 50 bitcoins will ever be worth less than 32 cents.

>> No.9355288

Assuming the day you get the magic penny is day 0, then for any given day d you will have 2^d pennies. One year after getting the magic penny, you will have 2^364 cents (that number has 110 digits). One year after getting the 50 Bitcoin, you will have 0^364 cents (that number has 0 digits, which may seem obvious but if you're dumb enough to have even considered Bitcoin then I think it merits being pointed out).

>> No.9355292

>Bitcoin will never be worth anything!!!
Said every skeptic since Bitcoin came out in 2009.
For so many people thinking Bitcoin isn't worth anything it sure is worth something

t. Guy who bought 1 Bitcoin in April and now is holding 7

>> No.9355295


>One year after getting the magic penny, you will have 2^364 cents (that number has 110 digits)

You will also be dead, because that number is greater than the number of particles in the visible universe. Pennies have mass.

>> No.9355298

Mass earth 6*10**24
Mass penny 2*10**-3
3*10**27 is about 2**90
Ashes & echoes before winter's end

>> No.9355309
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Pictured: Bitcoin

>> No.9355316

8 year bubble. Amazing. We should apply whatever reason that has kept the bubble from popping to the physical economy. I'm that together you and I solved global poverty.

>> No.9355322
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Yes, because Bitcoin has definitely remained at this value for its 8 years of existence

>> No.9355326

The penny will be more money (assuming bitcoin is $15k, but im not sure) in just 28 days (?) of having it (number of pennies = 2^(n-1), where n is the number of days with the penny starting at 0), but I would probably go with bitcoin because it would be less of a hassle carry 50 bitcoins than 2^(n-1) pennies. 1 million pennies is about 3.25 tons each. Also assuming your magical penny wouldnt throw off the market and affect bitcoin or dollar values

>> No.9355335

It's becoming more main stream and more people willing to pay money into it wanting a finite good, supply and demand. What would company stocks look like if they never issued stock splits? Would that make the company worth less than its said to be worth then?

>> No.9355336

You mean setting it up so it's hard to short and controlling distribution in a way that makes it resemble a ponzi scheme?

>> No.9355350

>What would company stocks look like if they never issued stock splits?
Most stock charts adjust to show fractionally or multiplicablely equivalent value. Stocks stay more stable because they can be shorted like >>9355335 said. Once futures and more shorting come into play, Bitcoin may get BTFO. Now, don't say no one warned you after you've read this post.

>> No.9355354

The bitcoins, obviously.
The magic penny could only be used for a single transaction, or, worse, you would get caught immediately.
Nobody would accept a transaction in pennies except for the government, or a bank. If I were to give a bank a roll of magic pennies, then they would figure out that they double in a day, So I couldn't come back tomorrow and pull the same trick. In fact, the first bank I pull the trick on would report it, leading to regulations of magic pennies, making my stuff pointless. Worse, if the bank looks at each penny, they would figure out that I counterfeited the money, so I would get my money revoked, and go to prison. If I wanted to make any money, I would have to go to multiple banks in a single day and cash out a pitiful sum of pennies, and then I would have to hide from the government, all because of a counterfeiting scam that netted me jack shit.
Of course I would take the 50 bitcoins

>> No.9355360

how do you expect it to become a black hole retard

>> No.9355365
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>> No.9355367

Man, I'm glad you told me this. I'm going to short Amazon. They have 30x the stock but twice what the value of Bitcoin is worth with an equivalent amount of stock and lower market cap! Thanks for teaching me about economics.
Also, half of the futures markets arent going to let their investors short. I guess the other half shorting are going to be squeezed out due to half the futures base only being able to accept an equal or higher value.

>> No.9355370

but can you cash out? if you wanted all your money right now could you cash out? yes or no

>> No.9355380

>ignores the part about "more shorting [comes] into play"
>assumes that the other poster meant futures shorting and not shorts of BTC itself like >>9355336 specified

Lots of assumptions in your post, friend. Keep rationalizing your Bitcoin; it's not going to stop the hurt when the inevitable happens.

>> No.9355402

I cashed out 7k before Bitcoin was even this high, more than I paid in. So yes.
In what way does it resemble a ponzi scheme aside from more people buying in, which is relevant to any other business, stock, and how things are said to create value anyways? Sure are a lot of buzzwords being thrown to hate it. Don't be salty you didn't get in earlier.

>> No.9355438

>In what way does it resemble a ponzi scheme
In what way does the stated value proposition and tech outweigh the actual value proposition of buying in with the hopes of others buying in after you?

Given the looming scalability issues with bitcoin, this is the ponziest of ponzi schemes. Don't get me wrong, blockchain does have a future, but it won't be through Bitcoin until scalability concerns are addressed. Right now, without those addressed and the way circulation is designed, it's absolutely based on principles of a ponzi scheme.

>> No.9355444

If I change the shape of the penny into something else will it still double or will it still produce a penny?

>> No.9355547

That's still not a ponzi scheme. The cost of electricity, rig materials, and businesses accepting it is what gives Bitcoin its value. Miners are essentially accountants making sure all the coins transactions in a block add up properly and there arent any skipped steps anywhere to fuck the block chain up. While the scalability is an issue it's also what's providing Bitcoin part of its value as well, but most company's that accept Bitcoin don't factor transaction fees and take the loss of it hoping the price still goes up. It's not a good system but neither is the current fiat system but people still accept that and just because a small group of people don't accept that fiat works doesn't mean it has no real value either.

You still haven't listed how it's a ponzi scheme, just because others buy in after you doesn't make it one. Bitcoin follows like any other economic system with multiple users. Bitcoin follows like actual gold based currency instead of fiat. I'm glad you found a way to be edgy and feel like you belong somewhere, in the anti-bitcoin group, but there are worse systems out there propped up by literally nothing more than because some dude said so in use everyday. At least this has actual purpose and reason for having existed compared to those.

>> No.9355668
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Bitcoin doesn't lose overall value unless people cash out. Without a working plan in place for the tech, there's not anything substantive backing Bitcoin as a feasible investment, and the other poster is right-- the value is only being derived out of new rounds of investment.

>> No.9355674

A ponzi scheme works the same way... it doesn't lose overall value unless people cash out (or are paid out). Bitcoin does not have an underlying revenue stream which provides value or tangible assets, either. If the tech isn't viable and scalable, it is technically a ponzi scheme.

>> No.9355699

Buying drugs online?

>> No.9355901

Even if it was every 5 days, you'd have more than a million dollars within half a year. But good luck fucking buying anything with that or carrying it to deposit into a bank. You'd have to sleeve all of them for the bank to accept it and even then it'd keep reproducing inside the sleeve.
It's more money but way too impractical.

>> No.9355905

exponential growth

would be fun until the market broke because of le magic penny inflation

>> No.9355910


It is impossible to spend your magical penny without causing massive inflation which would require the fed to create new currency. Value of bitcoins > 0^n value from magical pennies.

>> No.9356367

>one penny is 2.5 grams
>after one month I'll have 3000 tons of pennies
>after two months I'll have 3.2 trillion tons
>after 91 days I'll have the weight of the planet in pennies
yeah, I'll take the 50 bitcoins

>> No.9357643

>makes claims without evidence
Yeah, /pol/ are the retarded ones...

>> No.9357721

50 bitcoins are equal to 759,500.25US Dollar

Day 1:$.01
Day 2:$.02
Day 3:$.04
Day 4:$.08
Day 5:$.16
Day 6:$.32
Day 7:$.64
Day 8:$1.28
Day 9:$2.56
Day 10:$5.12
Day 11:$10.24
Day 12:$20.48
Day 13:$40.96
Day 14:$81.92
Day 15:$163.84
Day 16:$327.68
Day 17:$655.36
Day 18:$1,310.72
Day 19:$2,621.44
Day 20:$5,242.88
Day 21:$10,485.76
Day 22:$20,971.52
Day 23:$41,943.04
Day 24:$83,886.08
Day 25:$167,772.16
Day 26:$335,544.32
Day 27:$671,088.64
Day 28:$1,342,177.28
Day 29:$2,684,354.56
Day 30:$5,368,709.12

You out earn the bitcoin in less then 30 days. How tf do people not understand exponents.
And of course with a five day limit you'd take the bit coin

>> No.9357735


How the fuck do YOU not understand exponents?

The pennies turn into a black hole in less than a year.

>> No.9357743

To be fair bitcoin is already a black hole.

>> No.9357744

Worth it

>> No.9357752

>implying that wasn't my goal all along
>implying I didn't want a year of unchecked power where I enslave every human on the planet
>implying I didn't want to bring about the end of our species because of my insatiable greed

>> No.9357755

Bitcoin because the magically replicating penny would kill me along with all life on Earth within months.

>> No.9357759

Nerd. Why wouldn't you want to destroy this sad planet

>> No.9357764

Depends on exactly how the penny works. If I let it replicate for three weeks can I melt down half and sell 5 tons of zinc every day, or does the zinc itself keep magically replicating?

>> No.9357780

The penny. I would stand on it till it was as tall as mt. Everest and then jump off

>> No.9357792

Does this imply that the replicating penny can do work? With proper applications you could make free energy. Trick is getting rid of the waste penny.

>> No.9357796

>take penny to top of mountain
>allow replicates to roll down mountain
>infinite energy!!!1

>> No.9357816


Ez. Just launch the excess pennies out of the solar system.

>> No.9357826

Think fool! If you buy something with magic pennies then that person has magic pennies and their money grows with the insane exponential of 100% daily growth. Hyperinflation occurs in one year and they have to switch currency.

>> No.9357832

The penny, since with bitcoin at ~ 15k I'd need just 27 days to exceed 750,000 and make the penny more valuable
After that point, there's no way bitcoin could keep up
It just can't double every day
With the 5 day thing, then you'd only have 16 cent, so obviously the bitcoins like

>> No.9357838

You didnt specify if it was its mass, volume, or value that was doubling

>> No.9357839

The penny is an obvious choice. Maybe the only issue would be knowing when to stop (since you'd have the temptation of a shitload of money doubling every subsequent day); maybe if you don't stop soon enough you would fuck up the country with inflation.

>> No.9357953

i would take the penny. in less than a month, id be a millionaire. however,
assuming the penny doubles every 24 hours upon you getting it, that would mean
and i would definitely take the bc.