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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9353005 No.9353005 [Reply] [Original]

Suppose you find yourself in 120 BC, naked, and with a motherboard in your hands.

What are your options?

>> No.9353010

Try and trade your pretty square for something of value and do your best not to die

>> No.9353072

die of an asthma attack
or fall off a cliff because very nearsighted

both clutching a goddamn useless motherboard

>> No.9353077

Mine bitcoin :^)

>> No.9353079

I make up a story about dreaming that I recieved a gift from the gods, and woke up in this strange place with this unknown object next to me. I use the resulting flurry of interest and curiosity to meet important local people and acquire a position of respect. I use this position to become a well-know seer, engineer, and scientist, write books and become famous. I call myself Archimedes and die without ever letting anyone know my secret.

>> No.9353081
File: 47 KB, 500x375, circuit-board-spear-gig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn various parts of the motherboard into tools, for instance, the actual PCB works as a very effective blade.
See this:
>Spear Points & Cutting Tools
>Each cell phone also had a circuit board. I used the circuit board from a SmartPhone to make two very useful items to a survivor. I noticed that when I abraded the edge of the circuit board against a smooth rock it actually ground down to a fairly decent cutting edge. I used half of the circuit board to make a useful cutting tool which I used to gather and cut some natural bark cordage and also scrape a pile of very fine fire tinder shavings from a dried Mullein stalk. Both of these items are incredibly useful to a survivor. This crude cutting tool can be used for a variety of other survival chores as well.
>I then shaped the other half of the circuit board into an “arrowhead” spear point which I lashed onto the end of a willow shaft using the natural cordage I gathered. I abraded the edges of this point against the stone to sharpen it. I’ve made many make-shift gigs and spears in my life, and I have no doubt that this point can do some serious damage – either in self-defense or in food procurement.
>I was also able to make a back-up gig by folding and pounding (using two rocks) a small, thin piece of metal into another arrowhead-shaped point. This is crazy sharp and is very similar to a make-shift broad head.
So yes, it is useful.

>> No.9353083

That's pretty genius, anon.

>> No.9353093

Cover your genitals with the motherboard as you introduce yourself to the nearest people. With luck, they'll take you in and teach you their language, and you can get yourself taken to some intellectuals of some sort, and exchange your knowledge for comfortable living arrangements.

You're not going to be able to hook it up and run it, but it's tangible evidence that you're from somewhere strange, and you can probably do something interesting with the coin cell.

>> No.9353095

Go to Rome, or Greece.

>> No.9353097

>Cover your genitals with the motherboard as you introduce yourself to the nearest people

>> No.9353107

Get murdered or die from starvation or disease since nobody speaks any recognizable variant of a modern day language.

>> No.9353115

>Being too dumb to not have already learnt some Latin, or Ancient Greek.
This is why it should still be taught in schools.

>> No.9353144

>implying the form of Latin taught in schools is the form of Latin spoken by Romans
>implying Latin is/was taught in schools to the point that students could speak and understand it fluently

>> No.9353149

>implying the form of Latin taught in schools is the form of Latin spoken by Romans
It would be similar, allowing you learn the language more easily. Or, you could learn Ancient Latin.
>implying Latin is/was taught in schools to the point that students could speak and understand it fluently
See above for why your whole post is retarded.

>> No.9353155

And just to double BTFO for being a cheeky cunt:
>As to grammar, and vocabulary, the differences are relatively small. The Church, of course, uses many terms for liturgical reasons that were adopted at a later time, mainly from Greek, but as a whole, the big difference is pronunciation, not grammar.
And if you weren't a total retard, pronunciation shouldn't throw you entirely.

>> No.9353162

>So…can we start a sentence with and?
>However, this is a stylistic preference rather than a grammatical ‘rule’. If your teachers or your organization are inflexible about this issue, then you should respect their opinion, but ultimately, it’s just a point of view and you’re not being ungrammatical.
Stop trying to talk linguistics and language with a former humanities BA on /sci/, it WILL NOT end well for you.

>> No.9353211

Go bury them near the pyramid so some crackpot will find it in the future and use it as proof of ancient aliens.

>> No.9353240

Is that a heatsink or are you just happy to see me?

>> No.9353244

I just choked on my night-time hot cocoa, thanks.

>> No.9353255

This question would be much more interesting if it were a smartphone.

>> No.9353260
File: 33 KB, 320x243, Necronomicon+Army+of+Darkness[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just got transported back in time with nothing but your car, and you accidentally picked up the Necronomicon without saying the magic phrase correctly.

What kind of tech could you whip up with the help of the locals before the army of darkness arrives to kill you all?

>> No.9353268

This is more like it!

>> No.9353272

Ford Mustang armed with a hood-mounted ballista, trunk-mounted trebuchet and Boudicca-esque bladed wheels.

>> No.9353274

>This is why it should still be taught in schools.
...so that you'll be prepared when you travel through time?

>> No.9353276

Making a ballista wouldn't be too difficult for somebody with basic engineering knowledge, but making a trebuchet is much more difficult and requires a lot of fine tuning. I don't think it's something you could reasonably make in a few days even with a lot of free labor

>> No.9353277

Which car and does it have full gas

>> No.9353280

Lets just say the last car that you drove and it has as much gas as your real car has.

You also get all the contents of your car.

>> No.9353281

Or visiting historical locations, as any good European should.

>> No.9353286

True, it would also be impractical as soon as you moved from the Mustang after having found your range.

>> No.9353289

>Suddenly you also have firearms
Well, that just changed everything. Time to Ash up, with a shotgun and chainsaw-arm combo.

>> No.9353298

A rifle, even with a lot of ammo, isn't enough to take on the army of darkness.

At the very least you can make some napalm with the gasoline. I think I could also teach the villagers how to make tiger pits pretty easily too.

>> No.9353306

It's 120 BC, they aren't THAT primitive.

>> No.9353479


There is no reason I am actually in 120 BC. Clearly there's something else going on. Maybe sorcery.

>> No.9353496

Spock detected

>> No.9353510

>find landmarks
>bury motherboard
>gather survival stuff
>hopefully not too far from civilization
>makeshift clothes from plants and stuff maybe
>attempt to become a citizen in village or whatever
>hopefully don't get killed for any reason
>occasionally check on motherboard, rebury in safer place if possible
>when time seems right (might be weeks might be months), fetch motherboard, and claim its a gift from the gods which guarantees your afterlife and the afterlife of your family
>maybe strip off traces at some point and hook CMOS battery to an LED somewhere
>magical light wooow
>hopefully get considered a prophet or wizard instead of an evil witch or demon or something
>explain that with the presence of the board in the village, along with some sacred practices from the gods called 'hygiene' they will reward the village with warding off the demons that cause illness
>village becomes strongest
>conquer other villages
>probably get killed at some point

>> No.9353518

>cover your genitals with item made of mystery material in mystery shape for mystery reason
>you: hurr durr trust me see i have this weird thing can i talk to your intellectuals

>> No.9353520
File: 162 KB, 480x774, 1486785534434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedoras are so retarded.

>> No.9353526

Why do you assume those people will be impressed by a tiny LED?

>> No.9353810


>> No.9353818

are you kidding me? its a fucking uniquely colored light at my command and only I know how to make it work

>> No.9353889

>tell a bunch of lies
this is the only answer
the board is completely useless

>> No.9353894


English sailors used to pay native women for sex with rusty nails. It's commonplace to us; but for someone in the stone age a nail is like a super futuristic alien artifact.

>friendly relations were established between the British sailors and the locals. The relationships became particularly friendly when the sailors discovered that the women were eager to exchange sex for iron. This trade became so extensive that the loss of nails started to threaten Dolphin's physical integrity.[5]

I could trade the motherboard for a castle.

>> No.9353900

English apparently wasn't a language until 500AD (this sound like bullshit, but whatever). Before then, everyone must have spoken some weird gobbledygook language.

>> No.9353909
File: 40 KB, 645x729, 1507259742712[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually believe that the old testament is true.

>> No.9354208

>at your command
Murphys law dictates you won't be able to make it work just as the mob around you gets angrier and angrier and start throwing things at you. Also they won't understand a word they're saying.

>> No.9354213

Prove pythagoras' theorem or some shit.

>> No.9354391

>English sailors used to pay native women for sex with rusty nails.
How do you even have sex with a rusty nail, and why would you want to?

>> No.9354408

Where in the world are we here? People itt talk like they are going to live among the savages but 120 BC wasn't total stone age everywhere you know. If you were in Greece or China you'd maybe have a chance at getting some copper and building a steam engine and power the thing. If you know metallurgy and EE you could maybe build an actual functioning computer. But never mind the computer, imagine starting the industrial revolution 2000 years early in ancient greece!

>> No.9354409

They would probably assume it's some sort of decorative work, and be impressed by the intricacy, if not by the aesthetics.

A stranded, destitute foreigner might be taken in or killed. There's not much you can do about that. Surviving apart from people, or sneaking around and stealing stuff, isn't going to work unless you have some very unusual talents and knowledge.

If you look harmless enough, they'll probably take you to a leader and let him sort you out. He'll probably pass you along to wise men of some sort, who will want you to explain the motherboard, and will likely be willing to feed you while you learn their language enough to describe it, at which point you can make it clear just how much valuable knowledge you have.

Again, they might decide to just kill you, but probably not if your attitude is helpful and appreciative rather than pushy.

>> No.9354428

If you were in Roman or Chinese territory, you could teach them about chemical elements, cartesian coordinates, basic calculus, basic vectors, Newton's laws, the laws of thermodynamics, heat engines, electricity, the germ theory of disease, DNA, microscopes, telescopes, firearms, etc.

They'd soak it right up.

>> No.9354433

I would just try to survive

>> No.9354487
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>power up a motherboard
>without cpu
>without ram
>without a display
>without an input method
>yfw your steam engine would fry everything straight anyway

>> No.9354500

I'd "invent" gun powder, internal combustion, and fluid mechanics.

then id live like a king in rome with a harem of hotties and drink myself to death.

>> No.9354505

Kys soyboy

>> No.9354538

...but you didn't land in Rome. You landed in Australia.

>> No.9354560

Get copper wire make electricity with one of the LED's tell them you have been send by God to miracles. Now tell them this magical device can do a lot more. I have to ask OP does it also contain memory, on board video and a CPU?

>> No.9354585

You would also need to make power transformers so you dont fry everything with straight 110-240V. Thats assuming you can build a precice power generator in the first place

>> No.9354600

Where would you expect to get 110-240V? You can build batteries or a DC generator giving the correct voltage at a fixed RPM, achievable mechanically.

Anyway, with no storage or OS, you can't do anything with it even if you get a power source and some rudimentary I/O. It simply won't boot.

You'd be better off with a microcontroller like an ATTiny, and even then, you'd need documentation for it.

>> No.9354611

You don't speak their language so how would you do that, lad?

>> No.9356148

Your best shot is showing the motherboard to some cavemen and make them believe you are some kind of god.

>> No.9356179

Eat it. There really isn't anything else to do with it considering you don't have a processor, memory, or a power supply. I suppose you could scrap it for parts, but that might be difficult considering you don't have a soldering iron. All a motherboard does is bus data and supply power to parts, as well as preform POST and BIOS/EFI services. You still need an actual computer with it.

>> No.9356445

All you need is a few lemons, some copper and some zinc. Idk how viable any of those are in 120BC but hey

>> No.9356447

the absolute state of humanity

>> No.9357034
File: 64 KB, 662x513, 1512339254088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A language spoken more than 2 thousand years ago would be similar because ayyyy lmao
You know nothing about linguistics.

>> No.9357041

>What are your options?
I find some clothes.
Travel to a cultural center of the Roman empire like Alexandria or Antioch.
Find intelligent people there and tell them the truth.

>> No.9357042

All roads leads to Rome, flattard

>> No.9357072
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, 1508447542336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9357034 see >>9353155.
Maybe you should've read the whole thread before replying, anon, gosh how awkward for you, looking like an idiot in front of all of these anons. :/

>> No.9357125

Stash it for later and asses my situation. Focus on shelter water and food, then use my advanced future knowledge and wit to establish a relationship with the first locals I come into peaceful contact with, somewhere down the line I might trade the motherboard for something useful. After I had the necessary provisions I would travel the world for the thrills. All the while I would be focused on gaining as much power as possible, transcribing my knowledge for future generations, and leaving the world in the best state.

>> No.9357157

Celtic languages, anon.

>> No.9357161

smug, wrong and retarded... the other guy is clearly right.n

>> No.9357164

Read the actual post, retard. It has solid reasoning.

>> No.9357177

>120 BC

>> No.9357278

It's just an annoying 4chan meme.

That said, if I went back to 120 BC where I am, I would end up in a stone age society. But they lived in wigwams, not caves.

>> No.9357292

neck yourself eurocuck

>> No.9357654

Give up and live as a hermit after realising that I can’t shitpost on the internet. Die three weeks later from dysentry. My body is found 2000 years later in a cave by Archeaologists, still clutching a perfectly preserved motherboard, with mysterious cave paintings of a green frog and barely-readable racist and anti-semitic rock carvings

>> No.9357671

Wait, so you're the guy who invented /pol/?

>> No.9357680

If you're a white Ameritard you're also European in this instance, as I mean, ethnic European.