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9352026 No.9352026 [Reply] [Original]

I still don't get it.

>> No.9352034

I'm a brainlet consumer of pop-sci and even I comprehend that equation.

>> No.9352038

Plug and chug ?

>> No.9352039

What exactly are you having trouble understanding?

>> No.9352535
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Can you Pythagorean?

>> No.9352595


-It implies the relativity of time and therefore the inherent incrompehensility of your euclidian-space brain to really grasp the physicl world fully (as with quantum mech).
-It is required in order for the speed of light to be the same in every frame. Imagine that you run up to a wall. The light leaves your body with speed c. The total velocity would be your speed v, plus the speed it left with, c. This is not possible. So there's too options to have the light actually travel the distance between you and the wall in L/c seconds: either the distance it traverses should become larger or time should go slower. (dont try to understand that, but realise that this is actually fundamentally true).
-Plot your function anywhere (google, wolframalpha). You'll see that the effect is not linear but becomes more relevant for larger v's, up until it reaches an asymptote.

That's most of what there's to say about it, I think.

>> No.9352597
File: 346 KB, 2621x1711, Relativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upper picture: Rocket. Heavy lines are two parallel perfect mirrors. Red line is a photon bouncing endlessly between them. Every time it hits upper mirror, a counter ticks. Speed of light is a constant so the ticks come regularly. It's a clock. If the mirrors are half-a-foot apart, it ticks about a billion times a second.

Lower picture: Rocket has used its motors and is moving across your field of view. You are still standing on Earth.
Photon in clock still going up-and-down but now tracing the red zig-zag. It's taking a longer path between mirrors. Since lightspeed NEVER changes, the longer distance means it must be taking a longer time between ticks. The clock in the rocket is "running slow" compared to one you're holding.

Rocket pilot is convinced _you're_ the one moving. He's just floating there and the Earth is receding at a good fraction of lightspeed. He'll say _your_ clock is the slow one.

Both of you are correct. How can two clocks EACH be slower than the other? Clocks can be compared only when they're side-by-side (but not necessarily moving at the same speed). The rocket has to slow, turn, and come back to Earth to make the comparison. That turn introduces an asymmetry into the situation. Special Relativity is no longer adequate. General Relativity is required to see why this is so.

But the time dilation equation tells you how much the moving clock slows relative to the stationary one. It's just geometry.

>> No.9352600

with 'distance it traverses should increase' I meant: the space that fills up the medium should stretch*

>> No.9352611

There's nothing incomprehensible about Relativity. We're just not used to near light-speed motion in everyday life.
But Quantum Mechanics _is_ weird s***!

>> No.9352732

Space and time are muddled together and are bendable and stretchable, yet bend and stretch differently in distinct reference frames? Sounds rather weird to me.

>> No.9352814

No bending in Special Relativity.
It's more like two surveying parties begin at the same point and mapping the surrounding territory relative to that base.
But one orients their maps using True North and the other group uses Magnetic North.
Of course, all features wind up with different coordinates on the resulting maps. But if you combine the East/West and North/South values between any two points you get a quantity called "Distance". And everybody computes the same distances. Distance is an "Invariant".

There's a similar invariant in Relativity called "Interval". Everyone measures the same Interval between any two points (events) ins space-time. But differently moving observers will slice the interval into different amounts of space and different amounts of time.
It's just a rotation of the coordinate-system. What's real is space-time, a unified entity. The speed of light is the conversion factor between distances and times. 300,000 km = 1 second.
It's not weird at all once you understand it's all geometry.

The bending and stretching part only enters in General Relativity. That's not difficult either, though harder to visualize since we're limited to 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time. Any number of good books out there were make it clear, usually though lower-dimensional analogies. Brian Greene, Martin Gardner, and Ian Stewart come to mind as people who've done it especially lucidly.

>> No.9352900

thats a good example.

>> No.9352912

I don't want to deceive you. The _equations_ of General Relativity are not easy. (Really only one equation, but it's a tensor.) They can be solved exactly only for certain cases, usually when there's some symmetry to reduce the complexity. Otherwise, you have to resort to numeric approximations.

That's what they did to produce the animations in "Interstellar". Kip Thorne, one of the world's best relativatists, provided the equations and the CGI crew took it from there. The appearance of the black hole is what you'd really see. Other aspects of the plot are sheer hokum because the director opted to ignore Thorne whenever it suited him to do so.

But I think most anybody can _understand_ the concepts provided someone does the math.

>> No.9352931

>I still don't get it.

no one gets it... they just bash their head against a wall TRYING, until they cave to social proof and peer pressure, and "Believe" it.

>> No.9352962

Thank you.
I did the illustration but can't take credit for the basic idea.
The "light-clock" is part of the standard explanation.
Of course, all other timepieces keep in step with it. Your wristwatch, heartbeat, etc. If this wasn't so then the rocket pilot, merely by noticing that the light-clock didn't agree with all other measures, could tell _he_ was the one moving.
The Lorentz Transforms describe a rotation in Minkowski's space-time. Though Lorentz and Fitzgerald had something quite different in mind when they wrote the equation, pre-Einstein. Suppose V = 0.9 C The expression in the denominator evaluates to 0.43588 Rocket (or "proper") time passes less than half as fast as Earth-time.

Now, take the inverse-sine of 0.9, then the cosine. 0.43588 Same answer, using nothing but trig-functions. That shows it's a rotation.
Now, take the inverse-sine of 0.43588 , then the cosine. 0.9 It works in both directions! I usually do it that way because it takes fewer key-strokes on a calculator than squaring, subtracting, and taking the root.

>> No.9352971

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.9352986
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I'm the one writing the explanations.
I disagree with you. Obviously.
No peer pressure required.
Relativity WORKS. Your GPS would have you drive off a cliff if it didn't.

>> No.9353336

dont want to sound like a total brainlet but do u have an explanation for the reason behind delation if u dont take into effect distances like in the laser clock? or is it that time developement in everything is related to distances? so the quartz christal does vibrate slower, ok, but does a radioactive substance decay slower? it must! but how is that related to distances? maybe slower vibration in the nucleus?

>> No.9353345

>cave to social proof and peer pressure, and "Believe" it.
It's used for real world applications you retard.

>> No.9353358

you're not supposed to get it
time dilation and relativity don't make any logical sense and are the opposite of intuitive
the only way we know it's true is because of equations, you're supposed to memorize it since there is no logical train of thought that leads you to relativity

>> No.9353362


Because you are a brainlet. Relativity can easily be described in terms that are familiar to our every day experience. Light is the same speed relative to every possible observer, you may have expected otherwise, that light would move faster if the photon emitter is moving, but that's because you are wrong, not because relativity is weird.

>> No.9353388

Complicated and abstract truths exist which can't be accurately approached through common sense or appeal to analogy with something you do understand.
This is exactly what pseud brainlet predators like Deepak Chopra count on when they peddle their own "alternative" view of how these topics work.
It's very common for normies to hold the conviction anything can be understood without mathematics as long as the explaining party does a good enough job explaining it. So quantum physics becomes "the universe only exists because you observe it and you can psychically manipulate reality by having positive thoughts."
Or to go back to the original topic of this thread, "Einstein is a fraud because I can't understand what he wrote, so instead I'll consume this alternative science that says everything is just electricity and numerology and this intuitive, non-mathematical, and straightforward framework is being suppressed by the government."
Of course there are a variety of topics that have nothing to do with your everyday existence interacting with human scale events, and there's no reason for any of these topics to make intuitive sense to you because intuition itself isn't some magical objective discernment of the truth so much as a very narrow set of assumptive tendencies that evolved out of what makes sense on the human scale.

>> No.9353643 [DELETED] 

Yes. Radioactives decay slower.
That's one of the best proofs.
Cosmic rays slam into atoms high in Earth's atmosphere and the energy of the collision releases a shower of mesons. Mesons are very short-lived. Even traveling close to the speed of light, almost none would make it all the way to the ground. But they _do_ survive!
Because they're moving fast, their "clocks" run slow and they live longer -- from out viewpoint.
A quick check found
Quartz crystals vibrate slower. EVERTHING is altered. There's no need to invoke a special reason for each phenomena. Time is running slower. Rather, space-time is absolutely unchanged, but we're seeing it "sliced though" at a different angle.

I might add the Lorentz and Fitzgerald did think there was a "physical" mechanism which shortened lengths and slowed clocks. It with an interaction with the luminiferous ether whose vibrations (supposedly) transmitted light, even through a vacuum. They had the right equation to "explain" the Michelson-Morley experiment but could not take the final conceptual leap. That was left to Einstein.

Absolutely right! Chopra and the Electric Universe are good examples of BS. A good deal of science CAN be explained clearly (Asimov, Sagan, and Gould were all terrific at this) and be understood by laymen -- but they have to be willing to listen and abandon their preconceptions.

>> No.9353651

Yes. Radioactives decay slower.
That's one of the best proofs.
Cosmic rays slam into atoms high in Earth's atmosphere and the energy of the collision releases a shower of mesons. Mesons are very short-lived. Even traveling close to the speed of light, almost none would make it all the way to the ground. But they _do_ survive!
Because they're moving fast, their "clocks" run slow and they live longer -- from our viewpoint.
A quick check found
Quartz crystals vibrate slower. EVERTHING is altered. There's no need to invoke a special reason for each phenomena. Time is running slower. Rather, space-time is absolutely unchanged, but we're seeing it "sliced though" at a different angle.

I might add the Lorentz and Fitzgerald did think there was a "physical" mechanism which shortened lengths and slowed clocks. It with an interaction with the luminiferous ether whose vibrations (supposedly) transmitted light, even through a vacuum. They had the right equation to "explain" the Michelson-Morley experiment but could not take the final conceptual leap. That was left to Einstein.

Absolutely right! Chopra and the Electric Universe are good examples of BS. A great deal of science CAN be explained clearly (Asimov, Sagan, and Gould were all terrific at this) and be understood by laymen -- but they have to be willing to listen and abandon their preconceptions.

>> No.9353691


>> No.9353703

it comes from very intuitive concepts though. namely that there shouldn't be some special frame of reference in the universe. which makes perfect sense.

>> No.9354223

Have you ever thought that if something is too far away or too small or too complicated that you don't know what's really going on? That's the point of special relativity/quantum mechanics/philosophy. If you can't prove the relevancy of something outside the scope of your experience then you can't know for sure whether it really exists.

>> No.9354766

>you can't know for sure whether it really exists
Do you use GPS?
Also that's the exact opposite of what we have good evidence for vs. what we don't. The stuff that isn't intuitive has been tested much more rigorously, whereas stuff you believe you "know" like the literal reality of your sensory "experiences" is the stuff we have little reason to believe in.
"Intuition" is a behavioral routine for getting us to do useful things, not a reliable diagnostic system for what's literally true. You should be even more skeptical than usual when dealing with what seems "intuitive," not less.

>> No.9355366

>Your GPS would have you drive off a cliff if it didn't.

god, you people are fucking dumb.

GPS literally doesn't use relativity, because there is no point.


The satellites clocks are synced with the ground station EVERY ORBIT (90 minutes), and even if relativity was real, the predicted drift is so minuscule that it's smaller than margin of error.

Only relativity shills keep parroting this bullshit GPS line.

>> No.9355369

>It's used for real world applications you retard.

No, it's not.

>> No.9355371


So, yeah... thanks for proving my original point, brainletts.

>> No.9355554

>even if relativity was real, the predicted drift is so minuscule that it's smaller than margin of error
>The plot for Cesium, however, characterizes the best orbiting clocks in the GPS system. What this means is that after initializing a Cesium clock, and leaving it alone for a day, it should be correct to within about 5 parts in 1014, or 4 nanoseconds. Relativistic effects are huge compared to this.
>The combination of these two relativitic effects means that the clocks on-board each satellite should tick faster than identical clocks on the ground by about 38 microseconds per day (45-7=38)! This sounds small, but the high-precision required of the GPS system requires nanosecond accuracy, and 38 microseconds is 38,000 nanoseconds. If these effects were not properly taken into account, a navigational fix based on the GPS constellation would be false after only 2 minutes, and errors in global positions would continue to accumulate at a rate of about 10 kilometers each day! The whole system would be utterly worthless for navigation in a very short time.

>> No.9355595

please tell me that they aren't placing microwave resonance cavities in orbit around the earths magnetosphere for the purposes of accurate timekeeping....

>> No.9355620

Excellent analysis!
Won't shut up certain know-it-alls but
the links are useful for the rest of us.

>> No.9355645
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>> No.9355649

If entropy is the arrow of time and reversing entropy is time travel back in time then how does that make sense with respect to space-time as dimensions?

>> No.9355654

>If entropy is the arrow of time and reversing entropy is time travel back in time then how does that make sense with respect to space-time as dimensions?

or thermodynamics.