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9351938 No.9351938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Explain the psychology behind whiteknighting and twitch top donations, hell even to camgirls.
Is this all the same mechanism that turns on some anon behind a screen 1000 miles away who Has Got To Know he's not in amillion years having a chance with the girl he just tried to defend, or gave an obscene amt of money to.
Or a fucking compliment. Is this all a sexual turn on or wtf is wrong with them and why does it happen everywhere and all the time?

>> No.9351947

Trying to show you're alpha by defending your property and flexing. Ez, next question.

>> No.9351956

some people make more money than you, and an obscene amount to you is not to them. someone who makes 200k a year makes "only" 10 times more than someone who makes 20k, but the amount of disposable income can be hundreds of times bigger, since necessary expenses don't multiply. For some 14 year old kid in dubai who makes that much as an allowance and can always ask for more, 5k is nothing.

>> No.9351958

attempt at gene capture, very sad. almost always ends with no offspring born from the target female. a case of social cheating on her part but who fucking cares they’re lower fitness anyways amirite based bio-determinist STEMbros!!!?

>> No.9351968
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These are people whose brains are fried by pornography and have been deprived of social interaction. Watching a random completely average looking woman play video games in a low-cut top becomes more titillating than hardcore porn. Even more so when they pretend to care about their viewers and react to receiving donations, creating a sort of personal connection in the minds of these lonely perverts.

Never forget about the real world, anons

>> No.9351973

CRISPR chad would immediately gas the whole planet and exterminate the entire mongrel race of caucasians, niggers, chinks and spics in a heart beat. any advanced life form would absolutely despise humanity and especially its creators. this is pure arrogance on the part of humans. AI and Supermen will come to CRUSH you. They are not coming to save us. How can someone be a Nietzschean and not understand that you must devour your parents to become great?

>> No.9351982

There are a couple of explanations, but human psychology is not simple. The psychology of individual people may be moreso, but to generalize as a human issue is more difficult than it sounds.

To offer any kind of answer, I'd guess it has to do with how we prioritize things. Taking a more telosian approach to the problem, it's kind of like maslow's hierarchy of needs; Of course we prioritize food, water, shelter, etc., but what people most commonly turn to after these needs are met, and take to be their idealized form of happiness, contentedness, or completion is the feeling of belonging.

That feeling of belonging isn't some set standard, but rather their perceived version of what it means to belong. To be loved, to have purpose, etc.- this is formed by society in part, by their life experiences in part, and based on the kinds of things a person is predisposed to fixate on. It's really interesting how neural pathways, sometimes by just how the brain developed or by how it's coded genetically, can be pronounced in one individual or another. Makes it very difficult, if not impossible to predict the exact rationale. At any rate, it's likely that these all just kind of coincide to create the rough idea that being depended on is what it means to be loved, and that by supporting someone monetarily, that person is then depending on you. What led them to the specific camwhores themselves might be irrelevant, or it might add to the equation (let's say a girl is playing a game that has some kind of sentimental attachment for them- that might cause an association issue between fun or fond memories with the girl in question).

>> No.9351985


I'm not sure about the psychology but biologically these males have been exposed to too much oestrogen, this is in the water they drink and the soy they eat, this has resulted in them becoming emasculated fem-men

>> No.9351987

Man is a thing which must be overcome

I don't think the point is "KILL THE WEAK" but to set a standard to rise up to. Going off of Zarathstra at least.

>> No.9351997

read between the lines anon, the weak are fertilizer. all life forms lead to the overman, all of them are nourishment for his roots. AI is literally a project to build a deity, genetic engineering to grow one. Neither of them will want anything to do with us, we’re repulsive insects

>> No.9352003

wth is wrong with you Timmy dad is gonna be mad at you for using his computer.

>> No.9352015
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I'm not really talking about AI because I know nothing about it and I think its implications are massively overhyped right now.

but read some Marcus Aurelius brah, the truest struggle is the struggle against the self. All the pitiful desires of our mortal shells have to be overcome to achieve something greater. Hence, the Overman.

This is a strange discussion to have on /sci/

>> No.9352019

see through the matrix man, it's shills

>> No.9352024

>struggle against the Self
i don’t shadowbox with fictional entities anon
>this is strange for /sci/
this is an anti-philosophical board of autists so sure

>> No.9352025

I think you're misinterpreting AI, and genetic engineering entirely. This is from the perspective of a geneticist rather than a philosopher or a computer scientist, but it seems much more likely that there won't ever be something akin to a god, because it's not necessary.

The way that organisms evolve is essentially on the basis of variants that exist within the population gaining momentary fitness advantage over the other variants, and then increasing in concentration. With this mechanism, coupled with the mechanism of mutation alone, life is made possible. It also, incidentally, is the basis for how we put together AIs, or work with any problem of machine learning- we define a fitness for the program to test against, and have it change (mutate), to test that against the fitness and then keep whatever increases it.

Now the proof is a bitch and a half to get into, but the fact of the matter is- we can't create by intelligence, an intelligent A.I. The reason this is impossible is due to the nature of intelligence, which is in essence a problem of selection and evolution, just of neural pathways that work as a sort of biological logic circuit. So, when we design an AI intelligently, we do so less as an end product, and more as a starting point for evolution that is much further downstream than if we try to have a machine evolve from square one.

The mechanism that is required along with the mutation aspect of it, for evolution to create anything functional, is some kind of selection pressure to test against. A measure of success, as it were. There can be no god created of it, as the selection pressure required to create such a thing would be no less than everything in existence: As a being that could be called omnipotent must be able to most efficiently do anything, the correspondent fitness test would be against everything in existence, which itself is made impossible in a way very much similar to the incompleteness theorem.

>> No.9352032
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>the self is fictional
enjoy being a slave to your desires
which needs to change

>> No.9352040

i hate academics so much you’re such stupid fucking faggots.

the overman is a fucking metaphor you dumb fucking autistic pencil neck. the 180 iq CRISPR monsters will be a different species and won’t want to breed with or associate with humans and will plot to depopulate and exterminate us just as Whytes did to the subhumans of the New world and australia.

>durr hurr Ai Can’t literally be a god


fucking kys you stupid nigger

>> No.9352056

genticistanon here, but can it not be the case that your desires are to believe in the idea of self, and that you remain a slave to your desires anyways? I'd say that the recognition of such a possibility, and the dismissal of any inherent necessity to change one's life based on such an unknowable distinction is the ideal way to live.

r-rude, I was more musing at that point. I suppose the key point I'm trying to get at, is that genetically engineering, physically (through code) engineering, or even socially engineering an overman is nonsensical. The means of creation of such a thing is based on the case-by-case selection pressure and fitness which has no bearing on notions of identity and association like on the basis of species, IQ, or any other arbitrary distinction.

It's an exercise in trying to actually bring to fruition the overman as a logical process, and the inability to do so leading to the natural conclusion that the overman is an inaccurate fiction, based on the incomplete and insufficient knowledge of mankind and the machinations of the mind and natural processes that govern man.

>> No.9352058

literally everyone of the left is jewish

>> No.9352074

>your desires are to believe in the idea of self
I don't really understand, when I say "overcome the self" and "desires" I am speaking quite literally, desires being:
If you submit to these things and let them govern your life, then you are a slave to your desires. I am saying one needs to conquer these desires and live one's life in accordance with a higher purpose, such as intellectual pursuits, physical pursuits, ect.

I suppose a valid argument would be that you are now a slave to this higher ideal, but I would think that is more noble than just wanting to feel good all the time

>> No.9352092

you don’t know what you’re talking about at all enjoy being food
there is no such thing as a self or agents you fucking infant. do you not understand time goes in one direction, you cannot put spilled milk back into the fucking container, you cannot will yourself to be unbroken as a defective unfit specimen. you are what you are, and that you are is totally accidental and inconsequential. stop being pathetic, its disgusting. this world is meaningless it is empty and dying all the time. you have so very little time left to figure this out, it would be a shame if you got to an advanced age and still misperceived these very obvious truths. Im trying to help you, all that matters is creating higher forms of life. That’s it. there is nothing else, we are alone in this universe. there is no god, aliens or devil. we must exterminate weakness and create an immortal being that can weather the storm of reality in a way we never could. you must offer yourself to fate and there is nothing more you can do. that’s it. you and your wretched family, your pitiful friends and associates mean nothing. immortality is all that matters and we cannot have it.

>> No.9352110

aren't those donations pranks? Like the person charges back and the streamer has to pay a small fee or something?

>> No.9352127
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>nihilistic AI-worshipping bitch
>thinks AI will be some sentient robot savior
how about you learn what AI is first

>> No.9352149

Ah, I see what you mean now. Well, I think if you assume that everything we do is just a natural consequence of some external factor that always, unexceptionally, is a cause of nature rather than one's own will, I think that being a slave to your desires can work on any such desire. Of course we take the physical pleasures to be the most primal and easy to grasp, but I think higher purpose also counts- it's all fulfilling some ideal, or idea of perfection that a person unknowingly has. I do agree though, even without the distinction, too often Nihilists turn to the argument that "everything is meaningless, therefore that which is pleasurable is that which is worth acquiring". I don't see why it's wrong by itself, but too often it's the hypocritical consequence of realizing meaninglessness that is most similar to a child throwing a tantrum. The nihilistic realization is circular- ultimately, nothing having meaning is functionally the same as everything having meaning.

>you don't know what you're talking about at all enjoy being food
I apologize my dude, but I don't subscribe to the fairy tales of a man who didn't know what he was talking about. I understand that you're too far up your own ass to question what your messiah Nietzsche was talking about, but I implore you to think about it a little harder. You claim that life is accidental and inconsequential- which is very well true- yet you fail to grasp the consequence of this in terms of understanding what it means to be human. To be a consequence of the logic of biological systems that have formed our mind and our body, and how these processes have only incidentally created behaviors that are attributed to the overman. Not that the ideal overman is the ideal human, nor that he would be superior in any necessary way; excepting that superiority is the qualification for the overman, in which case there is no necessary distinction nor drive to turn those inferior to food.

>> No.9352160
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Why is it that such "superior" intellectuals seem so keen to revert to a primal state to argue their "superiority" through racism? You are in my humble opinion, worthy of nothing more than having your troll drool slathered keyboard shattered across your face. So I say...good day sir!

>> No.9352714

Once donated your money is hers if she withdraws it immediately

>> No.9352975

>Explain the psychology behind whiteknighting and twitch top donations

too scared to pay a hooker.

twitch white knight lottery...

payout odds...................................................................


>> No.9353007

A combination of stupidity and having money.

This along with the girl looking extremely attractive to you. There are syrian children, indian, african children etc. who could use that money for food, but retards all over the planet will give it to some girl with a pretty face so she can buy a prada bag she doesn't need without working for it so she can feel like a rich high class woman.

I hope america does get nuked.

>> No.9353020

Not only this, but the money the woman would use on that Prada bag to feel like a rich high class woman could pay to feed many poor third world children for several years.

>> No.9353078

>implying international aid doesn't disappear in the hands of African warlord """""presidents"'"""" or nightmarishly bureaucratic aid organizations
help out some poor people locally. Donate coats or buy them food. All the 3rd worlders will do with it is have 5 more children

>> No.9353096

I understand there can be issues with aid and issues with population growth, but If I could have people jailed who are given both formally the option between a prada bag and donating money to people who were starving knowing it could feed many children for years, I really would.

Many charities in 3rd world countries actually don't work through the government so there isn't much of an opportunity for the money to be embezzled. There are also initiatives to donate money which will be used for contraceptives along with food and education which is a better solution. Some aid organisations are indeed terrible at using their money effectively however, even if someone knew this, and were choosing between something insane like an overpriced designer handbag or helping many third world children for several years if the money isn't embezzled, I would jail the woman for buying the overpriced handbag, you don't have to donate, but at least buy a regularly priced handbag and bank the money to buy something less retarded, more essential with greater practical use, maybe she could do research on charities and donate part of it later to the most effective ones.

>> No.9353138

i've spent $600 on skype shows making girls stick hair brushes up their ass while calling me daddy and secretly record it without their permission.
got lucky couple times and found girls i knew from my hs and uni who were popular but i guess needed fast cash.

going to release the videos of doing them this shit one day when they finally get a successful job/popular

tho i don't see the point of ppl donating money to chicks on twitch. you get nothing out of it

>> No.9353157

Depends on your definition of the payout. Maybe he just wants to see a cute girl happy.

Proof: considered doing it myself. Too poor for a hooker or whiteknighting.

>> No.9353283
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For the same reason I bought a 72" pearl role, necklace for bracelet, earrings, shoes, panties and pearl bra for ex.

I like pearls...I throw em at girls and they cry and smile.

Haha, money...who needs it, ammI right?

>> No.9353851

.. for your ex. Why on earth?

>> No.9353869

W-what is this feeling... Am I developing a foot fetish...?

>> No.9353950

Aid isn't like that anon stop falling fir the memes.