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9350500 No.9350500 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather date an engineer or someone with a liberal arts degree?

Hardmode: The engineer passed linear algebra on her/his first attempt.

>> No.9350565

The one with the biggest dick.

>> No.9350739

Male engineering major here, I honeslty never got why people hated engineers until I started having classes with them. Holy shit they are the worse types of cringe and think they're the smartest people in the room. The thing is, the girl engineering majors that I've met are worse than the guys, I would rather date someone studying gender studies than an engineering major.

>> No.9350752

The fact that passing on the first try is an accomplishment says everything.

My gf was an art major that switched to comp sci. Best of both worlds.

>> No.9350754

You're probably in the wrong engineering major if the people there think that they're intelligent

>> No.9350761

I'm not talking shit, but have you ever taken an engineering class? That's literally how people in those classes are.

>> No.9350827

>have you ever taken an engineering class
I wish I could do laughing emojis. I'm a senior/graduate student in Electrical Engineering. These fucker will contemplate suicide if they get anything lower than a B. We're all just like competing and helping each other out to understand the shit so we can get some hope of a job.

You're probably ME or Chem, where its mainly jocks that don't really wanna try hard on their 130 IQ and instead wanna fuck art students. Of course those people are unbearable. Either that or you're a freshman.

>> No.9350954

>I wish I could do laughing emojis
Hello there reddit

>> No.9350969

I should be impressed with someone who passed fucking linear algebra in their first attempt?

>> No.9350978
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>passed linear algebra on her/his first attempt.
is this supposed to be a plus? It's definitely not impressive

>> No.9351024
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That's the joke

>> No.9351264

Honestly most of the fedora lords take ME. I noticed that when I took intro to engineering. Guess how many changed majors by the end of the semester as fucking freshmen

>> No.9351282

Yeah I'm a junior ME major. I honestly thought after intro to engineering and all those intro classes that it would get better. Nope, it just got worse every semester. Also, from all the EE majors I've talked to, I feel like those are the guys who actually went into engineering cause they like what they are learning and not just for the money.

>> No.9351284

Yeah I had the same experience. When I took intro to engineering, the professor asked how many people were doing engineering cause they were pressured into it by family, I was shocked that more than half the class raised their hand.

>> No.9351331

Liberal arts, a relationship shouldn't have two autists

>> No.9351409

you would (or expect someone to) commit to a relationship based mainly on difference in dick size? it's definitely a huge contender when fuckin around, but unless it's downright small I can't imagine it being that big a deal when wanting to settle down with someone long term.

>> No.9351471

The term "engineering" student is too broad to describe an individual. The different flavors better describes them then just calling them an engineering student. I had no chicks in my ME classes but when I took intro or computer related engineering classes full of computer and electrical engineering majors I found them to be extremely weird. Like they spoke like an autist, had no fashion sense and bad hygeine. The civil engineering female students were more in line with the typical "take no shit from no man" bitch mode type of stacey chick stereotype.

>> No.9351478

>fedora lords
It's literally full of guys who want to do car shit. Basically Chad types or sub-Chad types. Also it probably is the least fedora tier (if you mean religiosity) because alot of car type guys are religious (think NASCAR crowd or rich Arab students who have money to spend on pricey Euro cars).

>> No.9351485

Most EE majors do EE because it's like one of the few jobs where your social skills can be absolutely abysmal. The austist meme is not a meme with these guys. I had this one motherfucker who made insanely weird faces randomly and walked even more hunched over than that virgin in the "virgin vs chad" meme.

>> No.9351526

The qt engineer girl.
Even if that violated /sci/ and the physicists creed.

>> No.9351630

my best friend is an EE and he's unsociable as fuck. i'm ChemE and math (one to pay the bills, one cause I'm actually interested), and even i am more sociable than he is. i guess we click pretty well but its damn near impossible to drag him along to anything

>> No.9351701

I dated an engineering student and a ballerina. I would pick the ballerina again every time.

>> No.9351706

What kind of 17 year old knows they want to do engineering?

>> No.9351755

It is seen as a major that uses math and physics but is also highly employable with only a bachelors so it is a safe choice. Seeing college as a financial investment it makes sense in a way. Some just pick it for the money though and have no interests in it at all just like computer science

>> No.9351758

sounds like what a 17 year old would say. in reality you don't know what any of the majors are about, and what you'd like to do

>> No.9351769

This sounds like exactly what a high schooler would think. Unfortunately, it's not really based in reality. They just think "hmm I bet you can only get a job that has the name of your major in the title so only engineers must get jobs."

>> No.9352344

When I dormed, I was on a floor with an engineer major, a math major, and an industrial design major. The engineer loves to put down anyone in a major that seems to require less work than engineering.
Industrial design major is talking about having to take intro to linear algebra while the engineer cuts in and says
>Why of course you're doing intro to linear algebra. You actually have to be smart and do work to take the real class
For background there's two algebra classes. One is theory/proof based and the other is for engineers which is basically just learn linear techniques. The math major responds
>Sorry, but you're learning things a monkey could do. It's a miracle your class is even classified as a 400 level. Take the advanced class and you'd be doing real work
The engineer shits up shortly after

>> No.9352360

The biggest downside about engineering is the people. There are a couple gems but at least half the people I have met are boring, autistic, ugly, or some combination of the three.

>> No.9352610

well it's illegal for anyone that isn't an engineer to sign off on projects. the way the term "engineer" is used today by any ole fuck is really dangerous in the same regard someone who never went to medical school will call themself a doctor.

>> No.9352616

it's funny you say that because the head of my math division who has a PHD in Physics and EE said bar none, EE is the hardest major offered by most universities (barring nuclear engineering but that's because it's not offered by many).

>> No.9352642

Engineering if she's cute. At least she'd be a little more logical than your average crazy woman.

I'm reaching the end of my rope with dating though senpai

>> No.9352721

Doesn't really matter - it could be good either way. If my gf is an engineer, I want to work on projects and sperg out about nerdy stuff together. If she's in liberal arts, I want her to get me into artsy stuff and force me to socialize more.

>> No.9352786


>> No.9352800

>contemplate suicide if they get less than a B
So your gonna have alot of dead classmates then because upper class EE courses have pretty big % fail rates.