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934650 No.934650 [Reply] [Original]

im stoned. explain gravity an shit...

>> No.934661

shameful self bump

>> No.934659


>> No.934667

how do they??

>> No.934669
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Stoned, huh?
Why don't you take a look at my brilliant new theory?:

>> No.934671

Microscopic grappling hooks that contract, causing them to shorten their distance from their mutual center of mass.

>> No.934677


>> No.934694

cmon ppl explain this shit

>> No.934735

something to do with gravitons

gravitons are theoretical particles that we cannot yet prove exist, but they would be massless.

This is why gravitational attraction is still a theory, we can't explain it 100%

inb4 christfags say God pushes us down

>> No.934740

fuck man im trippin balls

>> No.934745

you fucking retard, god created earth 6000 years ago and all the matter, he makes gravity because god created everything.

>> No.934768
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>> No.934779

the rotation of an object causes a slight current field that weakens the further it is from an object.

>> No.934877

unfortunately, no

>> No.934886


>> No.934913

Flux vortex

>> No.934917


>> No.934945

the earth spins really fast on an axis and creates a pull toward the center of the axis (earths core)

you can make your own gravity with things like a gyroscope. nothing a strong as the pull of earth's rotating at about 1,038mph at the equator creating gravity pull of 9.8 meters/s


>> No.934944

were FG=the force of gavity
G=the gravitation constant
the gravitational constant=6.67300 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
m1=the mass of the first object
m2=the mass of the second object
D=the distance between the center of the first object and center of the second.

Gravity of caused by the warping of spacetime. The severity of warping is proportional to how much object the object has. Also a gravitational field gets weaker by and inverse square as it spreads out.

There i explained gravity happy now?

>> No.934952


>> No.934957

thats not gravity

>> No.934962

proportional to how much mass an object has

>> No.934970

My AP physics teacher told me that there were 4 fundamental forces:

Weak Nuclear
Strong Nuclear

But what about centrifugal force?

>> No.934971

9.81 m/s.. all you need to know.

>> No.934981


>> No.934983

Centrifugal force only pops up in rotating frames of reference.

>> No.934985

Anything with mass bends both space and time towards itself, like a bowling ball on a mattress will result in nearby objects moving toward the bowling ball as it sinks into the mattress.

>> No.934993
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>9.81 m/s

>> No.934999

Centrifugal force is a type of force, like tension (force in a rope.) Centrifugal force is created from one object push on another. As far as I know, two objects can push against one another because the bonds between atoms (EM force) keep the two objects from merging.

>> No.934998


>> No.934994

Squared. Meters per second squared.

>> No.935002


9.8 rounded down

>> No.935006

first of all centrifugal force does not exist, that is the force that you feel pushing outwards. The force that is pushing in towards the center of the circle is centripetal force.

>> No.935009
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^2 happy now?

>> No.935018

were FG=the force of gavity
G=the gravitation constant
the gravitational constant=6.67300 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
m1=the mass of the first object
m2=the mass of the second object
D=the distance between the center of the first object, and center of the second.

Gravity is caused by the warping of spacetime. The severity of warping is proportional to how much mass the object has. Also a gravitational field gets weaker by a inverse square as it spreads out.

There i explained gravity happy now?

>> No.935029

if centrifugal force doesn't exist, and centripetal force pulls things toward the center, then why do things spun around on a wire "spread out" instead of staying toward the center (your hand)?