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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9349330 No.9349330 [Reply] [Original]

Please explain to me why I should study a superstitious and backwards methodology like science instead of the arcane and powerful art of sorcery?

>> No.9349340
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Why not both?

>> No.9349342
File: 28 KB, 280x394, Neil deGrasse Tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason at all.
I'm sure you'd make a successful American politician.

>> No.9349348

If magic is found to exist that will spell the end of science and math, that's why (((they're))) trying so hard to keep it from us.

>> No.9349353
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Is Le based science negro supposed to dissuade me from pursuing occult powers? He doesn't even know that the earth is flat.

>> No.9349365

Oh so you want to do computer science then?

>> No.9349383
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what do you mean by that?

>> No.9349393

Let me do the math for you.
>(L)ight = 3
>(N)ature = 2
>(A)rcane = 1
>(V)oid = 0
>(F)el = -1
>(N)ecromantic = -2
>(S)hadow = -3

Now we'll define some traits of the universe, two very important to these calculations:

>Magical Part Divsion = MpD
This is that any resulting charges from the interaction of charges is divided between the amount of reactants.
>E.g: A+A=E/MpD=2A

>Magical Part Correction = MpC
This is a mechanic of reality that stabilises charges via rounding, either rounding up (for charges above 0.5) or rounding down (for charges below 0.5).
>E.g: A+V=Uc/MpD=2Uc+MpC=2A

Finally we'll define other expressions:

>E = Exotic charge
A charge above the given spectrum.
>E.g: L+L=E/MpD=2L

>Uc = Unstable charge
A charge that has a decimal value.
>E.g: A+N=L/MpD=Uc(1.5)+MpC=2N

Closing notes:
>Nature magic
Nature magic also takes into account the basic elemental and their hybrids. That is: fire, water; earth and air, and their hybrids, such as iron.

>> No.9349394


>> No.9349412

There is no difference between scientists and sorcerers. Normies wishing for magic in hopes that the abstraction would lend them talent that requires no ability are psychotic. There is no difference in the cognition applied to magical, academic or any other generic system - the talented will figure it out and do well, while the mediocre falter.