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File: 120 KB, 800x1032, 800px-Sabrina_Gonzalez_Pasterski_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9348200 No.9348200 [Reply] [Original]

this is the next albert einstein, say something nice about her

>> No.9348217

I'm pretty sure the rate at which young prodigies called the next Einstein actually end up becoming famous and accomplished physicists is somewhere around 0%.

>> No.9348223

She hasnt done anything relevant lol

>> No.9348237

Every time some major breakthrough comes out it's either somebody that's already famous or some random autist nobody ever heard of before

>> No.9348259
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, exhales.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time some major breakthrough comes out it's either somebody I've heard of or somebody I haven't

>> No.9348261

>or some random autist nobody ever heard of before
Unknown Swiss patent clerk sends in a few papers he cooked up in his spare time, changes physics forever.

>> No.9348262

Why haven't I heard about this?

>> No.9348263

I mean somebody who's already famous for solving famous problems, who was at first a random autist.

In other words, it's never ever some promising youth or "the next einstein!" that the news likes to prop up

>> No.9348276

Traps are gay

>> No.9348284
File: 93 KB, 666x870, Einstein_patentoffice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1905, some wage slave sends in:
- Photoelectric effect
- Brownian motion
- Special relativity
- Mass-energy equivalence

To a resounding... nothing.

>> No.9348285

No, this one person I know is the next Einstein. Just wait until they do something important and you'll see!

>> No.9348292

lmao what a fucking nigger no wonder nobody remembers him.

>> No.9348346
File: 187 KB, 780x439, 353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's never ever some promising youth or "the next einstein!" that the news likes to prop up
We (mankind in general) are extremely bad at making specific guesses about how the future will turn out unless it's highly regular shit like predicting the motion of celestial bodies.

>> No.9348357
File: 161 KB, 747x1120, 1491982108188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to breed with a proper PHENOTYPICALLY endowed BRAIN BULL.

>> No.9348387

really not that far off

>> No.9348390

>transfer of physical information into digital information
>extremely bad at making specific guesses

ok kid

>> No.9348395

Handcranking a machine that physical grinds up literal books into electrical impulses wired into students' brains is pretty fucking far off you simpleton.

>> No.9348406

Just looking at her face you can see that she has experienced the might of the BBC.

(this is a compliment)

>> No.9348475
File: 17 KB, 645x729, look on the bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman, tanned skin, long hair
>anything like albert einstein

>> No.9348547

Not working in AI or something useful. Might as well be doing porn instead. It's like becoming a master go player. Takes insane IQ.

Except in this case it's worse since she isn't even going to be for entertainment.

>> No.9348616
File: 81 KB, 487x650, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.9349304
File: 3 KB, 175x125, 1512104648256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when was this board for edgy 13 year olds?

>> No.9349320
File: 282 KB, 674x403, 1450577447174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah, what a faggot. I wanna build shit that I can sell to the wealthiest military.

> tfw war is overrated for others, bitchen for me.

>> No.9349324


I still call him a fraud and I can see the fifth dimension.

Guess how that helped my life so far...it hasnt...just havent connected it to special relativity. Once done a working model for the entire universe, mapped.

> Dropped out, essentially, in 9th grade so no goo with number, only dynamics

>> No.9349360

totally irrelevant, kek. her work is pretty much nothing compared to what others achieve at her age. but she has a cunt so she's important and needs loads of awards

>> No.9349370

she has a stronk forehead

>> No.9349374



>> No.9349423
File: 38 KB, 549x673, shininja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*unsheathes katana*
heh.. can you even grasp the infinitude of the everett-teichmüller universes at each moment of existance... kid?

>> No.9349441

She's not unattractive and she has a high IQ (minimum 130). I'd slay.

>> No.9349461

Science had a good run. They discovered many truths of existence which exacerbated enlightenment. Everything major has been accomplished already. Sure, there are break-throughs left for medicine or technology, but the study of nature itself has pretty much run its course. Good show! The End!

>> No.9349468

Pokes his head, pencil neck breaks

>> No.9349475

I'd eat the ass of the next albert einstein

>> No.9349603

She's not that good looking but I'd trade looks for intelligence and put some babies in her.

>> No.9349776

plz don't compare him with heathen physicists, he is the perfect example of the conceptual superiority of math over physics desu

>> No.9349796

I'd eat the ass of the last albert einstein

>> No.9349949

did he sneeze on his phone before taking that selfie?

>> No.9349950

does anyone even understand his theory enough to see if his proof is bullshit or not?

>> No.9350028

Terrence Tao

>> No.9350037

multiple number theorists have confirmed it

>> No.9350048

Yes several people have gone through it but the strange thing is that once they have understood it they are no longer capable of explaining it. Makes you think...

>> No.9350205


Who is this Semon Demon?

>> No.9350244

read the filename you oaf

>> No.9350263

>once they have understood it they are no longer capable of explaining it
sounds like they wasted months or years trying to understand it, realized they still didn't understand it and resorted to pretending they understand it so their colleagues wouldn't laugh at them for wasting their time

>> No.9350305


>mentions special rel. and not general rel.


>> No.9350361

is it just me or does he look like black science man in that pic?

>> No.9350505



>> No.9351946


go back to your containment board manchild

she has done a hell of lot more than you you fucking shit

>> No.9351966

>digital information
Your Nobel prize is in the mail.

>> No.9351981

>Alberta Eisenstein

>> No.9351983
File: 212 KB, 450x290, 1492102344648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9352006


>> No.9352553

>he clicks on internet clickbaits

>> No.9352617

Why the hell is she notable at all? She's just a grad student. Just like that black girl who does videos for PBS. I'm all for including people but this has "muh diversity" written all over it. Somebody put her out there to serve an agenda.

>> No.9352628

...hasn't made any major breakthroughs.

>> No.9352691

Authored the last of a three-paper series on a (hypothetical?) new spin effect which was cited in a Hawking's paper. It was based on work done in an undergrad project/internship. Not a genius but more successful than most grad students.