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File: 101 KB, 600x600, organic_chemistry_by_kazuv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9344667 No.9344667 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking brainlet pre-meds complain about the difficulty of a class that literally involves drawing pictures. Post chemistry stories in this thread.
>Be me
>Synthesizing folate derivative
>Solution fucking explodes staining the fume hood pink.
Smelled like shitty chemicals for a week.

>> No.9344685
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, cykabrows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He who controls electrons controls reality

>> No.9344829

>be me
>want to do reaction with NaK under argon
>starts to go up in flames with the force of a thousand suns when heated slightly above room temperature
>argon was running constantly

>try again
>nothing happens,
>finish reaction
>pretty good yield and purity, everything fine

what is this shit, I still have no fucking idea what could have happened

>> No.9344838
File: 29 KB, 430x566, 4hw321f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or we don't understand chemistry at all.

>> No.9344842

Doesn't argon make the system less reactive, because argon is an inert gas? I'm just an undergrad student.

>> No.9344849

>Doesn't argon make the system less reactive, because argon is an inert gas? I'm just an undergrad student.
Exactly, which is why it's all the more puzzling
So there was basically no possibility for a reaction with water or oxygen
(the glassware was also obviously dried before)

This really makes me think it's the latter.

And what definitely reacted was the magnetic stir bar, which got completely dismantled except for the magnet at the core
What also might have reacted was left over petroleum ether under which the alkali metals were stored
In any case, there was a lot of carbon produced and it got pretty fucking hot

>> No.9344850

>calls others brainlets
>blows up a reaction mixture

>> No.9344869

Why is she pregnant? Are all chem girls cumdumpsters or what?

>> No.9344875
File: 3.64 MB, 309x313, 1510333624770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk found it in google images.

>> No.9344878

I know a slutty Jewish inorganic professor.

>> No.9346626

mabye because the first aknowlegmnent about the relevants of stereochemistry in metabolisim was first discoverd at the drug thalidomide (aka contagan), wich almost only efected pregnant women and their newborn, respectively
bad english i know :/

>> No.9347008

that's really fucking weird.

>> No.9347023

If you believe that an undocumented chemical reaction happened right in front of your face then why aren't you writing a paper?

It seems retarded to me that you think you discovered something that makes you think "we don't understand chemistry" but then you are not obsessively trying to repeat it to see if you get an easy paper out of it.

You are literally the lowest tier scientist.

>> No.9347039

>>stir bar
well there's your problem, PTFE can be defluorinated by sodium potassium alloy. Mystery solved.
it's impossible to tell just what exactly was in the chamber before so impurities cannot be ruled out.
>>why aren't you writing a paper?
because it's already known that this reaction occurs. It's well documented that PTFE can react with NaK

>> No.9347040

If there is a paper about it then why do you say "we don't understand chemistry" you big baby.

>> No.9347048

because I'm not the same person you fucking autist

>> No.9347078

Please be patient, I have autism.

>> No.9347080

fuck you, I just jokingly agreed with the person who introduced the "we don't understand anything" thing, obviously I don't agree with it
Also, I didn't really give a fuck so excuse me for not making this my sole obsession in life
I also hope you have a better day tomorrow

thanks, I didn't know that
also interesting that the publication you cited was talking about it in the context of an accident as well

>> No.9347090

>Also, I didn't really give a fuck so excuse me for not making this my sole obsession in life
Why are you even studying chemistry mate? You are literally never going to make it like this. Well, I guess someone has to teach my kids highschool chemistry. Godspeed, faggot.

>> No.9347106

Because I had different shit on my plate at the time and other things were far more interesting than that accident
I understand that you have a problem with the fundamental spirit displayed there, but I really would appreciate if you could calm your autism for just a second.
I would also invite you to investigate this reaction further because it seems to me that it isn't understood very well and that there might be some potentially interesting discoveries(and papers, as you said)
But I am not going to be the person to make those, so yeah, I'll obviously go reconsider my life choices and teach chemistry in school
Also your way of writing and sperging out makes me feel sorry for all the people who have to work with you; you might also want to know that being able to work in a group is a valuable asset to a successful scientific career as well
The days of turbo-autists like Newton are over, my friend

>> No.9347118

I am glad you have accepted your destiny as a lesser teacher. You say you hate but I sperg out, but I hate your kind in academia. I see your lack of resolve and passion in my students, my colleagues, I see it abroad when I visit other universities. It is what I hate the most. You are a waste of your professor's time and of your university's resources. I really hope you aren't in Europe so your parents are getting ass raped by tuition because you deserve it.

At the end of the day all I said was "if you think you found something new, research it and write a paper about it" but you won't because you are a mediocre asshole. Your kind disgusts me. Do you know you can just get a degree in chemistry education and that way I wouldn't have to see your disgusting face? That way another mediocre failure would be your professor so that it is at least fair.

Fuck you anger me.

>> No.9347157

Get a hold of yourself mate, you are embarassing yourself
Also, I am happy to inform you that I live in Europe and enjoy a good education for very little money
I think it's also quite unfair to teachers and people actually aspiring to be teachers that you shit on them like this, you wouldn't want "my kind(in your mind)" in a position to educate your children because they won't ignite any passion for the subject in children and certainly not advance the scientific spirit which you seem to care about so dearly(and rightly so, I might add)
So if we were to have it your way, there would certainly be fewer people of "your kind" around, which you surely wouldn't appreciate

Again, and there will be no further responses from me after this because I really think you should calm down, I don't agree with the fundamental problem you are describing and think you are right, the passion to investigate is very important and should be supported more in society (and obviously in science), but your insanely hostile attitude make you seem almost as unlikeable to me as your caricature of me seems to be to you