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File: 69 KB, 730x430, alumnium-730x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9335129 No.9335129 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not shitposting; Is it possible that vaccines are partially responsible for autism?

>The aluminium content of brain tissues from 5 donors who died with a diagnosis of ASD was found to be extraordinarily high, some of the highest values yet measured in human brain tissue. Why for example, would the occipital lobe of a 15 year old boy with autism be 8.74 (11.59) micrograms/g dry wt., a value which is at least 10 times higher than might be considered as acceptable for an aged adult never mind a child?
>Perhaps there is something within the genetic make-up of specific individuals which predisposes them to accumulate and retain aluminium in their brain, as is similarly suggested for individuals with familial Alzheimer’s disease.
>The new evidence strongly suggests that aluminium is entering the brain in ASD via pro-inflammatory cells which have become loaded up with aluminium in the blood and/or lymph, much as has been demonstrated for monocytes at injection sites for vaccines including aluminium adjuvants. Perhaps we now have the putative link between vaccination and ASD, the link being the inclusion of an aluminium adjuvant in the vaccine.


>> No.9335137

Aluminum and mercury are heavy metals, possibly responsible for neurological conditions, especially in high concentrations in a developing mind.
I didn't do much research myself as I don't care.

If I become a parent, I wouldn't rely on stupid reddit-tier pro-vaxxers for advice. Some vaccinations are important and beneficial, others aren't. Yearly flu shots are just retarded.
If you know that your child won't be exposed to some pathogens, you don't need to vaccinate. It's a deeply personal choice.

>> No.9335168

It's not a deeply personal choice when retards like you and your redneck kid would end up infecting the entire school with some rare disease that was eradicated some 70 years ago like smallpox or black plague

>> No.9335231

I got in so much shit at northwestern in a room of fellow phd and md/phd students for saying it was possible. They all hated me because I said it was an individuals right to deny the vaccine for themselves or their children, and they all called for mandatory vaccinations.

>> No.9335239


It's not an individual choice tho. My country has mandatory vaccs and cases of autism did not change because of it.

>> No.9335245

probably no increased cases of guillan barre as well? check that. if the cases are NOT up there is funny business going on.

also you need more statiscal power to see if numbers are actually going up.

>> No.9335247

When scientists say there is no evidence for a link between autism and vaccines, what they're actually saying is that the evidence against a link is like a mountain and the evidence for is like a small crumpled ball of paper

>> No.9335500

First of all it is not "Aluminum"
Second, Aluminium a heavy metal. You need to do a Chemistry class on the metals.

Don't take advice from this reddit tier faggot

>> No.9335897

>First of all it is not "Aluminum"
britfag pls go

>> No.9336535

>Second, Aluminum [is not] a heavy metal.
In terms of neurotoxicity, he is right. It is a heavy metal. It's a loosely defined term. Also reddit is full of retarded religiously pro-vaxxing morons. If anything, this opinion is opposed to reddit's hivemind. You're part of it.

Why don't you go fuck yourself and be pedantic in someone else's thread?

>> No.9336745
File: 77 KB, 285x245, GTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aluminum is a heavy metal

>> No.9336752

>In terms of neurotoxicity, he is right. It is a heavy metal. It's a loosely defined term.
there are several definitions, but aluminum doesn't meet them, you twit. it's not particularly dense, it's got a low atomic number, it's common in the crust, it doesn't bioaccumulate (i.e. it can be excreted)...it's not a heavy metal in any sense at all.
I think what you meant to say is that it's TOXIC (which it can be in its oxidized form, at high levels) but you're just too stupid to articulate your thoughts.

>> No.9337603

>Land of the Free!
>No Federal Govt interference!
>No to socialism!
I don't want to vaccinate my children

>> No.9338073

Yes. The aluminum and mercury in vaccines causes brain damage and long term microglia activation, in vivo. The immune response itself varies, gene expression in the brain is strongly influenced by the immune system. See:

A cursory search on pubmed supports this. Aluminum nanoparticles in bloodstream = bad. The body has no real active means to remove it.

Autism is most likely EMFs (microwaves, powerlines, appliances, etc) acting both alonm and synergistically with toxins like aluminum and phorbol esters. See the following reviews for further details:
Herbert 2013, Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link – Part I
Herbert 2013, Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link part II

>> No.9338077

you need to educate yourself on basic biochemistry OP

>> No.9338086

Where would they contract this disease.
If exposure to even one infected person is enough to contract the disease, what is the use of the vaccine? There is no "herd immunity" to speak of here. If it's likely enough that a single person can contract it that you'd worry about propagation through the whole population, your vaccine is ineffective. Plain and simple.

Likewise many vaccines, like mumps, stop working in people's thirties. They're now susceptible to a potentially fatal, highly damaging infection, that they otherwise would have contracted as a child. Again, unless the goal is eradication at a specific point in time, it seems purposeless.

>> No.9338090

oh god

>> No.9338094

Aluminum oxides can be easily excreted, nanoparticles and other exotic compounds cannot. They get stuck in your cells and generally just stay there. Chemical chelation is also difficult. EDTA and DMSA are both ineffective for certain nanoparticles.

I'll find the studies on this if you really want. A number were published in 2017 alone.

>> No.9338823

Yep they were free to say make it mandatory.
Also this is what makes you realize that freedom in the States isn't absolute? You would think those things called laws would tip you off sooner, but whatever.

>> No.9339467

niggas, how can nanoparticles get in mah vaccine ??

>> No.9340841

Big pharma trying to goof u rite up!!

>> No.9340859

All Apple products are made with Aluminium. Coincidence?

>> No.9340865

>First of all it is not "Aluminum"
It is in civilized parts of the world, shit-for-brains.

>> No.9341419
File: 36 KB, 680x677, triple gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aluminum oxides can be easily excreted, nanoparticles and other exotic compounds cannot.
this is irrelevant to the concern expressed, however, since vaccines don't contain those exotic compounds. it's all just simple salts (phosphate/sulfate) and (oxy)hydroxides.

still waiting to hear how aluminum qualifies as a heavy metal, you literal retard.

>> No.9342045

Steve jobs love aluminum autism.

>> No.9342899
File: 65 KB, 720x682, flouride2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9342904
File: 55 KB, 781x691, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are killing you on purpose my nigger