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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9324895 No.9324895 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we need other numbers beside 1?

>> No.9324898

because how else could we do 1/0

>> No.9324900


>> No.9324901


>> No.9324903

But how would we do binary?

>> No.9324906


>> No.9324907

Use ⇂ and 1

>> No.9325175

How old are you? Tell me using only the number 1.

>> No.9325181

We don't but it's more convenient to use different symbols for different numbers.

>> No.9325183

ok idiots. how would we represent √-2

>> No.9325258



>> No.9325264

Ok i'll bite. π=?

>> No.9325270

And how many months?

>> No.9325304

(1+1)*arctan(1) :^)

>> No.9325307

Congrats you’ve reached peak autism

>> No.9325342


For the same reason we don't use binary, why constantly beat yourself with a stick when you simply can stop?

>> No.9325348

Good thread I enjoyed it

>> No.9325461


>> No.9325473


>> No.9325483

Thats cheating!

>> No.9325493


>> No.9325496

Lim_(n1+1+1+1+...) (1+1/n)^n

>> No.9325531

Feigenbaum constants ?

>> No.9325590

Unary actually makes some problems intractable, which are otherwise easily solvable in binary or decimal.

>> No.9325597

Because we're not computers.

>> No.9325680

Unary is great, some np complete problems have polynomial algorithms when encoding in unary

>> No.9325717

Best thread I've ever seen on /sci/.

.oO(oh dear god is /sci/ really that bad?)

>> No.9325732

how would you do 1001?

>> No.9325744

shoo shoo brainlet. Just copy wikipedia defintion replacing any number by a sum of (((1's)))

>> No.9325750
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>> No.9325759


>> No.9325779

Your life is worthless anon. Just switch to using "0" - number of your life.

>> No.9326285


and before you ask about decimals
1.23 = 1+(1+1)(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)^(-1)+(1+1+1)(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)^(-1-1)

>> No.9326304

>Why do we need other numbers beside 1?

>> No.9326896

because 1-(1+1) doesn't equal one so we need another symbol to compress the representations.

>> No.9326961

Because of (((them)))

>> No.9326970
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>> No.9327259

Nah, exp(x) is easily defined as the unique function f such that f'(x) = x and f(1-1) = 1.

>> No.9327260

f'(x) = f(x), rather

>> No.9327276

This desu. The jews keep the goyim confused with all these hard-to-keep-track-of extra numbers.

>> No.9327278

How do you define a real function if you only have 1?

>> No.9327292

>We don't but it's more convenient to use different symbols for different numbers.
But what about efficiency?

>> No.9327306

>this fucking thread
I love this board.

>> No.9327311

Lack of space, too many 1’s
Sure I have 1 and 1 cupcakes but
1,1,1,1,1 ,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 eggs is too much for me

>> No.9327313

>”0” - number of your life
What is this equation supposed to equal?

>> No.9327314


>> No.9327335

How am I supposed to know how many years that is if I can only count to 1?

>> No.9327360

one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one years

>> No.9327386

0 is not a number, it's a null value.

>> No.9327389

We don't. It's a matter of convenience and pragmatism for human-readable representation of info.

>> No.9327436

>0 is not a number
Uhuh. Numbers represent quantities, and zero is a number that represents a null quantity or nothingness. If you were to say it isn't a natural number, then I agree, but zero is included in plenty of number sets with reason (hint: because it's a number).

>> No.9327444

It should be (1+1+1+1)*arctan(1) though.

>> No.9327482

One thing is a number. Another is the symbol or symbols that represent that number.
If you write something like 1+1, you are only using the symbol that represents one, but the number being represented is not one. It's a different number.

>> No.9327502

what about a half?

or pi?

>> No.9327504

half: 1/(1+1)
Pi: (1+1+1+1)*arctan(1)

>> No.9327527

You are using -1 all over this thread too.

>> No.9327543

Why not just define pi as the area of a circle with radius 1?

Better than using 1 to make non-1 numbers

>> No.9327577

Unary operator applied to 1

>> No.9327578

Its far less efficient to write one hundred 1s instead of 100, the romans tried it with their numerals and gave up at IV.

>> No.9327612


>> No.9327629

>is it possible to write every number using only 1s?
>should we?

>> No.9327640

Nice little number game you are playing, but that is still not more efficient than using 100.

>> No.9327642
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ITT we rediscover Succ

>> No.9327695

okay but what about...

imaginary unit 'i'?
the golden ratio (not that important but impressive if you can do it with only ones)

i wont ask for irrational numbers, there an arse to do.

also for the hell of it, just because i wanna see you write it out for redundancy:
Euler's number?

>> No.9327700
File: 17 KB, 833x503, golden ratio formula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm just figered out golden ratio with just ones, its pretty easy, just replace the 5 with (1+1+1+1+1) and the 2 with (1+1)

>> No.9327720

i = sqrt(-1) duh

>> No.9327721

e = exp(1)

>> No.9327722

-1/2 = -1/(1+1)

>> No.9327742
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so after doing some reading ive come to the conclusion that you can perform any maths using just:
and maybe log and natural log
and probably limits (that you need for things like Golomb–Dickman constant)

also Riemann zeta functions dont work as i can tell yet, i cant get them to work

Chaitin's constant is another problem

this is excluding some irrationals as id assume some finely regressing random ones would/might be impossible.

not sure about 'i' yet, ill get back to you on that

then that just leaves phyical constants which youre boned as things like Planck's constant is pretty much impossible.

quantum shit throws everything out the window as infinite regressing irrational numbers can be done with just ones (unless you pull some crazy shit or get lucky) as there will always be an infinite space where ones cant reach through division that cant be reduced to a finite amount of operations

the Banach–Tarski paradox obviously doesn't work as it makes 1-1+1=2 which wont work logically but does in pure maths.

im actually curiously interested in this
can anyone tell me if im on the right track or not?

wow, im spending way too much time on the internet

>> No.9327745
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oh yeah, wow, im an idiot.

>> No.9327760

Wouldn't it be more beautiful to use (-1)^(1/(1+1)) instead?

>> No.9327761
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Define the operator

>> No.9327765

Now get rid of the division with subtraction and change subtraction to adding -1and it's perfect.

Also get rid of the ^power and replace with addition.

(I'm too dumb to do that but I think it's possible.)

>> No.9327769

Get on my level senpai:

>> No.9327773

Are you high?

>> No.9327784

All I wanna see is 1's, -1's and +'s

As for the being high remark I refuse to answer officer, I'm a sovereign citizen/mathematician, am I being detained?!

>> No.9327785

-1 is still NOT 1.
If you really want to only use 1 (with substraction as operator), that would be:

>> No.9327787

How do you define square root only using + and - faggot?

>> No.9327790

Fine, just change all -1 in this thread with 1-1-1 just like >>9327785 said.

>> No.9327792

Fair point.

>> No.9327822

What about quaternions?

>> No.9327824

Pseudo polynomial algorithms

>> No.9328178

Don't math operators count as abstract numbers so that 1-1 is more than 0 under the axioms that must hold?

>> No.9328192

I mean a (-) != 1, therefore 1-1 is 0 written with 2 symbols, not the 1

>> No.9328199

What year we are? please write down

>> No.9328204

Fucking autist, it would be so much easier if you did something like this:
(1+1)^(1+1+1+1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

>> No.9328221


>> No.9328224


>> No.9328249

write infinity with 1 :^)

>> No.9328257

that's not a number :^)

>> No.9328266

This >>9328257 but I'd humor you:
absolute(limit(1/x) as x approaches 1-1)

>> No.9328292

come at me bro

>> No.9328316

longer but more beautiful

>> No.9328324

>Numbers represent quantities
found the brainlet

>> No.9328342

1 + 1 + 1 + ... =infinity

>> No.9328376

men of neolithic were tired about counting their sheep grooving a line for each

>> No.9328396

Digits were made to avoid exactly this. You are basically writing tally marks which get really annoying when you need to count a lot of something.
You could use scientific notation, but thats a whole other question.

>> No.9328398

>over 90 replies to a meme thread

>> No.9328413

that's not bad if you don't consider autistics ones

>> No.9328993


>> No.9328994

nvm I'm retarded

>> No.9329045

the cardinality of a set X such that:

1∈X ∧∀x∈X( (x+1) ∈X)

>> No.9329046

good thread

>> No.9329059

okay motherfuckers, you might be onto something here
show me graham's number using 1's and I'm convinced

>> No.9329077

11111111111111111111111111111111 is a lot harder to type than 100000, which is a lot harder to type than 32.

>> No.9329082


>> No.9329103

How to divide in unary?

>> No.9329295
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>> No.9329318

Seriously though, what most people don't understand is that in base 1 system zero is represented by numeral 1. Therefore it goes like this:

0 = 1
1 = 11
2 = 111

I was actually searching about this earlier and i didn't find this kind of solution.

>> No.9329362
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i came into this thread skeptical, but now i'm a believer. 1 is truly the answer to everything.

>> No.9329388

To define the axioms of the neutral additive and neutral multiplicative for some spaces like vectorial spaces and fields. And you can't define them as equal because in most of that spaces, ther are theorems wich prove their uniqueness. Sorry for my bad english.

>> No.9329624

didn't you mean
[math]1+ (1+1)^{(1+1+1+1+1)} + (1+1+1)^{(1+1)}[/math]

>> No.9329625

1+1=1+1 ????

>> No.9329643


>> No.9329646

not that there is an ungodly, fuckhuege, inconceivable about of ↑ knuth arrows

>> No.9329647

writing in base pi or base e would be pretty difficult with just ones

>> No.9329690
File: 138 KB, 600x600, Au.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.9329702

Thanks OP

>> No.9329754

I'm tempted to do this in the upcoming real analysis exam.
Do you thing the professor would be mad at me?

>> No.9329766

Only do this if your professor is Australian, so you get an S for shitposting.

>> No.9329779

Great thread

>> No.9329795

so how would you write decimals in base 1?

>> No.9329800

you can't. that's the one flaw of all number base systems apart from base 10.
fuck, without base 10 we'd round pi to 3, we'd round g to 10
be thankful, anon.

be happy

>> No.9329857

Numbers are just a language, if you use one number you would need to use many paterns and configurations as set values/lable in order to communicate. Actually communication and language form of communication is what the basis of it all is, in mathematics we use numbers as a communicative language that is pre configured and more complex formulas require studying it and memorizing what certain thing stand for in order to communicate a desired outcome or value! In all languages mathematics dispute being more sophisticated is not necesarley that special. What is interesting and special is how we assign languages or patterns as a form or communication, and how does that affect our colective cultural and human evoultion...

>> No.9329965

what am i reading here exactly, this is meant to be the smartest board on 4chan

>> No.9329999


>> No.9330007

You mean smartest board on (1+1+1+1)chan

>> No.9330014

Current year is 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 th prime number

+ operator omitted

>> No.9330128

let x = (1+1)^(1+1)^(1+1)^(1+1)

number A(A(A(x)),1) is much larger than Graham's number

where A is Ackermann function

>> No.9330130

fucked up, meant A(A(A(x,1),1),1)

>> No.9330132

This is a bad thread and whoever made it should be gangstalked. Seriously while OP is walking down the street niggers should be jumping out of bushes going "HEY, YA GOT THE TIME" and other people should be phoning him at all hours of the night and there should be other people tapping on his windows. All this for faggot OP and his gay ass thread.

>> No.9330168

we actually dont need any other numbers besides 69!!!!!!!! replace every 1 in this thread with 69/69 for proof

>> No.9330175

$$ A + p$$

>> No.9330176

$ P a+ A$

>> No.9330200
File: 586 KB, 4688x4688, C8CE63B6-8918-40DB-892A-A041344283D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn’t you do the same thing with any number? Since you all ways can go x/x and get 1.

>> No.9330215


>> No.9330226

Except 0 of course

>> No.9330291

how about defining decimal numbers like

>> No.9330326


>> No.9330329

ah yes

>> No.9330339

from math import *

a = 1+1+1
e = exp(1)

print str("{:." + "{}".format(a*a-1) + "f}").format(-a*e*((a+a+1)*e-(a*a+1))/float(-(1+a*a+(a+a)*(a+a))-a*a*e+a*e*e))


>> No.9330390

*one plus one plus one... years

>> No.9330392

Yes that's the point
We don't NEED other digits
But they are sure as fuck a lot more convenient

>> No.9330393


>> No.9330394

We don't even need the number 1. At this point you have reduced it's meaning to an unnessary placeholder. You can simply use arithmetic operations to convey the same concepts. Numbers are obsolete.

>> No.9330400
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numbers represent an operation like addition

but also multiplication at the same time
and also sets
and also intervals
and also basically whatever the fuck you define them to represent

>> No.9330402

Because 1 isn't a number

>> No.9330406

If we had only 1 then both binary and decimal system would just be an unary system

>> No.9330407

Then why stop at base 10? It would be a whole lot more convenient to have base 1,000,000 or some other high number

>> No.9330408


where F(a,b)+b=a

>> No.9330414


where f(x)*f(x)=x

>> No.9330431

Nope, that equals [math]-\frac{1}{12} - (0+1+2+3+\dots) = -\frac{1}{12} - -\frac{1}{12}
= -\frac{2}{12} = -\frac{1}{6}[/math]

>> No.9330704

1 x 1 = 2

>> No.9330730

Convenience. You'd need to know the 1,000,000 digits otherwise, and, even worse, you'd need to know the multiplication tables with more than 1,000,000,000,000/2 entries

>> No.9330763

Stop shitposting about convinience
We found easy to use base(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1) just because we are used to it
In some place they use base((1+1+1)^(1+1+1)) know thinks how difficult would be for them to use base(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1).

>> No.9330769

>"It's convenient" means "it's optimal"
I guess your IQ is (1+1+1)^(1+1+1) as well.

And good luck teaching multiplication tables with more than ((1+1+1)^(1+1+1))^(1+1) / (1+1) entries to (1+1)nd grade kids

>> No.9330804

I just immagine un'alien and his mother:
A. Moooom i feel like a centurys studying this shit
M. And i hope you know well now cuz your peers know it as well
A. Mom stop screaming at me
M. Shut up you think like those dummi human
A. Mom i'm not a human
M. Your friend did it in two minutes
A. Mom that is mathematicaly impossible
M. Shut up what do you think of being a dummier human's computer
A. Mom i'm not a human's computer
M.then you stil have another second to prove it
A. But mom we lost an entire centisecon discussing
M. Shut up!

>> No.9330812

I just said is pointless discussing about it because the only diference betwen base (1) base(1+1) and base((1+1+1)^(1+1+1)) and any other base
Is how much we are accostumed to that

>> No.9330831

Yeah, if people could do math in base 2147 immediately after being born, then there would be no disadvantage to calculating in base 2147. Sadly, this is usually not the case and math has to be taught, and teaching math with lower bases is usually easier than with higher bases. On the other hand, there's the problem that the representation of numbers becomes huge for big numbers when using small bases. 10 is a tradeoff between those two problems

>> No.9330864

Just why is even easier to remeber just one number?

>> No.9331172

(This is reply is just me agreeing with you, mostly aimed at the OP.)

Yeah, plus we've figured that base-10 spawned from us being able to count using our fingers (which most of us have 10 of).

>> No.9331746

>I have never done any math in my life
Anyone defining i as sqrt(-1) is a dumb fuck. The only proper way is the number such as i^2 = -1

>> No.9331868
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>-i = i
>I have never done any math in my life

>> No.9331872


>> No.9331879

It's base 10 exclusive, anon.

>> No.9331951


>> No.9331964 [DELETED] 

[eqn] (1+1)^{(1/(1+1))} [/eqn]
is more pleasing

>> No.9331967

[eqn] (-(1+1))^{1/(1+1)} [/eqn]
is more pleasing

>> No.9332011

Like said before, putting - operation in the front means there's 0 before it (not a 1) OR using -1 (also not a 1).
That should be written as 1-1-1.

>> No.9332013

How about instead of 1 we only had -1
This way there wouldn't even be retards arguing about that here

>> No.9332150

Greetings everyone, I arrive here from Reddit. Epic thread.

>> No.9332652
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autismo detected
the more, the merrier

>> No.9333198

madman actually counted them

>> No.9333202


>> No.9333270

To represent different quantities of 1

>> No.9333834

We don’t

>> No.9334019

>Euler's number?

>> No.9334257

We don't "need" any number other than 1. However, using more numbers makes it easy. We use base 10 as we have ten fingers and that's how a child starts to count.
No NP complete problems are not polynomial when converted to unary

>> No.9334428

The real question is why do we need any symbols besides + and - and why use numbers besides 1?

>> No.9334768

>dude if you exponentiate the size of the input the exponential-time algorithm becomes polynomial-time

>> No.9334812

You can just cop paste it to an excel cell, add = in front of it, and let the computer do the math.

>> No.9334837

NO that is not how that works. You cannot turn an NP-Complete problem into P just by exponentiating size of the input. Please read a book. I would highly recommend CLRS.

>> No.9334839

ITT we rediscover the theory of recursive functions

>> No.9334906

madman actually did that just to check for easter eggs

>> No.9335307

you can also just highlight the sum and right click and search with google

>> No.9335350

because only I can be #1

>> No.9335384

1 and not1

>> No.9335393

Is not 1.

>> No.9335905

If you allow sqrt, exp, log and some basic tring functions you could make any number really

>> No.9335943

>implying you need parentheses

>> No.9335952
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I have many details

>> No.9335986
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rly makes you think

>> No.9335987

13=111 in base (1+1+1)

>> No.9336322

You need limits.

>> No.9336351

Lowenheim-Skolem ftw

>> No.9337068

name-dropping pseud/fraud detected

>> No.9337579

OP, are you Afghan by any chance ?

>> No.9339136
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>> No.9339745

to describe how many dicks op sucks on a daily basis.