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9327871 No.9327871 [Reply] [Original]

if I manage to study 6 hours daily, every day, for the next 60 days, I will finally get my physics diploma, and all my anxieties in my life will dissappear
if I dont, everything will fucking crumble and my parents disown me and my life will turn to hell

and Im still not studying

what the fuck is wrong with me
how can I force my pussy bitch ass to study?
I somehow got this far without ever studying too much, but these last exams are just too much and too hard for that
any advice
pic related, me when I got graded with studying 1 nights before the previous exams

>> No.9327879

Masturbate less

>> No.9327888

Get *rid* of your distractions

>> No.9327892
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yesterday you said tomorrow etc
I say as I waste my life watching an absolutely garbage cartoon by a fat bearded guy with greying hair rather than reading

>> No.9328007
File: 238 KB, 1200x800, 006-the-devils-theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear of defeat is far weaker then the desire for success.

fuck your parents, fuck the degree. you where born for Broadway baby.

>> No.9328138

you forgott to calculate revision in

>> No.9328222

i didnt

>> No.9329302

wjhy can you not take two semesters? anxiety will poision you and your mind. importent here, if the stress doesn't fade some time after you finished your graduation, visit a psychatrist/psychologist.

You might have to use drastic manners, feed yourself chocolate while learning. shock yourself/hurt yourself while not learning. this will force your discipline, even if you do this thought the thing tthat will limit you is your attention span. I don't know how well you organised your material but depending on your workload 6h/a day is possible.
so yea, not studying=hurt.studying=chocolate

>> No.9329309
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>and all my anxieties in my life will dissappear
It gets so much worse, you have no idea.

>> No.9329359
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Pulsed field exposure.
Possibly poor diet.
Lack of internal psychological infrastructure to modulate behavior and complete tasks. Proneness to distraction. Attempting to continue without truly addressing the core problem and having in mind some sense of developing the proper mindset.

Make tomorrow come today.

>> No.9329365

get some meth for 60 days

>> No.9329376

Methamphetamine cripples memory storage and causes oxidative damage to dopaminergic machinery, further compromising one's ability to filter and store information.

>> No.9329378
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It's ok Man U got this. I screwed up at uni, slacking off and smoke too much bud. Now I'm finishing up at cc. Gonna transfer and clean up .

>> No.9329379

you get your degree and then what? what happens after that, you gonna get a job in industry or go to grad school? Jobs suck in their own way, and grad school is so much worse than undergrad in terms of pressure and workload. at least it's super interesting shit all the time

>> No.9329392

but it gets you to study kek. I wasnt serious but some addie could work actually. A friend of a friend used to take coke for studying...

>> No.9329464

You're fucked. You're going to fail. Get used to it now. This is just the beginning of a whole lifetime of failures.

>> No.9329478
File: 343 KB, 1000x1000, 1511911891623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn off your phone. Turn off your PC. Get rid of distraction, clean your desk so you feel comfy. No music while studying. Make a plan what you want to cover and plan in repetition cycles inbetween.
Remember that you can know tomorrow than yesterday. Use pomodoro, treat yourself in the evening, maybe go even to the cinema after you did you work or work out in the gym. If you sleep 8 hours/day and study about 6 you still have about 10 hours left to do the fuck whatever you want but in the end you have no remorse because you tried.

Godspeed anon. It's still not too late.

>> No.9329560

Don't go on sci or use social media

>> No.9329566

>turns off phone and PC
>turns on phone and PC
never trust soyfrog advice

>> No.9329654

true. This is the hard part

>> No.9329665

Obviously a square kek
I've done adderall repeatedly to cram a few days before finals during undergrads.
Now in graduate school for doctorate. Don't use adderall anymore, but learning ability still intact and coasting through it so far.

>> No.9329666

You're gonna be fucked in the real world OP. No discipline is going to get you fired from jobs and you won't last in graduate school. Can't bullshit answers anymore especially when research findings or profits are on the line.

>> No.9330065

Start now, not necessarily with studying but with cleaning your room and your desk (and removing possible distractions).
Get everything ready, place your books, some paper and pen in an orderly position make a schedule what you want to do when, it might be a good Idea to mix review sessions and exercise sessions and to set specific topics for each day/week.
Take 30 minute breaks between sessions (use a timer that reminds when the 30 minutes are over) and don't spend more then 2-3 hours in front of your desk without a break.

Also you should exercise a bit daily doing a couple of push-ups or even going for a walk could be enough and you also need to make sure that you sleep well and long, go to bed early and get up early.
(Usually I start the day working out, then showering then 30 minutes of relaxing and the studying, which means that it is about 8:00-9:00)
I wouldn't recommend that you take any drugs and that you stay away from all shitposting and social media by any means necessary, especially during your breaks.

Actually good advice, but it will take a lot of discipline.
Another tip for getting through it easier:
Disable your internet on your phone/PC, change the wlan password to something which you can not remember and write it down somewhere (I know this is awful security, you can also let someone else remember it) and let your PC and phone forget your wlan.
Even if you fail now and start using your PC/phone out of habit you will put it down after realizing that you can't do what you are normally doing and social media is not an option.

Anyway, that is just how I do it, something completely different might help you more.

>> No.9330089

Look at me, I got into a really special program last year in which only 60-80 ppl get into from around the world. Fully paid 5 year undergrad in japan, Had physics today, math tomorrow chem the day after, and japanese the next week.
Thing is since I got the scholarship I laid off too much and I forgot almost everything, I came april this year and have been fucking around until around october, thats where I actually started to study. I regret it so much, but I guess my mindset changed now. I probably lost my chance to get into Tokyo or Kyoto university, now I'm gonna go to the next ones in the ranking if my scores are good enough.
Have to study rn for tomorrow but instead I'm writing this shit.
well at least you reminded me im a piece of shit brb gonna go study lets see into which university I get into after 3 weeks.

>> No.9330141

Notoric procrastinator here. What helped me was
>Print a weekly and monthly schedule, fill it out, have sticked on monitor so it's always on my eyes
>Establish sleep schedule - 8 hours every day, now i can keep grinding for 14 hours without losing focus
>Whitelist domains/ips on router- no google, no nothing. Whitelist faculty website/intranet, mail, arxiv, elsevier, libgen, ...

>> No.9331945

>all my anxieties in my life will dissappear
that's where you're wrong, anon. if you are miserable now, you'll continue to be miserable even if you do get your diploma

>> No.9331973

>and all my anxieties in my life will dissappear

>> No.9332005

Look up habit formation. Start slow. I'd say with an hour or so. Get CONSISTENT.
Once you are, raise the time to more, until you study enough daily. Forcing yourself to Jump in at max dose won't help, you'll go strong for a week or two, burn yourself out and fall back down to doing nothing.

tfw compsci student

>> No.9333370

Make a calendar by the hour and adhere to it