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File: 37 KB, 316x202, IMG_1432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9327446 No.9327446 [Reply] [Original]

>Professor Anon, is this going to be on the exam?

>> No.9327554

Yfw he says maybe and winks while drinking soy

>> No.9327564
File: 105 KB, 645x729, 1511657291250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he tells you probably not and then uses it out of spite

>> No.9327789

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9327797
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>students just want you to tell them all of the problems that will be on the exam, because they'd rather play video games all day than study for 2 hours
>students blame you for their failures
>students legit believe "My Dad paid for this degree, so you better do your job and give me a good grade"

>> No.9327804

>>students legit believe "My Dad paid for this degree, so you better do your job and give me a good grade"
what kind of shithole do you teach at where the students didn't have to work hard to be admitted?

>> No.9327806
File: 777 KB, 621x610, tmp_167061479271673794613756082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professor tells you what will and not be on the exam when he is lecturing. Day before exam, all the people that skip classes show up and ask what will be on exam. Professor says everything covered is fair game. Professor posts notes online that cover everything from lecture and more. Watch normies struggle to learn everything when all they had to do was show up to lecture and pay attention. Laugh when I get a 95% and they scrape by with a 70%.

>> No.9327808


Yes, I'd prefer to only have to work a precise subject and not all of them because the hours I passed working on something that isn't on the test are not gonna show anyway and a lucky brainlet might even have better grades than me while I know a lot more than him, what's the problem with that ?

Sorry I'm only going to school because I see it as a way to higher my chances of having a good job and not because I actually care.

>> No.9327814
File: 40 KB, 400x388, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor covers additional content in lecture
>every friday he explains what exactly will be tested and goes over it again to make sure everyone understands
>normies skip every friday to party or something
Feels good knowing professor hates normies.

>> No.9327851

t. American

>> No.9327860

Germany, bad students just drop out

>> No.9327868

>Professor announces he's dropping the lowest test grade the day AFTER the last day you can drop the class
>Subtext is that anyone who had the balls to stay in the class despite having a D/C average suddenly sees their average boosted
What a madman. Extreme respect

>> No.9327877
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>teach based on a grading system
>get mad when your students care more about getting good grades than learning the material

>> No.9328710

Apology not accepted. The trades offer equally lucrative work. You should take this up with your pathetic follower instinct.

>> No.9328718
File: 144 B, 200x251, IMG_1434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being motivated by approval

>> No.9328728

Not him but "the trades" offer a speedy path to opioid addiction and various joint surgeries and you know it
Ask my dad's entire side of the family

>> No.9328739

The only guy I know in trades runs a business and has a house worth close to a million dollars

>> No.9328806
File: 246 KB, 1075x1075, smug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study hard
>work hard on the homework
>final comes around
>professor gives no information about it
>get killed because questions aren't anything like homework and there's not enough time

>barely study
>do homework in "study groups"
>look up last year's exams online
>drill similar problems to exam a few days before

You get what you promote.

>> No.9328818

>study easy 5-10 hours per week
>ace final regardless of format because I understood material
The brainlet life sounds like torture

>> No.9328823

format doesn't matter if you fucking know your shit

>> No.9328850
File: 23 KB, 300x250, etr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one kid who raises his hand to ask the same question you just answered five minutes ago
>that one kid who does everything in pen, writes illegibly, and crosses out half the page when he inevitably makes a mistake
>that one kid who shows up to your office 10 minutes before the exam and asks how to do every problem on the review sheet
>that one kid who never shows up to class, and doesn't even realize he's missed two exams
>that one kid who legitimately thinks the homework is optional and literally can't fathom how not doing it is hurting his grade

Public universities were a mistake

>> No.9328894

Very nice for him, specifically. You have obliterated the education industry. Your anecdote about this guy you know "in trades" has logically decimated universities nationwide. The high-paying, low-physical-demand fields of Engineering and Business no longer exist. There will be zero students in next semester's Comp Sci 101 courses. All of them will, wisely, run their own businesses in trades and buy expensive homes. Objective evidence about education level, income, drug use, and life expectancy- all of it rendered moot by the efficiency with which your friend "runs a business". You are the /sci/ king

>> No.9328904


>> No.9329023

>well all know
except i didn't know. why do you put in so much effort?
>Public universities were a mistake
oh yeah

>> No.9329091

Last one is me, had class at 8 stayed up until 5 trying to teach myself force triangles in statics (R vector = friction + Fn)

mfw not on midterm
mfw in computer engineering and will never see it again

>> No.9329286

Do professors actually go on 4chan and post frogs and wojaks?

>> No.9329299

a 70% exceeds their expectations by 20%
Who's the cuck now?

>> No.9329803

Sadly me at the bottom. Ace exams do no homework get a B. Sorry teach.

>> No.9330051

You should be mad at your peers for putting shit they didnt cover on exams consistently enough that it is no longer a given that what you study is what you will see on the exam.

>> No.9330054

every human is motivated by approval to some degree or another you weeb

>> No.9330056

you are the ultimate brainlet if you cant apply principles to new problems

>> No.9330057

Some classes are trash, its perfectly normal to want to study for them as little as posible

>> No.9330074

>student asks a question about content
>thats for you to think about :)

>> No.9330075
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, 3a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor tells us we've covered everything and the next class will just be some semi related topics that we might think is interesting
>like 30% of the class shows up
>last 20 minutes of the class he gives us like 30% of what will come on the final exam

>> No.9330078

This is and okay practice IMO.

>> No.9330216

>illegible writing
I'm sorry

>> No.9330223

hello Mugambpeutin

>> No.9330228

>Not writing always in pen

You disgust me

>> No.9330238

>grades aren't important, learning is important!
>Oh you wanted to do this job/graduate degree? Let me see the grades on your transcript

>> No.9330264

You say that like grades and learning are mutually exclusive. If you're actually learning, your grades won't keep you out of grad school or a job.

>> No.9330272

The point of classes isn't to memorize the contents of an exam and cover your ears at all other times.

>> No.9330307


>my grade is dipping to 3.4 instead of 3.5
>won't keep me out of grad school

>> No.9330317

Holy shit, grow up dude. You are severely overestimating the importance of GPA on grad admissions and setting pretty arbitrary cutoffs.

>> No.9330324

>>that one kid who does everything in pen, writes illegibly, and crosses out half the page when he inevitably makes a mistake
hey that's me!
i write really light so i use a pen so you can actually see it

>> No.9330341


How am I overestimating it? Maybe if I wanted to go to some shit school where a 2.75 is accepted or something this would be ok. BUT I NEED THAT 3.5/

>> No.9330344

Your GPA is borderline irrelevant. Nobody really gives a shit about your grades, seeing as they are almost totally arbitrary, and a 0.1 point distinction is meaningless. Recommendations, research, and subject GREs are all so much more important.

>> No.9330355


Then why do people ever go to shit schools for grad school if it is irrelevant?

>> No.9330434

Teacher's assistants do, at least

>> No.9330444

I don't understand your question. Do you think people are ranked in descending order by GPA and everyone with a 4.0 goes to a top 10, 3.5-4.0 top 35, etc? Hell, GPA loses all worth and meaning when compared across institutions.

>> No.9330459

tfw on german university
the university is forcing you to at least get 50% on every math homework because if not, you're not allowed to the exam

>> No.9330472

This has nothing to do with being motivated by approval or whatnot. Good grades are mandatory to get into selective schools/land a good job. They aren't everything that matters but shitty/average grades WILL hinder you

That's stupid. Allow everyone to take the exam, people who don't know the material won't pass it anyways.

>> No.9330473
File: 693 KB, 440x330, tumblr_o7x4wwk90x1v78wfjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Multiple choice test
> none of the alternatives makes sense
> read and re read it for half a hour
> calls teacher and say nothing of this shit makes sense

>> No.9330481

>being this much of a brainlet

>> No.9330484

How is it my fault the nigga put 5 alternatives and all of them are wrong

>> No.9330485

>Prove X
>X isn't actually true

>> No.9330487

>wanting to waste time on grading people who are too dysfunctional to solve the easy half of the sheets

>> No.9330489

how could obamacare-haters understand
you dont need that much freedom. They are helping us and kick the brainlets halfway

>> No.9330495
File: 51 KB, 500x567, Devilish_dfec03_6238404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Test question asks to "briefly describe" something
>I write several paragraphs in essay format >Spend an entire paragraph going over the history of what I am describing

>> No.9330502

What are you on about you illiterate fuck

>> No.9330516


>have 3.0
>no research at all.
>GRE probably going to be high though, I'll study for it for a month straight and do 50-100 practice tests.

>recommendations will just be whatever because not enough office hrs bullshittin.

>never be able to afford the out of state tuition even if I do get in.

I'm totally fucked basically.

>> No.9330532
File: 157 KB, 425x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describe in one or two sentences [...]
>describe it in 3 sentences

>> No.9330535


>> No.9330537

>describe in one or two sentences
>describe in two sentences, each of them made of 6 clauses

>> No.9330542

Only at bad schools. If you aren't good enough for a good school, then don't expect a good education.

>> No.9330597

>Good grades are mandatory to get into selective schools/land a good job
[citation needed]

>> No.9330602

>not minimizing degeneracy as much as possible
go study more

>> No.9330629

They are for college, grad school and employment is a different story.

>> No.9330632
File: 17 KB, 499x499, Pepe Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>teacher gets pissed and doesn't read it, giving you a low mark.

>> No.9330636

Probably an Ivy League

>> No.9330639

Jesus fucking Christ I hate this shit, especially on math exams. I understand that there are 300+ students in the class, but there is more than one way to solve the problem. But if your answer(correct of course) doesn't match up with one of the choices, you're fucked. Now you have to take the time to do the problem in a different way which can possibly take a bit of time, which is extremely valuable on a timed test.

>> No.9330644

The majority of people don't give a shit.
College is just a mean to an end.
They want a job, not be a wonky communist professor with low test.

>> No.9330649

>finish exam
>everyone else came up with different results than you

>> No.9330666

You can find your study packet on the course website.
It's 150 pages

>> No.9330719

>You can find your study packet on the course website
>It's just the fucking textbook

>> No.9330736


Fucking pre-med shitters. I hate them. They ruin every single class they're in, no matter what.

>> No.9330742

You don't pay tuition for grad school you moron. Does nobody even do any research before running their fucking mouths here?

>> No.9330751

>you don't pay tuition for grad school

>> No.9330808

moreover, they constantly cry on FB about: "Bwaaaaaaah chemistry is so haard, remember when we had to *insert completely trivial easy problem* at orgo?"

>> No.9330926

>Write a joke about the subject material on the test for the proffessor
ez A

>> No.9330930

>you are right

>> No.9330943

he's right. you dont.

>> No.9330957

I almost got a girlfriend once but she failed out of college and went home after our 4th date
Still mad

>> No.9330979
File: 124 KB, 1548x1468, 1496793423275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor says that the paper should be 10-12 pages but there isn't a limit
>Writes 35 pages to spite him for giving meaningless assignments

>> No.9330993

Is this the thread where we larp as professors and TAs, instead of the socially-stunted failures we really are?
>inb4 projecting

>> No.9331046
File: 337 KB, 593x635, 1493779417991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetics class
>dumb cunt who wants to fucks the teacher rises one of her hoofs and asks what is a chromossome

>> No.9331138

>what is a chromossome
something you have one too many of

>> No.9331151

you know some of us actually are professors and TAs. we are a minority here for sure, but there are graduate students and younger professors here.

t. intro to bio TA

>> No.9331159

fuck off white knight

>> No.9331345
File: 704 KB, 1117x838, 1496328683374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a multiple choice dominant exam with arbitrary questions that your prof assume you all know that was never covered

damn his autism

>when the class average is a 54%
who the fuck is at fault here?

>> No.9331361

No one is at fault. I don't see what the problem is?

>> No.9331562
File: 106 KB, 698x658, 1487127658847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kid who brought his parents in to ask me to pass him

>> No.9331564

right here

>> No.9331570


>> No.9331573

worth a shot

>> No.9331580

>>hat one kid who does everything in pen, writes illegibly, and crosses out half the page when he inevitably makes a mistake
I'm sorry. I've switched to pencil.

>> No.9331584

It really isn't.

>> No.9331635
File: 125 KB, 400x346, 1329584659591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor stops writing on the board and goes very monotone for 3 minutes and makes you lose focus and then says "and that would make a good test question" before resuming the lecture.

>> No.9331641

I've actually had a couple students not come to class the entire semester, and the day before the final exam, claim that they have depression, and have a doctors note for the previous 16 weeks, and that if I don't accommodate them, I'm liable for a discrimination suit.

Of course, they did nothing when I told them they should have said something sooner.

>> No.9331643

I never paid tuition. This is a perk that graduate schools use to recruit good students. You have the option to TA and get free tuition as well as a poverty-level stipend you can live off of. I worked at most, 5 hours per week.

>> No.9331655

Were you approached or you asked for it?

>> No.9331657

>Only at bad schools.
You wish kiddo

>> No.9331659

>Mandatory attendance lecture before 10am
Literally close my eyes and try to figure out what chapter he did that night

>> No.9331660

using pen is the superior method

>> No.9331661

not him but if you take the GRE you get tons of emails from schools talking about their programs and waiving applications fees. it becomes public record and they have access to your email.

>> No.9331705

It's usually just posted on the department webpage. Something to the effect of "all graduate students are fully funded for up to five years."

>> No.9331795

should be trivial if you just use a different interpretation of the model of set theory you're in you fucking brainlet
the fact that it "isn't true" means you're not using ZF so just go wild

>> No.9331866

>mandatory homework
you should gas yourself

>> No.9331905

>am a bad test-taker, where I freeze up whenever I don't immediately understand something, or get nervous and make careless mistakes
>get called a brainlet and told that bad test-takers don't exist, and I just didn't study hard enough
>decide to drink before midterms and end up going buzzed
>completely lucid, at ease, and blow through the exams
>significant score increases (10 - 12 extra points out of 100)
>get easy As now

i guess I fucked up by not being born as an autist with extreme confidence, like most of /sci/. glad to know I was right, though. i've been doing this for the past two quarters.

>> No.9331922


There is no way this happened.

>> No.9331948

Aight. I will do my next real analysis exam in pencil. if I fail, its your fault nigga.

>> No.9331949

>by not being born as an autist with extreme confidence
Sorry lad, but you're the weird one for sperging out when taking tests

>> No.9332046

He probably didn't read it and you just wasted your time

>> No.9332053

>you can get 70% on an exam without even showing up to classes and craming everything in your head a day before the exam
What kind of uni are we talking about here?

>> No.9332074

>>"Professor Anon, is this going to be on the exam?"
>class grading system is designed to leech money out of you
you're the worst
>It's 150 pages
>it has no chapters
fuck you
>mandatory lecture at 8:15am at the risk of failing a class

>> No.9332090

> just bring your class materials to the exam
> which ones?
> yes

Course materials consisted of 4 separate textbooks and 764 pages of fully-dense 12pt- font TeX notes.

he then proceeded to make every single exam -
all midterms and final - a 4 hour comprehensive of the course up to that point. No "problems" - all derivations, no answers actually available in the course materials without performing "original" work. A minimum of 2 questions would not have been covered in the class at all - he would have mentioned the topics and suggested where you could find the information earlier in the semester, but that was it.

sounded terrible at first, but ended up being actively fun, some of the best legit problem solving I had to do as an undergrad. Getting A's on that shit was satisfying as fuck.

Was also fun watching the few remaining hangers-on in the major get wrecked into changing programs completely. It was the filter class we needed, but not the one we deserved.

>> No.9332101

>Astronomy Professor takes attendance in a class of 150 people, has been for years
>Keeps records of student grades connected with how often they show up
>Finds strong correlation between skipping and shitty grades
>One day, almost entire class skips extremely important lecture
>Next class comes around, they spend the first 10 minutes going over the data

She was absurdly fair with grading, too. If it was clear you gave a shit, A. I have no idea why you'd skip unless you truly hated the subject.

>> No.9332125

The contents of the exam are supposed to be the contents of the class, that is the entire point.

>> No.9332127

Approval based motivation is degeneracy -anon 2k17. You probably also think psychology is nonsense and have never read a philosophy text in your life.

>> No.9332228

>Professor expresses frustration that most of the class dosen't understand the material
>Meaning that the curve applied to the final will make it so people who objectively don't get it pass
Feel bad for him in this situation desu

>> No.9332229

Du bist eine Schwuchtel.

Nur die maximum Regime DE denken so.

>> No.9332235

Thank you guys

>> No.9332306

What was the class about? Sounds pretty fucking hardcore.

>> No.9333405

Lol what’s wrong with that question

>> No.9333436
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1497638607912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove consistently that you don't know the majority of class material and then vaguely bitch about muh grading system

>> No.9333468
File: 117 KB, 682x1023, depositphotos_5498851-Young-man-with-pistol-gun-pretending-suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work as a TA for part of my degree
>have to answer stupid-ass freshman questions all the time during office hours

>> No.9333673 [DELETED] 


who are you all quoting?

>> No.9333714

t. newfag who doesn't know how greentext works

>> No.9333740

if it is explicitly stated that you should use a pen, use a pen
otherwise pencil you cunt

>> No.9333751

if you can't solve it swiftly, skip the question and come back to it later
times a wasting, gotta get questions down, and use the extra time to double check the ones you couldn't

>> No.9333783

Pen guy is me. Sorry to every professor and teacher I've annoyed.

>> No.9333798

>replying to yourself

>> No.9333878

>you're the worst
as if students aren't responsible for all of the material that they've seen in class

>> No.9333889

You're supposed to delete the post first m8

>> No.9333899
File: 199 KB, 617x731, tfw to intelegent for planets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you skip a re-exam because you didn't study for it but the system glitches out and you somehow pass despite not even showing up

>> No.9333952
File: 9 KB, 253x231, dasitmane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor covers 90% of what will appear on the final on review day

>> No.9334008


School rank is by far the most important factor in grad school admissions, next to research.

If you're going to a sub top-50, even with a 4.0, you won't break the top 20, regardless of your research.

>> No.9334009

>>that one kid who does everything in pen, writes illegibly, and crosses out half the page when he inevitably makes a mistake
Fuck you, I don't want some brainlet nigger to copy my fucking notes every time.

>> No.9334039

undergrad Plasma Physics, which wasn't even supposed to be that hardcore. Was supposed to be my last "puff" elective in Physics before spending a year nailing down my honors thesis.

Just turned out that the professor had a huge chub for plasma physics, and had a definite schadenfreude steak. It was the first time he'd taught the class, despite being PI for computational MHD group at the school.

>> No.9334042

who the fuck says professor anon irl

>> No.9334047

>when the class average is a 54%
>Not knowing that the perfect exam average is 50%

>> No.9334057

Oh yeah he's totally protecting her honor by calling you an autist on an anime image board.

>> No.9334077

He is quoting, or referencing shall I say a common phrase students use to ask a question towards their professor whether they should study that concept or idea of what they have learned.

>> No.9334083

>If you're going to a sub top-50, even with a 4.0, you won't break the top 20, regardless of your research.
not true but you tried

>> No.9334103

right, that's too optimistic

you can't break top 50, desu.

>> No.9334139

>one dude-bro try-hard "on the grind 24/7" guy forwards the Friday lecture to everyone that skipped.
Not sure whether to admire these guys for their generosity or hate them for giving people a free pass

>> No.9334401

>class uses a groupme chat specifically to share exam answers

I should report them, but they'll probably get fucked by the advanced classes anyway

>> No.9334447
File: 8 KB, 600x497, 1509918950264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, in germany you dont need a good highschool degree to get into science eg. So the first two semesters have a 60% dropout rate in math heavy subjects at the top unis.

>> No.9334455

>>top 3 german university studying physics, first year
Tfw 40% of people are brainlets because theres no entrance exam and anybody can get in.
>>'Professor, why are we doing so much math, i dont see how we need it in physics!!!' >>'Professor, why is tge index of matrices always the imaginary number?!'

>> No.9335196

i think in most colleges at the US, lectures are recorded and notes are posted online. So, there really isn't any point in attending the classes.

I am taking a numerical analysis class with ~200 other people, and maybe 20 people show up to the lecture.

>> No.9335311

>hey I dozed off in lecture today can you please explain the material to me
>hey do you have any study materials for us
>hey can you look over my assignment and tell me what's wrong
>those kids who argue about every point lost

One of them is even retaking the course, they got a D the first time. Will probably end up around a C+/B depending on their final.

I hate undergrads.

>> No.9335319

>at the top unis.
Nah m8, HHUD is nowhere near top unis, still had about 80% drop out or repeat through Analysis 1-3

>> No.9335325

>hey can you look over my assignment and tell me what's wrong
Isn't that what grading is for?

>> No.9335330


>> No.9335409

in terms of efficiency, one lecture and a day of struggling with material for 70% is really fucking good

>> No.9335415

>because the hours I passed working on something that isn't on the test are not gonna show anyway
this shit right here is the worst. every exam should at least touch on every topic that is a part of the curriculum so you can give it all you got

>> No.9335447

>finish exam
>look at proposed exam solutions by teacher
>doesn't explain the reasoning behind methods used or give any arguments for answers

>> No.9335552

best fucking feel right here

>> No.9335680

it's a good feeling after the scores come back, but for the next few days after taking the exam it's a horrible feel

>> No.9335756
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1511873544100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey proff, what's the point of learning all this?"

>> No.9335907

Side note, how do you guys sleep the night before exams? I'm never able to sleep before 2am. Last semester I annoyed my roommate tossing and turning even though I had been in bed for hours. My legs get restless, my stomach churns, and I feel sweaty

>> No.9335912

Nicht bei Braun

>> No.9335958

>no answer key published right after the exam

>> No.9336097

Hätte nie geglaubt dass ein anderer Düsseldorfer Jong sich hier rumtreibt, hatte Weiss in seinem ersten Semester an der HHU, da wars wie beschrieben.

>> No.9336111
File: 1.08 MB, 964x912, 591[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a pure math professor and can't answer

>> No.9336120

What’s an example of this?

>> No.9336181

>roommates living so close together that they can hear someone turning in their bed
American campuses are cancer

>> No.9336198

>>roommates living so close together that they can hear someone turning in their bed
sounds gay af

>> No.9336202

>>hey can you look over my assignment and tell me what's wrong
There's literally nothing wrong with this.

Do your job.

>> No.9336361

>hi TA
>I'm too much of an entitled shit to come up with actual questions so can you just proofread my work so I can get 100%? Thanks!

I do it anyways but they just sit there with their laptops trying to write down exactly what I say.

>> No.9336696
File: 40 KB, 480x372, 1511553188419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they'd rather play video games all day than study for 2 hours

>> No.9336718

>if you care about passing the test then you don't care about the subject
Fuck off.

>> No.9336826

>attending lectures
lmfao brainlets

>> No.9336956

>Professor thinks it's important to prove eigenvalues can exist in infinite dimension matrices over C
>90% of the class can't even add two vectors together

Most classes I took were like this

>> No.9336961
File: 65 KB, 403x500, 1440026306917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did everyone take X last year?
>autistic nerd immediate yells "Yes!"
>Okay, so we can skip the explanation