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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9316010 No.9316010 [Reply] [Original]

Has he managed to restore his reputation?

>> No.9316331
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lol what fucking reputation, the man is a fraud. Nothing more than a tool of the liberal left that twist science for their own agenda.

>> No.9316376

Fuck no

>> No.9316377

what reputation?

>> No.9316446

>muh liberals

>> No.9316459
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Good fucking argument mate, don't know how I'll recover from that intellectual trashing.

>> No.9316475

you aren't supposed to, you're just supposed to leave. OP should leave too, we've had enough of these threads

>> No.9316568


> any science i dont like cultural-cuck-marxist propaganda REEEEEEEE

>> No.9318321

What science?

>> No.9318332

>Has he managed to restore his reputation?
Which do you mean: the honorary libtard "scientist" who thinks there are sixty human genders and that a rap song should count as research, or the rapist affirmative-action-beneficiary next to him?

>> No.9318407

he had a reputation of being a brainlet
he continues to have such a reputation to this very day

>> No.9318409

and Calculus (6 semesters of it)

>> No.9318415
File: 778 KB, 1080x609, 1502018279053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9318423


>> No.9318427


>> No.9318430

Shouldn't we at least vaginalize it?

>> No.9318456


>> No.9318470

This guy is the apex for the engineering soyboy meme, fuck him

>> No.9318554

I respected him in 5th grade because I could watch tv during science class.