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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 92 KB, 640x640, 6362108334577105351666331164_366912222ebd2782e1304c867058ef19.640x640x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9317300 No.9317300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel like talking to anyone below 120 is like talking to a cardboard box, and my IQ isnt even that high. I can only imagine what 140+ feel like when looking at the world.

Imagine, you go outside and every time you notice anyone doing anything they are doing something incredibly stupid. You try to talk to someone but instantly realize they dont actually know anything they think they know, would not be able to justify their beliefs at all, and their entire sense of existence is built on unfounded assumptions and misunderstandings which inevitably leads them to commit horrible mistakes.
It would be terrifying anon. You would be scared and alone, trapped in a world ran by animals, a complete nightmare. Only psychopaths would be able to survive such a position, anyone with empathy will hide, unable to handle the worrying thought that maybe everyone else is just a philosophical zombie, a meat puppet.

t. 134

>> No.9317303

is this some fresh pasta?

>> No.9317308


>> No.9317313

I bet you love watching Rick and Morty

>> No.9317317



>> No.9317359

fuck off reddit.

>> No.9317372


>> No.9317380

A truly smart person would be able to change the way they think depending on the circumstance they're in, whether it requires socializing or critical thinking. If you can't dumb yourself down and allow yourself to have fun/socialize with stupid normies then you're just autistic.

t. 147

>> No.9317387

The only thing this implies is that your social intelligence doesn't match your IQ.

You can't talk to people because you're shit at it, not the other way around.

>> No.9317390

quality thread

>> No.9317396

Not op, I can dumb myself down but it still sucks. You end talking about your favorite color or something. And the fact is not everyone is dumbing themselves down. Many people inflate themselves. The guy who has to dumb himself down is always gonna hit snags with some people.

Normal people can't imagine a world without themselves. If they could they wouldn't be normal. Normal people are the bane of existence. They walk and talk normally but discounting the possibility that they are also dumbing themselves down, they just don't think. They literally don't think ever.

>> No.9317399

And don't forget if you're smart you're automatically autistic to them. Only other normies and poor people who can't escape would ever defend them. If you had money you'd never put up with their shit

>> No.9317403

But you ever meet someone who's like exactly on your level. Doesn't that feel fucking great? Your instant friends cause there's no dumbing down there, its fun that I don't think a dumb person inflating themselves can have trying to talk to someone smarter than them, no?

>> No.9317411

But dumbing yourself down sucks ass. That's like saying dogs and toddlers make great friends if you lower yourself to their level. Maybe to some extent, but that's not in any way fulfilling.

>> No.9317413
File: 559 KB, 1024x595, 1509637330128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What it feels like having a high iq

Pic related

>> No.9317416

Just by reading this thread OP, I can tell you're no where near as intelligent as you think you are. You're a walking Socratic paradox and you don't even know it.

>> No.9317429

What paradox would that be, anon? You've said it, so you can obviously back it up, right?

>> No.9317433


The " I know that i know nothing "

>> No.9317437

You could have just Googled 'Socratic paradox' and educated yourself. The fact that you were unable to do this is a testament to my point I suppose.

>> No.9317438

holy shit this is amazing

>> No.9317443

Not op, but It seems you just thought op was smug, and hence wanted to disprove what he was thinking cause it pissed you off. Neither of you have anything substantial that could prove your ideas so be correct. So, it makes the most sense to just take what op said for granted and entertain what he's trying to say. I realize I sound like a faggot, but like whatever I already typed this out.

>> No.9317445

I feel like talking to anyone below 120 is like talking to a cardboard box, and my IQ isnt even that high. I can only imagine what 140+ feel like when looking at the world.

Imagine, you go outside and every time you notice anyone doing anything they are doing something incredibly stupid. You try to talk to someone but instantly realize they dont actually know anything they think they know, would not be able to justify their beliefs at all, and their entire sense of existence is built on unfounded assumptions and misunderstandings which inevitably leads them to commit horrible mistakes.
It would be terrifying anon. You would be scared and alone, trapped in a world ran by animals, a complete nightmare. Only psychopaths would be able to survive such a position, anyone with empathy will hide, unable to handle the worrying thought that maybe everyone else is just a philosophical zombie, a meat puppet.

t. 134

>> No.9317449

Why you think you sound like a faggot for sounding like a normal person?

>> No.9317454

Self depreciation is ez way to appeal to pathos, plus I already want to suck dick so anything I say is inheritely something a faggot would say. got em

>> No.9317466

I feel like talking to anyone below 120 is like talking to a cardboard box, and my IQ isnt even that high. I can only imagine what 140+ feel like when looking at the world.

Imagine, you go outside and every time you notice anyone doing anything they are doing something incredibly stupid. You try to talk to someone but instantly realize they dont actually know anything they think they know, would not be able to justify their beliefs at all, and their entire sense of existence is built on unfounded assumptions and misunderstandings which inevitably leads them to commit horrible mistakes.
It would be terrifying anon. You would be scared and alone, trapped in a world ran by animals, a complete nightmare. Only psychopaths would be able to survive such a position, anyone with empathy will hide, unable to handle the worrying thought that maybe everyone else is just a philosophical zombie, a meat puppet.

t. 134

>> No.9317475

Wanting to suck dick ain't gay though. Sucking dick is just the greatest way to make a bro's day, totally straight.

>> No.9317482

Haha oh shiz you're right, in that case—would you be interested in some bro time

>> No.9317529

Not to mention you actually can understand their misunderstanding of complicated subjects and explain it to them.

t. 140 who found out his love of science later in life.
I had to change the way i think

>> No.9317539

I suck at math, have extremely low conscientiousness and envy autism because I have no focus and want to learn everything.


>> No.9317542

Sounds like you just lack an ability to empathise with others, to realise that their motivations are as important to them as yours are to you. Try to recognise that people work on different levels and dont condemn them (or yourself) because of it.

>> No.9317559

He didn't even state once that he would suffer from severe autism, you little rat.

>> No.9317821

I wana die

t. 99

>> No.9318008

I have a verbal IQ of 146, but a performance IQ of 126. Should I just kill myself already? No point in life if you're a hidden brainlet.

>> No.9318017


How do you know the IQ of people you're talking to?

>> No.9318021

I failed Calculus 1.

t. 138

>> No.9318023

>136 average
u gd

>> No.9318032

flunked out of high school myself

t. 144

>> No.9318033

It is extremely obvious. When you start to talk about anything even partially complex they get this really weary look on their face. Like your lecturing them on some of the driest portions of deep paralegal trademark law in monotone. Yet, the subject matter bay be something they are totally interested in. they just go from 0 to overwhelmed in 3 sentences.

>Dr. Hibbert: Homer, I'm afraid you'll have to undergo a coronary bypass operation.
>Homer: Say it in English, Doc.
>Dr. Hibbert: You're going to need open-heart surgery.
>Homer: Spare me your medical mumbo-jumbo.
>Dr. Hibbert: We're going to cut you open and tinker with your ticker.
>Homer: Could you dumb it down a shade?

You don't even get that type of response. You just get the deer in the headlights look then they change the subject to either gossip, sports, or weather.

>> No.9318038

IQ threads should be banned.

>> No.9318055

Yeah. I learn quick and can understand deep concepts but I'm the laziest motherfucker you'll find. Trying to change, though. We're gonna make it, fellow brainlet.

>> No.9318058

The worst is when you're watching s movie and someone really dumb keeps asking what's going on, or saying what's happening out loud to themselves.

>> No.9318151

Bullshit it's not fulfilling. I bet you're just an ass and dogs and toddlers don't even like you.

>> No.9318156


>> No.9318161
File: 78 KB, 674x506, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intelligence is pain

>> No.9318182

t. IQlet

>> No.9318190

If you can't have a conversation with an average person you're likely a huge narcissistic douche and not as smart as you think you are.
It could also be autism coupled with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.9318191

OK, unrelated question. Has any of you ever experience certain kind of dread, when contemplating passage of time(kinda "I seen things... from Bladerunner). Dread, that times flies past by without us affecting us in any significant way, and melancholy for all unobserved acts of wonder and beauty? Just asking.

>> No.9318245

Chirst, I hate that. They also only laugh if you are laughing and will look over at you to make sure you are laughing.

>> No.9318675

There's a difference between being unable and disliking conversations with dummies, anon. The fact you can't relate to this experience means that either you're a dummie yourself or you lack real life social interaction with them.

>> No.9318676

Nope. Simply stating that concept makes you sound like gigantic faggot.

>> No.9318691

My IQ was much higher than yours when it was tested as a child
I'm not a stuck up prick, is see the life in all other people and life forms and their umwelten's entertain and inspire me. I suffer the dull activities of day to day life for that and existential humor

>> No.9318700

I feel like you might be at the "Dunning Kruger" point, in manner of speaking. My IQ is 158 and I spend most. Of my time feeling like I'm making just as many mistakes as those I see made by others but I don't have the excuse of stupidity like they do.

>> No.9318711

Interacting with normies on a day-to-day basis is like having a wet cat rub up against your bare legs. It has nothing to do with being stuck up.

>> No.9318774

I often feel dumb. I can't finish a single thing i start. wtf am i doing with my life


>> No.9318779

>You just get the deer in the headlights look then they change the subject to either gossip, sports, or weather

Why are we so autistic.. Why can't we be more like them and enjoy those stupid things?

>> No.9318952

Like I said, I find it amusing, I find myself amusing
Anything that behaves is amusing

>> No.9319019

100% this. Flat earth, IQ and "prove there's no god" threads are making /sci a waste of time. Doesn't this board have mods?

>> No.9319021

What is the best tool/test out there for measuring IQ?

>> No.9319027

We are not autistic. That's just a meme. There's less than 0.9% of the population (67k "ish") who have clinical autism. There's about 2% (148,750 "ish") of the world with 130 IQ or higher. In 2014, a U.S. study found that almost half of the children with ASD had average or above average intelligence, that is, an IQ score above 85. Less than a third of the children with autism had intellectual disability, and 23% had IQ scores in the "borderline range" from 71 to 85.

Thus, the numbers don't add up statistically. There mere's a cultural divide between normal people and smart people. It can be very profound.

>> No.9319029

FFS people.

Intelligence is your space-time compression algorithm/engine.

Bwoop, I'm slurping all ya brainzes.

>> No.9319030

Contact Mensa to find out where the best location for taking an intelligence test is located in your area. Any educational psychologist should also be able to point you in the right direction.

>> No.9319317

You know what kills me is when you are trying to explain a new concept to someone and once you get into a layer of abstraction they just lose interest because it has no bearing on their fixed mindset lifestyle.

>> No.9319362

Normal people don't care about anything besides food and breeding. Why entertain abstract concepts if it's not going to directly give you more resources with which to attract a mate?

>> No.9319725

The worst are articulate well-spoken normies. Five minutes into the conversation and the realization hits. Like diving into an ocean three inches deep.

>> No.9319829

I have an IQ of 87 and I got an A in Calc 1.

You're 115 at most.

>> No.9319844


I am very familiar with this. Hated it through all of school. I am 43 now and to this day nobody I know can have a conversation about anything interesting. I could give a fuck about facebook or football or the last american idol.

>> No.9320051

Hey you're smart 2

>> No.9320387

Your grammar is awful. Intelligence without grace is cringy.

>> No.9320468

OP if you'd be that intelligent, your brain would already have figured out that the world is deterministic and that no one is responible for anything.
Every single one lives just a futile existence. some are born smart, some are born stupid, some are handsome, some people have it all. Some people kill themselves, some people kill other's, some people develop their true potential, other's are worthless drugaddicts.

And we all have one thing in common: No one's is responsible to where he is and in the end we all day, leaving this futile existence for the nothingness.

>> No.9320973

I don't know what IQ I have but I'm constantly scared I'm too dumb to be a good scientist and I've been just constantly panicking and having anxiety over it
People tell me I'm smart and at my iep in highschool before I graduated they told me I'm between 110 and 130 (they used that range and idk why a range instead of a specific number)
Sorry for the blogpost, I'm just going through hell right now and have nobody to turn to
t. mental illness anon

>> No.9320985

Congratulations on discovering nihilism. Do you want a cookie?

>> No.9320998
File: 49 KB, 519x648, Astronaut_Suicides_Neil_Dacosta_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making me more depressed.

>"Wow, anon, I've no clue what you are excited about, but you sure know a lot about it! You're pretty smart!"

>> No.9321000

It is hard to soar like an eagle when you fly with crows.

>> No.9321030

Determinism not nihilism brainlet

>> No.9321033

>in the end we all day, leaving this futile existence for the nothingness
Plus, if you subscribe to determinism, some form of nihilism is bound to be the most obvious next conclusion.

>> No.9321101
File: 170 KB, 750x750, 1504513508800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last american idol
So basically, the last time you ever talked to another human being was over a decade ago?

>> No.9321150


Dogs make great friends. I love my dog and we've never had deep discussions about physics or anything like that.

>> No.9321171

I'm increasingly convinced that people who bring up their IQ have done absolutely nothing else in life--that is, scoring well on the test was the peak of their life.

>> No.9321177
File: 118 KB, 1024x1024, 1510787161315m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9321182

When people mean autistic they mean asspergers syndrome, which is technically on the autism spectrum, the traits associated with it seem very common with high IQ children, at least in my life. Anecdotal, but it's a fairly ubiquitous anecdote. It's not an all that significant distinction anyhow, but autistic thinking is not a meme

>> No.9321185

many srcs pl0z

>> No.9321189
File: 103 KB, 600x338, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I don't even know what American Idol is. Then again I don't know who won any of the last....well any sports championships like the superbowls or whatever the fuck they are.

>t. brainlets

Who the fuck wants to deal with normies and brainlets? you may as well just kick me in the balls and tell my I'm just not intelligent enough testicularly to enjoy it like I should.

>> No.9321199

>When people mean autistic they mean asspergers syndrome

If they meant that, they'd say that. also, they are fewer than all the autism because they are part of a section of the autism. Meaning there's even less of a chance YOU even having it let along anyone else ITT.

There's a huge difference from Asperger's syndrome and simply being raised poorly because your peers can't relate to you being smarter than they are.

>> No.9321203

>If they meant that, they'd say that.
Really not sure why you would think this.

>> No.9321270
File: 17 KB, 460x276, 1421738800446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mainly trying to emphasize that American Idol hasn't really been that relevant in American pop culture for like 10 years now.