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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9313557 No.9313557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9313560

regulation is cancer, just let the free market thrive

>> No.9313563
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Shit dude

>> No.9313565

t. Comcast

>> No.9313566

unregulated free markets invariably grow to fuck the consumer every way they possibly can. regulation is one of the only effective brakes we've ever found on that process.

yes, regulation can sometimes be oppressive or overreaching, but the answer to those cases isn't complete removal of regulation

also this: https://twitter.com/RoKhanna/status/923701871092441088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fqz.com%2F1114690%2Fwhy-is-net-neutrality-important-look-to-portugal-and-spain-to-understand%2F

>> No.9313567
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any argument in favor of regulating ISPs can be used in order to support regulating facebook and other monopolies like youtube or amazon

>> No.9313569


>> No.9313583


ISPs can already charge by volume of data and/or speed. i wouldn't mind that necessarily. i WOULD mind if they were allowed to throttle certain protocols, or pick and choose based on whoever writes the biggest check. that is not an open internet.

>> No.9313586

it's just another step toward consumerism, centralization and the general sort of fuckery i've become so aggravated by lately

>> No.9313587

Stupidity is cancer and people who can't participate in the market shouldn't be advocating for it. NN keeps us internet users from literal financial rape and censure

>> No.9313599

go back to /pol/

>> No.9313601

ive never heard of someone who was against NN who actually understood what it was. other than comcast of course

>> No.9313645

I fail to see the downside.

>> No.9313674
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>> No.9313784

>/sci/ trying to discuss economics

>> No.9313797

pass an actual law to protect net neutrality and internet free speech, not just some FCC rule that can be thrown out any time by unelected officials

>> No.9313817

>economists trying to discuss technology

>> No.9313826

regulation =/= monopoly

>> No.9313828
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>pass an actual law to protect net neutrality and internet free speech
>he thinks republicans in office will support a law that protects neutrality and internet free speech at the cost of their corporate overlords








>> No.9313832

>he thinks republicans in office will support a law
I'm not a "he"

>> No.9313833

There are more factors than what you can get away with. It also depends what regulation crackdown you expect in response. If they do start going full jew right away the backlash will be too high politically.

So it's not just the immediate regulations but projected regulation response. The immediate application is going to be new cheaper offerings that are ecosystem locked.

>> No.9313838

With the regulation ISPs need to be vetted by the FCC

>> No.9313848

/sci/ opinion here. The problem with ISP isn't net neutrality or not. It's competition. Too many ISPs are the only choice. The problem isn't that your ISP can buttfuck you. The problem is when you can't switch to a competitor in response.

They are already fucking people's asses right now. The positive of people hating their ISP company more and more outweighs the negative of FTC regulation taking over.

Overall it's not a big deal and might overall lead to positive outcomes due to increase hatred of ISP monopolies/big companies.

>> No.9313905

There is no free market in telecoms. Telecoms are widely considered monopolies, and net neutrality pertains to price-discrimination, which falls under anti-trust.

I don't have a stance on NN, but the "free market" argument doesn't cut it.

>> No.9313922

Capitalism is anti-science.

Science thrives in spite of capitalism and not because of it.

Anything that inhibits capitalism is good.

>> No.9313925

>Capitalism is anti-science.

>> No.9313946

>Capitalism is anti-science.
>Science thrives in spite of capitalism and not because of it.
>Anything that inhibits capitalism is good.
what a millennial thing to say

>> No.9313985

Even with more ISPs, do you think there will be a single one that offers good speeds to 4chan and Pornhub over Netflix and Disney? That's not gonna happen. The big boys will rule the internet regardless of ISP because the ISPs all need to be paid. The customer will have to pay a premium to NOT be forced to use the mainstream services.

>> No.9313992


You're equally as retarded.

>> No.9314018

Great argument

>> No.9314020


Every day of the week there is yet another story of a corporation or a bought politician fucking up science.

Keep denying the truth in your faces.

>> No.9314025
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Try again

>> No.9314032
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what in the fuck is this thread

>> No.9314037

But dude capitalism lmao