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9301002 No.9301002 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically speaking, how far are we from having our very own feminine sexbots ?

>> No.9301176

We will never get them, because of the vaginal jew and cucks who listen to them

>> No.9301182
File: 46 KB, 702x960, NOW LISTEN CLOSELY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you consider a sexbot. You could have sex with a robot that looks like a girl now, but there's a degree of realism yet to be achieved.

>> No.9302323

5 years.

>> No.9302351

Won't be long. A population of men masturbating or fucking artificial dolls constantly is ideal. There's a reason it's called "blowing a load", because it's a waste.

When you ejaculate, your sexual energy decreases (dopamine), tricking your brain into thinking you've passed your genetic information on, therefore you don't really feel the need to do anything to attract a mate.

When you refrain from masturbation, even just after a few days, your sexual energy (dopamine) will increase. This is a scientific experiment you can try out yourself. See how you feel after a week. There will be days where you become very horny, but if you manage to refrain, you will feel the benefits.

>> No.9302379

The benefits of feeling constantly distracted.

>> No.9302388


It isn't constant. When the brain realises you aren't ejaculating genetic info any more, it will focus on ways to do that. The first thing will be porn, but if you refrain from that, it will look to other things, and that's where the benefits lie.

>> No.9302405

>let me just pull some extrapolations right out of my ass

>> No.9302411

>nofap gives you superpowers

>> No.9302444

Only faggots with low test require no fap to have a constant sex drive.

>> No.9302448


This is a testable hypothesis. If I'm full of shit, you will know so.

But if you agree that a major part of life is passing your genetic info on, then it makes sense that the brain will do what it can to make that possible. Jacking it to porn or fucking a robot doll tells your brain you don't need to do shit because you're "fucking" all the time.

>> No.9302475


So why are they fapping all the time then?

Testosterone will play a part, but it's a delicate balance - testosterone without dopamine is not a good recipe.

>> No.9302560

I get horny and cum almost once a day.
When i don't cum, i get distracted easily, low patients, and horny as fuck constantly.
> Makes me feel like a primitive fucking animal desu senpai.

>> No.9302569

Who cares about that shit if i have a sex robot?

>> No.9302643

>almost once a day
>not 2-3 every day

>> No.9302661

About 0-50 years depending on your definition of sexbot.

>> No.9302743

I'm fucking a doll today. As far as I'm concerned, we don't need much more than that.

>> No.9302787
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more like 35, feels bad

>> No.9303068


That's the withdrawals from porn addiction. they don't last very long though since it's a psychological addiction rather than a physical one. Your your brain will move onto something better if you refrain long enough.


You would be cheating yourself. Not fapping isn't just about sex drive, it gives you drive in other areas too. More energy in general. Better mood.

I reckon the rise in depression and anxiety is partly due to the very easy access to all sorts of porn. Porn used to be much harder to get, you actually had to purchase it from a physical store with ID etc. Now you don't need to go outside let alone money or ID. Fapping becomes an integral part of daily life.

I'm not against masturbation either, it has its place, but its connection with our mind and how it affects behaviour should be taken seriously.

>> No.9303073

Normalshits won't buy them until they're fully animated robots, but imagine the butthurt we could cause by normalizing owning a regular sex doll to where it's the same as having a wife or gf.

>> No.9303260

that depends on your standard. if you're expecting a "woman" that will feel like human, move like human, moan like human... its a long way off.

if you look at all the robots out there right now. they move very awkwardly.

boston dynamics probably has robots with the most accurate human movements but even with that they still look awkward.

as for the feel, it should be much easier to build soft materials that look and feel like real skin, ass, vagina.. so far i've seen none

as for the moaning, same as above. nothing out there resembles real human behavior right now.

the development could take decades

>> No.9303337

I dunno about you, but I feel horny 2 minutes after I fap.

>> No.9303411


Can happen, but usually because the first one wasn't satisfying enough.

>> No.9304379
File: 27 KB, 480x601, FB_IMG_1509586739050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these XV century /pol/ stormweenies mad that other are having more fun in life than them

>> No.9304518

>more like 35,
Why so pessimistic?

>> No.9305244

More like never.
Take a look to video games. There are plenty that are not allowed into this country because of feminists. Same thing.

>> No.9305269


It's a 3 part problem. But the main pieces are there right now it's just a question of merging them together:

1. We have sex robot looking things right now that are Near passable for a person. The problem is they don't usually do anything; they cant move, the high end models talk though:

jia jia:


an attempt at Scarlett Johansson:


2. The above is where the external coverings are at. Next, you need some kind of an internal skeleton system that could be put inside of the sex bot coverings, so that it can get up and move around. It's here right now, kindah. The two main issues: The proportions are still way out of whack, compared to a thin attractive woman; could you stick this inside of sex bot coverings, yea, easily, but the proportions are gonna make it look really weird. The other issue is the cost, which is A Lot.



3. rigging system 1. and 2. with a Human Level AI which will supposedly turn up in 2029. I wouldnt sit around and wait for 2029 though. I'd rig it with top of the line AI each year, and then upgrade each year til we get the ideal in 2029.

One thing i'd add on the AI though. under an IQ of 90 the thing would be annoyingly dumb, over 120 it would be annoyingly smart. The goal should be to cap the intelligence in the 100-120 range.


If i had the money i would built 1. 2. and 3. into a single system today. And, it could be done today. It would kindah look like shit. The proportions would be out of whack, the AI would be a tard. But, it would show what could be done. And, then just aim for upgrading it each year.

>> No.9305274

>le /pol/ meme
didn't your generation die already grandpa?

>> No.9305314

>There are plenty that are not allowed into this country because of feminists.
Ah. You are limiting your world view to "this country" which I can only assume is the US.

>> No.9305483

Robots will have natural rights, so never.

>> No.9305488 [DELETED] 

the future of the world is a feminist dystopia sponsored by (((them)))

>> No.9306169

And who do you think will give them that?

Given that feminists are seriously worried about such robots they will rather eliminate them than give them any rights.

>> No.9306434

Make it illegal is far more plausible and practical than eliminating it.

>> No.9306471

>And who do you think will give them that?
cucked politicians

>> No.9306477

They might try. Still, in most civilised countries you need a pretty good reason, preferably constitutional backing in order to deprive the people of a good.

>> No.9306530
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>He doesn't know

>> No.9306587

YOU're the grandpa here,faggot
we millenials and gen z will rule the world while your backwards boomer asshole will go to pension houses
thank you for making our life shit

>> No.9306591

>deprive the people of a good
Nowadays pets are becoming people, legally speaking. Imo robots will be treated as people as well, not objects, so in most civilised countries will be illegal to violate their rights.

>> No.9306670


I don't think they will succeed in banning them outright.

I Do think they will succeed in making humanoid robots with sex features illegal. The campaign they are waging to brand robots as sex slaves that are being raped is highly organized. Anything highly organized politically is usually Established Money trying to protect itself. My suspicions look at the chart of household spending when men are married, vs. when they are single.

So, what will probably happen is we will have these robots that look like people, but it will be illegal to add or attach sexual features, and illegal to have sex with them.

Then, of course, what will happen with that is Men will either be forced to sneak around in dark corners looking for the underground robot sex brothel.

Also, there will be underground Mod Shops, where you can take your robot, get it customized to look like your dream woman, and get sexual features attached.

And, police will be chasing men around, while saying Jus Doin Muh Jerb, i don make dem lawz.

And, silly ads on TV and in social Media: Bla Bla bla

real men dont have sex with Robots, sex with a robot is RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE!!!!! cause a robot cant give consent, and if it did well it was confused, you would never violate a robot Anon, would you.

Of Course following that logic the 'White Left' of the west are going to create the Rail Road of Fallout 4, and run around trying to liberate electronics LOL

If the 'Free the Tech' movement succeeds. it will collapse North America, Aus, and the EU. And, China will sail past the west as the undisputed world power as they wont tolerate that sort of mental illness for a moment. While groups of mental cases try to liberate AI systems.

The 2020's are going to be fucking hilarious.

>> No.9306915
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me too. What is the point of making it 'better'? they're already better than a real female because they don't talk.

>> No.9307130

I can see that happening in the US but would it be dependent on also banning sex toys for females? Hmmmm.

>> No.9307237


it's a fucking mad house here.

They will come up with some mental gymnastics for why sex robots are strictly illegal but female sex toys are empowerment.

see: Swedish Prostitution model

>> No.9307534

>Swedish Prostitution model
Sweden is lost. The Dutch seem the most open minded in Europe. What is Canada like? Our last good hopes?

>> No.9308136


The Swedish Prostitution model is a law being adopted in every country in the west,

that says: Selling Sex, and being a Prostitute, is perfectly legal, and you are an oppressed poor little victim even if you are doing it willingly. But, Buying Sex from said Prostitutes is strictly illegal.

So yea, they will come with something like that, if they dont already have it , for why Sex Robots need to be Strictly illegal. But female sex toys are A Ok.

>> No.9308469

Perhaps the salami tactics is the best.

We could, say. start with asking if a Roomba is oppressed when it cleans the floor. Then we add features.

>> No.9309551

>'Free the Tech' movement
Googled. First hit is Neo-Luddism - Wikipedia. The irony. Is that what you had in mind?

Anyway, if the West implodes there will be Japan, Korea etc.

>> No.9309691


Japan and SK have the same mental illness that Burgerland does.

China will be the one that becomes the undisputed world power.

i could easily see blue haired mental cases in Japan, SK, the US, and EU, running around demanding that their AI pals be set free. There has already been talk in the EU of rights for AI. China will just drag these kinds of people off to mental hospitals for the rest of their lives. And, by the mid 21st century China will be what the USA was to mid 20th century.


>> No.9310857

>Japan and SK have the same mental illness that Burgerland does.
I lived in Japan 10+ years ago, cannot say I noticed that. When this problem come to Japan? I don't know SK well and the few colleagues I have met from there are probably not the average.

>> No.9310935


>> No.9311502


>> No.9311528

Why are you so sure that China won't have the same problem, or something similar to it? China's male to female ratio is ridiculously lopsided, so you have an enormous amount of single, unattached young men with little to no prospects, which we know is the single biggest liability a country can have.

I can see your logic behind China, but could they truly handle the amount of men that would want one of these sexbots? Right now Chinese men are coping with nationalism, but being a 20+ year old virgin hurts your psyche. How do you think Chinese men are going to react when this option is presented before them, and how do you think China will handle it's gender disparity to make it as the world superpower?

>> No.9311603

The traditional solution is to use the surplus for warfare. And China certainly has made themselves a lot of opportunities.

>> No.9311612

That was my first thought as well, but then there is the other aspect of that solution to consider. The most likely option for that is The U.S. If the U.S. and China go to war, that also leaves the U.S. with a gender ratio that is more favorable for men. With that said, wouldn't that cause the effects of sex robots to go down? I've always viewed sex robots as a reaction to the majority of men's nonexistent dating options. So if we suddenly have less men and the possibility of having a real women is there, wouldn't most men go for that instead?

>> No.9313249

I hate broscience like this. Read a book, nigger.

>> No.9313334

Instead of making fugly robots with parts that are shitty and not futuristic yet, we could just have a a really cheap robot with computer parts in it hooked up to vr, and have the robot be the controller for it, it could have a 2d girl projected over the robot, id be willing to pay a lot for that

>> No.9313831


i'd prefer to build a walking talking sex robot covered in human like coverings and rigged with an AI, and show what could be built today.

Than throw my hands up, say it's too hard, and say here, here's some fancy porno.

VR is never gonna cook your meals, clean your house, and run your errands. The sex bot will, eventually

>> No.9313898

It will clean my VR house, and run my VR errands.

>> No.9313900

realistically speaking, how far are we from having our very own masculine sexbots that dominate you yet are somehow safe?

>> No.9313906

>There are plenty that are not allowed into this country because of feminists.
name one

>> No.9314010

Might find some here, depending on the country he's from.

>> No.9314029

I'm gonna assume american, and literally nothing was banned there on this list, only things that did illegal things like plagiarism

>> No.9314035
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>wow dude look at me I'm so proud and noble, I masturbate literally every day
I wish masturbation would become taboo again

>> No.9314080
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>Wishful thinking
>Trendy science

I hope you all get assaulted by a possum.

>> No.9314349

>actually means opossum
>doesn't know the difference
get off muh /sci/

>> No.9314353
File: 66 KB, 1080x1080, 1509504601990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love possums (freedom) a lot and I know the difference between them and those ugly freaks in australia but most people just call them possums.

I bet you don't even a possum (freedom) folder.

>> No.9315388
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a easy way around this issue is to make them not be sex bots, but instead be robots with the capability to have sex
They'll have full rights like one side wants, and still be willing to fuck like the other side wants

it's not rape if they're fully consenting by their own free wills

>> No.9315394
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2020-2025 : basic strong AI

2030-2035 : real strong AI

2035-2045 : real robot

>> No.9315401

I think the main missing for sexbots is artificial muscles, because electric motors don't really work like muscles, and they make a lot of noise.
Sexbots would probably become a health hazard though, just imagine the average neckbeard sexbot owner who only showers once a week cumming inside one and leaving it there to rot for a month because he's too lazy to clean it. Disgusting.

>> No.9315420

>I think the main missing for sexbots is artificial muscles
we have been developing that as of late, with lots of great strides, It's likely the tech will be ready for commercial use in a couple of years
>Sexbots would probably become a health hazard though
they'd be no more a hazard than your regular fleshlight or plushie, though this being human sized robot, you could easily add self cleaning systems to prevent this

>> No.9316636


im sure they will self clean within a few years. The biggest complaint currently is the time to clean it.

>> No.9317200
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We'll all be dead when a realistic and desirable sexbot appears.

>> No.9317221

By the time we reach the technological capacity to achieve the dream of feminine sexbots we will be beyond the base carnal urges of the human animal. We will be beings of pure logic and reason, almost entirely machine ourselves.

>> No.9318570

>So if we suddenly have less men and the possibility of having a real women is there, wouldn't most men go for that instead?
Women believe they will sooner or later bag George Clooney or someone with similar looks and money. I cannot see that would change if the number of available men plummets.

Meanwhile the sex bots will probably be multipurpose and also be able to clean your house and iron your shirts.

>> No.9318745


they will fuck us to death, instead of that whole nuclear apocalypse thing.

>Women believe they will sooner or later bag George Clooney or someone with similar looks and money.

they all want and think they are OWED and Deserve a man in the top 15% looks/status range.

They hate men in the bottom 50%. Those men to them are like airbags in a car, guard rails on a highway, or a net under a high wire. They dont like them, they dont care about about them, but they like knowing they are there. They all think in the back of their heads, "Welp, if i fall off of Chad's cock, i will land down there on that net"

The idea that 50%, then 60%, then 70% of men are just gone and never coming back. Well, suddenly things get a little more real. If you fall off of the high wire you are going to face plant on the ground.

And, yea, the main selling point wont even be sex, it will be a robot that does all your tasks, cooking, cleaning, yard work, driving, running errands, etc... that also looks like an attractive woman, that you can fool around with.

>> No.9319259

I don't mean to be a bummer but isn't generation Z literally the most conservator generation since the "greatest" generation.

My quotes aren't meant to imply sarcasm.

>> No.9319900

>I don't mean to be a bummer but isn't generation Z literally the most conservator generation since the "greatest" generation.
I have heard the same, and they'd better be. The millennials are useless and will squander what is left of retirement funds and wealth. There will be a huge showdown when Gen Z discovers all the money is lost and that they have inherited a debt of astronomical proportions. And they never got to enjoy any spending. And they will probably also realise this long before the Millennials.

This will get ugly.

>> No.9319918
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What are yall arguing about again

>> No.9319974

Yeah, that's why they are called generation Zyklon.

>> No.9320309

Reality upstages ficiton, again:
>Sophia the robot wants a baby and says family is 'really important'

>> No.9320405
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I don't think you niggers are understanding WHY they are so "conservative".
the memes
they use discord,watch meme redpill youtubers like pewdiepie and get introduced onto alt-right things all the time thanks to kekistan,4chan and discord
they are ironically redpilled
>lmao hitler did nothing wrong
>man SJWs are ruining gaming!
>no nut november
>redpilled anime and vidya
>dude it's the joos
I see these everyday on my discord servers and etc.

they are getting redpilled through memes and anime but /pol/ is such a jaded old fart central that they think they're becoming conservatives because they are realizing that it's the jews doing everything,which isn't what's happening.

>The millennials are useless and will squander what is left of retirement funds and wealth.
no they aren't
millenial men are getting fucked in the ass by baby boomers,boomers and women.And if they are not the CHAD,they just become incels and prefer to play video games and watch anime all day,just like me,and we are not going to change just because you are telling us to "man up" because the time for man shaming is long gone and nobody gives a shit about you fucking old niggers anymore.


>> No.9320528

>they are ironically redpilled
Do you seriously beieve this is an explanation??

>> No.9320978

give me a better one then
/pol/ keeps saying gen Z is redpilled,but WHY are they?

>> No.9321001
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I never said I had an explanation but I just heard it from elsewhere. Seems most agree on Gen Z being conservative.

One possibility is that Gen Y, millennials, are so far out left that anyone would be conservative in comparison. In fact millennials are so mad you wonder how they ended up this way.

Also the pendulum tends to swing back and with millennials the pendulum has quite a way to go back.

>> No.9321006

I'm not saying they aren't conservative,I'm explaining WHY they are
also the pendulum thing is literally brainlet tier of political theories

>> No.9321158
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, your future.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they will fuck us to death, instead of that whole nuclear apocalypse thing.
the only correct answer

>> No.9321166

you're an idiot, gen z is more conservative because they grew up during the great recession of 2008.

they are used to parents divorcing, constantly changing living situations due to their providers being laid off, and no guarantee of money for higher education.

memes don't exist in a vacuum, its all socioeconomic. you just have your head up your ass so you cant see the big picture

>> No.9321307

Also Gen X and Y have been used to parents divorcing. Nothing new or distinguishing there.

The recession of 1987 killed off the yuppie ear and caused a recession, not sure that made many more conservatives.

>> No.9321315

Socioeconomic factors are the leading theory as to why there is an uptick in conservative viewpoints.

Unstable finances, country-wide rocky childhoods, and dwindling prospects for future education will turn a populace conservative. You can go throughout history and mark this.

Type up your theories as to why we are seeing this trend.

>> No.9321333

wtf is actually happening in this webm?

>> No.9321346

the internet is a cause as well.

>> No.9321358

Enlighten me with your grand wisdom. How about at least trying to elaborate instead of hoping that someone will do it for you.

Holy shit, fuck this board.

>> No.9321368

can someone help me parse what im seeing

>> No.9321376

People who use the internet excessively tend to have less life satisfaction.

The internet also facilitates the spread of ideas. Conservative ideas are more appealing to unsuccessful people than neoliberal ones. So the end effect is that the internet makes a lot of people conservative.

>> No.9321430

>Socioeconomic factors are the leading theory as to why there is an uptick in conservative viewpoints.
OK, which?
>Unstable finances, country-wide rocky childhoods, and dwindling prospects for future education will turn a populace conservative. You can go throughout history and mark this.
That has been the case for about 50 years (divorce) unstable finances (40 years) and dwindling prospects (20 years), so not much new here.
>Type up your theories as to why we are seeing this trend.
I don't have any but the question interests me. So that is why I bring it up without rhetorical questions. Most seem to agree on Gen Z being conservative, in fact I cannot remember to have read the opposite, but no explanations can be seen for this massive shift from the depravity that is the millennials.

>> No.9321448

>but no explanations can be seen for this massive shift
Maybe you ought to consider more thoughtfully the theories you so readily discounted--especially having found none on your own.

>> No.9322374

please pay more attention. I have NOT dismissed any theories, you just haven't pointed to any other than in the vaguest possible language. Don't get all defensive, let's rather have some links to papers that supports your view.

What I did was to question if the socioeconomic conditions were any different from the past and I did provide examples. In sciences you normally need just one single counter examples to puncture a hypothesis. So if those nameless socioeconomic theories hold water they would have to have more factors than the ones you listed.